World War I Posters (Collection)


Air raids
[543], Wt. 9854-34 G. H., Text: In the event of a raid alarm by Maroon the Head Messenger should immediately blow his whistle and then proceed to close the hall door and unlock the exits in the basement. He should remain on duty in the front hall and endeavour to prevent any member of the staff leaving the building whilst the raid is in progress., MU: Broadside is encapsulated., Broadside giving instructions for to be taken following a Maroon alarm. A maroon is an exploding firework that creates a loud bang to act as a signal or warning. In the First World War, they were used in London to warn of imminent air raids. (Book Drum web site notes on Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.)
Air raids
[16303], Wt. 9639/33 G. A. 100. 6/18, Text: In the event of alarm by Maroon the staff of this building must go to the basement., MU: Broadside is encapsulated., Broadside giving instructions for to be taken following a Maroon alarm. A maroon is an exploding firework that creates a loud bang to act as a signal or warning. In the First World War, they were used in London to warn of imminent air raids. (Book Drum web site notes on Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.)
All in the day's work
U.S. Marines recruitment poster showing recruits engaged in various activities at a Marine Corps training camp., MU: Poster mounted on canvas.
Arbeiter! Parteigenossen!
Printed on red paper with black text., Additional text announces dates and places for meetings., Referent: Genosse Emil Barth., J.A. : Franz Büchel. Paul Neuendorf.
Arbeiter! Soldaten!
Additional text announces the place and dates for meetings to choose delegates., Printed on red paper with black text.
Arrêté interdisant la vente et la consommation de l'alcool dans la Zone des Armées
Translation of title: Order prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol in the Zone of the Armies., Au Quartier Général, le 8 mai 1918, le Général Directeur des Etapes., At top of sheet: République Franc̦aise., 64.736 .
Arrêté réglementant la vente au détail des spiritueux à consommer sur place et à emporter
Translation of title: Law regulating the retail sale of liquor for consumption on and off the premises., At top of poster: République Franc̦aise, liberté--égalité --fraternité, Préfecture de Police, 1re Division-1er Bureau., Le Préfet de Police, L. Hudelo., Paris, le 28 Juin 1917., 2353-17., MU: Poster mounted on canvas and encapsulated. Stamped on back: University of Missouri Library, Oct. 30, 1947.
Arrêté réglementant la consommation des denrées alimentaires dans les etablissements ouverts au public
At top of sheet: République Franc̦aise, Préfecture de la Gironde., Translation of title: Law regulating the consumption of foodstuffs in establishments open to the public., Fait à Bordeaux, le 13 février 1917: Le Préfet: Olivier Bascou., 59.524., MU: Poster mounted on canvas and encapsulated. Stamped on back: University of Missouri Library, Oct. 2, 1947.
Aufforderung durch Aufruhr, Plünderungen
Additional text is urging people against civil unrest.
Aufruf des Kaisers an das deutsche Folk
Additional text is a plea to come to the donate to the war effort., Berlin, den 6 august 1914., MU: Item mounted on linen.
Be a volunteer
Text solicits subscribers for fourth liberty loan bonds. Includes a small illustration depicting a soldier with bayonet ready to strike an enemy soldier, with the sun setting in the background. At the bottom is a list of names of the Fourth Liberty Loan Organization Executive Committee members.
Bekanntmachung betreffend die Aufstellung der Wählerlisten für die Wahlen zur Nationalversammlung
Red sheet with black text., Tgb. Nr. 570 Wahl 18., Berlin, den 19. November 1918., Additional text is announcing the elections for the national assembly.
Berordnung über Kartoffelhöchstpreise im Kleinhandel
Red sheet with black text., Berlin, den 2. November 1915., Additional text is announcing the prices for potatoes and other vegetables.
Bürger Berlins!
Additional text is asking the citizens to support the returning troops., Berlin, den 17. November 1918.
Child child at your door
Poster showing a child, looking straight ahead and hands together, wearing a scarf on her head., "American Committee Relief in the Near East. Armenia-Greece-Syria-Persia.", Signed with monogram DPP (Division of Pictorial Publicity of the Committee on Public Information).
Direction des étapes de l'ouest
At head of title: République Franc̦aise., Le Préfet de Seine-et-Oise, J. Canal., Translation of title: Instructions from the western stages., MU: Poster mounted on canvas and encapsulated., Notice instructs civilians to report aircraft landing outside occupied airfields to the nearest military or civil authority, and announces a bounty for information leading to the capture of enemy agents.
Farmers' Victory Fair
Poster advertising for the Farmers' Victory Fair; shows black and white photographs of previous fairs' posters; United States flag at top. Text indicates that profits go toward erecting a memorial for fellow students who died in the war., MU: Poster mounted on canvas.
Follow the flag
Poster showing sailor planting flag on hill with ship in background., Remainder of text reads: U.S. Navy Recruiting Station, 7th & Chestnut Sts., St. Louis, 1821-A Market St., Composition H. R., MU: Poster somewhat damaged.
For active service, join the U.S. Marines
For full information apply at 215 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis., MU: Poster mounted on canvas (010-509224830), Poster showing two Marines raising flag with battleships and formation of Marines in background.
Free war exhibit
Poster showing soldiers shooting at unseen enemy., Rest of text reads: A special train filled with interesting things that every loyal American will want to see! Hundreds of war relics, right from the battle fields! Guns, shells, bombs, shrapnel, helmets, gas masks, trench tools ... Speeches by men who have been over there. Martial music and patriotic songs! Don't miss it! Bring the children! Bring everybody! Train will arrive in Columbia, Mo. on April 28th at 4:00 p.m. and depart at 6:00 p.m.
