9 ii‘; in ~ashlano, lert tor his home this , . . ~% - W..- — A ~ ~ . , ‘ ,_ _ it i‘ momins slrlnlpu ' A ° A A ‘ " » ' A ‘ “ ' . -1 3:2, lira. John3.i.&1;land oiCa er. _ ' ‘ V ._ , V _ , u g .w.'. . 4 Wyo. who has been visiting hirfl. HA3!‘ Cu“ 1' 1 i‘ ~ ' . ‘ R "5 v A - l ‘ . R ‘A A .‘ ’ ‘ i l l 'l1°i?:lort:mC$"mh“"'°“ '°' “°’ ‘“,’“‘° rnmsas‘ or manner s‘#~°°" s°“th “nth " ' " : - 4 A... .-:3 A = . LL .: ; ~ In. Raul Pauloa of Quincy. Ill. ‘-its spirit was wild, and he)0°;‘l“t“’: :.-- - r . leath mv mom@t' and W€!%m ‘J _: ‘ _ . t reliet,i'roin the terror under which p __ . MISSOURIAN ’ : red. . I ‘:7 ‘ : r . . . .- _- A ‘ . ‘ ‘ I ,4 Tllouilh mus lfiy tl'i:i31l;1;:::$nu°l ‘ . ELEVENTH YEAR ~ COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, THUR‘ol_3AY EVEI\IN G, JULY 10, 1919. ; NUMBER 255 7'L— illliiil LEAIIEHSHIP V in W ‘I {XPEETS lililllllili EXIHEMISTS will :::;::: vlimvin Sflflliilill For Columbia and Vicinity: A [ll Wflflllllillfiilll. Ulillill BF BLUEKADE TD |]|V|l]E IRELAND .»fi::::°‘::.°“.:‘.i'.:".':‘.:.:;é':rA.;:-l: mm) umugnngg i beer I den-shower; this org: l-‘or selling two glasses a or 00. OT . . '“""-' 3° "'3'" "*4" ——-~ . - . . t ta h was lined 31.000 and , —— . S ""' 9°‘ ':,,,,,',","',’,‘,'.',.:'.,.,_"""'“"' Rcsultof C_}crmany’s Official Ulstcrs Will Declare Policy gnaw fa N, ,1, Boo“ Cow Co1umb,3 Man. was Shot Open ./45 U311“, D4’/J’ , ' ‘I A . mTh:;:I;1r-2;? gag" waflgugflg Notlficationfi'Ic‘lrcaty Is to Forms Two‘ Republics tyéillrcuit Court );Ieaterd::fa:el.'II:::: Saturday in Fight VVith , . ' -_ i ’A -~——---' ‘c. Caturav. °<‘M°"“°"“ ° °:' T1” 8’ " . 0 0/05‘ If We Reject It VVc VV ill 3l:'73'lit"x17:l:§u§"a:'::.t:b?o‘hp$°iil’;s':fl‘<:i; R._a.t_l__ .___' John A. Rich. image of the Criminal 3" ‘als- 1 T I i - ’ C/o.red Tfiursc/ay Break the Heart oi_ the :lc:iiE:o,:l:E;:.l:£>tEi":{;at;::::.I:=8hu‘IItIRI '“_e!x;-an REP,_ARATIONS FIRST CARSON Vi ILL SPEAK xiioiligroéoaflig-fliayezienwwwne BURIAL HERE TODAY .‘ /‘If"”7’””’” '7 A §(f"ld'AsDcgarcs Prcsldcm l'r'.i“:3l'i' or-iii: *3-lv‘u°r'."t".§’ otoa-" ooetl"' Commission to Arrive To- Says Home Rule Vi-'ill‘ Be &>:°clL:fl:n°t°:::'1;‘1Wm£°:.:°‘:‘:£ Both Parties Mistook Each '5 H - (raj . ° °.'° 5...." °' °'l3;‘.'..‘32.“§".9.‘2‘f’.."1.T.Z'..';‘.§."°‘§r.’,5'I.f u; night-89:64 lndlcatcd Dead "F Um" I.’‘‘“ W""' claimed he could not 3%.. unbiased Other for Highwaymen. g ””””g ' PRESENTS TREATY g{"";;,‘=.'h*:;=d}_g.§f,';n}:"';:‘§,‘“',e;;‘m‘{.}}:',’,’ by Germans. -_ in 0 Months. decisions. t . Says Cousin. 5‘: __. mior from the heat. xi-1-pt within the __ ' Run 8 If—WAL,I.ER Jackson tiled a motion or a new A and ———— ’.,\_ ./£’u.(’/ Sf0I'(.’ .= . _ Ivopr of I)Io\'¢rn then was no material puns, July 10. Herr Von . er V 5' . 1 1' b ‘ an u V” °,e,ml°d_ c in; to cal-lchristisn. who ar- , ,3, A .1. . -————— A ' chance in temperature. of the Germnn peace dalention 0El- LDNDON. July 9 (d'elsyed).—lreland ;;e8w“um“mdm:no:ppea! mu mom_ rived here 13;; 11131.; from Norgosh V‘. ~ .. 