.<-- _ ma sumo nssomtwt. cow nu. nssotnll. WIDNREMI. JU L! 00. mo. I Page Four . ifii iiiiiiiiiiis SEEK iiitt ttiiiiis Looking Favorably Toward Chaotic Russia With Busi- ncss Plans. HAS LOTS TO EXPORT \Var Did Not Interrupt Some Manufacturers — cncc Hcr Ready Supply. 13,- CARL n. GROAT tfnlted Prcu Sufi t‘orrr!P°l1‘3°“” _BI-IR1.I:\‘, July 14 lb)’ mall) -‘G97’ mug; jugt now [3 striving hard to re- , I » vive the slogan. "Business tut usual." t‘ which plagued several nations durir.8 ._-~._—- _ _._.,,. 44¢‘. up the war until they learned that the ‘E “as usual" dldn‘t at with war. ; ‘With Germany at present. it is a struggle ht-tween many conillctlns 919‘ merits not the least of which are de- creased raw materials. rolling NONI. markets-«and an lmpalffid 13310!’ Bull‘ ply due to war conditions. lowere food, and industrial unrest. But while Lhe government has been wi-estllnp; with Spartacus and near- ucai ggiiguon-_ new constitutions and so on, German business men have been ‘ casting about to get back ‘.0 work and trade. i The first concrete evidence of thl-i has just come to light with the report that it hits ncss man's commission has been making a three weeks’ investlg.i- tion in Russia with a view to flndini: an outlet for German products in that war-we-ari and. (‘ouslder Outlook Favorable. While much of Russia is in riiaos. the business men were reported to feel that there is a favorable outlook for them in that country. Gerriiaiiy has considerable mnchm. i cry which she can export. One Ull’. T information. has suflicient Dl".‘dl.l('li-‘l . on hand for nearly a year to come. In ’ this-I tieid, t_;erman_t- has been KUHIK On- to do business with other nations. Be- fore the war. she could export many articles to foreign markets and under- sell home products Th 2. probably will be rather more dililctiit hereaflcr. in-miuso or liniitation of coal and raw materials. and a constantly ltl(‘l’E8SlDL' riniz strikes and a ctintetanl growth of the socialization pro-"ess. Um» factor overlooked in discussions of Germain business pros- pects ll‘ her supply of potash. This supply is unaffected by the Peace Trr-aty; and the World is clamoring for [hire for fertilizer purposes And (Scr- tiitmy can get this product out at only sliirhtiy increased cost over her pre- the Alpha Tau Omega house in honor Spartnrus troubles; with strikes; p0l1- I electrical supply house. according l0. ward. and will soon be ill the market .1: :_ CITY AND CAI\1PL’S cost of labor due to consitantly rectir- I general ; - has been ' returned home today. vious price, while. at the same time. more marks for Lt than before in \'lPw of the lower-~d value of the ttiark in this way. she stands to gain 4'-onslde.'ahl_\* from ihi~' one source alone. Should I’:-are Ytisi Enterprise. This business should prove V11.-ll titttiin within a short time. thmt‘ (‘!l1I~ she can demand lilint: the cmintry to obtain credits for. llll1U‘l"lnl!i from foreign countries German busiitc-as itireiiecs that t wiil be under a vast load ior 11 ion: period of years. due to war debts and ln(1£‘mi1l1}‘ taxes llut the aterage Ger- man business man is prepared to go at h s task anew if he can get 11 «table -been vi.-iti'ng John Russell in t_‘oli1m~ I 3 has been 0 l I l I l f who has been visiting Mrs. J. .\l. Sher- I fnuin in Columbia. returned home to- day Mrs Mary labor market and B. prrmpect of profit-g lug later on. St'.