39 a member of the part!’ 70“ ll‘! met! to carry a run, You an “'9 k forward to getting O Dollflcll a control all travelers. nuts Meet at 7:80 Tomorrow Nial- \ meeting of the Boy Scouts will be id at 7:80 o'clock tomorrow night at iut headquarters in .\illler-3 ilding. Plans will be formulated - the trip to the Ozarks. Individual pops will demonstrate some of their it'll Better \—'-iilucs in lawn mowers at ~wm;itI'.-a “uh-i a-_-nu city. In-o-It iveftity Of Business til to Every Graduate 1 rt miles for the 1:t:5;rQ:‘;’p:lh:l' combination of Its kind In ‘thug . :rid axis-‘pd to1yt;t!i_ can possibly promo a your I era .-9 gtpolutc uanasndltloaaliy gur- nry of at II-mat Slfl I lsilsth. a'nsesss—-T . Onelfllllnl. mud CI’ ‘hala- isinna Admlalst isa. advcrtislas and [ugh ponitlon at this t business um- in! decision with set on by wrluns Im- actalwvad fame and for-tuna or you Wfitu today D” I"! X . te Dairy Associa- to visit one of the Eagle Dairy Co. .~nted on this beau- 96 out of a possible most of the dairies pend their money one of the dealers bia. 'ing this plant with Columbia and help lld in other cities LCD Gold." Ice Cream we ever lest Ice Cream in -lace ii_i,J.hc hearts see the sanitation i’ that it is the best 313 re TS 5 Welcome Milli gr/"'00 tour . Colzlmhb '1 Inrgut, Li‘?-at Leading C/at/tier: O h .“.'3‘2 1,». . V-. at a _ ‘2 .__ g .-‘ -3 -. -. - ‘ *m _ _.‘-'- -,;-..- .”;’.‘:“‘_ _'.~'f;_ ,-.-. '- .7‘ ;" 5"-__~,._»...«~ ‘;.- _ ~.-..~_ i ’‘_..>- ,..‘ __, .. J.’ -' \ ‘ K ' . . _. U .‘ 7.“. ~3;'.'.. 1.- ‘ s pconnmnta’, M't'Sso' lug? i -Q--.._.. _... ._-..._—- 3.-llllllllllllllllllllll .. \A. I DNESDAY EVENING, JULY 16, 1919. , yg.‘ . y i "II WHITE NUMBER 270 SllEPlllllllllllllS.Ell?* I Clllllllgllllllllllllll KansasiCity‘F.irm Will Be" in 'a:.*'*” Charge of Erection of . Hospital. PLANS IN A -MONTH Company _Has Built Five Hospitals’-—Erccting One ‘ in Marshall. Thetirmoffihgpardandwissr-of Karissa City was-chosen by the Board ofTrusteeatodr-awtheplaasfor the new Boone County Public Hospital to be located on East Broadway. The rcauuscitysrinhuautit three ‘Jo; Nine copies will be furnished for‘the useoftheboardandthecon i-—a€‘I . W 1 -~ 1 Och-tbi—lT|&I7 fhlraadlfl so : irair " and in ‘- day.’ t flfiIflt ":- NIIIM. and west and north a " I I Wanker Camlltlana. Bhovwdm have fallen in the Ohio Valley. and along the A tie coast from North Carolina to New gland: elsewhere gan- ily fair weather has The weather is unusually pleasant in m of the Plains. and Central Valleys. and north at the Ohio: no material tem- ge changes have occurred In the ulf and South Atlantic latatsa. In the fsr Northwest the weather is becoming warmer. . , In Columbia mostly fair weather will prevail during the next two or three days. with about normal summer warmth 150 I Inc! Dada. he beat temperature in Columbia eaterday was 83; and the lowest last night was G. Precipitation 0.tll. A year ago yesterday the highest tem rature was nd the lowest was Ti. Eectpitariou i ‘Summer time) 1 p. in. yesterday: it! bu h. 8); wet bulb. 0; relative humldi‘t¥. per as percent. 8a. m.today dry bulb. we bulb. 6!: relative humidity. U Bun mac today 5:56 a. in. Sun sets 8:34 p. in. Moon rism 10:22 p. m. The Temperatures Today 7 a. m.... ....c68 12 ubon....-...- 8 ‘a may - «.70 1 ’- me---v 9 a. m. ‘J: 2 p. .8 to a. in. .._.....76 8 p. m._ _...8l 11 a. m.. .._..79 .. .._ll 80 ed that a tax of 100 per cent misht 1 drastic legislation. 