'°- - - - ~ V — ° ' ' """l"""' ‘ i7"D!I|1'.‘ClI. I I: 5 VII-H *'- "'9 9"” uuu-um -v ljfijj tlfw Duncan an —s-j III I-Z’ llllttiny nlsvu auuansnvvun an-1) _ ‘ up the maintenance fund. I am 3:3 1 8 0‘) [:=;¢g;!3"- 3- ‘:‘:"“"“‘ ml °°'“"“°° ]_ °“ "'"‘° "°" " ‘ ”’°‘i'fi" nanny: asndiss. at uu,nuuoi ‘Boone Tavern. no merasd lifeguard llldIIl"[¢o a _ to have the governors assurance lrs. dnanddfiflfln. 0' Comm”. at “H be u 1.”; . '5; yjt," lien Go to 3-50 in St. Louis. B! 91'1"‘ ""‘ 4°15! '0 10" "N “'90” | “M I —; 3 he looks forward to the layinl 0’ ‘N 3'11 9°““"’ l-V“ ‘ .. .Pu__ Doctor smith gbaon ! an an 3.15 hams Jul’ 3;__go‘ D.-tog. CITY. may fl«—flnsen at tprmulating plans for the (stars. ‘an! ml was esssI"._ .1 5. come, “we or the Home ice :1: -911: 50%: “Mb” M. wm» m to be ‘and to 33559 . hundred ponnos students and moths-yen were blinded it is understood that future usstinn a course . O‘ O ‘ er Men! 3031315 ‘n"'~ flu‘ . . -. Building’ here today. exceeding the prediction’ in an arploslaa it an goats pips at the noon hour will be held for S «- § 3 I: lllaaonri. colored. who had his foot badly drilli- GREEN President Hill said thlt v this section. IN! 3 ea 1,, . M, 13.13:, nu been admitted ‘jiursd in a tight several days ago with or packers and cstabllshlnt a new hith In the 518-30‘? WW‘ 3"“ record. ’ - 5 ding aiamhsrsottheolnhaswellastorlhe directors. " bee Absolute Saint! ~ . “d 1' h tat. oaeph Lions. a contractor. "' ' , -.‘~ » inclined to think too much of ill! P05 W "*9 °'’‘ ? O ‘ - ‘ EB EVENING IIBSOURIAS (‘0LUlhI.A, IIBSOUII. THURSDAY JUL! M. 31!.‘ 4 , _. '1‘. ‘'0 V . #:____ , I I may “mare. ‘ad .0 on. “I .3. FR£‘.CH THE insnt. orcanissd with any provincial IRISH TO FOLLOW IIUBSIASS soviet plan became lrlsmlaad 6235133 "______,.a. indnitum. Special appeals are made .5: . ‘popuiu salecuard ‘ would inevitably become ape eat it t wasted “tatherland. the home Critic Say mane: audit Susan at circulations. °"' 75° _ Soviet Cosaells Have Been Estah. upon me c°_op".mn “cm,” for m Red’s Radical 0198! 1! ° to nroteci 91° Bomnvum. ‘g —-—'— 1"“ ‘“’'m‘’‘““ °' °”"""° ‘°' listed in Town ad Country. 1; Germany low. md the 107911 03'‘ mm “,1 r -: l. mm 'P°w'u‘ "nu ?ti=“t:::r:>‘o{ ernment is the power to elect another 8 rum‘ pa“. ' ‘ Pl "1 t 5 U, By CARL D. GROAT which is the death or treedom. 0 9 : Bi 4: by The Kissed in insects . D°"_ t r v°w_ I I Sir Horace unketi voca e e P 8“! Cormwndwi) d ha pm”... . pAR[Q “We c°‘“35“-3”‘ "3"" ma-“ gr; '-5”‘ 9" “n'°’“'‘°‘°d “no 0 ' UONDON Julv 4 (by mail) -Th. granting of a full measure of domin- "3'“‘°° "'2 ‘-3 V ‘ ,_ owrlook 2 di I mlfl‘ “on”: B'“.u"——--'—"'“; Mm.‘ ‘ 8? I0 01°“ Th’ "’m"“7 p°'" ‘H g 'u ' one“ in [re[ax1d‘1OD Home Rule for Ireland as tortnu- BERLIN Jul; 5 (by mail).