tod.m.-p.~.oueidtovisltnerdauxh- '°="°- W °°"°" W '“ “".'"'“l ""f'""' ‘ “" ’ . _ .l... ‘ .4..*..... ..g ...,.i. am... -1 corner on ‘er.'l"‘ mn. '.hC mwrinlhl O! green ‘nods. , . WK ' _ ~ yoga ». , onlpeon of Quincy. 111.. ""3 ¢N¢3°”v Col bu ‘mm 12 SOUTH NINTH STREET (FORMERLY PEl\l\ .) _ PHONE 44 GREEN _. p,-,,l.l. who i... ‘seen visiting in Columbia. A number 018"“ “l W’ ' . Perfect Sanitation Absolute salsa ~ no em. for his house today. ‘"034! "1 “fl u“’°""" " ‘l . ~——-- inclined U sllss Cecil easily or Columbia lettlridins habit. ho: Ind '0 00° '08" _ _ . I ‘ l.‘ . “_. ; . V’ ' " ‘.47 t . .’ * . _ _A _ ' _ . . - .- ‘ V _ ._ __ __ ,__\J___-»________~_ ,. _ ..',..:. . ...._..'..'*.".....4..— At...‘ ._..;L_.'..n_s‘... ....4.-~...-.._.;-.-.- LII Lillian Johnson. A. B. '09, . . ‘ - . “'""‘°“'°‘ L e ler supervisor of drswinl in tho‘ 3 _ ~ _é . ‘° ‘°"°°" °‘ c°lg:lbu:l.h1l:.fl“::‘w ELEVENTH YEAR ’« 1 1 uasp * r ' - — Mn 1’ tag?‘ wounded wm.=_: -l~ COLUMBIA, M13301 RI, TH AY EV ENIING, _]LLY 24_ l919_ NUMBER 277 lllllllllls sllllli Lmv: ,__,j Hill llntl lllllll icltlllll Pllllllll llll PLAISLEABUE 0”’ Plllllllll liiliillilli BUDAPEST Vlilfllllilllsl lflll COMING TER Plci cllllpnnlilsl week has been stopped at Beth ' ' ' 51, L“”’ °°"‘““°"' """ ‘ I . ;9lllel‘ the L'uii'erslt)' this fall. — nun who retuse to iIl‘e1°‘”‘ °"-'“‘ , Gardner Speaks H‘ghlY 0f the lnte:i?rto! ttt‘-:'1-’i’i'l't'§'u'l3‘tst2l.'°§l'i't'i'°l':= T"-'0 Important T0“ “Si L00‘ Pa”"°’5 ‘md L3"P"m"T5 A if Allhottlth no exact nzures are a\'all- Senators Look Favorably on F V\'lfldO“'8 It :3 3 ‘’CC)(. ‘- Of ‘iIb:f.[l{ ltfi _ - tc born h lithe ‘ - asssan rexsrar. a crew . = mo er’ t Eta: 1}-I‘rt0=:dIIrin: t'l:';r¢:::||I:: Captured‘ ii btudcnu‘ [an unusually lerlze enrollment in the Rc5Cn'3"°n5- ; ' I _ —T'*“ "*“““‘ ' 1"? -‘__ . . . . - 1 ' i , ‘l ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ~‘ l.'ni\-ersity this fall. The number of , . .. , . °c:J:";u<;sl;:ll21"4l:m';p:‘r::‘l:!N:=:::1:I.:I’;;: ; O‘ IZR .\.0(}l) pk (_).\lll\(l .’ emnnce nppucuom ma I_"el_m_ \K )1\' ‘A . . . la , _ '- ‘ “ . 1 . ' . . : ——— — 1 President Hill Expects Com~ “E!|‘.|"C?llul?l‘:l'i‘l‘lml;:emp::I‘t'gt -3.-tuner will Red Leader bends Ironlcal.Towrl H25 One Big Oblcct:;‘::‘:‘ ‘::’;":‘l’°";‘;t i1’;:‘re*::u°::n1‘nns‘i: “rashmgmn Bclicvcs Prcsi_ ;- ' V 1-, ycoulnuetn wee-en. , ~ _ , .' - I . _ . ‘. F } mg Fear to BC Lunar‘ but ‘been. NOIC I0 PCZCC : —To (let Rtfld} fl” Au’ jlnurmnlly big number of both new and dent “'1” ACCCPI !\l(ldlfi- 0111-1 EUTL 3 - 9 my 9 Most Prosperous. ,,'{'f;,°,,a:';‘:;j,‘,o‘f'j'n";','b'f{§,‘,°u ,‘:‘_’{"_§‘,‘,',';‘, Conference. t gust 28. ‘former students register. Many men Cations NOW, .* "I ~'—'—-- srss llstio . your ego ' __ _--. : Th . . - _. _ [who haw been in training camps and‘, I . mlnl 3671313 0‘ [118 UN‘ :::‘IE:‘(bl:]‘oI'II:"h1:.I):I7l‘ll'lg[ln::!':‘I::VE‘0ILl.;'@. B)’ Klllltd. Pfftl. ll l8 clean-up HIDE {OF (OlUII)blR. I (yvgrgegg are expggted b3ck_ By L_ Let»! “me .{ ::;:f;”';n’°e"::’1':::t;:nd__h€ '18! W3‘ ;.