1 tractors. ’ Bids for the new hospital will be opened shortly after. the plans have been passed upon brthe board. The statutes of the state provide that bid; the time that they will be debated. plus the time that the bids must be advertised. it has been estimat possibly the early winter. Dennis S of '-Sturgeon was ed that the breahiuglbf the ground cannot be accomplished until late in the fall or Grand jury Will Ask Ex- planation of Big Five Packers, By United lfreas. _ - cmcaoo. July re.—a federal grand iury will be called here soon to inves- tigate the high price of foodstuila. it WIS not pggum .t an megung “,1, mm, big five packers will be called before tag. but. as the-rules of the board '3" 5"’ "° providethat only a majority is neces- wasdtos- saryforactiou.thearchitect en without his vote. The board adjourned beioro noon "° in case it is found that large 0 ma”. mm“: to ._ an of ma dnh__. quantities are held. It was said. man. The next regular meeting will be Ausunt .5. . PBRSIIING IN SOCIAL WIIIBL Ualartahca to Carry out Btreauens Program Arranged ‘by Iaoadoa. 3! United Press. LONDON. July 16.—General John J. ' to carry Pershing today out the strenuous program by London in his honor. Amer! rotary; Viscount Peel colonies. and others. "Pershing! aticnded a luncheon at today given our him by the American Club. This afternoon he wasthe guestofKingGeorgaata ‘"7 D0011 garden party. ‘He has accepted an invitation to at- tend a dinner given by British oilfi- ciala tonight. ws'l'ss_lii camsinu nssroasn Light Plant is Rossini--Welt» . Dells tag for Transformers Sow. arranged can r Davis was to present Gcneralershing to several distinguished British officials today. including Winston Churchill. war soc- , war undersec- retary; Lord hiilner. secretary of the re‘ ‘"3 The alrn of the iederal authorities is to learn whythe food is being held and who is holding it. ms: s'm.1. nlmunmo wuiss Local Company Reports That Telephones are Still Out of Order. A.L.LaF‘orce.wi1"echiefoft.hc Oolmubia telephone company. report! that it will take ten days lonter to get the phone service in Columbia working as it did before last week's storm. Repairs are yet to be made on the wires. poles and individual tele- phone connectl s. There are still 150 telephones out of comminion. The little storm‘ Monday interfered wit.h the program of_ the worltsra The poles on West Broad- will be working tomorrow. Mr. La- Porce expects that the wire service be- tween here and Kansas .City will be re- L The water plant at Ccntralia has- Louis. According to Mr. Laliorce. it been red. Men have been work- , renal:-ins Wires the damage done to the electric light and water plant which wgs destroyed repair- ing daily including Sunday last Friday night by fire. The to the water plant were completed yes- terday and wateris now being sup- icd t pl 0 the city. have not arrived as yet but [in The transformers for the light plant ' ey are STEAK!!! IEPCIRTKD SINIING mu tailed whereby 3163- llas been Taken ‘l'aw lasiss for ico will lnhpl Vaudalia with litlltl Delaware - a . ‘It is not dsiinitely fled“! N By name runs vthcthor Ilexioo vi“ 01‘ . I “°‘ W‘ wssnmoaoiv. my -1&-:‘l'h° nilh our-not for stnraooh-' - mm” manic has the tilted ' tan Shipping Board msamsr Alli- “ - ’ l . ‘J: I ~a~s"'i.;'_g;-3‘-“ :.3&.;‘¢‘ “ _ ‘.7 ' V sh" ; -» $53“: ‘v ‘_ 1.: , . ‘‘ 'c'::2:' Eli“ ii‘ T33‘; ' .1 Y. _ v I -';3;f' ‘ I v . ‘ 7 i- ‘ ' ’ r.