-4. - . _ . ..' .. ..«. --—-o-V. . ‘a c-.« -....' ‘ ' - ooinxnoia yesterday em: —--~—— ———— ~~ - . , _ ..«N with the American in rumilsr. were attnctsi|«uo'dookia2thehoningto¢o'eiockia ebouteyeer. neisviesungss brsspattorinznlllfltuhe dihe‘evsning';gii.¢. ‘ ' home of his parents. and lln. GIlO7II4,%I¢.ltl'_O;¢l.‘A'1|"l. 1.lI.'0ourIsult,dqnofih.a¢ggx ‘J20. h. ' . hroII¢htdovahy‘atiIslinlhInarklsd.Edncstion. Students ' -. _. Betonenmingmedmyfltnten-Mithtbmlhevupsveuutihsuhmsuennhaaoosdinm " . natnehbvuonthesteiiortiieispsn vIterIIIflllchtdspsg1fiestuiisruitt- thsirasnestrgnooui no. - gnu;-u.er.ia Tons. ‘ lied and the usage soon repaired. fisn. ' ;._.. ; ‘;~-: - ~. « - 1- :v- . T ‘ -’ . . ..-__;-.i . - .- --_ -__ ‘l -- ____ ........,,..,...-.,. ...)......’<....~....-........:-.-..-.. ..-.- . ~—--~“~----G ~—v--~:~~~ -—~ - ~ -~ -~--...... ., ._..._-...._.._..._.__~ . -6; v \ \ ‘ ' ‘I'll! EVBNEG IISGOUIILK, COLU IBM, IIBSOUBI. 8A'l'U'lDlIo «TU L! 11. Illt _.:I ~———- . § V D . tor of die picture. has gone out of CARD 01’ T31533- THE EVENING Ml$oURlAN an mum.“ Mm 0‘ our S 8 style. and in its place we have the we wish to thank our friends end ' pain Ilember Audit Bureau of circulations. |°“15- *? ‘t -— ,--_ ehowins theectul scene of neighbors of Columbia and Ashland Mars wsstliegodot war worshiped . t P bllshed events in suite: ' eonnict as it actually happened on tor their assistance and expression of :a‘yu:‘ThEogIuou no “n:n§§a‘iogr:;»_ at Rome. Oar higher civilization cg} P E the muwem pt I_.mm_ Q mum” an we (mm 0, on, be,o,ed stairs‘. paoeeei aiieiem. ab; sen. mi. not permit such puaan '0I'IhlP- ‘’ 3,1,",-in, plqnning and dancing in 3 rev days. work one. Archie L Vandiver. who was so _____,______. ‘DOGS KATE RIGHT-0PoWAY” kpmiecu in gong-gen ruthlessly shot down at Norfolk. Va. s hi‘! DOOI III!- and red as second-class mail nutter. Ac- °mb‘°m' °t u” “'6 '°" ‘ '9“? - tier way on Midway Special District eepunce l'°l’ 13811111! It ‘P°°“’ ""‘ °' “ 5h1°‘°- wmcht “ V“ "h°“'m' mm m the record of W. B. &u- for sometime. ” '* ' ' hes in T00 July 8‘ ' ' §.'?'"o¢ro'° t.'l§°'el.°°i'pi§°'ri§‘t'sias°°"°ruee°s3::i'3ha§§i- fallen from heaven. or perhnve they thorn. coiumbie civil engineer. Mr. Canthorn has completed a re- "3"" vbgggfi: %‘,_,':‘_ um and sms. R. L. v.s..\'DI\'i-IR. were tokens of greetings sent do“! 5)’ He has Just completed plans for the connnissance of a county-wide system That Colombians are not the only _ cut‘. “"2 “-5. 3 ,,,,,,u,. .g1.oo; the Martians. Old Tntils Road in Marshall Special in Polk County that will cost $1.000.