'BEGGED TO " FIGHT Tllllllllll Slflilii Islands Don’t Want Ab501"t¢ Independence, Say 2 M. U. Students. Philippines Offered 25,000 pup Cllhgll. "The End of the Bold 8'88 350311 it the’ Broadway Odeon in a vrlnte show today at 11 o'clock. - V070 distributed throusll the Indlenct fwblch consisted oi the oifioers of va- rious organiations. Each 9073011 present was lied to write on -the card his opinion of the picture. ‘there was not iroard turned in that did not heartily endorse the dim and its up- pearanee. Arnons some of the criticisms writ- "Every mother who has n ciwco M Duerme a Filipino student in 1 this picture. I think everyone should the University. who eat with Arterifii see it.” was W. 8. Donn.-y's comment. "A good picture for anyone to see," ." rnsnsnm rnssouaus. o6t.u'nn;.nssousI.'aoxmr. mouse 0. BIRTHDAY ill Will National Holiday on Day-of Declaration of Hostilities VVith Germany. RIVER PROCESSION King and Queen Float Down Thames in State Barge veraarr of England's declaration of war againfi; Germany falling on a reg- ular public lhllday. was utilized today I I . ted upiwl and poor crowded in. good nataredlr. while’ the drannan rehped a barren beyond his loudest hopes. (intro or ladder; were carried on all these "bosses" so that «women abroad or alight with ease. The iy thing that seemed to wor- ryoermanyat alltnthe recentstrikes was up fact that the railroad trou- bles threatened for a time to be suf- flclently serious as to hamper badly the transportation of food and coal. This would have been decidedly seri- of the railways would mean starva- tion. ' i‘A'l"l‘LE DIECREASE 0315 BALI-‘ ‘ - » .- . — D1’: V i ‘; "Gt? Anoratorofnationall »‘ A ’ 0 ’ 0 [Fill ““ ”"" "” °' "" '°" EIBUIIICELEBBATES ::.?":-'...‘.:".....-x.'""“.:‘.:"....*""......";': W-'-‘""!'_'_2~ '"' in... so «- W .. ‘ gv,"— , ' """"' « — . . i _ w.w.eu-ui wm lab" as 00I- 0 indie interestoi the alien; .-:’:‘ __'-__« - Private 8hou'1‘alg“‘llsdII Secured Mk V - leuth! dill?‘ rmrodlgh ' 0".-1“. h.“'.u'l‘. “ . um. . p W. ‘W. Garth. sscretaryvot use Co- lumbia Commercial Club. ‘will lecture in room 100. ewiutur»-stun. It 11 o'clock Thursday I! on “com- munity Orfinizadon in Advertistnl-" The lecture is open to all students in the Bchool of Journalist; of the l.'ni- ve'rsii.)'. SEND [llll_fl_llLi[llll8 The committee in charge of the Greater Stephens College 3500.000 Campaign issued 30.000 bulletins last Stephan .. so mean subscriptions have A“; called for. iifiltfifl of the cam -. *‘_ bfigu fl. thoanhd ‘dollars will be used for _ bonding; and 8200.000 for the ‘cut ment mad. . e cggjj “More than three hundred girls - ;_"~ been entered in the college at ~« ~'._ The necessity for new buildings imperative." said Mr. Stephens. MI‘? the college now had its new dormitor- ice, the rooms would already be filled.‘ .. ¢"a'l'l‘i.t-2: Receipts 8000: Market an-ady.: Native beet’ steers 0.w@1-H-00 A Yearling stern: sndghelfl-fl $8-wdlifl - (‘ows ' N3‘ Nccdcd. . deep regard for her daughter should t() Chelsea- ous. for Berlin and. fact. ah Ger- StcPh¢’"5 . College E The National Livestock larketw.‘ . kc‘ cl take her to see this picture." Dr- C. H’ mm“ P"“—— -— man cities are literally living W00: AFC Mailed to MlS- _ “Our government is the sub at M_ Snead wréte. ~' ‘ hand in mouth. both as regards coa - ' . , , . xm. . 