3¢P3T3tC Pact Guar‘*ntccmg “"1 0"‘ cially notified Colonel ECU. French is to have two republics if the Extrem- with the body oi’Archibaid 1,, vgmuyu» l- F - The highest tn-mpei-attire in Columbia . an no _ 1 u t m I _ . A , U1 [ l._ in; and the cue Will 80 t0 the t 001 ‘j ‘ YanCC Against UnPr°"°k’ yesterday as so-. and the lowest tut liaison oflicer. at 11 ocloch s _m a ge e 1- via}. new a er D01 Cu’ Conn 0‘ Anna” H“ bond W” o umbia. army oiricials at the sup- —~-— .‘ ed German Invasion Will :{,‘F..‘,',‘.,,‘{,",,,;.;,, ’;,"_*;{_f;g:;i°'i;_g1§‘1, W egg in; that Germany retitled-the P9860 03' 1! i0 N’ “'“°““°°" "’ 5" E"'""-J llxed at 31.500, with Boyd Ahers and 9" "”° '“ “‘°"°“‘ "7 9*“ Vladi- saint-pr ..‘?. "’ -I O ed as B i A M ‘ h _ T]-ggty yegterdgy. " Carson on Ulster Day. Saturday, and ‘ ver‘s death was unjustified. Hr. Chris- Com‘ Lawn f‘lli£e.fi|.ln%’::I!(l. ill: l‘oh:e‘s1t‘we:at The attilreine economic council. one of his active lieutenants privately Wm‘: tllhgldsewu ‘:_':c“::1"“ ‘ ti? lsda cousin at th. dug mm_ ‘P °° A - "'33 an Iver and two soldiers. Wench B U E; :‘Yn0ND CMPPER ,.“,‘,?°:,‘:'°§$'7""’ :3" {,‘:,,";2:,’ .";f'.f‘° .'f fij goon, is to"take action‘ for pared to join hands with Valera and :fa“l°::e?°b°°0ne ‘ggefiedlmm d Ian, were returning from a ’ n H tn." .4” the immediate lifting of the blochde. declare for an Irish Republic it Vaie- ' summer reeort at Ocean View early WASHINGTON‘ July 10'-‘H wu Eta?“ . 80 Von lino .announood fiat ra agrees that the first act of the Re- “nu we °m" '°" for Anal“ 29‘ Saturday morning to the army lnpply littzfllly an arena. roped on and Z, __ the _oo_hnul rermuons commission puhiicishall he -ecessionpoi the inde- m°"“'}“f_’.‘,’,"'j';‘ °"‘{,o‘,’;“M‘;’§§‘;; line at Noriolx when - cu-ooroocu. - pressed in on every side by easier 9 _ m.___.____‘__34 would arrive this evening and pendent Ulster since its defiance of mogfinng 0!! them. running slowly with no light thrones. which President Wilson en- lo 86 “°H‘°!'f‘°f"1"af."'“”l ";r‘°”°Gu_’;:;',._ ’;f:;‘:e";f“‘!o‘,';’f;:]al mm mm_ '——-———————— $,',’:ff“"m“““‘“, Ch"r';“:;:' ". °"'°¢ ' “red 1° bwm ms dramauc fight for 11 A mi" .Wm76 I mmw—w87 in ? 0!? spldedlll’ to carry out the "Plunketrs Dominion plan means Dolan ankedthemeu in thecar who “"3 IMF“ °' N3“°“‘~ , terms at the Peace Treaty ailootinx separation.” this Ulster Member of later proved to be civil otricera, why 8°°°"*°" -W" ‘° "W A‘ W’ ms Am-AAA AA A" "'*'":'.:.:.°' *°''*:::’.::..:,’:‘::: ;'::2:':.:::.::::: :°:~;.:,':°.;'.*:.‘::.:.° ":‘.:'°£:.°:' “:.,::.“;.:r=l Ca i l h be! P so wn— _ d h so to Chamhe were new 7 won ‘ ' '9 ' - A ' ' t In. pm Out‘ on ma em meson!“ e-nit"): t 8 in Y note 6-om Foreign Minister Mueller. out camouflage. 'P1unlictt's plan is Dtorm I-’a5tN1ght_ Docs Slight Weiach and 'Vandlrer with guns ‘ _ an we‘ scheduled to ‘ppm?’ Denied at 1.12 ac oc___—_ proposing the eatfihlishment of a joint more dnngeroua than Valera’: be- Damage in City, NODC drawn. Thinking the men to be high- lmm no 19 , , . °d““"l°‘3 “’ ""3 5°““° °h”“b°"- they ASKS ISYESTIGATION II 3!-VAT‘ German and Polish commission to at- cause it stands ti chance or being sup- to Crops Wlytnen. Welech drew his revalnn L "'3“‘i}'““ “‘ Z. lined théoliter entrances to the north Bun-‘-V-7;“ | C“ tend to the transfer or the strain of ported by Parliament and that would _ _ ' telling Dolan and Vandiver to be care» rude. Responsible-. .. ‘V1118 Of the Capitol and braved a smuor 1;.‘ In F‘; the territory to be surrendered. mean beiug‘dri\‘en out of the Union by Alter passing through the hottest in! as he thought they won ‘gig; 1., ‘'‘’'°'‘7 '3‘? " The Bi Fiv has a raved the es- British ba)onets Rather than sub- day or the summer in which the ther- he held up. The men shouted to the is at National .. rainstorm to see the President pass 3, u.,m_.4 pm. 8 ° W ‘ V m _-_ . . tablhhment ot military. naval and air mil to this Carson 18 prepared to mometor registered 98 degrees Co- tee to throw up their hands and line :‘‘°:''l'h. ' \, ‘M .«v U70“ mt’ '“"~°"’°b"° ‘° me bufldm" tv;'Asul?GP1;_23aeg:l%n1&:I:::?°$; commissions to supervise the carrying change the Ulster covenant into a lumps. on; vuuoa by 3 iocu gm;-m up. when Welch saw that the men ~’ ' H dred edth H -86:83! ' G...“ -cai-ried be one shurtiiizv iii hiili‘-“ _, 1-550:: atraalnllténltfl "e 0e," xzehms Senate 3:h8lDb°’ ‘hi’ umrnoon‘ Sen- ldlllsatltcithlzezrllcflleirilli three com DlefclPalll.!‘llli°et:l:t])IlI;flel):t:.:€:§e up a re- :3 ntlo‘h(lr::|ct: 67 dXl’Q|.th. mermom ‘i>lainclot‘:al:n: raga: the tire The """’"-“' "l‘°"° “." of the crowd. Conrf°""‘e” flocked amt Emu! of mu“) lntrodnud ‘ r°'°’ - public will be our onlv hope or escap- ,5 mug more Q,“ “mug: inch Po Were Wendel. 3 9”" "l""""' “" I train the House. which adjourned tin— “R1011 #311118 thfi Pfelldwi ‘° '9'“! ‘° 359?! Bill“ 7'9“? 13" 5”“ ing domination by the-Paplstn. Under 0; mm gen dam,‘ m. Maw 11,, One of the latter was wounded tour ‘ 0' ”"’ '‘‘‘”°“‘” .. til alter the President's speech. and ‘he 3°‘'‘l‘- "“ ”°‘ “‘°°m"ubl° "lb 3’ U"'“'° P""‘ one Irish Parliament there can be no ,,howe,-. “waded an to 3,” Long. times Another was shot throulll the 'i‘m°"' “'l”““ l" l" ‘R crowded into the Senate Chamber. me Wlbuc ln'~"°"~" law” um 9”’ BERUIN. Jill)’ 9 l'3¢1‘3'°d)-“'P'“l‘ safeguard against that an it is useless mg n at "mu, .3 3,;-1u‘g¢1¢ 5 let. Ind Impntntion was neculan’. l°"""“‘ "°“'"“"A""-‘ ' some outsiders otiered large sums '95“ t “*9 m°mb°" M m’ ’°‘°° <19!“ 35'5" 518394 "19 P°‘’°° T’°‘“3 “ to ask us to name anv. The Union or “mu wind "waded the am ,,mch The other oifloer dropped when the 5‘ ““'"“ "‘ *"““""“’ for.‘ the coveted vute boards wlth‘°°“"““'.