—Bol- The propagundist does xtiom on stxtin :1; Bound " ”,_.°na.¢;.u ggu manor. Ac- um“ -cu mdapendenuy of the ch.“ plan or set ll; up 8 1 I H _ u vex. which h._. “Had tn G“-_ the ott repeated B1077 U13 . V3” ii er 1. ‘ ‘paid up or | Fem U . ated in t e comes on o gheuun, or as it is lab vist Russia. women Before t §?".,.°,.°' ptrovidedfl wallet‘ in. section 1103» 5“ government especially in relation td_ by -'5 5°C‘-M“ °‘ 5”“ "9 W” D‘ 2 pmude . , ‘ .. I. hem‘ ‘°°u°n‘ °t 3° 8 °‘ n arm) 3.‘ 0...... 8. in‘: .mm-« a-mrw cm,_~_,,,, K,,,,_ gm humour mus -mm: 1-nor ___..___um gm-t g;;mB§Id=-rig}; ,,__ -r;hnwoz;1g_;gimt W ,, hm ;,§m. ' - SD80 DIEBISB 933' ' ‘ tee rovlnces. each,ments has now been discovered by, BL] {: uh H ,4. °’ ‘ ""' “W ‘ "°°mh: Chm nu em “:1 chi ta Tax-'-he lrish Unionists Alliance A «st-pu-' . °""°pu“d" ' ~ t 4"“ by "1 orwmwon man‘ 20°'O.°U tine :_ moat . to cents:_ 5'. 2 cats.‘ mom“ under military and cl G - :~ - locational Bdncatiosnl System Fitted Lu:-id posters detxirate Berlin. ins an" we Union for Fighting B018 es— arm, 0 I 7-‘ $1-%°°°;° f.".‘.'.“t§.’.‘ ooucrehta Outside the sum: is the elite! function or the cel.- - tation from the Alliance W18 received V Him for l’I-einl Work. as nu-id pamphlets and handbllls art? ism. It now has a considerable mem- about Juli ‘. - s ' . I , .: count ' 3 “"’‘'”’'~ "3" gm: government. some of the obsir 1 by Sir Edward Carson and other L7n- wASHIKGTO.\'. July 24.-Some of being sent broadcast by -the ‘prom’ be,-ghjp whidh is understood to lnclltgle this force 1; “'° ' f ‘ . . F . ho seek r cear 0 { rominent and W911 3' . ligatorr 8' -. cles to stable government in Chit!!! lonist members of larliament and a -he Btgflefi which 379 1015 ‘he 3897115 830313“ " a number 0 P 1‘: - . v ‘ neix - " Fronclimai . _ _ d; an gnd bad cont . _ o. the Federal Board for \0catlonnl the BYNBU Of the next door Germm,_ > ‘ ihtli)t(‘)::o:z(:ort: ‘bout your money :nr:ntl::u:rl::;t the: la& of public spirit§::::1?;:‘nEhEtt:r‘°::;::w“lame‘ Kn Education by the disabled men are bor, uaaia. Some of the anti-Bob Tm“ there is some fertile soil for ‘V It lfiut-he 2 ’ . .' _ . full of interest and romance. is is shcvist posters have a tendency 10 Botgnevissn in Germany is certain. - oi sernte . _ _ M u h d ‘ mama‘ or mmmunity interests. the vast agra ‘ .«']'he extent to which the rewol man‘ 3 true one that George low when he‘ keep one 8.,-aka nights; they could but the German people do not want 1 lit‘. The The °mer.m‘m “e 8“ W »n~ "1"" ‘md miterme p°pulau°n' mono-la." mmemem ha been?’ ‘filed '“"b_ ‘ was asked. " ‘hat are you coin: lo do easily be used to scare recalcitrant so “dim; an experiment in go\ern- .3 military ll ,: in B ilat. how just to be fair. e mu ba,.r1e,.,,_ such as [n[er-pro\'i!lCilli;lltU9 realized. The official liters air. about my, lchfldre". t or K Omjuv ma would be In mm", M,‘ . ll Mk you how “paid Wu “kc I" be "M tariffs and provincial weights. meafi’ r.