£,li._ tat; I1-t llulll_ fI1;'drt‘lnll1rt- irlifiialq . reds have advanced laid calI>‘1:tl'ei:'the full term of the University is in been mailed to former and prospective WAS!-1n\'G'r0N_ July :4__11l¢ fijg- .- 00‘ P" ("M ii‘ I. In it 33“ ‘'1' "X-- I towns on the Tlstolnas '\'ei'. evidence in many parts of the cit)’ Jludonts These should be filled out cussions at William H 'l‘af‘t's — ..~ ’ ' '.__"["1”’ .5. rtiit-.63; 11 n it . 7 - _ , _. , - ‘*3 lll~..lRT 01' “LVN” m‘I‘ht:s dirdt ?ov&rnt'1lJr ‘Gardiner D|(‘i_ad,(" :2; "lion .-...o- :.l¢lnl‘J'“(.i~t7.'u='l“ ‘lll_I§u£'i ml», l"~‘D0i’l-h State that the reds were Ttzgil : Painters. 1>185l"l"’—"- Cafnenters and and returned to the lnlY9t‘1ill)' 00* sermon for explaining the reservations “,‘md._dn" ‘mung! ‘ -_‘» 0'-I: ppo o ke ht; vers ti of . 1- .3 in. In .\l....n riau-s :l_i< . m rervd by adherents of Bela Kun. ( 8 lplnmbers have the yobs of repairing later than ituxust 1 to facilitate regis- to the peace 1-rem, mu. No.14. ‘ . F son at a line or eld for him and ‘refutes the reports that Bela kun has and putting into good cond (lot: the trim on Banks have been sent to the compmmlu by whld, me pm; my ._ the other visiting golfers at the Flinn . been ousted from the dictatorship oflhoines of more than 3,000 (more stu- princzpals of high schools all over the - be modmod n W" Mn“ be” “I Club 1,“ n 1"” and not to think enough 0' the work‘ . . b 1 M ’ ‘E ’ " Toxolugow .' ” 18 ’ at we (mum ' the Hungarian soviet government. as;dents. for that in a safe approximate i~L'~tl(- so that lnetn era a gr dating I m Congreumnu drclu wd‘, Th. ‘ ‘ . As we emerge from this great world B r U‘ ‘ k ‘ _ b It indicates he has returned to power) now. 5 classes may procure them. lfol-met Frame“ "uh" um would ::l:0lll.l. l.tiu:l.\ and BETTY oataclysm. which has shaken to the “"3 ‘-‘ ‘“‘° f" ‘" ‘hi’ 5"" L1“ -, A dispatch from Flosswurdelu iodl-l Fraternity houses. sorority boume’ According to Frank Chambers. reg- , become acm,m,,e In pmmem WW ronpa)‘. in foundations the social. economic and 9" 9°‘ um‘ “"9 ‘“°'"” °r e cates that they had captured two im'- idormllorles. rooming and boarding lstrar, prospective studentsowill save'mn_ . . - polmml Imam. of ms ,_.or]d‘_ we be_ (g:l:I::le;;::’.lneClFJabvel:lnR dinner at the portant towns on their way to Budd-lbouses must till he inviting Some themselves much time‘an: trotibll: ill’, Mr’ Tan nen Lo the Pmndem bu -‘rill: DEVIL'S TRAIL” sin to take Inventory. said Lot-ernor Go ‘ - they will request ther igll SC 00 lbeep me mom confluent mppofl". Gardnen --It would be nauwmg to vernor (sardner will go to lilg- principals to send their preparatorygof the League of Nnmna than F and .\lltllf'l‘\' liAlIlL'l‘ON In , . the citizens of Missouri to realize that ' bee "°d"' 1° 599"“ ‘” ‘ °°'°t"""°” ’ " we have come through with less trou- h'~"d ‘°" "°‘“"”°d “°1‘“°"“- . . . ‘ Kl _ V ‘ ’ ~ rec ff 9 ‘ -..._- I0 r”"‘ "“‘““””' "°'°’° *“““"' 1' ladmimsgztfignstlifldgsutfhgedggl l:- "‘° ‘““‘ “"""' """' "““‘ ‘”"' °‘ °‘" .11-zrl-‘1»:lzso.\' t'lTi"il1.\'s linen ' t‘E.