'lles nearest our’ hearts." said Fran-I "I cannot see anything wrong about LONDOK Au“ ‘°""n‘° Mu‘ ‘um’ and food. A few <31?!’ complete U¢“D sou“ Baptist Ham” i.t?t“‘i1i;,'ot:i‘ifLar?d'l:0:?l:Tl::’lIIr)i§'e?ork man:-" : 3- O‘”'l’°“°"' “”°m" Fmpmo Btu- Paul Barth wrote. for several ofliclal and unofficial peace Week containint ll|i0|'l!llU0D °03¢¢”1' 31 dwiv '3“ “'9 p°"'h M the "‘M‘C"“ was Dr. J. E. Jo:-tion':s C0!D- celebrations which had to be eliminab "on on Fwd E0.“ nfltflfl, ing the college. These were sent to (.‘.‘:"‘_:.""":,“° ' 533' ‘7‘me”'m Build‘!!! ‘*5! “*8” - “ ’ ed from the O is! J -D -. J I‘ 19. .. — ' 11 Ba tist {unit in the state. The -r s ' l3.'.."'. .- “Our people do not want absolute mew” 5 «Old Fun #4: ooyh.” ‘H . 35°‘ ‘ P" "°"”"* gun 5 p in fly, I ,1 mm t‘:::.sn?'?elren 87.u'é8i2.m ~‘ . The picture deals in a stralghtfor- er ames d the stage, ~JEFPE V CITY; An‘ ‘ The u et us are e rs o a se ous 1 - -"- independence." he continued. "Should were treated cruelly and inhumanly. But you Americans took the Islands over and put joy into our lives. You gave up schools. street cars. electric lights and sewers. "You should see our great Filipino university. established twelve years ward way with‘ the dangers of social cnt$rtnin. It teaches the practical value of ideals in life. .\'£l.‘B(llI8 D0 NOT CELEBRATE (‘hutch Rallies interfere Willi Eman- cipation Day Picnic. For the ilrst time in years the ne- ago by America. _Studonts'come from , graces of Columbia are not holding a largely to himself this morning when! Chelsea. Great crowds of holiday- makers thronged the banks and bridg- {e8. ltld the river was swarming with small crafts of every de3(‘rip{}on_ so lthat the aquatic marshals. in the per- sons of the Thames police. and the «King's Watermen had considerable ;‘ diificulty in keeping a clear course for \ ;«the procession of boats. . l I 1 . Jewell Mayes of the U. 8. Bureau of (‘rap Estimtttes and the State Board of Agriculture. ' Returns for the middle of July from if 131 cattle owners in 70 counties shovwuumx flu‘ of 1919. ‘mi In ‘nd_ that only 14 of tits number were iced- ing, and they had 908 steers on feedl against 1.771 in Jul)‘. 1918. or but 51 er cent as many. will be sent during ‘ next few weeks called. contains sixteen pages. At the top of each page is acut. that runs the full width. of the college girls stand- ing in double die on thepcampus. Other illustrations are of the grad- uates. a picture of Mrs. J. Iawrence Matthews. '53, the oldest alumnae, and Miss Lucile White. '19. president of lltlfli-I: Receipts 10.00:»; Mat-‘let low and I-tn be III a 813..'I06Cl5.7.'a. ss- 5 MORE DAYS to . ,3 America say ti) us. ‘you are tree.’ ev- mseues_ It has a stem lesson in a triumphai river procession headedinufnbe °‘ °w‘° In 5"”f“” ‘"3 feed to create interest .- e college just 25;“|:;"'..¢ butchers s22.2.'»as2.7r. 7 ‘ eryonc would be sorry. beofilfle “"9 reglfly in it for every young man and by King George and Queen Mary in-l J""' 1 '5 8 “me 3°" 1”" tn" before the eompaign for subscriptions Good and hear; 821'-J-'>68'-'-"-90 _ '~‘°“"“'3' h” d°”° 3° m"°h {M as‘ women. its primary function is to in- the NW0 11800 Si-810 33118. proceeded 0‘ :2; JuIy'..bm etmmber °‘ '35‘ be 3, itioiillft Il9no0¢8".'1.2'3 " -(F hundreds of years out _ f T . B ‘ h , on W33 I per Cell 11:011. ICCOT Us “orb M I '« the b ! ‘ ' W: ‘ “vedorunder me Spanish rule; we “mm and enlighten “the, man [0 rom ouer r ge up t e river to to the pun ram“ 0! E. A‘ Loam m e per as u n s 81 A I fill!