- perm“ noticing the number 0‘ deal ~ .40 ts: .2 -m-firm-ll » Disri i sell ootm - it . pecifl wuib - K ::°=3°°°° Cggm’ : tip; . “en. ‘urn,’ let N am kl“ ‘M Lie‘brcltc|g: overnsealt Th: gifts in it ‘few dacgiioaliisd Polk Eoiotgy “mums ‘round an en, " “own b%{ r, . moo . 8175; ii monthshgcetgta outside lg? sleep over this mister’?- mnm‘. n the remark made by 8 100118! 5'08- tcrday. : Open .4: Uma/ Daily '1‘ ri _ c f m Ore on. Indiana. - - 9 lllit‘i)c‘>lis.n$)hi8<>rsanrd) Kentugcliy stopped , T‘ S’x O Clock C/axed T/mrsa/ay county : Year. plans will be sent to Washington $00!: will have an opportunity to vote 8800.- month. 45 cents. j _ __ i - I and the contract let. The Malta Bond 000 good-roads bonds. h 1 District plans were completed a tevi .\ir. Cauthorn has made a specialty An" ‘M s°°‘“° 5°" mwu‘ mg,‘ 1 I days ago and will be delivered in a or good—roads work He said this - . ..—————-—-——-—--——-—-:- h i' I h r . One Illinois‘ be 9"’ P"°“d°°‘ “'°“‘ “"3 3”’ "‘°"" Mm“. A v 5 “he Kappa htgmn house It“ nigh": “F l.tn| n't the Ifnlrc-rEli_\' Aigciltn ,’udge from laughs at him and ad\lseh hint to t The rhnpemm .“_,,e M,‘ find 3;,-,,_ Sam ' “um I“ 7.30 p_ m t 3 5 . spend his time and thought on some- 4 ghgrkgy and \ir , \i. A. Jones. Re» . Am: i lin_I‘ Rl‘ttl|'.h lmiru oii.iu-nut .-n--rm-p~ E the present is concerned with an ac- .fre:thme~nts were served. ', ‘"""' curate portrayal of events and scene» i [luv dnlv of no A'ilt'l'I. or the ittsit; the paintings which have ‘i _ M r M ‘M "N m_”_, [inn of the pulillrtiilt-ti «if this nutter, they iilitill lie forrvt-r lizirred. Shoe Repairing System Columbia. Mo. 1 MARY E t:si.iiw_i;L.L 1 I I .. * A T . ‘t of the age. But eien this industnalnthu Mmgomc amok" mm night at the‘ In . ' jbe. one thing is serum. the 0” any Judas or 1':-oi-ate. F 2:31 24 SOUTH NINTH STREET i ‘ . °"mm°“'“‘1 "3" °“”"°‘ “me ‘he 1°" ,_-\i-min house. Representatiies from 5"‘ “,f_’,",’,‘,',‘l ‘:3“'}§}§“,-:}f.L,§}f; "M}'.§f,‘.';'; ioned battle-picture which gig;-idea ""'?"'*—-" .————+ ?‘“ ‘ ‘ In ‘f °f 5°“: °“" °‘ 3"°“'-h‘ ‘,the Twilight and Acacia lodges V-‘Cl’? riutn at ‘i';:iI.I ). III. ‘mi. hem and places him in me Ce“. 53 "Dual Wm 31“8}'3 be in love with 11,-‘ James Jordon and Dr. W. August ii - Summer term of the L‘utrt-nity; ;' h J} ' rythm and barman)‘. whether it be K]mphl‘hmldi. Professor E. L Daken Mm“ °‘:_‘1“_-.6. Wmmmn “mulnmui on} ct ', the song of an engine or grand opt-ra. was an out-of-town guesh -Mr. Dalton 5l,.l,b,£, .-,,”..c, ,.,.u,,,u,g ‘ And it one is curious and Dries tact- was izraduated from the college Qfbfielb August ")?~l-hleie]‘i:_l;::::l‘t‘i:iI mi term; I: P: '1. _ fully he will be surprised to find how i ::‘Ct:::r;o:,[;irly9lde;::’tlI:1::l sofctehe er: I___ ‘ _»_. ._ , . l . 