United states in the inter‘-Allied track and ileld meet at Pershing Btadium in Paris *-this week. -in winning hat 0.. .::mI"“,m: plaoeinbothhnndles‘ Robert 1. (“Bob”) ’ '- mm red ten points . ll ,1‘ is ownslirl 5. 5 3“ 8. U‘ 7- W. F1076 ll siren as ' 1-»...- . MISSOURIA 3 ‘lost 4 lay Units! 1* ‘ p :1 .. ‘7 s _ .. - . , . ‘ ‘ ‘ — ‘ Ar ' ' ‘ ._,‘ V i‘.i1"“"....l,'l’2’l..l............l.. ELEVENTHYEAR 0 0 '0 dfk ‘ ‘ 0‘ L ‘ ' 0‘ 0 ‘ ....o. = r Ices H _; ..-. . - __ COL lyynll, M‘ISSOURI,‘=SATUfiéDAY EVENING, JULY 5, 1919, : 1 mg algland. Mund u "_’ I - _ . . .~ . . ll! W’ M. ' I‘ W »:.’* l ' ' l - ’.‘_ ' ‘ .' 7 ’ REED V10 [13 ~ ”-"‘ T'- when all oil»: apmdugla; are %_.‘__,w;__- .. an insult I2 cs. ll o is rants aid _lnlulbh§ W . .J=':~= um, ,,_,,,,- ‘ ,. 0 ' l . . lam Cslvieied of larder el 8 luspthulsulvwplgbtentkgl. . - x)t.0.i.at¥:aIs'a|thullC-'- ' ' - Csaslninssesadbegl-es. uh :° ‘’'° umdlord. to ‘W " ‘ l. A H "37- lash ‘Ia ass-3:-‘sou?’ 3°“ “N039 I Intro. was cal- 18°~ . -‘ h~ ww mp '- ‘. _ For ltssouda uuenloa ulu‘-smuoa ‘'‘°‘°‘’ “' Gin“! 00"“ Thuruday «- The old man etfd . ‘ . . . ' tollowae 511 1 fair touch: coin; or the murder or his cousin; C edaadaloncebeta. . l or g 3 - ‘chop tempers . . - - . . , 3 pen, I " "’ ''.‘ - .. D “ ‘bk Sfmdsf A d A t mm’ mm: "" Girls Canvass Plcnlc Crowds Reed Wins Mlssourl VVr t 9"" ‘° "‘° ’°°°”" ‘‘°‘"’‘- '5'; - ’ Nears End of Transat- Thus -been loan alum is 160- - ‘ - - . . cs ' 1“?! find his punishment It 10 years C3‘“P31gD for Lcaau R‘ - —- —-rf. ‘antic F“ ht org. ML? ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, in Effort to Ralsc Co- ., llng Championship from in the penitentiary 31 Th f S ° °.t° ‘V . FUEL IS mg - Egg?‘-£?g;_":é£.r_¢m._uMwm!;l§ . lumbla’s Quota. Jack Doyle. mpg“ evidence showed um canton‘ rfitggt int“|'§6l]{'8h‘.5 UT GONE _ , ’ , —'—"‘“ _ --— cs over the head with a club - st ‘ K llterial tempo ~ , wA]qTED W3,“ _”_M mm on... have any FINISH TONIGHT LOSE $300 ON THE: my; mu 12 em... .. entertainment .. To ARRWF TUESD W ‘I Navy Department Sends In Oohfibia s leen ahower l. mbable ' ' ' - . . ‘'‘° 9°!" 0'0" Church. ‘ ‘ « ‘l. , » 3 nu ~ oonc Coun ‘Has Untll Sc F U ' No ‘ Ens Yacht and De t we: :l‘|]erI"lR gum-sly fair . OUIS a in Lake \" hen bllliness was transacted by the After P - . ; S to-vcrs um. n, ‘W '9' '5' '°“ "'° °' Monday Night to Ralsc Scaffold Collapse. Court this morning. at noon it was ’°‘°"‘"_‘8 Treaty to -E . A n .0, ‘O “ll”-’ R¢5CU€- ‘ 1...; [,3 $7 goo U d ‘V . ~ adjourned until Wednesday morning Senate Prcsldent “'11) 5 r¢lCh°“ 9‘ C’ B W ’T'|Ird flint télaperséure in (‘oluuah ‘C ‘''l' ' n Cr eight. +—-————__ Begin Tour ., . _ ' es 1- I w ; ’ -—_-'—— - . Minmm) mum: p~uR.8ll{u1Ra Cgmmdmt’ :::::dH;’.”E;‘: nu ‘hsolulnbia will have raised a good It was a his day for Columbia. AIRPLANE FORCED T0 LIND or van“ Pm‘ . . , " ‘l P” “"' - re 0 its Salvation army quota by?” ' a , _ . Be i 0:: WI Bron BANK BUILDING ’"““"E°”' L ‘''.''