M-322: Dr. Allen B. and Helen S. Shopmaker American Political Collection


Carry on With Roosevelt Button
1/2-inch pin back button with monochromatic blue portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Along the outer top edge is a red stripe with white text reading "CARRY ON WITH". Along the bottom edge is a blue stripe with white text reading "ROOSEVELT". Label for Bastian Brothers (Rochester, N.Y.) is written on the outer rim of the button.
Carry on With Roosevelt Button
1-inch, pin back button with a black and white portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the center. Arched within a red stripe along the upper edge of the button is white text reading "CARRY ON WITH". Arched within a blue stripe along the lower edge of the button is white text reading "ROOSEVELT".
Champ Clark for President Button
7/8-inch, white, pin back button which reads "Clark For President" in blue lettering for Champ Clark's 1912 presidential campaign. Reverse has label for St. Louis Button Company (St. Louis, Mo.)
Charles E. Hughes Patriotic Bow Pin
9/16-inch gold-tone pin in the shape of a bow that reads, "Hughes" featuring red, white, and blue stars and stripes.
Charles E. Hughes for Governor Button
7/8-inch, white, pin back button featuring black and white portrait of Charles E. Hughes and which reads, "For Governor, Charles E. Hughes" written across the top. Button used for Hughes' 1906 gubernatorial campaign in New York. Reverse has paperback label for Whitehead & Hoag Company (Newark, N.J.)
Cleveland and Hendricks Button
Golden colored clothing button reading "Cleveland and Hendricks" with stars separating the words. The button refers to presidential candidate Grover Cleveland and vice presidential candidate Thomas A. Hendricks.
Col. Theodore Roosevelt Button
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of Col. Theodore Roosevelt with American flag drapery in upper left corner, all on white background. Button has paper label on reverse for National Equipment Co., New York & Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark.
Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government
Dark green hardcover book titled "Conspectus of History of Political Parties and the Federal Government" in gold text surrounded by engraved floral flourishes.
Coolidge Elephant Button
Stud back, dark metal button in the shape of an elephant with "Coolidge" written along the side of the elephant's body in promotion of President Calvin Coolidge's 1924 presidential campaign.
Coolidge and Dawes - Red White and Blue Button
7/8-inch pin back, red, white and blue button featuring the words, "Coolidge and Dawes" promoting their campaign for the 1924 presidential election.
Coolidge-Dawes Club Button
7/8-inch, pin back button with red white and blue sections divided equally like a pie with the words "Coolidge Dawes Club" written on it in promotion of President Calvin Coolidge's 1924 presidential campaign. Reverse has label for Geraghty & Company (Chicago, Il.)
Coolidge-Dawes, Full Dinner Pail Button
White button with red top and blue bottom border, each with white lettering and a sketch of a dinner pail surrounded by the words "Coolidge-Dawes" and "Full Dinner Pail".
Cox/Roosevelt Button
Red button with white text reading "Cox." Partially covering the text is a horizontal blue stripe with white text reading "Roosevelt."
Cynthia E. Barns Letter
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Cynthia E. Barns of Washington, New Hampshire. In the upper left hand corner is a drawing of Ulysses S. Grant surrounded by a laurel wreath. Under Grant are two American flags. Beneath the picture is text reading "We'll fight it out on this line if it takes all summer". On the back of the envelope, "1869" is written in pen.
Danger Ahead! Handbill
White handbill that has a cartoon wooden sign reading "Danger Ahead" in red. The sign is surrounded by red cartoon lanterns. Below are warnings about then presidential candidate Dwight Eisenhower and his military background. At the bottom "Vote for Stevenson for President" is printed in red. This poster was created by "The National Volunteers for Stevenson".
Democratic Donkey Mug
Salmon-colored mug in the shape of a donkey with the letters "DEM" embossed along the rim of the mug on one side and the words "Carter Mondale" is embossed on the other side. The interior of the mug is white. Embossed on the bottom is "Frankoma U.S. Pat. DG05739."
Democratic For State and Nation
7/8-inch pin back button. Blue text on a white background near the top of the button reads "For STATE". Blue text on white background near the bottom reads "and NATION". White text on a blue stripe across the center reads "DEMOCRATIC". Thin red stripes with a small red star in the center are between each line of text. Label for Chas M. Geraghty Inc. (Chicago, Il.)