‘;‘l8lI.8li()Il. hnvrt-vi-r, ma)‘ ups:-‘ i many of their plans, for there can be I no question that there is it constantly lncreasintz trend tin-.'arii socializatloii of many lines of huialnetis l'iitil the ' f‘lllflG*li. l'i0V\‘P\‘t"f. state affa r. the CPl'iIl8.l‘ busiiit-as man intends in ct‘) Ellie-r Irvsh imdt-_ as midenc _\- this freshly i-niiipl--ted Rti.-tiaiati prnhc German)" ll{'1lP\l'S that it can reach out to the east for business. and this mow shows that 93:6’-to it: where ihv !l'Pll(1 in first going in be. It was reported that Russia i-uulii undoubtedly give .-some agiflculiurai pl‘0dl.l(‘i6. particularly f‘89lf*l".'l Russian cotton. in return for miiiiifarturr-d goods Thlii. host-‘err-r. in‘ H prribablr depend large-‘y oti transportation fu- ln which husl-' ___j_.,¢ ,— ___.._ _,_- .—_.__ SOCIETY business with the State Hixhvay Com- mission.’ Min Dona Howell of St. Louis. who has been the nest of Miss llarloflfi Quinn in Columbia. left for her home thla morning. . bouts Barnett of Columbia left to- day for Boulder. 0olo.. where he will attend summer school at the Univer- sity of Colorado. . Mrs. G. C. Gunlach and children. ‘who have been visiting Mrs. J. My fsherman in Columbia. returned to ‘ their home in St Louis this morning. Mrs. W, D. Vandiver and grandchil- dren of St. Louis. who have been vis- lllng her son. D. B. Vandiver. in Co- lumbia, returned home this morning. Fred llluyfield of Columbia left for Neola. la.. today to act as advance agent for it show. iJ8Ck “Wither form:-rl_v of Columbia will have charm- oi’ the ocheslra in the show. Mr. and .\irs J M Kyle of Palm- er. Nob, who have bought the prop- erty of Judge Stewart in Columbia. left for their home this nioi-ning. ‘They will move in (‘olumbla next month. :-:-gt Mines Rebecca and Lucille Emu! entertained at a butret supper last night at their home on Aahland Gravel road The tottowlns 007300! ‘"379 present: Misses Katherine Conley. Exle Gray. Jean Frances Basset, Jean-< Bright. Marslfel Trista. Frances Gm’ and Doyle Cotton. Benltmin SD01’?-; Philip Cotton. Martin Summers. Jame! Phelan. Henri‘ Sommera and B Herndon. Sixteen members attended the meet- ing oi’ the Pi Lambda Theta sorority tut night at the home of .\!rs..R. K. Watkins at 1310 Ross street. Miss Laura Smith. a student in the Grad-. uate School. was initiated 1010 1'19 sorority. The Pl Lambda Theta is an honorary education sorority. The Al- pha chapter of the organization is 10 cated here. .\irs William Whybarii of l>cKulb. Tex. in the guest of her son. 1.. E Whybarlt. a student in the l‘ni\'i-ri~i‘t_\. at the Phi llelta Theta house Mitts Elizabeth Harriet of 505 We»! Rrozidway entertained four tables of bridge ,\1:)[1f1a_\' morning at her home F.i('l'l.T'i' S'Ui.(l.\'(u'|I[i—-(‘0l’RSAFLT ‘Dean of School—of liducufltm "mi. of Adtullomi in $3811. "The faculty of the School of Edu~ igtion has been strengthened." l§ll_\'H .l‘ean J H (‘oursault "Prof. J. W ‘Jocselyn has been appo nted actinx professor of educational admlnitsra- Miss lielle Hope Robin.-ton Kate 3 bridge 1-uricht-tin 38101118)’ morninl! W of her cousin, \ii2t.-t Grace Dt.IWl'Ilfl< of Oklahoma About iwPnt.\'~fiW i:U96l:< “""'° T’“"""' ition worl-t. Professor Jnaaelyn but “in La‘. ma iflckman H “smug been on the faculties of both the Phi- - ’ ' ' .\'€f'SlH’ of Kansas and the L‘nit.'er:tl'.v her aunt. Mrs J P‘. lludtmlt uf (VIP ' ' of (‘hit-ago. and for the last nve years has been employed by the Carnegie Foundation to co-operale in a part 0 the educational iiiu-situations made by this oritunlzatitin He has been active in making the survey of the teacher- -training work in .