\‘TBALlA }l_.iS”I._lGll'l‘Vl'l tolls {dined to believe that. the Pmidont “Sll(ll{1‘\‘ 3lA§Ql'ERAlll!\‘G" sister commonwealths. _ - - _ V Haj F,‘ n,_ 77"." P”-,0,” 1); “II//lo’; H"/lg [71 '/[mgr];-g " _____ ,will accept some reservations in or. “I I“ (. med _ Staffs Prioqrreall During War. 75111 9' 393*“ ll‘ 39108 P13!“ 70537 /" , ’ Plum Wlunared bi VII‘? TF0 "Och lder not to hinder the ratification of r hilt I:-\l})*» "Wu" “her mm D” mm m we mm zl’eeue“:‘e:'etot'l: hindrance to Mar? T/M” Four Ttma (U Max", M Am‘ OM” it i no he liuhptrdlnd. U) C "'"2J'°'"' d "FF ' ' front during the war like Missouri. - I 3. ' /I 908 '9 ""9 1” °n 9 *0‘; » me are iwnsed to believe that he Jefferson City golf players yester- Clh’ 6/ E7310 Slaw! "3 I I Sfdfti an, . d ll in l l gate]-d3‘ l M T - _ ———— day and the governor's team won the . d C 1 had ll 1 l lll me, 1 ' an -entra in this act UK cepted as a whole. The opinl i __.. i 0 we “I. Gwen] ham" and witch Columbia fin!-bed MOON F01’ ' or the first time in two weeks The-.he1d that the Senate will neithetnecf gene“! C’°"d°" N° °U""' ’““‘° "f’°‘ mu [hiya um SQd&]m you,-at pen. their oblective. It also tells that places require a thnruugh orcrhaul- og-nizee so fully the services of its Tm. mm!" me “Cong much uni they-have secured tars! quantities of lng. other a little paint here and there. was in the war. We have remodel'ed- , - A a; sage son: a f w ad d -3 iquuifled ‘ppmvu ‘O '3 "°‘"7 but our financial “mun. How ma the Jeflereon City team has won. It 1001 and BUDDIIEI 110 9' 111°‘ 9 9 ’°°m" ’°P“"" 3“ 9“ .‘,m an 8 Huddle cOune_ a o 9" ‘’’-'°‘ was though: that the team ll-om yet- indicates their intentions to attack the‘ lnerous little odd 10°“ 0’ ’"9Da1riniZ . ple know that thellast l€|_tl8l8ll1;:“er.on Cu’. would not have such lm Hmnriu Wm” Arm). ‘ I I :fstt,°:1l;eri:ltl)(l.l-ei-«'1st}'ilf1 mate ltiedpllllkt‘ 3’ Mr. Taft has been in correspondence ti e here its links for Beta Kun has addressed an iron ca 0 0 0 mm» or e 6 u en 8. . .13, R W A Chudren beureen the age“ M 1" ""4 flzyrerson thatuttfen locflwtx-‘curse has note to the Peace Conference in which 3¢\'€l'8l fralerrllll‘ hnusev are 10 1‘? 1:110 fav.?<‘>)lElth:nnL.eagusen:u<:l-'N.slfifln(s’ id: 16 to have an eighth grade etluuntion Sn“ flee“, md the other much W“ he “mm” H ‘M “Oahu”. ,0, we pjrtly or whrilly f't~dt7'."f)I‘fl€(‘d during D m mmts [yr C Or amza ‘,0, some mm: H, tn“ ‘wen ‘wen, . O I ‘ ‘ I o - R ‘ ,. . C l . ' ' ‘ bemre me’ am 93513‘ In '”‘-‘ °'h‘" plsyed on the Jefler-son (.ily course. rods to attack the Roumaniuns be- ‘'3? 99“ -'3“ “f‘l“‘~ ~“'0"0-ll.‘ h0i'l8f-’5- _ g g lappmuu to rflenauon pmposus m_ pursuit. This means that more pt-0- wmch M, “ml green; -rm, dlge,,e the lane, lmd dlgfexarded pef. too. will come in for their share o. the nun But Sufiragc League [grams Arfide X. the Monroe D°c_ pie will receive an education than erer ma 434; not seem to home, we \.l,,_ , mm regumuona of the Emema fixing-up before rush \\f‘(‘k opens A “70n‘t Help‘ “flue and demnmnumn of domfluc before. The salary of the count)’ 1119- 3011 howe\‘ef_ I — _ ,_ qufimons erlntrndents throughout the state has Gonna‘. Gardner’; nrgi drive, long‘. Archangel In Danger. LIUITOD H311. UJ“")‘ H8“ and W9 Y The wolnen voters of Columbia who In um; conference. on we lay” ' - . ,e been Increased 8800- ' and fairly ]()w_ w“ clnrulerlgllc of l By t‘nitt~«i Press 3!