‘°° '°““'° ‘° W’ 8’““‘““‘ 10 o'clock ionizht. and immedlltfiw cot11Dlete Independence will be Ulster‘: gained at times a velocity or thirty “”‘ ‘'“-‘“"’°‘' °'' “W M5 """”"d 3 "9' - Vhlch lldlllilllon 10 the 3911819 m18hll°°°u-°v°"y' 3"“ the document 1° vellum“ by policy from now on. We hate the mu“ "1 hmm Weilch and Vundivat ran down the he-I’ i-.u-inr in tile‘ A be gained. Every seat in the press Tl” ’°‘°l°u°° “,"°“ p‘""°“l"!’ °°“’l”- 3°°°’¢1°8 t° ‘hi-' 39'1"‘ v°" Plunketl illnn as much as the Stun The telephone company reports that N“ ‘mu’ '1" °m°°" 3'7‘ °‘‘ “"33- PH A “new ‘at anal l>(:eil°::1rt’t:llmb;’”(t:3e:.‘?l':lalk"e‘:dHtoBll:svse wun" ._._.._ Fewer’ 3° Md "9 will "°‘ “'9 ‘L several of its lines are out of order 3;!“ N11“ mu’ ‘ aw‘ °’9°‘“° “W . T‘ ' ' ' Within six months either Home Rule ma be“ 1 ac ‘ind ‘ma icon. . on behalf of himself. Secretary of Gefllli AJOPI POND Tnlfio 9 . .. ‘7 “'° ° ' ADVANTAGE 0*’ OUR » "'°"°°'; ”u C ‘,';...’;.°‘°°.,,.‘*°"" we mm new we as A» «em-A ~»AA>~ ".f‘.S.;:.‘.‘-.°’.-}.‘:“’.’..‘..‘Z:’;‘:.‘:}t°‘ mm mm A AA «A» A m,m- ..:°::. ..:.: ......°$,"::,':."°'-=.. ...:: . 5' -~ - . - 80 I 1 h ' (United rreu suit correspondent) Am°"‘°“ 9”“ °°““”‘“‘°“- ""°"“’ ‘“""°°“ ‘d°"‘°d ‘ "M" This attitude of Ulster is not entire. "°"°d '-" “° ' '°' "° after roooivinr their Dromise not to . The President also was asked to tiou ratilying the peace treat)‘ 115' I . 70907105 d°"°- boot um“ ‘ vWASHL\iG'I‘0.\. July 10.—'l‘he Unit- I)‘ unexpected among those familiar Th d h D. I H0 6 ad the wounded ‘e a e .~ submit any melmorauda available in- vote of 208 to 115. This removes all , e Witter In Liz I D811-merit - ' ed sun“ bu been (meted the morn ed 0 doubt as to whether the Germans will ‘ml mw" “”‘w35" vmelh" C“-’°° and the Western Union clelhph mm "Id mu“ m’ ‘ Goa" 3°“ ‘ dicating that Japan attempt t "_b H , h I d Um" , leadership oi the world and it dare coerce we Chine“ deleguu in me . ran 3 e mes e can oun an Compmy "mend no m_en°cu ‘mm . - . Republic does not matter any more , . - . . _ Shantung matter. The resolution adopted read. ",'l'he _ O _ the storm- hum ‘hon AT worlds heart, President Wilson de Pace Treny "fled on June :8_ "19 than it mattered whether he really be NO Mes were reported by me\\n\" ;..‘ngi more were heard. . ed h d 11 h . . ll db lddl’ h.Britih rm)‘ R New L01‘ 0]: °’” LL: ‘,0: ‘in: 1‘:‘fw;f saw iuu. BOXES (‘arise as well as the protocol snnexedand W1‘; rigeflmmflgdtxgom Girgany department last night and train son; 9'93” —-_-—- special agreements on militarfv’ K“ V, , an m Pr ' ice was not adected by the storm. ah, ! (ALUES OFFERED =* of Peace. ....- ..-. .. . . . his Places for Pk‘-“PI” 9"” "Y potion" or‘tnrnrti1n'ei¢nlr. by "W "“"°"“ ‘ “N "" °‘ w. 1'. Anderson or the Boone ouun- ~b gm-tb°"5 '~”‘-1""bm - a 3 .»shall we hesitate to accept this 1,. J. figu, Postmaster. flung‘ Th“ 1"’. become‘ eflecuve tesunt majority took him at his word ty mm“ company an mu mo“ a u o 1:“ s I e. I this time 8i'93t'4\1ty '3" the President asked. L J. Hall, this mofning announced from me an of us pmmul‘nuon_.