\iiiisouri “I’rnfeuimr limo.-lytt intends to use ‘lite’ material and will deal with the educational conditions in Missouri. Through co-operation with his class. he will work out a vaiuable education- ‘al .-stud}‘.‘with the expectation 0! hi?- ing it published ".-\deqttate prrwision has been made for training of tocational teachers in accordance with the Smith-Hughes Pri,il'e:uenr Theodore Sexauer has been. appointed prnfetimr of auricul- tural education "P[Oft'.'t-iltfif R. W Selvidite has been appointed professor of industrial edu- rullton. for a few days. Miss Eli-antr .\lcRrlde and her brother. Benton, of Springfield. Mo. arrived in Folumhia last night to Visit their aunt. .\irs. J A Stewart. lt|5 West Broadway .\lr:t. tjrtre lleall of St Louis. who has beet: the guest til .\lias Natalie .\IcInt)'re of Read liall. it student in the L'n1i-er:-iit_v, returned to her hunts- _\'esterda_v Miss Ruth i-ziepper or in Plain. .\lu.. who has been the truest or .\ll5ii l-315:9 tireenley. ‘.'1'.' Missouri 8\'('llllt'. return- ed to her home _\‘esterda_\’ 5"’ I l l l _“m_ E M. woodwonh and 50,,’ cation He will not uni)’ "38ll’ui~t in William of Fulumbia. it-ft for M;.r‘~~ ”-’l“”‘b“‘- hu‘ “'3” m'"”*‘‘' ’-'1‘°“51°" (‘0l.lI'S(’i-' for the tralnzng of school ville today to visit Mrs. P W .\'iedermeyer of (‘olum— liia left this morning for St Louis for a few days‘ visit V\'esle}' Wriglit of Hlll}?i\‘lll£'. who in ("olumbta on bllhlnes-iii. ‘teachers and teaching forcmen in some of the industrial (‘Pl‘ll(‘l'l-‘- of Missouri. 3 "The three-terrii plan of the L'ni\'er sit)‘ has proved even more successful than expected. Eight hundred and ,l\\'eI\'e students were enrolled in the -l'ni\'ersity during the first half of the Spring-Summer term. and '.".'1 the set- on‘ half. \ian_v of these were ni- \ti!l(‘9d stlltlefll,-t Whit llave positions. and to whom the three-term plan has give-n"thc opportunity of continuing ‘their pmfei-..-*-innal training." J offman of Polumlmi Weill to (fentralia this morning to attend the funeral of Ray Dysart. J. S_ Dvstirl of Columbia went to Pemralia this morning to attend the funeral of Ray I))'Nil'1 Carl Lotti; of Warrenton. who has - _ 1.lcl‘llt~t* to llarisburtz (‘onple. A marriage license was lS:till('d today in min I-I White. ‘:4. and \iis.~a .\'an.i . both of llartshurz The couple was marred at courthouse this afternoon by 'lJt' ‘T W Yuutiiz. bia. returned home today. John 1-‘. Hook of Kansas (‘ii_)'_ \~itt in Columbia utt huvint.»-. i'P(lJl"llf'(l home this mnrniiiit. ‘ J. i'‘ Henry of Hailsvllle. who has ltvrtfl in t‘ulumbi’n on business, re- turned home this morning. Dr and Mrs, Guy I. .\'o_veee and sun. Jack. of Columbia. left today for t‘ui— ‘ nritdo oti ti its"o weeks’ ilshing trip. i Misii Alma Sherman of Moberly. the lie‘ Fine Shoes Fountain of Sturgeon, who has boo:-rt visltitig Mrs. P‘ I l-‘Trikes in Vniumbia. left for her it i'li-' , H eberling today. . . urs R. A Brown of St Joseph. who ‘ . Shoe Repairing System has been \'i::t'tim: Sire. Odon Guitar; in (olumhin. left for her home ‘his C()lIlmbia. R10. morning W ll Vautliurn l"‘ll1Tllt~t'1liida_\ from Jo-fit-rimn (‘it_\'. where 110 trtinsacieti I 24 SOUTH NINTH STREET cilities which at present appear to be in bad shape. ill] lllil itnw We are doing beautiful w o r it in Kodali Do- a n d veloping Printing. We are pleas- ing everybody. JOE