1 1. many young men and women have’ music“ dwislon m me Umvenny of g III! I Cons I WOII I X I 3- _ * P‘ notebooks hidden away where thc)';Nonh lnhomv scribble verse. - - ' . They read goodi j . But they hide this activity (181109 1381 I158?!‘ 81 the g" more carefully than they would if 99"“ b°“3°- D“ “'1 M73‘ it Di they were reading amond Diclt.:5”°° °h‘°°r°n°d' ed A“ " , come 8 renew interest in tin. ' i ii’ iii-J.\"l'—'I‘hr splendid twelve-room . Their age has taught them to be. Arthur Klrcher, a former student in re“ “,8” of the past have produced ,..,..,,.,,., M 9,, L,,..,, ,...,« ,,.,m,,,; ,5, M ashamed of sentiment. hue ['n[\'er5fly_ is a. guest at the Beta zrem Nantes ‘ l.lhrury liuiltiiug. [it-sides t W ‘ . I’. —~---— -‘ '.Theta Pi house. .\ir. Klrchcr is re- A3 35 U19 '-"C901 I911" Camelturning from Kansas to his home in! back. the city started after more Si. Louis. V ., street letter boxes. Columbia can af- , _ ‘, mm again to become memn._ l About 300 guests attended the party i ‘ l§.‘I.f." ?.1.§$22.“:2.‘“;‘v§§"ifaa$ "35; Re~‘olwo=- caused "'° "°“'”' °‘ °'=s— ...*.;::.*:.. '.t.%‘.;*.;.*.-.:‘::'.::.':%:’°.:...‘.~. $3: .222: In 8 mgh mm in more man one direction of Prot. W. H. Pommer. Donn‘ Blfism in it because the French tiwnl. i:M_f"r'-jookltis. can from. ldt-IJ Io- way the crew of the R-34 is having wan“, mu“, :3“, ‘ shun weicomelpeople at that time were hoping tol‘i‘;‘i;“‘_':‘ M ""7 ‘“'8"°1- |"¢n“‘- Ph°l3‘',}m°‘!*: 0!! 11! return fllzlll l0 England. The)’ address to the guegts‘ Aflef the pm. I found a republic such as existed in.’ P0333!!!‘ "'Bv$I3‘~p l I . ART AND THE WAR 1; There were Went)’ 0009198 It 919 J——--——~—--———-— “ W," M:_\..rW8 mom ,ufi_,_bw ":—:’—_- ii oc- Pm Gamma Along with the progress which the. -in-pint: port-ti l‘u-on-seion ui Ir of Au- D ‘.: t l'hl-lit‘ 3:.‘.' White or call 614 Nortli ‘ 15-200 t/ze Heat See t/iat your /zozue /la: a comp’/ctr Jupp/_v of g/a.r.I(.r aria’ pitcbrr: for mmmer dr-inléx. Car- ,» a/er. iced tea rpooru and rims’/ar tab/aware. ‘ A Z 5: all“ ' Im ‘ The Napoleonic wars are represent- 0 ed by battle-pieces depicting Napo- germ:L- limit location In Columbia. 'It is lean as the hero. usually mounted on i“ ""'-" 15”‘; l" . 1 ll ht on horse and rider; the French - -4/I/zougb t/1: appearanc: rm’! c~tier)'t/iirzg It :3 a great factor in making t/.2: t/ring: _iou !(f"l.'( in mmmcrtime more appealing to your have with them twenty gallons ofig;-am_ dgncing W“ the main fegmrelclassical times in Greece 811;: Rlomt-; . D ['03 511,] family andyaur gue.rt.r.~,\ American liquor. _of the evening. Ice-cream cones were our own. American lo llllon. . l -*"*"— F-el’\'ed. l”°d“C"d °‘" firs‘ ""13" -’‘"‘'"'’C““ his’ FUR .