- then and will do so again under threat the when and Owl have been an in w “ch 1' 1 “I. , , "Da e we role“ n ma ‘"083 t31°,the places where the six or eight new of the Pants‘ b°gey' (‘arson and his the ¢0il!1ty um mm he hm not bend 0 now‘ 111 at Portsmouth. . " hell‘! Of the V07”? T1“? 0111)‘ HD9830“ letter boxes will be installed. lieutenants do not really want a re- 0‘ ‘my dunase hem‘ done to me V'-o 5915 1"! 319 CW“ |‘m|°Tm0|- LIP - ll "hetheo' We C83 reiltgg the mOTal ' downtown ‘ box ‘vi‘1 be put in lpubuc as they much more Corn The ma night was 0‘ er ‘tor’ to the leadership ollered us: whether we 4 front or each of the following business ' ' lcal power in their present position as ‘K 3" benefit m the ("men mmu_d_ “authorities he yu released. and the , shall accept or reject the c0nfldeuce:hou5(_-3: (‘antral Bank Building. Guitar gback l)0l’l(' or the Tory party and galnglt ‘, M ht d 8 done b_ the 031001‘! 8! UN! 80991! bl-80 MY} the! of the world." lliuiiaing. Sykes & Broadhead Ciothing,T , l- t ‘h R“ of ;81oil the more credit ror this becaueei ‘’ "d° " 5 ””“° ’ '1" Iecimi Weitch‘I mime shortly. . Reieclion oi the League of N8ll0l15.i(‘.ompauy store and the hi. K & T. '3‘? mg 3 C C ’ lihelr timer I-Ilt-(‘tornte is actually Lib-» It -w re- nod am no d e V“ Vandiver served a tour-rear enlist- Wilson said. would be a rejection omiopot. Miles an Hour Toward ieroi or.sooiolisut- or would be with- 3‘ 9° ‘“'“3 men! In the navy. Be was honorably the world’: confidence. More than that,l There will probably be four boxes London lout the Papiiit bogey. The real object d°“° ‘“ Cemfin“ ‘*7 "19 5t°"m 1”‘ A dlechsrxod last fall and re-enllated in he declared. without the League 0! Mb installed in the outskirts of the city. —-—————. lot ("arson Republicanism is to obstruct l “"91" Th”. "3": Ire’? E3 in ‘_l1_1;~‘ the naval reserves. After the annla- tious the Peace '_I"l'eItJ' Wm be 01115’ 8 One will be placed near the end of 33' United P"-‘"~ ~'an:.' settlement and they are prepared; ‘°““ ht” 55°“; ‘ gmce $3“ '’ U09 V” 018305 50 '83 7010150‘! Nib‘ BCPIID Of l>8D9|'- [Hiultson avenue and one on Conley NEW YORK. July 10.-A radio mes— to go the limit. Meanwhile the Piun- i com tween ere E; dn ed ‘p’ 50¢‘ *0 ¢1“- .39 ‘VII 15911 013910104 Preiildent Wilson been M8 Bpeechlaveuue. Where the other two will be sage received here at 2 o'clock this [item Dominion scheme. dansi-‘P0118 t0:peRrc"c°n°t to ::";;e wlgmtmernnullu “ ':°u:;99'7 b“° "' N°"°“'- by outlining how the American troops. installed has not been decided. afternoon from the 11-34 said that she them because most reasonable. gains‘ h “"33 .1! 1 m m 0 to whom he paid in warm tribute 88 Mr. Hall has the assurance of the was making good time. and bad cov- adherents among moderates or both ‘ '3 mu“ '11“ 5° ‘N’ 0? 