‘ g’ ‘ r d 2 ._ . W:-_ __._ .....I I, .. VA» . g -R.‘ . ‘I :,., .‘_*_;‘»;r~_,$"1,sj'&".‘-W$"?a"'E',{’*:9‘ ‘..i.- V'V'V . . fl - flyjt H’ fwfim‘ - . W5. - . E. . .‘i- 34. 1“ interest and transportation advanced. 5 Znincris Will all at the Univerdty will be discharged The p ' "° to their former rank. 0 swplaos ~ the reserve olicara now on duu}Ioth- llllllfll IIISPIISE Ill . All Plllllli SWEKS Anti-Saloon ‘League Wants Liquor Kept Out of the Home. SENATE TO CONSIDER Senator Walsh Suggests 100‘ Per Cent Tax Instead of Law. By United Press. _ _WABHINGTON. July 16-——'!1ie flute tnmittce in hibition enforcement law. ' “We want to prevent the borne be- a spaalteasy.” Commissioner Wheeler of the Anti-Saloon League told the committee today. _ Senator Walsh of Montana mascot- be more oflective than any amount of A longer respite was granted 2:75 per cent beer when the committee te- fused to set a time Wednesday tor consideration of the enforcement 10¢- islation. It will not be taken up now until Saturday. SUBS EXPRESS COIPANY Jim lossow Claims Damages for Loss oi Jewelry Going to Grotsi. Greece. Jim Moscow. one of the proprietors of the College Inn. in ‘a petition men with R. B. Pollard. clerk of the cir- cuit’ court. claim damages against the Amciilcan Railway Express Com- pany in the amount of 8110 and the interest ‘on that amount. for the loss of a package of jewelry. floacow asserts that he delivered July 88. 1915. to the American Express the case of jewelry, which was to be sent to Constatine G. ]'!‘avantsi - of Grotsi. Greece. Moscow charges that the American Express Company admitted the loss of the package. but that both the American Express Company and the American Railway Exp:-om Comphny rdfuse to pay for the Jew:-J75’ and the charges , _.___.______ WOULD BRING FAi'.'I‘0BY HERB Clothing lalllaeilrlu Concern Writes to (‘ommei-chi Club. The bringing of a branch factory here is one of the important matters which is awaiting the attention at W. W. Garth. Jr-. , secretary of the Oolumbia Commercial Club. The Commercial Club will start in- quiry immediately in answer to a let- ter received from a clothing manufac- turing company wanting to establish a branch here. Nothing was said by the company about a bonus as is the custom. The factory will employ be- 1‘ twoeu 100 and 200 persons. Reserve Officers in R.O.T.C. Expect Discharges by September 30. T , It expected that all reserve oili- cers on duty with the R.O.'l‘.C. unit 8' temher 80. In addition. the regular army officers will be demoted ‘lbs following reserve officers are Those in the regular service are Lieut.-C61. W. B. Persona. us. the regulars. and ueut.-Col.~,‘,lJoyd Jones, captain in the ra. '“_ It is expected that” harm! ulcers will be sent here to i_ngwillbadouahowuveruu‘til_!ur- thsrihstructioasarerecslved -_ ingtliedI_scltas-gsoftheprassntwofti-‘ ossa. - - osivad: - "'ausnuon is invited to the 1ollow- ‘ dirao the newly elected he . .-1. 'I'hafoIlowtngorderhas.heqra-A \ . I r I _§_:\ 3.51 ‘ 1}’-'=§ac_-~:‘»i-3;: -’-~ hi’-lat --‘:2. M . ., :.-~_‘-n_\’.m».,;=* .- s J h ~l i ‘ ‘ ' . - ‘ta .3» S lllllllfillllllllli Ill Blllllll llllllllll --= «- More Than $4,000,000 Worth y of Land Sold Here in . 