~'.ti.i~; new hoax! Hus hot-o I .-'-—- -— . "no I III“? iillly is there a place for lzorn Jackson “”‘ Be“ hestergon and daughter’ ‘en “S M8 rermd of um Rm°h.'.u0n' . llrllm In lllle-HI-1 . in mm Community, H were u placellrma. Siisses Mildred Dyke and hole 1 in form of such battle-scenes as 'I'hciri..u ..m.~» Jantt ‘ .‘ =1 v » ni ti! on the Hlnksun on 8 Battle of Bunker Hill." “The Battle' -‘ g for a. convicted bootlegger in ail)-'::"f'_ than ::m.,m,(,,, Uf Trenton" and "The Death of Mann! I-‘unit .~:.u.i: W111,-. Kuliiltt inurlng ran} ' \ I V - ' ’ -u I’ ‘ ’ - (~0mmuni[y? . . gunner), .. :"\s‘:l_lliL“::ll".u[ nllll miles. 1 tie? lil1*su.!-Dag“. The.-its tire questions worth t-oii.-aid Mrs. H. \i. .\icl’he(-ten: of H21 “ll-' The gm.m.nnu.m ,,.(.,.nu_\- show“; n,._ A $__. ering_ .-sun ilveliut‘ and .\lrn,. -‘ (-. Ixlllghi 0i|npp1.e(.muhn U! the “rust. when H | Loser ‘Hp rum” "l1i"Q‘r3vv1-Y u“9nue en‘-er‘3‘nnod 39]“ a paling-r in ojlg [0 reprnduoo - ‘ ‘ fl"? ”"""" “f “"9 h““d"°d "°"""'d“3" cloud I.‘Ht't‘lS hllll changing atmosphc-r l 1.“- —i:xnerlt-need wood mould‘ ’. ‘ He is it lender in his race. No doubt ‘(m M‘ °'‘’‘”“ “"99” 3‘ “'9 M- P ‘Estate are l‘l*¢]IlIf'l‘d to exhibit them for rt-'-hr l'mm-nu-at emp|ormenL Apply in O ‘ nlov farm on Sexton rogd \\'ed- ‘lllfllfilnfhtl to ilw Executor within six ' Wriilnt: etatluc "1P"|’l0fl<‘l‘. SUIT)‘ PH“-‘('39d ' months after the vial of said I;-its-r1, or l\‘ild|L'|\“‘ ago. A 1’. Green Pin BflcxG% - - A on vii. o. - he could suirt anew, forget the liquor . " traffic turn his natural traits into new nosdm Memng‘ The proceeds Wm go: vi gem and 1 b 1 1,0 1] it" “W French Orphan mud‘ '} ‘nuuflimui ” nu"! rg]“‘m' he not “gr it D 8. no 9 ti C over 0 1! er, ._ ._-._ wt n one yr r ram 1 0- 11- o - ~~ - - ~ I. *—- ' .‘ but a wiluable citiz It rnd a cro-dgif ta 1 \lr ll ll (‘oetz oi the Dtiinnra ' ”"" """ '""':"""' °‘ "?" l‘“"”""”““ :‘ ""‘ 'u‘:rt:t‘Ll:1.|h h‘fs.lr.ixIlt"‘i(l‘ltlI(f1hIL“f'l I"‘b:;‘P ‘ E“ I. I '—"" ‘_ ‘ ' e " ' 8' - ‘ 1 ' ’ll'I'|1‘v‘. liilfi" kill!" IN“ f-1l"I‘\'|"l' hlI'I"‘lI . Um I 5 his community. |.\partniont:-. has as her guests. . r.i “LA H mm“. ; s|endcrne’.’ ,_ ...;—.-—-— land .\it‘it. (*_ G G001). VT. and ‘tire Ext-Pllirlx w‘x-‘~30...-ro but “on W1 0; M G u “a 5 Columbia is noted for its bell.lHiflll'Y. Brown and .\ir.-i. .\i. L. .\’ew1on. ofi All---i: ii. A. l‘1iLI.il-Ill term for uie. state cash in-in full - ' udgv of l'f'¢Ilif\ll‘. . ticularu. D. F. foliage. We all love it tin its plact-i. !P‘81'lB find “Flt Bmnhfim» 1 3°‘ ““°’ “ ““‘“" ”“"' “"‘°“ "9 “"“"‘ ‘ Misti Mabel Wilson at (‘ollliis lti via- down the street and scrape our straw mm: M,“ _“a,.