9 1300 Although they have not seen each “men terrible in bilttie but Kentle “Id Pootoiflce Department that the boxes ered 630 miles in twelve hours The loountricn. But among them are not to °‘ imly “'5 be" "9 9”‘ °”°’h‘“ m‘ M13“ “"99 "39 3300538 ""3 ‘$01100 helpful outside or it." turned the tide. will be sent to Columbia immediately." message did not give the dlrigiblcii be included Viscount French and r. P. Che! which 18 DOHML - of Welsch Ind Doiul are identical. or me ‘.M,_ Mr. Chridtian said today. The police _ . pogiuon, O'Connor as erroneously stated in ’ M Coming to the making of peace. _ By mm“: Pu_“-—--- preeti dispatches to the discredit or the I re.vehg.iv'e:imou:me‘ev&l;al.°oou‘dl.niiictit|;;.x *1 edthéd il ' I Am i Sii1nF‘iuers. . . Pmldm" V” M" "m" m ' ~ HALII-‘ . July l0.—The wireless ‘’ "' ""°"‘ er W‘ e ._ lice say were held up have not been when he returned to the scene Van- I-I B § 0 3. l: "; oi the many complex questions pre- ~-—-*'—“ * station at hebucto Head hm "~‘- NEW rim: TO OPEN sA‘l'Ulm.tr _ , , heard or since the ab ‘clued ‘Dd ‘he dlfllculues growing NCl[hCr Wilson IInfnC' Th; yonndgd oflfufi ‘gw. 3; ‘g Q. . , - 7‘ ceived a message at 1:30 this -——— out of the disposition in some quar Public Health Nurse ‘K Ill University lm (‘foam and (body Par- diatcly Complctc pluuuon ,0, ad“ on an ‘'0 ""3." an be- .ters to cling to the old order of things. - - afternoon reporting that the 11-84 was I at "Old °"““"°“‘°““’ "°°° ’“ "’° "" Gwc Free Consultation at 215 mm “mm 0‘ Bantu‘ ma "8 Th ':(‘lr:alko°elniNI1g. otstbe Univc-r- Dcmobilization. h M m of peace... the Bresmem um‘ Red Cross Room, going ahead at the rate of sixty knots “W tlice Dmd cud’ Pulor m tore two soldiers were e up on —— an hour. C’°‘m B U tied Pleas. IND. 3004- M85 “Pram N 5’: o"l.“;°‘3I l:iet:‘iit;';: Miss Laura Franklin. the public U Nd P —-~—-—— the building formerly occupied by 'wAn3H1xG-pox Jul, 10 _Prum.m mg poiieggug ioaung go;-, ' H V” ‘l0 easy 8'“ health nurse for Boone County. has 3’ '” 7°“ ‘ Penn‘: Pharmacy will be held Satur- I‘ d ' ha i 3" 3.3. 33%.’. ’ °"d°’ °‘ mu‘ ‘"3 ‘° me °1d' “'6 "me .----.-_ the necessary equipment for '~..WA8HiNG'l\)N. July 10-"T59 3”“ day. The new tlrm is owned by George mug?“ ':£:y"'fln‘ “_ Burial of the dead man who It the up of the fruits of the gr-aftinx. I fear. the opening of asmothenl conferences" ish dirixibie. 3-34. is makinx for 1411- and Thomas Kallaris: former proprie- mohmnuon “upload an r..dndlul‘xg' gugm canary this morning. £01- " ‘°" ‘ um’ ‘ml b‘ b"''*"'' be ''“°‘!' and will hold the unit of than from 2 don. its commander, G. 1!. Scott. ad- ion or the Busy Bee Confectionery at “r_ume pmmbmom H. u b.u."d )oV‘ln' by the 801. B“ °“ um 'b°l°' wu'°" d°°l“°d‘ until 6 o'clock at the Red Cross rooms vised the navy department by V1510 the corner of Ninth street and Broad— to hold an um um u ‘men an 3 w_ gnu. mg 33. 3", ($591.. fig]. ; E‘"°p° "°l°°m°d Ameflu" pm in the Boone Building Saturday. this afternoon. way. - ,3,‘ “U M nut, um Do.“ U...” lull. _ ' . p°‘ce m‘k1nK " $39,” "3 ‘he '91- Thgge cangultgflong ‘[3 not only to - Beside the fountain ‘-119’ h 0 on m. ammo ‘ad ---"'*'—?""'~‘ _ ‘ “med W’ ‘m’ in “"3 m‘u“‘ °' '"' baht il b -hel 8’ mm“ Pm“ will 0 crate s cand kitchen. making " ‘ nn‘ .