°'’ 5-—‘‘-'°“"’“' ,3; '3: ’o°e"§'{3l"ll.§"°lo$l’°3.‘.. E The contributions will be ‘um °‘ ‘"1"’ "’° ”““’ °°“°°|'t '’ " '~ 3'‘ Nth Pu-In NEW roan. July 5.-—-Secretary ’l‘u- l u'‘‘ Int Commander Lucas oirleislly an- ’"'°"’""“°" - over tomorrow and if the y°“°m" m°"““‘3 C°‘°mb1l People 3, U ‘L, P E"'‘’“ U"“"'°‘- malty announced definitely this after. . ' ' u resa. 2q__ENR0LL'fR£E bounced ‘hum’, ‘Mr noon may mu suiufitungseggn:-) :Lun£oo:nto“1‘.l:.y15:hO50 :. gum‘ nu not been ‘used. an mmmm the,“ the cdebnuon of their man‘ C ORG No“ . noon tau President Wilson would ad. ‘ the 3-34 would m.,“.e tomorrow mom- tees will try to put the city over with Fourth of July. Early mo;-mu; hum The“Iknk3Bdley.Pue um dress e Senate on Thursday. ‘"5 . étgogfioggr M°n“7' TI“ °°“m7" brought persons from nearby town.‘ Harbor Grace yesterday afternoon 10,- 0PP939“lI 10 F000! Wilson. —-—-— ' Lucas cglled guenuon to the me“ sever‘! dollar. we ,find car. and bu“‘es conunued to Lot!‘ island. landed here today. m B! Ullltfi Press. .:—r . =7 none nl_>0ut the availability of a lie- by the'viattors at the Elks irrive from the surrou d machine dflelaped mum trouble‘ T!“ WASHINGTON Jul’ 5'-mu" mt . t Buoy” ‘ad “M it w” “sued by we July meme yeswrd.’ “anon u‘ m . 11 int countff Plane circled over the town several the Leume °f N‘“°”' °‘“'“".‘tlI which _ ',' V American observer. I.leutenant-Com- T , C . nth‘. when the bond“ . rotiahout the day. times and descended. making ll had is expected to rival ln_bitterneu the I! P I I 5 mander Lnndsdowne instead or Mr “O °l‘““b.‘a Ntcn Put‘ from the atria oh the (rotunda. Tghu The crowd °° ”'° "°“”d5 "Ht 111311! "‘“‘"“‘ 0“ “"3 "3' ‘"'°'“m- 3031 “"3 “sh” ma flu ‘fl'°" “NW0! ’ ‘ ' E, ‘tori ficott, who is in command of the chase Stock in Carrollton ,,o,,c,m,on was In mm 0‘ mt W° was eeumlued at 12,000 pen-3ogg_ ow, naseenaen escaped uninjured. 3:“?! End! -95 are being mega; ‘ l . - ' _ '7‘ I3» 1 T ' ‘I 0118 time [hgre w “"“0"""" n er co", ml’. Gflch tide of pretty napkins, dainty : He said he accepted this as proof P am: Club‘ ‘i'flimp;:Jn::;Dnnnd! 000 automobiles parlteer: 0l:ot|.:et(:lt'i1: sonata EXPECT ATTACK simmflnnng In nun‘, w M“ m‘ cc cards. just what you ,. _ dtlfiitgetrhe R-34 was not in any sel-sou. Fred Nledenneyer and Ernest liitch- am “,1: mu“ m "an in mm to be skirts of the midway The receipts of Hungarian White Army. Numbering milgtgiixe of surprises at the last .,-1 big SUCCCSS A in-‘rd message from lb 8”“ h ell. Columbia men. have bought shares used at the picnic the day have not been checked up as 8.000 len, Nears Budapest. President Wilson will arrive l a I E BOYS‘ dmmme R44. to he Mule Dev”: in the carmillon. llio.. airplane Club b0&a~,thousand doughnuts were sold Vet. and the exact attendnnce is not "By United Plan. hokeu at 2.39 nod,“ Tuna’ ‘inc?’ .: . ‘ y e si lsd ri Lb _ It . ' ' ' new ‘P be em *"°°°W "*1 be .... '. 3.2:. .:.°.:’.. 33:: ..I‘.E"I.‘l....i.‘..".'L'. “:::“‘;‘ ‘’"° W . W :::.°- W‘ "-...:m-no-d === me = FIREPOTS °'..‘;:,:::.::'":: ".2" '°'.'°*-= .°.:°::..':.'.°'..,'°' ““° w‘-=- m »m- “'9 s. ... $500 .. .. .;....:....:. "H "W :;’.:“..'.":..'::;:°.... ‘:.;::‘°*. ’ .....‘°..“‘;::': '.:°..':'.".:°.. "F s , ezrees 1 se co r. rune r ' - 8 fin)‘. In SPARKLER5 . north latitude and 64 degree: note: served 760 houn in [he air. and acxd :i‘L:’1":u:0li':°hnu; The averlse do- 35¢ 1-hm," Dub Twica which numbers 30.000 troops, unger , short speech at Carnegie Hg; 1;‘: : CAP P I STO T 10n‘,mde_» Running southwest um: M Instructor In am‘ ‘or ‘ “mm D” we “I: ate: tfiints. however. ponmly um M339“ "em 01 colonel who was formerly a member of in: for Waahlnxton about 1:30 ovglocli ‘ " ": Rullninc out of ruel,after a night from The Carr-ollton Club has just re- mm"._ remind Id ‘ ‘mm’ °‘ "’° was the wragum much 1.“ ‘-39 "#1301150 Allltriln Army. Tb’ P’°’“°’“ 15 “Wad to virtual \ pox SHOP * P-em it '2: °"".‘:““ eon» .. .... ....:°..’::*.:::.':*.*:.::.: u» no ""“‘°ll""°°" a mo ~ - W ‘W - of. com oz. - quell Y not lly worked out w . _, ‘mi the Cent“! M“ H. chm” ‘ - venant to e Senate on . ~. This position would locate her on plans for operation. However. the 6 Que nun weft‘) ' '°""'°‘d°- .. .. ‘on Don Thursday. He will then itntnediatelg. _ H . business men iris h Ship from Jack Doyle oi Ouumw V _ the north short of Minot Bay, an arm orasnlsautphas lncaporatlsd. with um‘ um ' K V’ O um um '°"°' .1‘ b mm,“ M . " mu‘ M‘ mu" '“‘m"“3 “"3 °°'“m'Y L3 JULY FOURTH ; 03 the Bay of Fhmdy, twenty miles twelve sballeholdera. and ordered st 0 801;“ --1' y n‘ m “ice 8"-a1‘m' ‘ ——+ m b°h‘m °’ ‘-''° ‘fine ‘Dd seekins ] . east of Carsboro. where the Handley- 33.000 _ K "° °" “"1 ‘" 5‘! °""*|"M- ,un~ ’’ ”“’ ”'°"“'"""‘“ W "19 Wmtlins Former Champlon Loses in ‘° '1" 30°11 wiwort of the people that 0‘ \ e Page mrpume W“ forced to land. “t M. as y" wm an eflumuon orm. handed one of the (iris a 1?“. match Ralph Coitce, a student in the Th R d . the gen“, rm be forced b’ public l j” 5 _____ mshu our . to “M .. "Flu lyuifolded bill. saying: . l.Jnivel-sit,‘-, won the boxing match from BT26 . Olin s——-_I_ack ln ammo“ to “my nu.’ ma’. mdudms ~ 1 3",‘, 3",“ u 35"“ town‘ “I won “I the mum“ mach“ No. I don’t want any change. The P°"“m Crumb on points. A short 10371070 Tonight the Lennie of Nations. 5 Br Unliui Press. c,u.,.omon_ ‘., mu‘ 1 °*B’Il'8 18 not too much for .‘'’‘°‘'~“98 3-94 5°“!!! Witch between "N ""_’ Not a hint of the President's schod- ‘ 3‘ WASHINGTON, July 5._'rhe U_ 3_ Th ‘ I know what the Salvation Army did "19 Lockwood brothers of Jeflerson ° “'3 m ‘° °“' m’ “nnnh ‘"° ole of speeches h boo l S. plaunl. 