- C. L. for men and Read H8“ and are affiliated with the Equal Suflrage 70/? AFC! C7773’ ' . . Iflepublicans have sought to draw‘ no r- ‘E18111 hundred 111011-Band 00””? the playlngof the Jefferson City team- LONDON. July 24.-—-According to R984 [H811 30"“ V0’ “mm”? 711989 League will not attend or take part!‘ pm‘r‘m wmeh the ‘dmlmunuon . . ‘ will be spent during the next two The last foresome was held until the Bolsllevist wireless reports received ‘'91 bf‘ “*9” ”"“l‘ “M-"3 “"°‘-'-553"3'~ in M1)’ 0! the meetings 03 the 061110‘ .1 , J B 1/ d A Jew , , _ . Jill accept. and they feel confident 9?’ ’ Mr (4 3' . years to teach home economics and lSOVel'D01"s arrival and um um! was here today. the Bolshevist forces have 3°'"““8 “id "°°m“‘3 '““"'-’*~ ‘”"“ lcmlfi "1 townsh in and Wards to elect - me, wm “cued No mm daemon ‘III/(’"l‘I' Rr’!Id(1'."v0l1.l' A manual training in our schools This almost in when the governor teed offzcaptured Omega and are now afforded ‘"943 O‘ ‘h‘‘"‘- ‘‘_’'e p"°p3"‘“3 f°"_‘h° 1791171)’ find Conirresslonal womensv as D reached’ h "Yer. :1 means that our schools in Missouri and started the tenth foursome at 3:45 an opponnnlly to (mpture A:-chgn‘g| NS N611 “mi N11 U‘<‘0lllI>an.\ “ha! t‘0l'I)lI‘.lll9t.'8 The Democratic state; while the flaw“ of the white '. will take rank with the best in the o'clock. lgmm the English‘ lI5:"i3'm1B¢5 10 the liflflfigfll 3:3? T0!’ 111‘ committee, which met in Kansas City‘ . :4, United states, The teams are playing the third of; T 11 \’cl‘8.l.“. . 30>‘ 0 I *9 00998 0911? this week. adopted a resolution to SS. Inter-Fraternity 7 am“ C.--mun" Pmsperouk me much.“ 1515 “up,-noon 31 mg‘ Omega is 3 [own situated about any the campuses have been Clofied dUT"form an independent women‘: organ-Lg“ hm“ “sin” :7 M" ohafia W‘ h ‘ - ' Country Club links in Fulton. l [njleg scum of A,.chu,g,,l at U“. mom}, in; the slack in enrollment. berinnlnti izatlon for the partr in Missouri. and; "W cw’ ‘" °" "° ‘mm ‘ GQITICS ll _ ’“'e are making grail progress in « I - ably lndlauon. um; ,¢,,"‘uon. ml- c _ ll ‘ ll 1917 with the declaration of war vlged y 5 ell; ; ll l L Players .. the_l_JIlild.ln8 o!_good roads in the st.s.te.Jm‘0;>:sl:. of ieflerszn '(i:;)‘.‘:l%&de qt‘: (:1 the Orr:sfia“_‘_Rlver. ‘ ‘_—.‘ ‘The’ "G M‘ “moo not “Id meiarrmmm :36 :0: wits; "3 on" to cut“, an mvunm _ The rural,oomntunil.te,s _w_otv:_.neserln P°l“.}°°'.. . . f . . Fume" ‘N om“ worm” "E n°wl.em I wnlmfit e tually will be lenndinoueptebla a more prosperous condition. Thc 71-3‘! “ms ‘Elm 0- 3- - Lu” r °" ygggygfigfiyu-3. {D P R”;-rop ‘ _ of Columbia wit 38 he governor! — I""Un8 "Wm 70 “"09 R°°"”°3 J. E. Bonn. Democratic cotnmlttee- . ' ’ ROP ' ‘"4 cm“ "9 mowemm we read 0‘ ' scored 34 points third highest on ll‘ Electrician Walks 0! On Wlw to houses must be in good condition. tOE>.:mgn for Boone County, said today uni , ‘"3 ‘"3. "“°"‘u°“‘ “°§C ‘N’ "39 ' conma between cam!