« “ ' , ' . - “*9 “I” mi‘ ‘’ - “‘ ‘° 9 v .1.-.l 9 "- also that the maintaining or a mill- — “ Th‘ P"°“ld°'" “‘°“°d °mph“‘°‘l° out to kee their babi well dur- lwAmn’NGTor" ‘ml’ 10'—A an all of their own candies there. * .' ;?&%"£?m ’ I! that theitreaty is thoroughly con- 3:‘ :1? hm Beam” Me? mom". message received by the navy depart- ___.. tar)’ forcfi for the eI1’91'¢¢|B9Dt OLINA ‘ ‘ . . alatent with the principles he had laid hm Mb, 9..., ,.le,,h.,d “.1 a. ment at 10:12 o'clock this morninl fr lemon’: how Slim 09018 10-41% "3" "W" "° “W W" °°“'“'°"'l M , __._. ' ' haelnetoc’ mm’, °"- _ :' down in his tourteen points and at the guinea dug‘ The recent gowmmem ported that waadabout Fixtures in the old Busy Be: xeqtiannud tiou. United Sun‘ I. Conccmcd nu moi. _b same time meets the practical needs none’, "6 “poem”. and w come miles out o eon. [ID bomnm an . at the corliiegeolt ‘Bulraadwud 83:; and of BA‘? J“-“" W“ in Treaty Bccau” of '5 is a clmfl ‘ J or u“ ‘“"‘“°"' hack and consult with Miss Franklin " “"‘““3 ‘ "°"" ° ‘ ’ ""9" ‘V ” “V -—- A . cen pa e "We were welcomed as disinterested u my mm‘. The“ conmluuom "G eight miles an hour. the .week and Moscow Brothers will E‘m,p fin. sun.‘ “fin; h Lggg-u¢_ v 'fl°”d"" “M the Preddent‘ "H "3 free to I11. and will be held each Bat- ENRQLL (tnlzggsnn cL‘s3E3 ‘men the “nu for b““n°" noun,‘ CIICQO ‘II- E . _. A. ‘.:.5.. . WABHINGTO 7 Yb‘! 8&3: Ton!‘ I-nuke“ vflin‘ STUDENTS To HAVE PICXIC It-_. . M. J.” to’: UB3“ States will 50 I flit] KO C§C BC Tli 2 2 E . . when industry and credit mm *9 srunsxrs an nsnolcsrrniuox brohxht to normal ope:-ationI.'I1!d it W A :—- :. wutnkenhor¢ranhed,IamproadtoHO1EOoIOhl!CIlllYIli1IaOal “I say. that we would play thepart of Ifihjlrllt on Broadway. ‘ ‘I .‘A4'4 a-J-. v V_ ‘H.-Mr‘vm.‘,.h That Japan In “"3" ' Preeidelfhu -88!“ 0'' "W3 was * 35‘ ill! 2 i it E i ’ ' ' helpful trlendn." Miss Rowena Schmidt. instructor in . C; In view at an this. the President um. .¢oggn1¢.~igA out Using-glty, ‘ said the question in put -ciilsreiy iiv took her classin Selection and Prep- to the United states M iii Wheth-1'. It oration or flood: to tho Richards’ will in to resume its old vol“?! '0' hleat Ilarket. 909 Broadway. yesterday __ I ‘N ’ I .' ’ 2.<“'S‘*)‘~. ti rr ' ' ’ " “maintaining the new order not up in I As Ilr. Richards cut the side or the *' ‘ worldolcivilinedmea." _ beefihedelitlntodwhlt CCU‘?! Ill 3006!!‘ “I Ill‘???-anditsnse. 'i'hedeinoutratiououa- The United8tates.thePreaidenthiedthe atudutatobecomemol-eb,.n“ aaid.hasr¢ched}tsIII.i0flt!l|‘tamiliarwiththecntaofbeeiandio or‘ E E E E 5. 3 i 3 "loll,-L, A everywhere stand ' ' rudytogive usanyftlfiofltilflfll \_; L‘ __ _ II!!!‘ i/ p / ii’ ‘E g. E E: 2 § slug 3? 2" 5 it 3 .. .4 . -: L ' ‘z — ’ l- "7; . " .« A ‘ . I ' .' - ~'; '- :‘I- ._ " ’ -\'."~" 9*- . 3&5’ » : . ~ V . 1 _...,.;’=l;._\i{§.3;; '.;{,.<2:h;£ ’ “ V.’ = i_-7" =.-V- V";‘A:<;..:-mi#.3'~.$!ii-"