8 “mm “mm ‘named “ Cooper County '” bond“ um week or e follows in France. I? also preceded the biz match. 3 P31 found. cried Wllll-rd to leak out for as soon as it is di- l. Cm” gsumdiimew has Men ordered to by ‘ compmy to be no“ u the m'eI'h(l:t was rtzfensenxtimented that an glagegcguiifi o’l(¢’iel:-“b(::l>:lher, threw Joe in: htie former'¢33u1:Dit;n was sitting rulted the leaders or the opposition . (’,’,":::°B‘,‘:1‘h‘:“";"bl'°"°"°d "°".“°_” dB°°‘“'“‘° “°"° °“"’° °""’°'°d °' W- Many of them‘ hp! nu” Flollowinl theiwrestlia. h 111 round i:"-nbcg'ler ‘ or ma mum "8 "poem to pm u" numm‘ j t , r 3 T31 5 R'34- the ’\3‘Y B. WI1ll.C€. HOIIIIOD HUNG. Nixon C ‘ ‘cl 3 px ‘he an. n‘ mfitc e n‘ "°uche' upon n59‘? 0'“ D1393. n39’ g ’ Department announced today. 31-951“. mg pl. C. B,.5ck,,._ of Boon_ ‘semi inthdouahnuts to the fiople who 3*'°"'0l'kS began on the opposite side at -7333 Dempsey. whose real name is pin; out a campaign which will ;‘ . j _. Two destroyers from the ilrst naval wile; Ray Cramer ,0! Blackwatel-,a¢ won“: ‘or undecided whether they the idle from the crowd and comm- William Harrison Dempsey, won am. My call for opposing orators preceding '3»: .' f I _; district have also been ordered to go or, A, w_ 1:31.011. of Bnncetom Mt 93' "*9 3‘*1V3U0D Army or not. tied for two hours, The m_a;.in fea- cum’ bflween tn’ ma '°°"h ma ‘°"°‘V1ll¢ the president. who will 5: I OH O U y ./ .; to the assistance of the B-34. which is Hang own" of me cum-,1 ._\u,3om-1 1”‘ N 1118 Quota for the Ashland ttyes of the display were the two wand‘ "he" Wm"d' '°°°“d‘ ""9" ‘’°{’" W‘ "39 4311801‘! they see in the y ' " rapidly running out or gasoline. .. Republican. is a graduate of the School ":""‘°‘ "“ "'“’°" "19" Yemrday. mngal lights and a Boche flnrelixht “*9 "’°“‘° "‘ ""’ ""“- W‘""‘‘’'' M‘ °°'°“““ "Id Other Drwisions of the ‘ 4 It Mirage island ii; the laser end or or Jourmmm j iris.“ The 3:11;: and school districts that were brought “ck from Och eye‘: was closed. his mouth bleeding treaty which they nod inacceptable. V .»~ ‘Mae 3 B03 0 9 0° 0081“ 0' The price paid is said to have been of co °°""u“] ‘:9 5903 put in charlre many by a Columbia soldier. 5”‘ "‘° '°“ “‘’° °‘ ml’ “"39 "89 3 1°99?“ 1’ Tumult)’. Iecretsrmo the x. ~ . ‘ The. gasollne supply- of the British 3:.:‘.T0g::dp‘:ee mfg“; ‘ls amcgrgn under the dltoziofilnor zzlllkimg Bum"); began m the any "em": pufiljiilard entered the ring smiling !!I,1,:cathfi:. ‘:18 1:1 New York mu’ m d “ _ '_‘_ . Wbk R,“ ‘3 "um! “on u .39 uu’.,.m-:73!“ hue b:__nc1m$ eaecnuytchagnmi °:;““"°° Sm 'md'“3m- 3"“! but this was swept from his face dent Wilson an: ldygieurmmflu PH"; _ .. V __ -I - mt us-‘hip mlel the atron‘ ‘ false the quotas f th ‘ n% ‘Ore 7811 Rt IDCQTVXII | i d‘_ ' ch.nl ' * . ,..