6 Weeks. PRICE $75 TO $4-00 Iowa Farmers Are Purchas- "" ers-—Easterners Have Bought Their Farms. Boone County land is still booming. Last week's transactions brought the - total amount of the sales to approxi- mately $t.000.000. Columbia real es- ta to dealers say. The rise in land values started about six weeks ago. and with a constantly increasing num- rics from other states there is no abatement indicated. The center of the land boom con- tinues to be around Ccntralia. One real estate firm there has handled ninety-nine transactions- The 831.81 amount involved in these deals is 82.- 400300. 0 The price an acre averages from 875 to 3200. according to the quality of the land and the near-ness to town. Thi- higher: mark recorded was reached a week ago when twenty acres near Centralia was sold for $400 an acre. Deeds already recorded for sales made the last week show 914.02 acres have changed hands. This brought a total of 868.685. The ma- Jority of the land sold lam week which was near Centralia has not been re- corded as yet. however. Estimates made indicate that‘about 20,000 acres changed hands during that time. The majority of the land is still being bought by Iowa farmers. A ten- dency of Easterners to locate in Iowa have been coming to Missouri to lo- cate, many of them coming to Boone County. A record price for Iowa land was established recently when a farm- er received 8510 an acre for his land. So farmers have sold their land near here and a week later bought it cit at an increase in price. INVESTIGATE8 8(‘.!l,00L NEEDS State Director Finds Columbia lay Not heed Part.-Time Instruction. Superintendent J. E. McPherson of the Columbia schools today told ‘W. T. Carrlngton, state director of vocation- al education, that he doubts if then will he need in Columbia for a part- tlme school. There mu at least twenty-five children in a school district between the ages of 14 and 16 who are unable to attend day school to form a'part—titne school. under the recent enactment by the Legislature of the part-time schol law. Mr. hic- Pherson said. however. that no posi- tive statement can be the enrollment in the schools this fall known. Mr. Carrington was also in confer- ence with Prealdcnt A. Rosa Hill of the University. Dean J. H.‘Gour-sanlt of the School of Education and Dean hi. P‘. Miler of the College of Agriculture relative to the work being done in the University toward training teachers for vocational education. Mr. Car-rington's work comprises visiting or having his representatives. visit all school districts in the state for the purpose of tabliahing part- time -schools for children who are no- II. J. Phelan and trim Lieut..3J. A. E“ it made until after sible. ' The Commercial Club rooms will be 00 tionai room ns. J. v.,c. nssss piss vm fiaaghtsr aflatsllem-y crum- sadaatsaf Newshas juatbeen racaivad ofthe lira. J. V.C.K.arnaa, which occurred at her-home inxausascity ssterdayaftaruoou. hit-a.Kar-naawaa the widpwdJ.V.C.Karnea.anativs the ti. I 0! University in the class of 1868. later a tutor in thetlniversity and for some ysarsamemberoftheBoardofCura- tors. Hr. Karues was one to the beat ed on the school board for mnny years. Mary Crumbaugh of Col daughter of the late Hen . uatc of Christian College in the class of 1864, was married to Mr. Xarnca in 1865 and has lived in Kansas City since. Mr. Karnes died in 1911. Mrs. Karnea was a cousin of Mar- ahall Gordon, Gentry Clark. Mrs. John S. Ankeney and N. T. Gentry. all of this city. and a half-sister of Miss Cornel’.a Crumbaugh. of this city. llilllflt iiiiis Piiis 5-‘~- Evcry Citizen VVill Be Rated by Retail Merchants’ Association. W. W. Garth accepted the oitice of Columbia Commer- diately started making plans for the work to be done. “The ilrm thing the Commercial Club hopes to do is to revise the credit lists so that every purchaser In Go- lumbia will have a rating. and the “U will shit! man who doesn’t pay his debts be known to all merchants." Garth this morning. 