..~- I 's.r-tit, p ‘. ' WANT , Baptists of the state is a student in summer school. left for FROZEN GOLD! Might as well have the also I . Phone us before 11 o'clock for Sunday orders- lfiim ill mnsu lllliillllliiiili lilllll H. E. Mansfield and A. Ah- rcns Will -Visit Churches in'M issou ri Next VVcek. $500,000 FUND Solicitation in Stephens Col- lege Campaign ‘vlll Be- gin Sept. 1. The gathering of data and state statistics has been about completed in the offices of the Stephens College 8600.000 Campaign. (H. E. Mansfield, director of the campaixn. 811d -5- 531‘ rens will leave Columbia earl! 0811 weelt to visit the churches in Missou- ri and to aid in ortlnilills 01'? Cb“"°h' as of the state for the drive. There are 200,000 Baptists in the state. according to Mr. .\iansiield's es- timnte. {no the 40.000 families repre- seating this number will receive the first letter from the offices in the Daniel Boone Tavern this week. A twenty-page bulletin containing a full account of the organisation and plans 0: me cgmpgign will also be mailed to these families. The ampgfgn is confined ID the wtlm3‘t-:A0LE DAIRY PHONE 360 ‘ I£r.andIrs.J.l:.Wh.ittleo_tColum- uglertmrhuhomethismomigis n. w. Branhsm. n student In the Universlty. left for Hlttlllsville today on business. Miss Ruth Ilitchell of Columbia went to Ballsville this morning to via- it. P. B. Naylor of Marshall. who-has been in Columbia on business. re- turned home today. 1 Miss. Rose Rosenthal of Columbia left for Slater today to spend the week-end. Miss Ann Pattlson. a student in the University. left for her home in Huntsville today to spend the week- end. I-‘. D. Bassedd of the Dumas apart- ments left for Chicago today on busi- ness. Lieut. folaude Stucliey. a former student in the University. returned from France yesterday after eleven months‘ service. Mrs. J. I-1 Renoe went to Jefferson City yesterday for an extended visit with her daughter. lillss Dorothy Clark went to Fulton yesterday to spend the weelt—end with Miss Mary Gladden Grant. ,- Includes ‘ some alumni and interested friends of 1 AT THE CHURCHES it the college in other states. intensive solicitation will begin in City and St. Louis. On September 15. the state canvas will begin and con-« tlnue until the middle of October. I'h(‘!l‘lh€ desired amount. it is hoped. will be raised. The sentiment in Columbia is high- College now is forty per cent greater than it was at this time last year. The work of gathering data and the correspondence in the office is done by : cums of six girls under the di- rection of .\lra George Nardin. head of the commercial department of Steph- ens College. l CITY AND CAMPUS E l _.l Mrs. W. C. Howard of Kansas City. who has been visiting at the home of ‘airs. Gentry in Columbia. left for her home this mornl . Mrs. Irene Gilpin of St. Louis. who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Nfiwly Iellollll. Sunday school at 9:30 d’clock. Spe- cial classes for University students. .\i. A. Larey. superintendent. Morn- ing worship at 10:45 o'clock: sermon by the pastor; subject: "Some Obser- vations on the Centenary Celebration." Devotional service of the intermediate Epworth League at 7 o'clock. Mrs. "5 - Luther Rardaway. superintendent. De- service gue at 7 o'clock. rotioual worth _. service by the Rev. M. A- Hart. . 3 first Baptist. - Bible school at 9:30 o'clock. Preach- and Young Peoples’ Union at 7 o'clock. Union preaching service at 8 o'clock at the Methodist Church. The Rev.‘ .