}. Mitchell‘ 5 hug In me we" overhang“! brunt - i d have uiother cooking in this heat.“ situation: ,, ,. (,8_ W don,“ me smm,m. 0, Owl r and Mrs. E. Sydney Stephen's of. _ , _, "i e A Providence road entertained at dlnneri d“"'"“ ‘\‘'5‘''' M°u‘°"” love for our itintrixnmedi foliage. t.I.hu,gda>, “mm m honor 0, was Kn!» I t;\\'hnt‘ll ‘Ans. ‘ ‘"81-ER‘ erine Hinton Of Chicago. The guests‘ In _ lwere Miss Katherine Hinton. Tom, me _ _,. and the fan Ill‘! « S W. B. Nuform ‘ ’_ Moog.’ Bash. Iinmepolia. III iFirIt inn-riiou June 19) . D-ID _ . ‘’ so much better. “tsimpiy will not Finally father summed up the “Pm gang up - add several h . ’ be? the hp?!“ let: ye": “ 6:9 his‘ Naylor. Sydney Rollins. Mr. and .\ir n tntic scuba on concern ng l erlohn Rhodes‘ planet Mars. Every method oi travel.‘ ____ fl-on‘ up-ships ‘O haze }'TB. )1. PIDC 0‘ .UD‘\'Ef8uy! ‘"( Woiectiles havinx bungalow acrom-E“°”“° 9'‘ 5 ""‘°h°°° ‘°d‘5' "3 h°“‘ modlmom have been ducribed for or of Miss Minnie Clayton. who is ris- t d h _ b ‘'1 lting Mrs. J. T. .\titchell of Vie-it amusemeu an prop es) y vi ters Bmadway ‘ in the past. -_ }__-.__ [’ Astronomers have calculated the (‘B07 "R0-55'E('r3 05 93¢‘-“E distance to Mars to be about thlrty~‘(.m"lm0. 2.‘ Ab." ‘ live million miles. If a family of pilots n.”.,_“-” 4.7 h xu_ undertook the trip in an airship that By I‘eiiu.-ii Praia. ' could resist all natural laws and even‘ WASHINGTON. July i2.—'l'he com- travel through g vacuum perhgpg one potiite condition of all the crops in of the great-grandsons would "cum- the United States on July 1 was 2:4 ally reach the destination. from observation that Mars is red in color. And we have been told that W ; m an 1. the Department of Agriculture an- % e s osphere is rare and that the nuanced mu, E . surface and weather conditions are 11,1. ‘ndlc‘te“.‘ dxlin. in the c,.,,, 0 X .. -A.:'. sf’ songs for 10 -4‘-g<~—.._-.. ‘zcgcsjn - yearning appetites cry aloud for 5. swccts,__ thcrc’s a happy answer in Z0 Z0 Gixgor Snaps, which the sweet’-tooth" craving, yet meet every e~ 4_,....4 ,—-..__.~. ,4 1 4] "mu" ‘° “*9 0""-h'l Prospects durint the last month. it has not been determined yet This year the total acreage is : noun-“mam »-4 whether the canals an artificial w:i- Del’ cent below the sverllia ID¢"1~ _ e ' - le!'V!!'I or phenomena of vegetation "3 ‘° 930 Slltelnent. as compared caused by some method of irrigation. ‘nu’ 'llaiuplanshaveboendi for, A . th ci °°m'm'm““°“' P"h"' °“" u"“”" a‘:>rt:inte18p.";inpe:*meecii"to'pli.i;°:ss:"Itli’n: (‘:3 1°C! lllrenrdtoas: or perlnpsltls theavei-age torthelasticyears..'