§"9aled a1“fl:iu‘b°fcu. Algleiaillsédsl). 0'" on 8 Mde Mm“ 1“ (‘thaw The favome meme m the prom- quite content with almost any regime . Crillt‘ 1 ' IN!‘ h°l ‘“‘*3*l‘h°"-' lures and standards of money: l’8C18-1 "°'_ °°°n°"3 ‘"1 en "[3 8‘ F" there is a restaurant where the be!!! xandist Poster is an admixture of which ailorded them opportunity force of 2 ~ ' . .' .. lronfllct between provinces: <'~011fl1<‘t ox tmin and country find we lrléd ’° gumbo and rice in America is found-'akulls. clutching sltelton hands. fire. to get away from unemployment dis trim’ 011 I “.3; ‘Tlllhlt TO I}. " ' international interests. uperaliie.Commonwealth. mo e on sand Opel one poster is M an ugly Order and discontent. The German E‘ H the um, "wme to me... you say. and send. Them are numerous [ordgn Com lthe Russian lines, already tiontrolfiii k’nfi’! H" fitudwm ‘,,,k¢1¢mn, hearing in its mouth mo dmdpuned bv long vears in the fur the no _: it by the return mail‘-_ Anti you writer eflons m Chum Five nations have ' tit-er co—oi>erati\t- societies in‘ Pmspefltve Mudenm ‘mm Rum ;mood). daggen whue 1,, the luck. kaiser “boo! to swing emirel’ to 9, M. 594,; no ll and we menace ‘8 loaded on 8 bi; :lp:1€'l’€8 of influences in China as fol '"?I!:: ’c0_Op9r-3t_j"e societies rererredl sas (‘ily or Jackson (‘ounty will ground isa soaflold. its sole message "eme5_ especially if he gets Inorro Itanded in 1:’? 0” mmberm" mums ‘mm and 0 we Gr t Britain 28 P9? (9011 ;to are those which have been organ-7 be inn-rested in the =U1n°"°°°m°'’" [0 me public reads‘ The Danger 0 freedom and a chance to live without homv mm I‘ “~' it oes. . l ' . .. ' that Rogers Crilienflen. a senior. §Bolshevism. Another calls Bo|she- : man an (ape,-‘mam. irres-tint? < {H .%.-rite to me and fly it on the next: Russia. 42 per cent; France. 3 per It“d tinder the leadership of bl!’ Hor- ; M” represent me I_n“_ersm_ m whim 8 "W8 M blood and an army Of‘ J “WW0 dm “me” I.‘ what people in some puui cent. and Japan. 5 per cent lace flunk‘:-ttiduri;1dg 30 )':u{stJ]ir strenk mmmhmg or “curing mfO;_ma_ im_M,efl_.. while “ poflrau 3 Uymg P.“ “$2.30 an A0" ‘or “Wm. M smfinn D ' 1 “I now 8” we who Japan claims that her stern and.\I0l1*‘- “OT 97°‘ dwdt °_fl“b:dar.e 0, ’ llun rt-itardlnc the i'ni\‘ersll_i- for in-Oman hem” an “pan” of ‘raves. l-: 1. l)nu8h1t"“." “Om ""3 mm’ M Flellllrui of the mun U C . ‘ ( had. positive policy toward China has for!"‘”"“""".“ I"'1‘m ' hex _ '.n _"f those who wash to enter this fall leach marked with a humble wooden 11.. acre belonging to H A Shannon As the ll 5 live in we huddle “em haw no ‘ . 