\i. A. Hart will preach. Fl.l"lC (‘IIIIQ of (‘Ilflflo 8("('I|UlL ; lub- Q . O -1 5 Jet :o‘cloclt Wednesday evening. Reading room in the Virginia Building open every day. except Sunday. from 3 to 5 o'c oc . . lra Wren of Oolumbla. left_for her home this morning. James Rankin and sister. Miss Mary Rankin. of Kansas been visiting their uncle. Alexander; for their" Stewart of Columbia, ltflt homes this morning. , Miafs Mamie Bennet of 909 t'niver- slty avenue left yesterday to spend the week-end with friends in Kansas City- The Rev B. F. Miller of Columbia went to Sturgeon this morning to preach tomorro Martin Sommem .lr.. left for his home in St. Louis yesterday to spend the week-end. Miss lnez Baker of Columbia left for Warren County ‘today to visit. W. . Class of Columbia went to 1 daughter. Ruth of [as Angeles. Cal- who have been visiting Mrs. McKlm's daughter. Mrs. M. A. Bright of Co- lumbia. left today for Kansas City for a few days‘ visit before returning to their home. Dr. L B. Lawrence of Hnllsville. who has been in Columbia on busi- ness returned home this morning. Mrs. Herman H. Kube of Kansas Cit)’. who has ‘been visiting in Anh- land. left for her home this morning. Nichols of Ashland left for Kansas City today to visit. Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Conley of Co- lumbia left for St. Louis today to vial there they will-go to New York. ' bliss Sins Dovmen of Columbia left for St. Louis this ‘morning to visit. Miss Mabel Cranmer. a student in the University. went to I-lallsville this morning to spend the week-end. Miss Eda Stantennan. a student in the Univerlu’. left today for her home in hloberly to spend the week- end. of Columbia left today for Boulder. Colo.. to spend the summer. Ill? Allies Moore of Columbia wont Co Illases Clnnle and Mary Haggard Christian. Bible school at\9:30 o'clock. .l. K. 0'Heeron will speak to the Lecture Class and Prof. R. «H. I-Jmherson to the Men's Class. Church services at l0:45 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor "The Unanchor- ed Soul." Junior Endeavor 7:00 o'clock. -ln- termediate Endeavor 7 o'clock- Senior Endeavor also at 7:00 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Madison A. Hart. minis- ler. Presbyterian Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock.‘Wor- ship at 11 o'clock. with a sermon by Doctor Elwnng on ‘Doth Job Serve God for Naught?" The communion of the Lord's Supper will be observed. intermediate Endeavor at 7 o'clock- Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor also at 7 o'clock. The week- ly prayer meeting on Wednesday will be omitted. (‘alvary Episcopal. Holy communion at 7:30 o'clock Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Morn- ing prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. The rectors office hours will be from 3 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon every day except Monday and Saturday. I SPORT ~ _i Brasll Now Has Good Athletes RIO DE JANEIRO. June 10 (by mail)——Amateur competitive athletic sports have arrivel in Brazil. and they have come to stay- The new Braalllan trait was brought out strongly during the last month when athletes cleaned up in the entire pro- to Kansas City this mornlug_to visit. be Iiss llildrad ‘Wisdom of Columbia left today for Chanute. XML. to visit. 1?. L Faucett of Hsllsville. who has - c lss Elva Cramer, a student in the N University. left today for Brookneld to the week-std - Ilas Lillian Green of Sturgeon. who for her home this morning to spend the week-ead. 311 Bic! L. ‘Pick and ¢randdaugh- tbr. Clara. of Columbia left for Kan- U‘! P the Brasilian "'°run‘ - i { -ma ranoaao nova. “\- ciiffond Loan in Pa_oaa.{;vuti;" By "‘2\m.2.~a bought me this rt 30 to vvmafhlnc that I as th cs‘ i’¢‘~:'1. "let me call Kn: that seven big football games of the series. A bill overlooking the playing field was black with people, much like the famous Coogan‘s Blui! of the old da of the Polo Grounds in New York. Twenty years ago outdoor sport in Brazil did not exist. as it is known and recognised in the United States- A few foreigners played tennis. Mom- bars of the English colony played ll. aid llthar. thatlssuxvosadtobs -r a.:L-aussuwareaapovd-—--s 3‘ issue for the proposed new sewers. The disposition of the sewage will also be discuss . flrcnlt Court to lle-Open londay. Boone County Circuit Court will re- ber of cases left on the (locket will ex- tend the present session to the middle of August and possibly 1011891’- bricket and a little football. while the days there entertained the sailors from vis- ltlng Yankee ships. loberly Lone Stars To Play Here Sunday e Moberly Lone Stars will play the Columbia Red Sox here Sunday. The game will he held at the Fair? grounds. The batteries °for llioberlg will be Williams and Turner; Cowden and Ford for Columbia- E Columbia Browns Play I rt Sunday The Columbia Browns will Rocheport Sunday to play has I ,THE NEW BOOKS E I I “lieading the Bible." "Reading the Bible‘ by William Lyon Phelps. Lampson professor of English literature at Yale. has three chapters. "Reading the Bible.” “The Short‘. Stories of the Bible" and "SL go 10 given as lectures Theological Seminary on February 3. 4 and 5, 1919. l The treatment is neither theologi- cal nor devotional. The Bible is con- sidered as a part of English literature and it is discussed purely from the 'lady single unfurnished Mcademic Hall with all other modern "Lot is. .k. Too Late to Classify. WA.\"l‘ED—By August 15 for young room near conveniences. Address C L. care Missourian. CL-268 1* "T I Thellatloaaildvestsehlarkst S.\TlH.\‘Al. 8'l‘t)(‘K YARDS. EAST ST. ' lll.. Jul l2.——'l‘he live stock mar- t fui’ tuduy was as follows: VATTLI-L. Ila-celpts 600'. Market stead! .\':lll\'r her?! slat?! ‘7.(“e‘l&u)- \'o-urllligs and heifers 3"n'.(I)@l6.Gl. (‘nu-on '... . . Sim-kc-rs and feeders l7.00C3l2..'n0. rnlves 8(L'ut|Q$lR.7.'-. To-xaa st:-era as.0o6fl2.7:'-. and, if one can get the regular milk PARLOR , jg]; \,|(|;fi1v| nnu Uranus _ El lVIlllO'.uOlTII.Ll,.O0I.UIIIA. IIIIOUI-L Illfifltfi 8!! L! IS. 1910. THE orezjl CQLUMN I about Goats’ ans. Editor the Evening Inaaourian: it may not be generally known that ‘mu’ milk. is the best milk in the world. «It is rich and line in flavor” goat. it would be a fine thing for lit- tle children and old people. Thgrg ‘re y I'D®!'d where the lives of children have been as . The writer could mention sev- eral. and it is stated that few if an! ever take dysentery who drink goats‘ milk. There is a standing Joke about feed- ing goats on tin cans and rubbish as a matter of fact where the goals are well fed there is no animal that 1! 30 particular as the goat. 415 goat is kept in a back yard, thus becoming much cleaner than the cow and can be i O the poor man's necessity 830 the “C11 man's luxury. Whenthewrltsrarrived lnLos geles he saw a ranch :08‘ 91“ 8*"? and one plot I 613- when owner was asked what he would take for it he said '‘$1°°- 50‘ 1 4°“ nm to gel] it." France. Switzerland and other countries have used goats’ milk for rears. and It sell! for "10" money than cows‘ “milk. in L0! geles it sells for 25 cents a Qlllft. In cues of sickness as high as one dollar a quart is paid. The goal is death on flowers. small shrubs and trees. and it kept. 13¢? should be well secured. Hoping this may be of interest to some one. PEYTON STEFHEVS. ______._____ Bteaographer Wanted. Please state see. experience. 640- cation. phone number. Write 1091*- utuoa to Box :75. Columbia. .(adx.l THE RESCUE WORK [3 gggy compared with the aftermath of a fire from which you collect no in- surance. We certainly wouldn't want you to lose money that wai'- T8119 heed and let us write 300 II DOUG)‘ 1“ the bggt company. High protection. Low premiums. Phone 27 sstmt a CA1‘-35's REALTY co. A all-I-2 Exchange National Bank Bldg. i “it is the State on show-—m exhibi- tion of Missomfs accomplishments- Missouri State Fair and the place and playgrotmd for the annual reunion of her iorward-looking’ citizens.’ " Sedalln. August 9-16 YOU"LL LIKE IT. \'I('l‘0ll\' (‘El.EBR.\‘I‘l0§—)d1IIIourl ml Honors lier Fighting 80 . Fifi! State Wide Rauniun Veterans of World r. - . ‘ill Its oi’ the Filo-8 - c-la.l Pnvileges and Concessions. Iii’:- One to Her Returned He no Her Arms and Her Heart V‘ was 41!: as ll: or s-r. sttatszt.-— A '!