“ .and “hm. ‘ Jefferson (" t team Total scores for. LHIL ifur the students are var)‘ D3l’llf‘lll'|l"if the women of Columbia and Boone'"’°J°d° seuwfi uccumbat N°”h tlssatisfaction and unrest in most oth the teams '£”.‘ Jofierswm Cm. 303,___ By ppm-d Press. 50 me landlady 8. my M the” wares (\ount.‘, who belong to the la 6 m_ Datum, and Kellogg, ninnomu ~ . . v .' .\il.\‘.\'E0|..-\. 1.. l. duty 24 - The will -3‘ i . in _t.‘ i ll. my ——— have yer)’ few strikes and there is a :“‘a°l';:m21::‘:_89I" Puuon 25811 and 89 ptianct fl1)t'lI(l,g garoundrthe l>‘(':'l.lllgl:-l')&"‘0f 1.\'he::m0nl(:l R111] so-e lrtork ‘Email b‘:’“:?Ill(()lI1Rbe[?P,.al:lt(')Cl':ll: 8\3(::l1eDe'l; wur1;:[‘3,‘;-nglfaiillt-dAl”!!‘Nl|.'” fin’. s.u“u°& - The Jefferson City loan) has a lead e ‘n e .tntes mm as ti 00 wt renewe Y ital’ A or or 08 ng‘(‘(_)lj[][}‘ [9 bold lowhahlp and wit I W _ . in am,“ the peoplefiin the tournament of 75 points over has landed here after flying 2 hourivof summer schorl August 14. Colum- meetings as we” 38 Conn”, means‘. A-SHINGTOK Jul’ at P"°3‘d°m of the state are happy. contented und (mumbm and H the much at pullon and 44 minutes ;hia will have but one object -getting: -mm pone). of the Equ“ Suflfgsg Dl‘0
(‘o1nnl,l_‘ ¢~0,,“.m lnterfsgtd in Am,‘ . as the League of Romeo Voters. a. Y R “M he "‘.d““w y ernor said. "When l came into of I-‘allowing arc» the individual stores. 3 3; Quincy, [11, -:war'. 07 ll 08190031 073801281100 by Hill 1 ma‘ ‘ "" "''' s flee the Ynlversillr "89 in debt 1 Jefferson Cit)‘. Price 28%. Tait 24%. , ' .4 ifiolumnls bank was the vict m of '"“"°- ‘'''°‘’‘' "°"°’ “’ ‘O "uh lhegecnme 0:11: xhecenunneetll‘ 3”” . have paid every cent of the debt off.‘ Hammond 25. llslizh 26-xi. lmlineyer. .Henator I_od ge Says Inf«irma- % . pawn forger p few weeks ago Asipollc es of each part)‘ sud lnstnlct its! “:19?” “n :m‘':n‘'mI-‘ '* '“ i and have set aside 8200.000 more for ; 25%,, Voth 31. Watts 37%. Spencer {inn [5 \\'ith]-mld From ‘one result. .\lsy Powell_t1lscl known as 11391115913 nccordlnely. . Tugmmy “L h.°:‘m ht- the use of the University. I expect ‘ 305, cook 409', and Gardner 34. ‘senate ‘\lrs. ' A .\ic(.‘leer. was arrested yes-' 009 0' the ‘M5’ '“d‘-'"‘ “M ‘-h“1'" comm“ nceiflu an Repulmun _' to have the honor of appearing in; Milton; Care 2115. Atkinson 25:1. ‘ i_‘ ;terday In Quincy. ill. on a charge of m°’°‘”3 "N" W’ “'°“"’“ ‘'°‘‘"' "°’°.mm°" mm M bu an “I of (‘olulnbla next year and laying the.Rootes. 2814. Tudter 2554, Jameson Ry tfolu-d in-ass. ‘Y0l'll€F_V'. accordlnlz to a dispatch re~ '°°°5C‘°“5 0‘ the b‘3“’°° °' 9°"" em corner stone for the flrst building ‘ 23Iz,. Harris 259;. Norris 22. Alexau-l “'ASH].\'GT0X_ Jun. 34 _‘p,esldem cell-ed from were gangs in 5he|bl,,‘_ I which was theirs if they knew how; seénun 0‘ 8"“ Q‘ “fled erected by this state to be devoted an 301, Johnson 31 and Wilson 25. ~w1l,0n is '-rélpectfully requested lf_ Hnnnlblll and towns in Illinois hI.i‘l_‘° hum“ ‘L The)‘ ‘m l|7|V¢3l~18!l9v ma“ - what is right 33;} 31151 1. 