‘v4 l l j" ‘'10!!! Over Nova scotia. according to was Bl"IPl:°l:8.eg:i1:fi anzrhwfdls if) M°”d“5' “"31" ‘V1120 theerdr‘i1::rl:t:ul;>,: day‘ sQ:'.ucit‘?h‘exitiyrs:e‘:l:w aililfiht leffmt: 0! l:'?tli‘t>cn:.pmI?en m;;‘in“° ’ t ' . _ a wireless dispatch intercepted by the Boom-ille by Lieutenant R_ L Dm.1d_ Dolled to end, ‘ In 1119 RHEVDOOD the Elk! 108! the the head. It was in'this same tnin- Proposed itinerary which will betltzlpt 3 - ***.":.I:.°::;:*::::.".:::..*°.:::‘. ;:°..*::.:r::'.+"=..:;=“ ‘:2 3. *‘~"::"“~e .":':=:.:°.;°.:?.:.::1‘;=::.'*“. .:::.:: :".:.::*':.°;°‘.:.' '*°°*:‘..:. an '°°::: " " W "=*°°*°'" *° :4 - .; ‘ on e y way o 0 own a day ' ’ at a en rea or rev 1. ’ .‘ * S I 8 message nnkinl: Whether a destroyer , Kansas City! and arrived Thursday in an error: lo and the (‘ampgjgn , on the part of the League lean; The Willard's jaw lmdsoored the big fel- ~ __ a e 3 "if i't'Q!l|F9d'° (‘Oi-lid be St’!!! I0 lakt‘ the afternoon preparatory to making a C°l“mb‘3 bl’ tonight or results of the Willard-Dempsey tight 10!‘ twice in quick succession. Con- “"'°d°‘- In‘ 85'" '‘'“l‘-" w ' dklsflfle m ‘°w- flight at the Fourth of July celebrn- 7'19 Quotas oi’ other Boone (‘ounty were announced at the game “WU”! reports have come out con- 8’ mm!‘ PR“ [D A ‘. Th“ 3751 m95388_9 5850? lion in Boonville today. The landing. ‘°“'"9 "9? Vi-'DU‘fl1|a. $350: Astlland, The ndverlisenleul oi “all you can “win: the numberoftixnes the cham- ABOARD THE U-'8- 3- 030309 i 2 F15"_"8 “"035 50"‘! 3001” SU008 yesterday was made In one of the big 3150; Hallsvllll-, $150; 1.{.m;bu,.g_ an ‘or 50 “nun bmuml 3 “me Dion was floored itrthis round. Some WASHINGTOK -WU’ 4. (by wireless - bud “T1148. Petrol beginning I0 get pastures at Rm-enawood l’-‘arm, nortll- 3135; Rocheporl. 3100, and Hsrrls- ¢ 1, ha ha d say live times and others say seven to the United Pl-ess)—"We must con- 1 e - o e ’. l short.-Commanding otiicer." west of B at bar 50 ‘“‘°‘‘' ‘° ‘ 9 " "9 ‘U997 “N tinueto utAm rl ul . _ line on. 8. . m ht An Eu‘ 1“ h M The rowd was yelling with such 9 ° °‘‘‘ ‘''‘''‘°‘' 0‘ I ~ 39 3:-‘°"d m’-‘‘“K° “"33 The owilers expect to make 119- _ —~-————-__ hgw‘ d “pen " "T‘:‘°S’ ° tenor mu wguud ad no‘ 3,“, me mlltlltilld." President Wilson declared _ ‘ ed oul destroyer proceed if requir: [urns on they myeguneng by exmbp HA1 -FORCE RATIFICATION 8 0 ,, mu-.cu°n on e ‘"3’ son‘ to ‘an me ‘sound round ‘ad today in a speech delivered ti-om the “ ; ‘ - 1° 300111870 end. of B8)’ of Fund) lion nights and by carrying :nssen- Wm (. 9°“ - "'h°‘”° 9“ ‘WW5’ ‘"9 ha"? Dempsey rushed him into his cornerl “ck °f m‘ °°°"‘° w“m““°°- -0 to l!lR('.l1Is uajestys airship the 12-34 we", who den," to upeflmce the sinus State In Behalf of throuxhout the afternoon and ear and pounded M. “w ‘ml 1.