‘itantlc.1'grobblnS. Thrllllns 8113!“ Battle Pu-ti in by l00l.ActorI- AI. TIIOPHIES EXHIBIT of ED- Am atefi Display: of Equipment by U. E War Ind hairy Departments. lncludl . - goes of Datrucuou Used in rid Vnf. \ Prise M u and 4..'l). Receipts a.ono; Nari:-t .'u- to 10¢‘ Misc-fl and butchers id to ll’! C’-'—'.l0‘t"..".’.CI. I 815. I , runs 3,13 otvfismm t-KHEI-II" Receipt.-u UK). Mark!-I Rwo-9-‘ “fill? .00. (‘no o~r- and vtillr-ru tlfllllill Lnunlil $1.'b,H-‘€316.73. DIL O’ BRYAN CHIROPRACTOR (Spinal Adjustnrl ‘Elvira Bldg. Columbia, Mo. 1 Track in the VVeat. no-mly. . l I > Running R cea. peed I Notable Entries. Carnival on the Best lilo H038! BA(‘8!i— 510,550.00. Offered one! for Paeu. ‘Pro A 8 tsols of I-‘taming orlta You ust Not lflaa. EDUCATIONAL IBXIIIIIITC of Live Btoclt. Agriculture and Industrial nsands of 8 onstrs ons. Displays of Firm Ma- chinery and Equipment. An Educa- tion in Itself. ' .§l?'I*o lat?!-:5—Eleven Drivers Pilot Lars Worth $250,000.00 in a Terri c To rnanrent .23 Cotrraxeoua . 4-ml-I Pu I-Yum the Standing Records! SLDOKLN In Prise Honey. CAIRIVAL AND IlD\l'Al’—F‘eatur- l'n‘g the “Wand At Home Shows." 1: Amusements. Whig. Ferris Vvheel. )lerry—Oo—Round. u Ride. Fun and laughter for Everybody! IP70 P0l.0—-T1198 ort Spectacular. Full of Spills that rill! American an cams eet Daily l T‘-hullnlonahlp Hatches. The World's Fastest Tornado Sport! 0 Eyes hes You Gasp! snwt.as_§ rumrrs by tor. The Man V\'ho "Area" -— For No 1‘ ‘ho Demonstrates pens Your bl Louis Gert- son. Ame at‘: Greatest Stunt Avia- "Out-Acas" the errors. mg Ag-rill Msht Bllnallins Used in the World War. GOVIIIIINT. AGRICULTURAL B!l!lll'l'b!-light Thousand Feet of uaands of Photo- Band. Concerts by Opera Blntsna and Charlies. 818 Startling Free Phtura Vaudeville Lists by Famous Acrobats. literary point of view. influence on English literature is em- phasised and the aim of the volume is to help the readers to become fa- miliar with the most interesting parts of the Bible and to read it with more Intelligent enjoyment. 'I'he Macmillan Company. Ne York; cloth. 131 Dates; price $1.25.) DR. J. B. COLE 0STEOPA'l'Il 4-5 Baden Bldg. Phone 1% Bus Tents for Rent at Reaso bl Rates. Special Admission Price t:‘&l!lpCl “1I'lfl'l'!'.' CITY" P03 (‘AIl’B‘I»5— KIDIIIEI’ 97'“ Cull at Pl-rk of Eifhty Au-es. roan Race IN FORM A'l'l0N—Addresss E03 _ E. YLANDER, C-edalltla; glliadvetoyou friends 3; be m the Fair? W: you complete nqu t, postlard will do. Send it today! And plan now to be her:nAugns.t.'9-16! Secretary. “Proposed Roads to Freedom.” "Proposed Roads to Freedom." by: Bertrand Russell is a review of the principles of socialism. anarchy and syndicailsm. The author was impris- oned by the British government in ' PHONE to for 1918 for spreading radical pro _ d He bitterly denounces British la-E bor laws. especially those permitting; Judslns from the fact‘ the Carlyle criticised the same conditions during his time. the present system. after ave years of war. must be rotten. He defends the anarchist by saying that there are times when every stu- SERVICE cuzanmo, rltasstno . and REPAIRING JACK pans? dent of social mnditions feels to bomb-throwing- He claims that those men become an- social institutions. The anarchist aalf. (Henry Holt & 0uIspany.'Nsw York‘ -cloth. in pages; Ill ‘I'll! THIRD DDGIIII Tic A -.- .:, ._ . A‘ . .. . ~-*'*" , _ ‘-0.;-uni ‘\a...’.-.~r«£.‘=‘..~. 7- ‘. yo ‘ ’ rt» rnauss. rot ussarma \_||A snu-:nc'm. . ‘ > . _ , .1 ' .3 -. '~ ' . * - us ' - . '-‘-,'., . .__,‘.a_~,¢, __*''_‘'.v I» ,- .‘_ *.,‘~_.r~ ‘ .‘ - ,3-.',__~.-y’ ,-J‘: Monday, . . eon2days.t..... Tuesday July 14-15 1’ R [C : C ea_s.r-s alnaolsta CHARI£5Kl.EllI‘SStagsSueeam. ._ _ ’ “ ’ V - 4': hall-oldies l . .. _ - .. - ~ »_.- . v . . v -. ¢ ._*._.—. ., _ . _ _ _ v Children '10: and Is Tax-'.=—llc . Adults‘ issued 2: Tax-I7; J - w 9 av -4 r ~.-.i -....‘. _ s ’ - _.‘_. auxaan. -a4.«a3 van‘: 292.‘ ll rl ll‘. ('1 di 3 5 3 porn ox:-.129.-up U2