3-gong re. 81 the WIN“ H0130 CO 0% the PTQIO -. . ' ' ~ - ~ ' . - - ' - - l-at . Th ‘ - ”°‘“'‘'‘‘'‘-‘ ‘° ‘he °°“°‘“'°” °‘ ‘Wm I 5°‘’‘““’ 5°“ 3" Rm" 235' D0" “°‘ "‘°°ml““”“° ‘M’ Wbm ”“°" “SO Fem '3 mm? M8 E ‘omanlgnrdless of party. and chamlllon only dent today. He has Just returned from ER TEAMS nods/are ltiund at the CO- rried are standard.‘ We l the way of supplies an 5‘ Baseball Iub repair work at a very sh golf score cards lrce. l-ll. namely the woman's Home Econo— . nhew 1,4, Sturlris 24%. L. Montgomery pout" lo I;- the proposed Franco- 190198 the 0'13"?!“ I . . . . - hi h I . h H-‘rance and is reported to have given mics Bundmg [am glad mu we mm 311”. Brown 22‘ Lam-may H‘ Langlnneflum U8“? before the Senate‘ 1"‘ J. ‘€1‘d1nh\ea1\ll§‘:uo“z': Jf\t.1\l(-‘('()C1“1mb';.add1sn’1h?':0:e‘-fir tltegegate Democrat; and'Pl'v-osident Wilson information in re . .. . -. . ~ t at. . . leer s l ounfilu‘ zmdu"m becoming 8. M to 161% Montgomery 13% wd John‘ 38' 8 resolution “flamed b) senator t(~l.(‘t_:)llnl here for sevefal months a‘ Republican: in the membership of t.he!8l1‘d to the Peace Conference since appropriate larger sums of money 10?: Columbia; Barnett 31. Manly 84’.-L. I Lodge of xlasaachusetts today. 1 wk ‘ W n vow“ “ ‘H u M. "mm In we mm“ Ban‘ this splendid 1‘.livcrrit_v I often Willi" Taylor. 361.5. Scott 31%. Gibson 2'l‘l§.§ Objections of Senator Robinson dc- 55°” um“ 38?; ‘Thaw mfioir '°::’l'me::::,: wllimio p‘f‘[y' gfll ‘(font that P801110 Of the Bull? (‘Gum unde" ‘V Spurling 2913. Allen 34%. G. Spur- Ilsyed immediate consideration of the I :3 anf:[n::_ ‘clgcnis nvrere ‘.:'.:h?,”_‘but all will be [mu-ucted glikg in vat- UPHOLD PBOIIIBITION LAW stand the tremendous advanmscfi Of ling 301,, Cotton 23. Rollins ll. Ire-solution. y f: . . ~ - otilied th in: 901163‘. . 1 this University. .-ntl what it means _ ._-_ Lodge sad the treaty was alread} Tm’ bank lmmedjueb n 6 The Cmnmmp sthool wmch bu Ulcer of Lot Per Cell. Aleeboi Is llo i . . Court. the citizens as a whole. 353079 ‘he F?‘-'“‘$ m“”nb‘~" °' 099"‘ Fm” du‘_E§.n|.m_', ____. been tarted HI Columbia this sum- . t°fl““" 3'" "Time *5 00° W“! "W ' “'°""‘l ‘ 5”“ "“" h“ "°"‘ "’"""’° ”‘ "“‘ "‘;i E.\'IlS LIFE IN 01110 nlyzll mer. will be opened spin in the fall. "’ "“""’ "'”" '9 like to see in Missouri and that Isl tiers of America. and that Article 4 o V ________ Bow Republic“ ‘ad Democnuc ‘am 8'1‘. LOUIS. July !4.—lA¢nlity of more 0; arwll-ll of co-operation an 1 ,_ lb treaty expressly stated that it 1; “on, rormpf Professor in e" “H be invited to wax u um 2.75 per cent alcohol was again sub- Ii lwmpathetic understitndinlz between? lillagcd SK-(=1 Combine to B9 should be presented for coufifilerillloll University. Drowns Self loudly. meeum. to .p,.e,,m meg, My R,-m. iect of controversy here when George ' s H ?rlt.r' own I107‘! 