1’ Ja nnesc recent “rude by we Redprocfl '\““Hl \l l‘ i d b e rhod at ’ ~ross ll‘ '1!" to t‘ Simpson fur ~£t)l(U("f'fi w 1;: .1 mm. its guns; the protection 0 D Q “H, h is “a..M|}_ HWMMH, ‘W r. ritcn on can er a c . of Ha in .9 t _ .“:;t the thrill oi receiving our mat me and property and the saielruarq. -er . H P‘ k ‘h the Republic Building. Kunxas ‘ Much t-uiphasis is an PP $152.50 an acre .\lr Sinipsnn will 3mi,0ti0, ll 3': 3"‘ hem” 1°33 our letters‘: In of Japanese interests. lam“ mm 8", 0r_nc‘V"_ an :3 :15 (‘it_\' at lhPllf“1'i} of the t‘r.i:enriei. ’ptisition (if the results of llolshevisrn — U1}-‘.8 possession .\lurch l. lift:-on mu: ' . whether the Y-hon!“ ‘-“P"°”°d 8 ,m.wad,,_ “kw "0 pan "1 an’ w wt rm ‘ we ' ltr-am‘ t‘.»rnpan.*' l "war. unemployment and hunger." -—- '—"' "‘ the home l ,A_..« .- Foreign owner?! 1D 0‘ . bo ? M” mm high 0 w‘ mines or other concessions in China ‘Nor has there been any chang»- in (hr control of policy of the Irish Agricul- [Wur luqilyt. yganrg (.;.i‘;rgt. bud beg“ fi[Z\.ll't'ii sill)“. in Ul't‘li. Land the handbook gives a series of f you want to save mom-5' 0" F0111‘ stop and see John N. Tii.V‘|0l"8. _ . po-at-as that e to t:hina's sovereignty tural Organization S0t'li’l)‘, unit-h l. _ _ _ ‘ _ ,. . . — d» » _ Wonders of wonders. we $389. “"1 a mat“ - - iv de- ti antral bml- of llw i‘tltJ]lv1"t.lll\'¢. tlier. zillii lhvrr wu.v~l.'t a single pan-on Russia do and do not eat. what suf .fI.i=.\ will allow F011 110* *3 ‘ ' '. ~ ' “h “1’““ _ M M he:-nuse China s inability to K 9 :1 I ic C. 3 h 1 _' h 1.1 _. H [V H“. uumm, .'-‘-ll‘i.i|Kh[W3)' 591 our !n1nd3 ‘'0 L n as ‘ roletfion ‘nay make it ne(.(.g_ |n0‘emen[_ " 1 9 " a“' “ “ ( 1‘ n ‘ “nu? part - —- ~— —--— "—"'—“ ’—‘ '—"“”“" " " " l I“ nu fl ' ‘ _ ' ‘.4 ‘ ~ of Somelhlnl 9"-‘1-1 more '°nd°rm|' qua p The 1'ui0nisl poiltit'tai‘ll~'. its indeed hr rm plfluurfl U’ Skwmg mm “H”: .”1 I l ‘ 8ill'\' at an ' little for the ioreli-trier to . _ t—. ,. ,~. ‘-1, , 9 tls.-nt lime .. d . 3 , _. .mi.o that izre 1 d u uni:-r tli . The next may be. Think to me an d A" “road; are guarded by politicians of all parties. have never M W _ ' . ‘ MM, guru“ . r-unvt-_v it on the next thouizhl Wu\'t'-." " 5°" ta _ ' dune a stroke to help the (‘0°Up€I"till\.‘ "“’ “W _ , _ _ Z _ _ l _ . _ d gnldiflrfl or police to preielll H1811 0‘ , _ ‘ b ‘ h V "1 “emu, m ‘L K hr-n use i niled nlatvs sent on. H-1mm€‘T "1 ‘ Tiwu one "'11 None ones fies an ties and telegraph poles The South nm‘e[m.P U M u ' p 0 {hr .~-.t.l U.~.orc.- was abme draft age. 7‘ itroletesl nr : “onCen"rn"e real bird “ad ou‘ the ' ' ° d In unese Made‘ In the ‘Ad’. 9 (u"’p"ruU\'-‘hill hr (‘)l.)!iP-j lip and “Gill l()t_‘£i!1'iP- - u 2 0 an army ‘ A ‘ , , . Nllnchllflfl R-81}“9.