Democratic National Convention 1916 - Guest's Ticket
Admission ticket reading "1916 Democratic National Convention Guest's Ticket." Sketched images of the United States Captiol Building and the Saint Louis, Missouri riverfront and bridges are shown flanking a sketch of former President Thomas Jefferson. On the opposite side of the ticket is a sketched image of King Louis IX, namesake of Saint Louis, on horseback.
Democratic National Convention 1916 - Messenger Ribbon
Ribbon with ribbon badge reading "Messenger". The medal hanging from the ribbon has an oval image of the Missouri state capital building surrounded by the words "Democratic National Convention St. Louis." Beneath the image is the American eagle standing on a shield flanked by laurel branches.
Democratic National Convention 1916 - Messenger Ticket
Admission ticket reading "Messenger Democratic National Convention." The ticket has a place to fill in the recipient's name, as well as a depiction of former President Thomas Jefferson. The opposite side of the ticket shows a sketched image of King Louis IX, namesake of Saint Louis, on horseback.
Democratic National Convention 1924 - Active Press Ticket
Green admission ticket reading "Democratic National Convention New York, June 24th Active Press." There is an oval portrait of former President Thomas Jefferson flanked by branches on the left side of the ticket and the United States Capitol in the center. The back of the ticket has the seal of New York State.
Democratic National Convention 1952 - Guest Ticket
Guest admission ticket for the 1952 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. The front of the ticket has a sketch of former President Thomas Jefferson with a quote reading "The last hope of human liberty in this world rests with us." The opposite side of the ticket has the Great Seal of the United States.
Democratic National Convention 1956 - Alternate Ribbon
Red, white, and blue striped ribbon with ribbon badge depicting an American Eagle sitting atop a banner flanked by two American flags. The banner reads "Alternate Democratic National Convention 1956." A medal hanging from the ribbon reads "Chicago" and depicts the skyline of Chicago, Illinois with a large star in the sky. Beneath this image is a balancing scale surrounded by an airplane, train, and covered wagon.
Democratic National Convention 1964 - Delegate Ribbon
Red, white, and blue striped ribbon with ribbon badge depicting an American eagle sitting atop a banner flanked by two American flags. The banner reads "Delegate Democratic National Convention 1964." A medal hanging from the ribbon reads "Atlantic City" and depicts the facade of Boardwalk Hall. Beneath the image is a large star surrounded by an airplane in flight and a cart from the Atlantic City boardwalk.
Desegregate The Schools! Poster
11 inches by 17 inches yellow poster featuring a black and white image of a school bus. The top of the poster has white lettering that reads, "DESEGREGATE THE SCHOOLS!". Below the picture of the school bus is yellow lettering that reads, "VOTE SOCIALIST WORKERS". Below is black lettering that reads, "Peter Camejo for president Willie Mae Reid for vice-president". At the bottom of the poster is black lettering that reads, "Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign Committee, 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014" and "LOCAL ADDRESS:"
Dewey Elephant Pin
Red pin in the shape of an elephant with white text reading "DEWEY".
Dewey and Warren Red White and Blue Button
7/8-inch pin back button. The top half is red with white text reading "DEWEY". The bottom half is blue with white text reading "WARREN". Bisecting the button across the center is a white stripe with blue text reading "AND". The outer rim of the button has label for Green Duck Company (Chicago, Il.)
Do You Want to Go Back 10 years? Flyer
The flyer is made of yellow paper with blue ink. On the front is a mock box score printed with references to "average factory wage", "Total Jobs", "Unemployment", "Union Members" and "Strikes" displayed in relation to 1946 "before "Tart-Hartley" and in 1956 "After Tart-Hartley". Below the box score "The Democrats Call These Shackles!" is printed and below is a list containing more information about the above box score. Below this "For Peace and Prosperity, Vote Republican" is printed. Text at the bottom reads "Republican Associates 315 West 9th St., Los Angeles 15, Calif.". On the back left corner "Here's our Team!" is printed. On the upper right corner "Let's work for the team...as a team!" is printed, with "as" underlined. "For, peace, prosperity, and progress, Elect Ike and Dick and give them a Republican Congress" is printed on the left side of the front. Then presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower and vice presidential candidate Richard M. Nixon's pictures are printed at the top of the page and under them are photos and names of Republicans running for congress in California. "California's Assembly Must Go Republican... Here's the 'team' with each man's assembly district opposite his name" is printed above the names and districts of candidates with "Help Keep California Prosperous And Progressive...Help Elect Your Republican Candidates!" printed below.
