Detailed historical engraved map of the Island of Gorée off of the Coast of Dakar, Senegal. It shows all sizable structures on the island during the year 1750. This map is from a publication PREVOST D’EXILES, Antoine François. Histoire générale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre, Qui ont été publiées […] Avec les mœurs des habitans, leur Religion, leur Usages, Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Manufactures &c. pour former un système complet d’Histoire et de Géographie moderne […]. La Haye, Pierre de Hondt. English translation of publication: PREVOST OF EXILES, Antoine François. General History of Voyages or New Collection of all Travel Relations by Sea and by Land, who have been published [...] With the manners of the inhabitants, their religion, their uses, Arts, Science, Commerce, Manufactures & c. to form a complete system of History and Geography modern [...]. The Hague Pierre de Hondt. The title in French: Plan De L'Isle De Gorée, sur les desseins du St. Copagnon. The title in Dutch: Plattegrond van't Eiland Gorée, volgens de Aftékeningen van den Hr. Compagnon. The title translated into English: Plan De L'Isle De Goree on the designs of St. Copagnon. The Following are shown in French and Dutch: French/Dutch: Explication de chiffres/Verklaaring der Syffers English translation: Explanation of Figures 1) Cour du Fort St. Francois/Binneplaats van't Fort St. Francois English translation: Court of Fort St. Francois 2) Maison du Gouverneur/Huis des Goeverneurs English translation: Governor's House 3) Corps de Garde/Kortegaard English translation: Corps de Garde 4) Cuisine/Keuken English translation: Kitchen 5) Magazin/Magazyn English translation: Magazine 6) Quartier des Officiers, avec la Chapel le et des magazine dessous/Offisiers huizinge, Kapél, en Voor raadkelders. English translation: District Officers, with the Chapel and magazine below. 7) Loges des Esclaves/Wooning der Slaaven English translation: Slave Lodges 8) Cazernes/Barakken English translation: Barracks 9) Escaliers/Trap English translation: Stairs 10) Entree du Fort/Ingang van't Fort English translation: Entrance to the Fort 11) Canons pour defendre l'entree/Geschut oin den Ingang te verdedigen English translation: Cannons to defend the entrance 12) Lieu du débarquement/Plaatsse ter Ontscheepinge English translation: Place of Landing 13) Barriere/Slagboom English translation: Barriers 14) Latrines/Sekreeten English translation: Latrines 15) Fortifications projetées/Voorgenome Vestingwerken English translation: Projected Fortifications 16) Platteforme large de six pieds/Bedding breed ses voeten English translation: Platform of six feet 17) Fosse de dix pieds de largeur/Gragt van 10 vote breed English translation: Pit ten feet wide 18) Fer a chevat/Half-rondeel English translation: Half Rounel 19) Jardin/Tuin English translation: Garden 20) Logement du Jardin/Tuinmanshuis English translation: Garden Housing 21) Boulangerie/Bakkery English translation: Bakery 22) Forge/Smeedery English translation: Forge 23) Cimetiere/Kerkhof English translation: Cemetery 24) Colombier abattu/Duive-kot geslegt English translation: Colombier shot 25) Petite Citerne/Klyne-Regenbak English translation: Small cistern 26) Grande Citerne/Groote-Regenbak English translation: Large cistern 27) Cour du Fort St. Michel/Binneplaats van't Fort St. Michiel English translation: Court of Fort St. Michel 28)Corps de Garde, et deux petits Magazins au des sou/Kortegaard en twé klyne Magazyns daaronder English translation: Body Guard, and two small Magazines to the penny 29) Porte d'entrée du Fort/Poort van't Fort English translation: Fort Gateway 30) Magazin a poudre/Kruit-magazyn English translation: Magazine Powder 31) Fer a cheral/Half-rondeel English translation: Iron Cheral 32) Batteries/Batteryen English translation: Batteries 33) Roc perpendiculaire/Regtstandige Rotz English translation: Roc Perpendicular 34) Pointes de rochers qui avancent sur la mer/Overhangende Hoeken van de Rotze English translation: Overhanging rocks, advancing sea 35) Amas de rocs/Ophooping van Rotzen English translation: Pile of rocks 36) Rocs a fleur d'eau/Rotzen, Waterpas English translation: Rocs awash 37) Puits nécessaire/Noodige Waterputten English translation: Wells required 38) Loges des Esclaves et Magazins nécessaires/ Wooning der Slaaven, en Magazynen English translation: Slave lodges, necessary magazines 39) Cour des Esclaves/Binneplaats der Slaaven English translation: Court of the Slaves 40) Loges des Negres libres/Hutten der vrye Negers English translation: Lodges of Free Blacks 41) Loges des Bambarras, et puits nécessaire/Jutten der Bambarras, en noodzaaklyke Putten English translation: Bambarras Lodges and necessary wells 42) Jetée projettée/Ontworpe Zeehoosden English translation: Pier projection N. B. Les endroits marqués d'une paraissent n'avoir été tracés que comme des choses projetées./De plaatssen gemerkt met sen Schynen alleen ontworpen, en dus hierin maar gesschetst te zen. English translation: NB The places marked with appear to have been drawn lines are things planned. Mapmaker: Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703 - 1772) was one of the most important cartographers of the 18th century. With a 50 year career, Bellin is best seen as geographe de cabinet and transitional mapmaker spanning the 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. Bellin's work focuses on function and accuracy and tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. Bellin, despite his extraordinary success, may not have enjoyed his work, which is described as "long, unpleasant, and hard." In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Engraver: Jakob van der Schley (*1715 - †1779) was a dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
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