‘ ‘"3 9' V niovcmerit ill('illd°'5 furthers of all po- _ , w. a T |h0|-Ifihlts‘ “W '13 ‘“—"°'*’5 “pace °"°'l h fl, Mk,” {O M9,‘. _ . . g V _ _ ‘ h ltlnl-Hg down to dri.l one morning ‘will on the , h mm management as \c an - iili(‘,ll and it-llgit-u.- iu]uf".- am as ( hp ‘ m 1 h d b, I P _ I ‘ ntountnjng and I'1\8I‘tl [O { C I ‘ k‘ _ V In , . _ 8 F81] II] (P ti .8]! ii 3 {EU 9 . ‘ . two mflei, of rail. never In In any pan at 4 in Irish I I I . , 9 “ rt’ l_ W ,1 which we wish to communicate. ‘ _ ‘_ d “J isiitlxlllg uit uttr tlit door and was‘ 0 er! .. I" h dd] l 1" ("hma mmme' pebuleme M1 .p0i C3 sluiiiit-d 101' a moment. 0 he was LONDON Think to mt 5"“ ‘ °“ 3"’ “l - . 1 to n Unionists Home Rulers 3-ml 1~‘t-m- . ' . . : rt-\'oItil|O!1 keep d0“" 111° W9“ 3 ’° ‘ ' ' ' .out a aln and drillln like an’ rooltie. * 7 - - - Wurkmfi al ' Home b|1l!l'“b0<“°3 Wm 39"" hr" 5' ' ‘ P‘ l slant’ nd (‘ tholi's are I: R ) - D071 I /fdmf I/IE ("fII‘?.'£’7‘.fltV 7.UIffi0U/ ‘Tet’ ! ' d I H [Um mere’ Japan is endeaiuring to 51199071 ‘"1'‘”‘' '°:(i “ll” “ m ‘ «Kt-xi nmriilng. however. he waited up ‘- ’ " ‘ - 6 I-rhu|mv'a 1 chance to rcu our e e|’& ' . represent on t e coulro ug com- ‘ - 7 - - - , ,3 3 . _ leverqncreasiug population through V nblind .-Mr r [y17];é€f_i' 07' lu.iiu lov ‘ M“ be no such of '0“ "men mere greater industrial activities and D)‘ ex- "Ink? 0' me Contra! b°d-‘ and their‘ e» Dplied in the l-‘cderal Board “fig 50”Ie L ",1 L 6 “U '/ adx-amt.-d 1 which the lovelorn IDS)‘ l110D¢- I pansion on me 3ea_merch8m munne D0|l<‘)" 15 I-‘“'l3)'5 ha!’ b""_“'.'or Vmsalioiiitl I-Iduculluli and when he VOIZFICZ//A07" V0117‘ /7'l£’77//I (If /707713. ""r "Y ll 44 3' The stationers and postmasters and ’ ' n h‘ 1 d {flea Acquisition O‘ slrlcll) limited to furthering the agri- heard mt mans the Gm.(.,.nmem - - - censors will have to had a new 10"; and E n‘ D us ‘ ' ' 1 rmwml mwrww 0‘ ”'*''“nd 35 a made for rt-—¢-duvallntz men who had Tn.‘-1'-T's and l’ncle Sam will have to l (minus overcrowded lerflto? “cu whole -been disabled in .*l("f‘v’i(‘P he was eager 3 I V tn nn lit-|.-lib] = not solve the DF0b1<‘"1~ The 31381193“ Vlhtil is true. hnwe"-‘f'r. 55 that 1" and t-nlhu Addrv-i-I 7 3 ‘ ‘mu tn ‘um! ‘ 3 cc-ssfui One cannot forget Lincoln‘ of the Ynited States irom the art de-!_t,,,1. -_-gm?‘ ,. m, Tu.-...1.._t, altitwr mm TOIORROW at aflsrafionem . 9 (‘.‘1‘l"';:”;""I‘1’.;’t‘ I find (‘aruegia Mun? 0‘ Our K3‘-hi-'T91"€il»'Tl9|"»"‘ Of Enrol”. B9fOf€' U1" ‘flu we .\l»riI '.".‘ Tiiuru-inn i’..mmo~nn~ui¢-n: [Ian R Rummrt RU“ .1 are so-called self-made men. But aslt ; dppcnded upon England. France andi lipvlng-flumnwr Term of ‘pita.-tic, llih Episode of , PU" M” »' them what they miss most in life and l (;H,.mm. for we demgm for our fur. !-‘l'“' '-‘l “'_-'-fur-!=«.\'. 1‘--Kit-trxillr-n . P}.ARL Wlll'l‘E ‘ mm _,,,,m -, , I K]-I'll .'l . J" - II: .