4“Thc secretary of the Commercial Club will also ascertain the financial standing of all funiiiea moving to Columbia and be in a position to give information to the merchants as to their credit in the city or town they came from. "We hope to publifl the nut list irbrowing each person's ‘ Bop- tcmber 1. but the work of compiling the list will start the am of the week. "Anyone who doesft desire a popr rating should meet any obligations. now outstanding." said Hr. Garth. "Nothing helps a community . than a prompt settlement. The war has accentuated this fact. as the mér-‘ chants seldom get over a ten-day crad- it from the wholesaler. It naturally follows that the retailer is compelled to carry many open ‘accounts that be H must either borrow the money°to pay or be frequently embarrassed by the. u wholesaler pressing int Garth expects to give out literature on Columbia telling of the schools. churches. industries. paved streets. etc.. in pamphfet form as soon as pos- hlyrotlllwlll her position as assistant to iusnranrsa an nv itsas ‘ Pilot llay Give lxhihltisa Btufll u . The Columbia Commarcialclrih re- Plllilllllll lllllli Sllllillli ll] Elli Believed He Will Confidc in Republicans About Paris Proceedings TN SENATE - raves ‘ Foreign Relations Committee May Confer With VVilson at White House. By Unltsd Pruaa. WASHINGTON. July 16.—Prcsident lead- lnvitations have gone to fifteen Ris- publican senators. This is considered to be in line with Wilson's policy of making himself accessible to mem- bers of Congress. It is believed that be will take the in: thus to weaken the opposition to the Peace Treaty and tho laaague of Nations in the Senate. senator Pomarene. a member of the foreign relations committee after call- mg on the President stated that Wil- son had invited Senator Chamberlain to the White House. Significance is attached to this since in feeling is reputed to_have existed between them rincs Chamberlain denounced the gov- er-n.inant's military po ciea. in order to learn. the present feeling in hrope. He expects to use this into in his speeches appealing for support of the covenant and the treaty. Resume Debate on League Tomorrow. ' ByL C. MARTIN (Unload Pram Ital Correspondent) .WABHING'r0N. July 1s.—An ar- mistice prwvailaittoday in the Senate debate on the League of Nations while thelaaderaofbothaidaapreparedtio remnnsd hostilities tomorrow. Hit soiié-riu the committee resumed nsadlagoftha-treaty. In two days in ' ..i -1 - _. ‘ i I '- mill 1 _A . V ‘ —- I’. MI -' ‘.‘-.- 5,-;' ‘ #1, : "i,_. ' 3?. C. i p '._i!_*:. ‘ ‘mziii -17-s53"!--7‘. » sssfim - . 1 _ .;§~.:>.;:*-'-'.;‘_.-c. r- -33’ , l a . 3 . 1, r., .,""""K'5ml t.1T’55.a.'w"Ay‘.~'1»!-4‘ ‘s:',f‘-1,15 . '9’ 3‘ -,5, '51" i *1.-' ' - , ’.' -fK._-1, _ 1 t‘-..-s{_-"$1 "V7 ‘-'-:'‘‘'*-‘5.‘-'‘‘‘ ..fl§'.‘fi§'r’/“3 "%“_f “:.'»:r.*» ‘. ' -‘ ~ 1 ’ 4: iv.’ ‘ '.‘ .1 ff?‘ «VIZ .{‘, '.7_-.'.,.\i‘:- gr 'I-- a . . - Vi’ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiii . u... 4 ‘l o .- 51.1-1.. ~ - .- ' l AL‘: van. . ‘_ _. -'n-maths..- .- -