“. u‘ The President's Ipesch constituted 4 “‘T':‘:' -;1:Wd34°:11:d h U sensation of dying, A charge of 315 By Um.’ I3?’ 0‘ 383003. evening There were the usual stands "gnu begare :8‘. kn", '11“ V" ‘o_ A reply to the element which is advp- . 0 I (‘C e 3:39 a on t at euten- will be made for a 20—mile flight. ST LOUIS J I’ and concessions where you could win lug on_ The ¢h.u,n8,,. do,“ we de_ “U38 5130115’! T111711 C0 I D011!‘-7 Of .. . an qmman gr Lfandsdo“ me is aboard ’""“""‘* — . ' U5 5*”3“u3°uH 15 10 three “geeggg-3" by knockjn‘ flu-lee fqnder“ eye complete‘ ‘nd ‘x 13013-(Gd I1ILH)II.flH',,;n Qfld fig in Attend BOth . the British dlrlglble- l-‘oitlill soon: (‘0l.'.\'TlAli nl "" °‘“"m°d b3‘ the St. Louis D ’ °"' =1 . - . .__.- - E3 of the League to Enforce Peac r‘.':.:" dolls on the rack. drink great his him to wobble like a me lo a storm. " ‘°"°°““"‘ W "°”*“' °‘ “'0 am‘ ‘.1 — 2 ‘ --—-— ~ . ‘mt. , 1 O DELHERS HIISELF 7'0 l’||I.ll‘E Inc. [an Griggby 1]“ age. Lug,‘ In uanvnss willrbe in behalf of Lb: coy: gllualllf mdi lemofnade :1” shoot the El: ‘t::‘mr:Jtlmd‘m‘e(dfed to M. com" ,1: s:%rt of wgalinzuemc 2:112‘ ‘:3 : pen Una] Noon A §cnalor“s ‘ion After Fonmltlln ' - 8' O“ to r°’°° Dem mud tions. .-. A - - gr lnr- Pairs. Mary Grigsb)_ who was born in l l-ntlilcatlon by the 1} nod 3 _ Two Accidents During Day. 9593' ' 0“! the third round P v T; ‘ der Asks to Be An-can-4, Boone County in 1834. died at the lie. according to xflnmes m.‘at1e¢sD8en There war ebut two accidents on the with added confidence, hoping to get a Tb’ mm‘ “ p"’"°d' "' “ m’ ‘ 5. . 8: Initial Pm... home of her daughter. Mrs. W. [-1. Rob. Chairman or the Speakers‘ b..,,,§”3', grounds during the day. In the si‘t6r- "°‘°"’ "‘ '3” *“°°*‘°" '‘°°'~°v 30 ::,c;;°d‘;,: e d not: ”°'u" an’ : ‘*1 L05 A-‘amiss. Ca] “.5 :_ _ §’llot 3(‘})rove. Cooper County.l lb: local League branch. noun a farmer was knocked uncon- h“1th°:":$ '¢:l:nOdf the gllilmut :4 “any to euyopfuz mu. dfltm . 5.!‘ 3 Bringing ith hi th bod {Fred -°° *1 ‘"19 - sneakerlatobeesl ed ‘ " ‘ ‘"1"’ ‘h "“°' - ° “'3 ° * W" ". ‘I - .- - . J Le," ofwhos Age]; ‘hgmohe “ma Mrs. Grlsxby was 85 years old. She public meeting oi socinlsogrncivitcobodeveiry :l(lm‘am’e 3 0“ mm e chimfloll had enollth. but his second» umnnm ‘on. pain” ad .0.” m’ ‘l ' ' was formerly \is F‘ Blanton In accordin l u ‘ ’ “"95 N31 “CK D8139!!! started '°"°u“' 'ud' 1" “"' “ “° 53°’ — ‘ - , . he had murdered at the Rocango Cnn- - '7 ' ° 5 ° Wefiellt plans. Ministers A few minutes later the diving scaf- Confgrencg a; An.“ -. 