\.iltiTiIn}_ l-|---lulu}? “T“f' ‘ .\I¢‘ itine- _‘ most oi them will tell you -a college mm", was and (un,,,ts W31] paper.‘ ,,,m,,,_,,,.,,, j ‘ ' ' , ‘ . -~ N'1l1l'81i(ln I O r - \pr'.' "13 '~ I ‘ll \l»-lvvili‘ -‘lit. nr-ll. lw In ‘ ;“'°""“'~': "“"°"~‘* “"""'-" ‘““’ "“‘“"‘ ‘ ‘gm. ‘ ‘ -‘rm; an or .\ilGli'l"‘ . it I “~._ “H m.” h‘n.e [U look ‘0 annnun). ‘ ware, hliinu :illIf2‘¢|:I)_ Uri-l la.ilf --f it-{:11 mid. '9 ‘THE ‘Eons F0. 58 . ’ “v i - ' iur miracles An)‘ night one may see: Tmia."owe are confronted with ti1c!- '“"‘ - g,m"'y"" ".‘- """"" "“" "' """‘ "" .|‘l'ARl|ll.li LI.0lD\ip I an .t.\;‘r]:.In': 1 nm persons actually crowded in a ilmhlem of l”'°d“"‘"K "”‘"5"‘°" “'l"’1.\uc H .\‘mm, s.mn-i.v.v. ~i-rim; summ-~r nu‘ "‘R"T“0' ‘ :‘o1t‘i:.'~‘t.erM"i:'l :i03\‘(-ll passenger car But straiiger; *1" d“'“1::" mew th";:’hm1r 1” Ste;-fr‘:i§ "rm "'6' i : mom’ for .4 I g _ ' ' _v, W r 1815 1‘ -I W ’;:::‘.::‘,..;;'':‘..':f‘ .. - DO THE SCHOOLS OF COLUM- .2 ----~-' ---~ -.,...........:v-2:‘:--t ln the car there would be plenty of room ' the public mind there is revealed in it parts being played by those coun- tries in the settlement of the question: or peace. thrifty and industrious. It is that China's troubles are due more to I18 living conditions. approximately 300,000,000 inhabitanta 0‘ V00!!! 90 per cent are illiterate. gm-salve and are characterized by na-' tional unity. 381 square niilea olterritory-and about (‘u""A-J‘P"“' {sustained heavier losses in the war With the Shantung controversy ‘ 1° = than we did. need all their workmen and metal work into the high schools of the country. educating young people along these lines. it is hoped that some of them will choose design- ing as their life's work. Many of the colleges and univer- sities already oler training in draw- ing and the manual arts. so that high school graduates may continue their more rational viewpoint on the The Chinese are individualistic. said rat-tice of art. Especial attention is given to designing in both these de- China has about 2.- psrttnenta. _ .000 Square miles of territory and Just as the United States overcame the diiriculty of producing her own dyesiuiis and making her own wit; 00 11,, “whose we pan“. 3“ D“, will she overootnethe lack at de- country to produce th ""‘"' ’'°’" ”“ “"‘ lheautifi our‘ homes and mine sans- ableat Faculties of master minds insures ti to llvln our unlimited co subasrve your welfare. and upon IIWIN. Ilsa-Itiaa , _ 3!. Decide today to program for verity in the heart of America and tollow tnedlateiv for calalog and particular: I! tonal and class Instruction in all Ccplflnlrtlll under the direction of one or America‘- ration in every way that can possibly promote your lniervs antes to no la a tad tisa t in hIO