St. Louis Globe-Democrat Photographs: General Subjects


Logo of The St. Louis Globe Democrat
Logo of The St. Louis Globe Democrat.
Look! Up There! It's Torn Loose!
Spectators look at a cornice (circle) which tore loose Tuesday from the Holland Building, 211 North 7th St. In closeup of the area at right, workmen dislodge the crumbling section of terra cotta with a crowbar. A crowd of several hundred watched as the section shattered on the street without doing any substantial damage.
Machine Gun Drills
This photo shows soldiers of the 6th Infantry completing Machine Gun drills in a fenced in area. There are men and women alike watching them complete the drill.
Machine Gun School
"A remarkable photo taken at night at a Machine gun school. The Tommies are firing while a mine explodes before their eyes." Boches, or German Soldiers, often dropped high explosive charges.
Magician at Thanksgiving Feast
"Hat Tricks - Magician Randy Naylor performs a hat trick for children at a Thanksgiving feast provided by the Enyeart family./Chuck and Beverly Enyeart always had more than enough on their Thanksgiving table, so this year they decided to invite some extra guests - the entire town." The event took place at the St. Charles School Gymnasium where over 200 people were present.
Man With a Printing Press
Man working with a printing press.
Man with Typesetter
A man with a typesetter machine for the newspaper making process.
Marine and American Flag
"Participating in Veterans Day Parade down Fifth Avenue, 11/12, a Marine is wrapped up in an American flag. Hundreds of veterans from World War I through Grenada marched to honor fallen comrades."
Marines Digging Trench in France
This photo shows a small group of Marines as they dig trenches in open fields of dirt and grass.
Market Quotations Direct From Wall Street
These automatic machines supply the financial department with an up to the minute report of the fluctuations on the New York Stock and Bond Exchange and also the quotations from the curb market. These quotations are used by the department in assembling the exhaustive market reports that appear daily in the Globe-Democrat.
Michigan Headquarters
Photograph taken in the Michigan Headquarters, New York. Maintained by former Michigan men. The photo shows nine men seated and writing at a table. A woman is handing one of the men an envelope on the right side of the photograph.
Military Officers Boarding a Ship
This photo shows a group of military officers boarding a ship; the camera is on the other end of the boarding bridge, facing the officers as they walk toward the person operating the camera.
Military Service Flag
"Have You Got Your Service Flag Flying? There is a red flag four by five feet with a white center. The new service flag which has been authorized by the Government to be flown by families who have given one or more sons to any of the services. The one shown here carries three stars showing that three sons of Mrs. R. Morrisey are serving in some branch of the service. Two of her sons, Frank and Vincent are in the Navy and one Raymond, in the Army."
Military Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving dinner for military personnel. From left, are Sergeant Kenneth Starbody, Sergeant Donald D. Clark and wife, Private First Class Carl Womack and wife, Sergeant R. Schoolcraft, wife, and 4 month old son.
Modern Living Show
Crowd gathers at Modern Living Show around Jim Denker of the Cottage Bakery in St. Charles, as he demonstrates the art of icing a cake in the Master Retail bakers booth. Cakes were later auctioned for the benefit of the Cripples Children's Society.
Modern Living Show
Visitors at the second day of the Globe-Democrat Modern Living Show in Kiel Auditorium listen to an explanation of color co-ordination (top left) at the Sears, Roebuck and Company exhibit, which features periodic lectures on home decorating and design. At top right, Union Electric's "Mechanical man," harry Rose of Gibbsboror, N.J. who impersonates a robot to perfection, explains in pantornine features of the company's display. At left, Pat Steigmann, 12, and her sister Beverly, 8, look at the pet display in the Woolworth booth.
Modern Living Show
Visitors at the second day of the Globe-Democrat Modern Living Show in Kiel Auditorium listen to an explanation of color co-ordination (top left) at the Sears, Roebuck and Company exhibit, which features periodic lectures on home decorating and design. At top right, Union Electric's "Mechanical man," harry Rose of Gibbsboror, N.J. who impersonates a robot to perfection, explains in pantornine features of the company's display. At left, Pat Steigmann, 12, and her sister Beverly, 8, look at the pet display in the Woolworth booth.
Modern Living Show
Ron Love, E. J. Korvette Sunset Hills store manager, and Renee Striblin of 1321 McCutcheon Ave., Richmond Heights, winner of the 1910 Tin Lizzie given away by Korvette, look over a scale model of the car in front of the Korvette store.
Modern Living Show - Kroger Balloon
Woman holding child filling up Kroger balloons with another woman assisting.
Modern Safety Light Standards
Modern safety light standards and pedestrian "islands," as proposed by the Committee of Municipal Enforcement of Gov. Guy B. Parks Missouri State Safety Traffic Committee, are shown above. Maj. Albert Bond Lambert, vice president of the St. Louis Police Board, is Chairman of the Municipal Enforcement Committee. An important feature of the recommendations of the state committee is the deflective design of the bases of the standards, which swerve the vehicle away from the light pillars instead of permitting them to the standards.
Photograph of motorcyclists competing in a dirt-track race.
Moving Supplies
In this photo, soldiers are attempting to pull and push pack mules and a donkey through a muddy field.
Mr. Dennis H. Zorumski
Mr. Dennis H. Zorumski participated in a teachers workshop.
Name Game Winner
Name Game Winner - Jesse Johnson (left) a TWA representative, gives name Game winner Donna Baer of Caseyville, IL her prize... two tickets for airline flight. She is thinking of going to Atlanta. Name Game winner Donna Baer of Caseyville gets her prize, two tickets for a TWA flight, from Jesse Johnson, a TWA representative.
Name Game Winner
Lynda Graham of Piedmont Airlines, presents two roundtrip tickets to Charleston, S.C., to Ivan N. Aubuchon. At left is Darwin Wiess, marketing director of The Globe Democrat
National Filling Factory
Photograph from the National Filling Factory in Nottinghamshire. A small train is being driven across the factory floor. The train is filled with shells to be transported around the facility. There are "No Smoking" signs on the beams, and "FIRE" buckets on each of them.
National Guard Encamped on the Border
"General view of the encampment of the 9th Infantry; Massachusetts National Guard near El Paso, Texas." There are piles of lumber, made and unmade beds, soldiers seated working or standing and speaking to one another, and large groups of soldiers lined up in the background of the photo.
National Want Ad Week Balloon Release
National Want Ad Week Balloon Release. Metro Car Dealership (March 1956) at 1085, St. Louis, MO.