1 L» ' I you near Burbank. when she rejected 185°‘_‘:o° :23 ‘:1“;°T:t°¢1"lv0 “H. ;l. GrixI- get;-:3) lbsaenlisted to speak In behalf {om on we ed“ 0, the his ten mm ;l‘I(!’l:. wlth£b;eoll:‘dt.li.e.hc:$- bu flu‘ 2 uzmmuu‘. ". . - ~ . e are 0. - A1010 « ' b"‘°3‘ . ! his proffer of marriage. Harry S. Lew six children “flue her YM" arch Pan of {glue of Nations. an anger under the weight of Ibo!!! nun by 3" “ch”, ha hm um: under the new order of thing which i 0 K] draw kid“: (zmtflu Ponce Sumo“ Young, Columbia; Mra W..E. ed yesterday-E :lll‘e‘n“:o:lna:rm(;outuru' “moan 807 8°°“"* M‘ °t W9 5°" trouble in rocking W11 from his a" PI‘“"’ “mm ‘m h u‘"' STONE tnurds Show sum? mldtt::»pe”I‘>c;eal:e:t:'d the son Punt Gm"; ”"'-C_ P_ wen“, Be" from ‘pan In Dene‘, ‘a bun" STE: fell. into the lake. and only one of upper extffihlti. this round be '1“ u“ nu‘a'u°‘ °t 0' * ' 1 mm adjusunents of sewer Hflry S_ Law by M. d‘_ Air; .\lrs. .l.’W. Wayland. Fayette, and League.‘ them injured. Chdse Gillman. a Icout hammered Willard to the top.‘ um . re so few and trouble - "°"=°° "’"°- 3° '1" 5°“ ""““‘ "‘"’ tfidnmhigztl ‘dllfrbgllhizhilfd 900117181 l>LAYl‘\'_9‘ann1: !:n:ii:u:Iho‘\lt,;dient"mr.d “en . nu M“ 31 cllampl. “:::nl:fouth.m°°d °$""'ol...l' ":1: nssovn mm“ "3"" n 0‘ 7 - his oth l ood- Hi ll ' ' ‘ __ ‘ ‘ 2' eidotn that a new basis "8":mo:;_:'n:e°:n'ym" 38:30‘ " her. B. r. Blanton of mm. Mo., editor ,,,,m_, ,.,_,m G," L“ P r‘ To Finish ow Events Sosa. back one tel-rls_e blow in this round War! 0-0: III Ids 0-! Gab or s ierlts was arranged: Lew deemed um he Md mud of the claooroe County Appeal. “Q _, ,3 0.6”‘ mo '’ °"" The collapsing of the scaffold pre- without much‘ eneel. ones at ‘Stop Iliad 0tlsr Wes-I. ‘ 1 to marry Miss Loser tonlxht n:d they Fun“! “me” ‘"8 new T“”d‘" The Devereux‘ Players :5?‘ "She "mod the °°"1Dl0?-50!! 0' the 8'33‘ “v m‘""“-_"¢“'9 ‘WI! 0|! C1011! dIl‘- 3’ 0”“ Pn‘ ' ,4." l i T. I Mil were to take it weddinx mp to Furno "'°"’"" “ "'° ''°“" °' 1”" R°°°”" Stoovu to Conquer" before a all ised mu" "°'"’ “d '"‘° ‘"”“ °' '1“ I" m‘ """“" w‘""" ""' """" "“"'“‘°" "W ‘-40* I lres,6000 5 Cu" um man we confided w mm’ The Reverend Starker of Bell Air us. ..,.1..,,,.,._. M, mg,“ ,0 we Umf_;‘mt high-dive exhibitions \scheduled for after the and of the ilaseo with spit-l -owl’! vhcnfhsrvost is in nltnrisa. l... t . O . me could um mm mm on wcoum in charge. Auditorium’ The" work V“ "mug the remainder of the afternoon. Tin. its of ammonia. and he tried to smile. Ianygrnsrs becallcuttiluaggggu . t. lire‘, .1‘ of hu. ‘sandman um we ‘mum um mvmms lugs "E-813-RDA‘ ably well done. The cast is “nanny summing events will be completed. His seconds surrendered the match era! a weatllm Brthspd at tfls . V i; “no u openuom as am he could‘ ' __ excellent. soon at the Christian college swun- won -fur. « . 70-! tin are will be seasonally’!!! ‘_ I181’ knows that the "r not tolerate such an o :1 He 9335'‘ l.PU"P. 311 3330' 309 0n: Z13"-I Graf as Kate Hardcastie. Lss- mm‘ ma’ Tho“ “mu '0“ "‘7”' he wecdnofl u “' Ind‘ ."' '‘d‘ ‘m h . 'i' 3?‘ ‘ . Gray Sdewail Tina ' said he would male: see her dead and - 9 ‘ I-NIL ' "° ‘““°" " Your Marlow. William W ‘“'"‘°° ""“ °°""" """ mm“ “ a" ‘mu mu a‘ ".'"”