0-OP ‘ , ' the rural communities and our larserl ' . l B -fjrc Su remc ‘]°“3 ‘ml “'9 09ml“ 1793*)’ I Ralph Emerson Bassett. formerly 88 C,p1“_ uOO[‘O.1DI£I’I|ll revenue collector. ldemlc Hall cities. The people of Missouri should r*"‘C“ , ‘ ‘ - P Republican senators attacked ‘Pmi instant pmfessor of Romance lan- The ,.,,°1mm ,dop,,d ,, Kw,“ tlleda petition to dismiss the restrain- d f th at cities of St. Court First. dent ‘M1300 "W! m°l'“l“K “1 [he 59"‘ ' gueges in the University. ended his l “d f “,1 ‘ml wwuhl in; order granted to breweries here. . ' be pro" ° 6 ‘re ‘ ——-—--—— ate and charge him with withholding m C!’ pm a or P nu gnu Dlgu-lg; “mm _... -""_‘_°"'_;_“‘“___—'__- -. . t I-4°“"~ Kanu“ 0"" and 8"‘ Joseph’ By tfnltt-d Press. information from the Senate and at me by drowning m we omo Y" meeting’ Ann“! 12' to "lea agate. Hens]. gr" I t rf with brew" ‘ "’ ’ 0 There are no rreater cities from many wAsH_mGTOx' “Hy u__Auome)__ the 8 Monday evening. for the county meethgt to be held on ey rum 1: e ertnl ' 3...--- _. , ,.._- GE NATATORIUM » - h°1d‘“8 <‘°”‘°"°“°"" h I 1900 ' on who are manufacturing 275 per l_. l uie world than these. me “me i Professor Baasett came ere n Ann“; 13. Al the muggy mggt an . \ "\lw::3‘:':=n Ll °""““‘ “‘° "°°”'°'iges:e:i'e Pl:lE0mI::2lJl::ns:t{.(tr;:-ts; rlgmtrbt: '21“ ""“‘""'“‘“" “°°""">' ‘° ’°““°“*‘°lrrom Cleveland. Ohio. where he '88 members will be selected to attend cont boar. . t 2 _ - \iissouri must go forward asithe xrli: ‘mmed Sum. gommmem V“. be} '3 5°” _ _ __ _ . assistant lI:::1ll'lJ(_(“.‘l)§)ll'e‘l(l"l ff‘:-lm“l':!cn¢et:l:‘ congressional district m . 8, mm‘ H...‘ . vrosmiiw 81'“ °' “*9 ‘".‘ °"' Pdrewed» This will be resumed and‘ rlviz PLEA!) 3'01‘ (‘['lL'l"i' i‘““‘°' " " - ' NEW coax. July 24.——aeer of 2.75 ' 4 us Minsoufinnj not be content with _,u_“t_buaun‘.‘. ‘rm won Mun nn_m_! ' lwestern Reserve University. He LN! 02'!‘ IIBSOUIIA 6 -~---—- _ .__ oent alcoholic eontisnt is intoxi- t S*C"EDUl-E --- ‘- we past’ but 1“ M .33’. glories of ‘he’ The M” an to be when hem” me: use “film J. N. rmm" on wed mfiradught theft?! mHr:errlf:ntheHeB::on‘tE Paper Is Best as All 'lIls Years string scoot-dint to the war-time pm- :\'E-VWGQ mm" we “hue you‘ gt, fumed sates Sulireubelnconn Wm be Elmer('8Thi1‘tittgll“:PmC'-Il‘”¢8 8t Schog eof Ltassschusetts and later" "35 535'“ G"“'u“' mun“ ‘“ ""1 an """ h" . ' . ll Prhlld of Un|'¢_"" - the 3193"‘ 3”“ "m 9' ' ‘ ' °'‘ '7' "n '3' . Copies of each issueofthelvuiinz Judge ‘noun 1. Chetldd. of the '9” . - . ---.- "I am rind 6f the °i>P°"'““" ‘°' ll '0 ‘''° “'‘"°‘“’‘’ ‘W “'° “‘"°" '""°“° W‘ 3’ D°''‘''‘‘°‘‘° ""’ ’""°‘ : W" ‘° Pf‘.fl__.“‘3° Md." .'L'i1°l°"’ Tmssonnsn this week and next are be- United ststes District Court is Brook- fell and Boys 0 Confirm the K°'°m°"' "‘°““"“" ‘°':n°-"-°°"°"‘ "5" ‘°‘’'‘ ‘“‘° ‘’’° “W” :"‘,s°’"',','b° °'"°'°d °'°" °' "°‘ ‘“:,"l usual to ' A1‘ ASSIIIBLY ins sent to this year’: 7.000 hisil- in held this in I 6-union -nnouo-ii - --- -. - _, _ -.. we t'niversur- and 1 hi‘; ""‘" ,0‘ *1" ‘mi i"°"°"‘ c{1afs:°°f°n"o‘j“:‘u:f!‘;“‘}f°'_?d°°“ fig‘: Wm“ H n;—Tfl—h- mu ‘ me school mama in In-o-rt wd-I » . 