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Carte De L'Empire Romain Sous Constantin, par A. H. Brue Geographe de S. A. R. Monsieuv. (1822)
This is a copper engraved map of Europe from 1822 by Adrien Hubert Brue. The title of the map is Carte generale de l'Empire Romain sous Constantin, par A.H. Brue, Geographe de S.A.R. Monsieur. A Paris, Chez l'Auteur, rue des Macons-Sorbonne, no. 9, et chez les principaux marchands de geographie. Janvier 1822. This roughly translates to General Map of the Roman Empire under Constantine, by A. H. Brue, Geographe S. A. R. sir. In Paris at Rue des Macons-Sorbonne, No. 9 and at major geography merchants. January 1822.
Constantine the Great (272-337) was the Emperor of Rome from 306-337.
Countries appearing on this map: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria,
Cities appearing on this map:
Egypt: Apollinopolis Magna (Edfu), Syene (Aswan), Ombos (Naqada), Cataraetes (?), Pseleis (?), Berenice (Berenice Troglodytica abandoned in the 6th century), Hammon (?), Oasis Magna (Kharga Oasis), Latopolis (Esna), Hermunthis (Hermonthis), Thebae (Thebes, abandoned in the 1st Century), Apollinopolis Parva (Qus), Coptos (Qift), Tentyris (Dendera), Myosormos (Myos Hormos, abandoned after the 4th Century), Diospolis Parva (Hu), Abydus (Abydos, abandoned sometime after the 4th Century BC), Ptolemais (?), Chemmis vel Panopolis (Akhmim), Antaeopolis (Tjebu), Hypselis, Antinoe p. Besa (?), Hermopolis Magna (Hermopolis, abandoned sometime after the 3rd Century), Oasis Parva (Bahariya Oasis), Hepta (?), Oxyrynchus, Heracleopolis (Heracleopolis Magna, abandoned around 390), Arsinoe (Faiyum), Memphis (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Nomis (?), Aphroditopolis (Atfih), Clysma, Phaenicon (?), Pharan (Wadi Feiran), Apis, Paraetonium (Mersa Matruh), Derris extrema (?), Leucas Ptus. (?), Mareotis Lacus (Lake Mariout), Plinthinetes Sinus (Bay of Plinthine), Alexandria, Canopus (Abandoned sometime after 138 AD), Bolbitrium Ot. (Ancient Bolbitine Branch of the Nile), Bolbitine (Rosetta), Sais (Abandoned sometime after 525 BC), Sebennytus (Sebennytos which was abandoned sometime after the 3rd Century BC), Phatmeticum Ost. (Ancient Phatnitic branch of the Nile), Athribis (Abandoned sometime after the 4th Century AD), Heliopolis (Abandoned after the 6th Century AD), Bubastus (Bubastis which was abandoned after 449 AD), Heroopolis (Pithom which was abandoned sometime after the Roman era), Daphnes (?), Taphis (Abandoned sometime after 14 AD), Plusitum (?),
Saudi Arabia: Iatrippa (Medina), Iambia (Yanbu), Madiana (?), Leuce (?), Phaemicon (?), Thumata (?), Magusa (?), Thaema (?), Negra (?),
Libya: Garama (Germa), Augila (Awjila), Cydamus (Ghadames), Sabrata (Sabratha), Macomades Syrtis (?), Euphrantas Turris (?), Aspis Ptus. (?), Tubactis (?), Gerisa (Abandoned by the 11th Century), Oea vel Occa (Tripoli), Leptis Magna (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Darnis (Derna), Apollonia (Abandoned after 643), Cyrene (Abandoned in the 4th Century), Aplungis (?), Ptolemais (Abandoned in the 7th Century), Tauchira (Tocra), Hadriane (Deriana), Berenice (Benghazi), Axylis (?),
Jordan: Aelana (Aqaba), Asiongaber (Ezion-Geber),
Morocco: Adele (?), Cillaba (?), Fez, Volubilis (Abandoned by the 11th Century), Tremuli (?), Babba (?), Banasa (Iulia Valentia Banasa, abandoned around 285), Thamusida (Abandoned around 285), Sala (Chellah, abandoned in 1154), Exploratio ad Mercurium (?), Herpis (?),
Algeria: Calaa (?), Mazices (?), Musalani (?), Desena (?), Vescerita vel Vescether (?), Tabudis (?),
Tunisia: Pisida (?), Praesidium (?), Temp (?), Tacape (Gabès), Agiue Tu. (?), Thenae (Sfax), Taphrura (Sfax), Bizacina (?), Septimunica (?), Capsa (Gafsa), Telepte vel Tala (Thélepte), Tisurus (Tozeur), Libya Palus (?), Nepte (Nefta),
Cyprus: Paphos,