°"'°au'h""‘”" ‘ ' I. l . am » ‘hm her‘. column. conunnu to be the bug, godgllore a3 L1:-_l}.h,-dc‘.ue ‘ndmlph won by Gllliuie. 80% (dd to N8! Uthtffll It II! flu‘? 72!. 8% O W ‘~ . _=_i med such. ‘mileage “ -- " 1,. 3 way point for the tourists. Yesterday 1‘ 97 were the stars in last 'ht' ch. smut "“ ‘"3’ ''°“ .‘°' "1 am”. - 13 "'39 ‘ “"1 'u'u‘ “h“1'“°”” ’ I f. 1 3 ggw ogumdm-¢ adnm. _ud‘;°";":."a 3; ff, {ggfinzgfi um“ ¢....._u.'. .,,,.m._ w..,_ fin‘ Performance. '“‘ ' ond.nlace. and Taidertoot Buehllosd-A on could In be-ah: hon gasoedls» V-on legalities can-Id-allls. hat the i e 0 " ° 1 Bouth and North all solo: in opposite -rile School for se..¢..-- er. third place. Tendertoot oullute an at has not the sriu.-thus had O-II-all «Ilium 1- "laud -hm ‘ conservative than the . Cavalry of Culver llllllm-y In- "I played a an d hm.‘ _ ,4 stitnte. dlrectinnpwere stoppina here for the The last performance "°“ am 9:? B‘:*"d""=: .1? : I °"“'I ‘gr 13”‘ V I ml’ I ‘gr: '“‘" 'm"' ,k ' . " ..__._ I-‘ou Cars license can or ven tonight at 8 o'clock. rile "W ‘W °°“ "°"“' “"‘ ""5" "'3 "" W’ ‘-: 7 7" 3: United Puss. ihiassachusetta. aruooafinllodo Island. 5117*" V111 are “Romeo and -. Wisdom tied tor second. wlsdun air 7&0‘ I 311300-4013!!! 7'10! lIII- ’°°""'°‘°""'°"“'“"““59'3' . = Juliet _ h 4 A_ . > , WASHINGTON. July s.——~l cannot T9!"-,N°' 39”“ “"1 "W9" "'5 " um “'"°' W e m -r" alum "l:a:a'o“aowl'.. waificjggd -” a.”uhru:::“llqn to sans the an! "i . V _»' ,r aucuu um; mguggy gun‘, in 5 on the streets of Columbia during the *%-%-—-——- foot Wisdom tool lrd place In the - ' 8300 j;:_ g u'o‘hm“mdM”'rhen$°d an % war moors in slnnu 100 yard dash ollllqle l>ooslo.nl-snsu-ssnosta-naoensa V-WI Polio-III!-luv-.1-II-low ‘ ' if when wonseeomtand, an-toot Pool.taIantawilttaIlIusI1alowiiis"‘*l¢3*l'lf¢|¢U?IlI1DhIn .=e t ewoithemanarrestedio , , . .. ,. . amofluu who chimed mbebuson Schaltelloolslsrttplngfhss. placsdthird. », halt »- A - _ « _ |l|O'UlIIO|I|.dooaaItud7InI'§ct e ‘l ‘ __ T - . ' Coach H. 7. subunits left this norm 0 OT ;_ William Bertha 100. new "-_'05“"lh00dUh|l- ‘ ' \ - . s In; for theoaarhstosslsct a-desirable IL! IITIII IISTIIDAI was-id's danish hmywdfi. will ' ""““ ‘ *1“ = """"'~""". “""‘ 9'“".""'--"*t°-'8*I-'|-fl-»I--|m-9snn- nauayas-apunanoannc , l. a; °"""' l "'°" "“"" |"‘¢.‘,*"¢ ‘IN-.. ~ e an . > t '.‘r~’:‘:-"r Youngsters l‘ Nlht «3IllIIfl$ss*Jfl,IOO. _ &§.g.¢g_' ‘»_~,;_,«;.s . 7 . , . l ’ 32,; "ff: ‘. ,. .. .. . ‘ v. A ll .. i I "I ' .1 I "‘ ' "‘ ‘ ‘ ~ . '.' L’ , v_. --. -: ' .- _,_r 1 _ V .‘ . ,« ' _ . < c . 7“ ‘ ‘.1 ___ 3‘ * F . _ _ . . r ._ . ‘ ~ ", 1,0 N ‘ , '_' .. ' . - t. . - - - - —~w» ‘lzygn ~14. ; . :».§s'=g;l-34:34-‘ht _. . _. , . . -- . . ,‘.‘ I “h , ,.--,. ; <._ 2 Vi‘)-1.3:‘, ,1-_ . ‘.—_ l ' 0 '"1':..‘ ‘ 9'. I e’\‘ . .