1 . . - round that the governor's the V -w "' '1 ° " ' nus arrangqnent briucsoollllnbls 'i1le decision was as saver to s rot-deli-1:.-9 p. tn. ”_mp‘tmu an been “tn the Um-‘ F011! INJURED IN’ EXPLOSION . bl" been 5“ for harm‘ I_.”_ u (‘nanny ‘-““"_h-_ more dual’ In mach not am’ ‘an “mu”, “ad in ‘ u“ a“ bomb‘ -_"fEf~‘_E"‘p“" ‘N-" ’__E_“‘- vi-rally." said President A. Boss‘ mill‘. 1 “M mm"“—“‘’‘.,___ 0”, ,_.;,,.,¢, .l d-ihtuw 1- ‘I J N F H M. A "U" °‘ :;°‘“[‘;;!' "°n“'°“ uiess grsdutes. not with sit the :nsm- and Indictment onsrgtu violation of .. ‘uh | n a one 1811!: . . e own 3 1 e we dflo- ‘ nu. 5.‘; “millet and Couples‘ t,'::£_" 6"“ u N” 3, l.,_,,,.‘, ,.,,,3"°''°' 1'' J‘ uotuciuttinigi rest; was dimmed Ift- gyeefiabgi wulism H. Flyneshrlher :':',°‘_’,‘ ?k°",’m“mu”',,,.a,m :7, ‘i. W n "3 mu ”‘ .. - . . _ _ or e co mad nm|D8' ' sodgty, — ..._._.....'_.__.._. ‘. w0m,,,_7_, D. m. l loolt forward to the ma 9:; an oxen, N. .l.. July 24. Fbur vol’ “on 0; :3 ,,,,,,,,my mg’ 62:“ mm otM&ed:e'l!l;‘nC:I:t;3::1:.dxk up vlumtlls business arms and educational an In” '0“ wlclui Prune “we. met 9 9 In perous year the University sons were seriously injured and many ‘an no ground. on ‘men w ".9 °“ 7 °'° ' _ .1‘. J “institutions on the one hell. CM "30 »._. "Z. had. indications are tgrmtilo ‘:51’; others severely burned todsy,I"I;I me" 9 bi FlI°¢|'1b°i; '1“ N‘ “l "' «young ms at! wanna w:.will late un.”,h_..-7§‘.,.,.‘u,.__ "'0' '7 ~icht tank ears oontsinint I880 0 ‘ ‘”"5"- ""“'3 ~erstuololeussIoreoII 003? Hen ggd Boy‘ n:‘'n cl... tn . Tim _ . Han" ‘m :1‘. W b M _‘ }s“I.'.'''.‘‘.’.;.. 111:. 353523.: f;l"°‘“ “ "“ "““,',,,°‘,,"'f..m 1'3"“ ‘-0 0-|*tl-- U-delsul. i.d°.aa:1t§onuu~ wsrludsy nnosml mans run-an ‘rho hard at dir-um at 3 00- -‘amilles and Couples , . ‘ m’ r did not hold °°"""""' “gm ' Aooonlins to a statement elven out evening st 7;» oelocit he will spout -——- i""""" °‘'''''''‘’‘‘' °'" "“ ""‘ {—-- ~' pmmm‘ newnrm ’ adn‘.b°°“.' lodlrhybfsnflmiththeconditiou “The! ADI-euber” ‘-'.h’.."'*‘j("d“'1*'“" W333. fl|lll'("fl€hI|'X¢o.. to have the SOVOTEN“ “fin” 0‘ ‘M n" gamund"'wl|kee at Columbia ed. "It will be at least a wee; ,-.¢_-- 3.‘. Q. 3. W [3 fi, 1...]; Byllslssl Pu-. aofipwu for the ltranss II‘ I l tie looks rorwml to the tsyins - ' ‘ - _ .. Jul 24.-8 nssst arr. int: sI,—!§nsu~ct tonluusuu fleas for as users. Illtlllll wlllilns luullo ~ . unwise .., operated punt. morning Par sass Doctor Smith. belore x esp tel! 81*. poms. y as prices , . . . . -s and course tickets. ".1. ._ ‘;;':|=::n:_9D¢ °‘ “‘°.3°'i” her srunorisi adspiur Join slur. whether his inputs. are going to be scared to euro :1 hu‘ubd.ned_~':oInIl_‘r:l‘°1"' "4 Pg? ""‘ '""" :1 "‘“"': ' - ' ~ hadly crud» serious or not.” ilcbonnelt was In- here today. eleoedillt D "1308 33 535*‘ . j" ”' '°" "" “la ‘GREEN PW"d°ni3“' "M ‘M '“"°°"‘ °°‘°M"h°'MmMt ed rodin t ms: with of dostsollsniogsnesvolsil lnthslnnsnsaqasunyusunangiss-nhsnortssctnnswsnssssran ,,‘m,,.cu¢n_ui|heen efllnlhi-!hlel'.KllIl!¢ll’ldlII1tt 10 Iilxll as derI_Il6_ s-elm-no‘ . ‘mun. : anal,‘ ‘id 1000 contractor. inclined to miss too much at the sun. to the tic-taint P‘ ‘-’°“- ‘