JALNOUSEPS ART 81101’ South Ninth St. \’l.rglnh Building We Need Teachers The following are a few of the several hundred po- nitions for which we have direct calla f or Teachers. Alhlfllcs and Mathematics l('til0rIIdti_l $1.5“)-$1.750 Principal High School (Foloradti) $1.500 Grammar Grade (Wyoming) I900 Commercial (lanai $1.080 Several Teacher Training. several states: up to $1,400 12 Manual Trnlnhg. several states; up to ILEIX), Ylolil. (‘allure (Minnesota) ‘Lilli Eighth Grade (North Dakotai 8000 Chemistry. Woman (North Dakota) 11,900 Woodworking and Agriculture (Montana) SL500 Two English Teachers (Iowa) 11,080 \'oc.aUoual—4‘-as Engine and lutotnoblle 81.800 Vocational Am-it-ulturr $1,goo.¢,ooo zoo RURAL SCHOOL TEACHERS AT FROM sso T0 sioo If you are teaching for less than you are worth, ace Cline Teachers’ Agency TELEPHONE 929 EXCHASGE NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . I more im-mi or nu. nouns Postmaster Is Iakhg Inspection [or Report to Ruling-ton. L J. ‘Hall, postmaster. has begun the inspection of rural routes leading out of Columbia. to ascertain whether or not the mails. bridsea. culverts and mail boxes are up to the standard- When this inspection is completed he will make a report to the Pootoiflce Department. ll. Washington. D. C.. and . the aepgrunem will determine from itl ‘whether or not certain routes will be discontinued. The department requires that all: roads be In good condition. that all; broken bridges and culverts be re-1 l ‘pairei each year and that all mailf boxes be in good condition. If these‘ requirements are not met, the rurali deliver)‘ routes not up to standardl will be discontinued Rough or muddyl roads. broken or dangerous bridges will serve as aufllcient reasons for re- fuaal to continue free delivery on such ? routes. i “There is no unusual danger of the routes out 01 (‘oluinbia being pulled, off," .\ir Hall said this morning. "Yet; more 1,; always the chance of some farmer; railing to repair the roads. This year such action may cause the discontinuation of the route there by the postal department ‘ "All roads over which mal is car-. ried should be put in good condition. before bad weather makes it impossi- hie to work on them.“ i FARSIER SENT TO l"l°LTOV t-iuri Holler. I'm Sick.’ Jai-ii’ Adkins Told Jnisllce- ‘ "Fellows. i can’! holler- I'm sick; You'll just have to excuse me. Let' some ._.t the \\'llfl68K0h tell you what happened. I dlD'l testify" ' That was the explanation given be- fore Justice John S. Bicknell ,vester- day afternoon by Jack Adkins, B farm~ ' er living near Bnglewood, who ap- [)Pal'l_'il for his Ilfé-llflli:lltl‘)' hearing on Lt charge of attacking Jeff Barnes. it neitrhbor. with a scyth».-. Adkins would tell of the meeting of the two men “I and their argument. But when he Rut to where the fight is alleged to hB\'t~ started. hire memory failed him each time he was on the stand Adkins‘ was dismissed, but. because of his peculiar in-tlmis. neighbors watched him last night. This morn- ing ho was brought to Columbia. Before’ he W8.» iitrappeti to a chair in the islit-r‘ifl"s office to await a de- cision by tho (‘ounty (‘out-i_ he had kicked Sheriff 1-‘red White.-aides and hit I-‘red Brown. deputy sheriff. on the head The County (‘nun ordered him sent to the state hospital at Fulton, Wrkitt (‘lurk In l'o|umbi.a. Wrist! Clark was in Columbia yes- terday in the interest of Moreau Park, a summer resort near Jeiferson City. noon: iuriozun as-tumors Olloen of Slfllgs and Lou Landa- Iliio Chosen Toky. The stockholders of the Boone Na- tional avian and Loan Association held their annual meeting yesterday and re-elected the name board that served last year. The member: of the board are: 8. F. 001119)’. Marshal Gor- don. C. O. Seldera. W. S. St. (Eur. L M. Defoe, J. 1-‘. Jones and 8. M. Ste- venison. The following oificera were re-elect- ed by the directors: President. 8. I-‘. Conley; vice-president. L. 3!. Defoe: secretary. W 8. St. Clair; treasurer. S. C. Hunt. 8. I-‘. Conic)’. L M. Defoe and W. 8. St. Clair were again chosen as the loan committee. Attorneys for the os- sociation are C. B. Rollins. J. P. .\ic- Baine and Boyle C. Clark. 11‘. I‘. ut.\'G—ARltit'£s l.\' cotrittaiit Will Kelp Dlnnage the Tavern Drug Store Here. Vi’ E. King arrived from St. Louis liuit night to help manage the Tim. .ern Drug Store. which he’ and Clarence (T. Lightner bought recently from D. F‘. Arnett. Mr. King has be-e§?bpnnected with‘ the Wilson Drug (‘onlpany in St. Louis for the last the years. QHICAGO STRIKE [AI EN!) 800! Carmen Expected to Accept Compro- mlu 0! C5 to C7 Gents. CHICAGO. July 80.--‘William D. My ‘ hone, tnternntlonnl president oftha up the strike situation here todly. City mcrtiusineu officials predicted a apooi'.Ly’return to normal. Not a wheel turned today In city. Mahone'a first eflort was call on local leaders to submit the istrike question to a referendum. Lea era among the striking car- men declared that (radical: among them overrode the others and that the compromloe of 65 to 67 cents an hour would be approved by a relhrendum. 0 I he on O ' :"‘.";- 7-}: . 4| ’ . . -.._.. .}x.E‘J; DA” A I i The National Livestock lnrket ' I L BT(|(7K \'AlU)S, EAST ST uly The |I\'l- Itocli nitir ' .\'ATIti.\’A l.til'lfi, lll.. l i c.vir'ri.t:: (H): Mar it-1. T $‘§0'l(r3li.'uI ; l~’tt-cker. and feeders 370033900 ’ 6.'iio kn-t -tr-viii: (I) n 0003132.. and ht-ift-ru 8‘i.(lD68l .30 HUGS: [ten-lptu 7,500; lilnrki-t III‘ to if.‘ Iver .\Illc-41 and butchers 8;’.‘.’.-|0fi3'.Q.Wl. taund and r ... >€I‘$'.'.'Hf-. (I 0 . lo 3 G N E -7-.i’iii xiii-:9: Re-<1-iptn i’..’-no; uiirim ItrutiL' lazuli: 813,')0.€81.';..'i() 3 En pi CI Id 0 l 30x3 - $10.50 30:3 1-2 - 12.75 32:3 1-2 - 16.00 price. . “How Would You Like to Buy Tires at These Prices?” ‘WELL. IT CAN BE DONE’ We have on handalimitcd supply ol4,000 milc guaranteed tires that we are selling at a reduction of irom40to50%. tires are slightly damaged and are, there- for:-, selling for half-price. of fact, however, they are as good as the tire for which vou pay double the If you want a chance at these tires you'll have to call early. THE TAVERN GARAGE Repair Work That Can Not Be‘ Exculled 32:4 - $20.50 33:4 - 21.50 3424 - 22.50 These As a matter endowment. Stephens ‘ College (The junior College for \\"'omen,i Columbia, Missouri (The Educational Center of the State) A rrim ' 11711.‘/I J/10‘lDl.IIgfiI‘¢'.l’(7If bin’/i//r1g.r in center arm’ ii-ftfarrground,andpropom/éui/ding: Announces that its enrollment tqdatc is larger than theen- rollment for any previous year in the history of the institu- tion. Students desiring to enroll in the College should make application at once. lnbrder to meet the demands upon the College, a campaign '5 _”l P_T02ress to secure §5(l0,000 to be used in erecting dor- mitories, class room buildings, and to provide additional For catalog and ihformation, address A , JAMES M. WOOD, President. s)’ V