-28!‘: luvelptl 3.100: I-l!I?k"l *l°“"l)‘- . every province and learn wonderfulfpfcnic or some other kind 0! enter-[ The king. and the royal pan;-,lp things there. ;tainment today to coinmemorate7boarded the gorgeous stage bar at'“””''' at am’ mm?‘ “l 5 P" G 3 D ;of Journalism of the University. Dean jlaidor Loeb of the School of Business ‘and Public Administration of the Uni- lversity and David H. Harris. judge of student government association; pic- --.g g . turea of J. D. Ellifl, W- W. Carters. W. "Governor Harrison works for th-: ' Emancipation Day. or as it is called ithc Tower, and amid famfarea oi trum-Fun” 1"“ 58”.‘ °r 5393 “gain” 6'“)! P. Evans. the committee on faculty. 4 ; l eo le constantly and they all like i by the negroes themselves. !iianumla- «pets and salutes proceeded to the head ‘N we 131 °"m”5' and different pictures of college organ- . D. p . . .. ‘ ' . i The central section of the state '» 1 -. mm’ The ““"l"‘”‘°d p"°p'° "I M" ""0" D35‘ lot the moceukm‘ The mag‘ barg€‘!ghoa‘u the greatest increase in cattle'1mu°n“nd. mu’ ‘ ‘ I . islands are (I3ll“d .\iorns They v-sear Alex L. Hicks. of the Hicks Grocrryimaster. W. G. East. an oiflcial whose‘ t wh“ th ‘Mr H d! The special feature if an insert - little clothing~—i-nmething like me (‘o.. reP0l'l:s today that there is a big ‘duties. in ordinary times are to look °“ f“ “t’.‘’' r‘’ h ‘’ "°" hi _ ‘:2 panoramic view of the college Glmpus.‘ . bathing suits wurn by women in mislpicnic being held at Deer Park. ihir- lafler the swans and royal u'aterfowl.|w:‘1 mg’ ‘Ff'ee;‘:r: ‘fie ‘um: . with the buildinse In the beckzfwnd-E ‘ : counlrv. For three years Governor iecu miles from Columbia which a ram? 10 his Ox! today and clad In a-.f1d(_d‘“ ‘0 (bet; 0 among mm M. ‘and in the foreground the students. in, ' I ' Harrison has tried to civilite the Mu- number of (‘olumhia tlegroeg are M- Tudor costuin - resplendent in crim-lud are wamn for "market condition; 1 white dresses. lined up for the formal ‘; A R E A [4 rm" " W“ impossime for him Intending‘ Mommy and Sedalm loulmn um gold‘ acted as admin! Merlin clear upon: or the outcome oi the Droceuion to me good“ Church mel get a hearing with the sultan. Fina1- V are holding emnnicipauon celebra- ‘the thin)‘-“'0 8“““'>' Wilermm fllflfiwm "op ‘ ‘“"“ S“"‘“" °’ ‘he °°"°‘° "°"' 1‘ . . ' ' I)’ be hit upon a novel plan and 111- ' tions that are drawing crowds from:“‘°8I'1ng Tudor period uniforms our Egmr commas with 15‘ farmer 1731'“ P‘°W'‘° "3 70“? (111100 the ‘Vidal it vited the sultan. the queen and their coiumbia. bluoned with the rural cypher. whowho’ repomd hog-3 on Md Show sills! the book and full lensth. S U M M BR daughter. the princess. to his home? According to Hicks the reason CO-lpropeued the dlsnngumhed pany An ‘£34 hogs oh feed against '5 373 last: A “M or “done” M the campugn ’ ‘V in Manila for a month's visit. Theyllumbia negroes are not celebrat1ngl°3C°"‘ 0‘ “"3 l“‘¢"‘"”°“° "°°m°° °fs_;u,’. U, 7 D“. (.,_.m more ' of m;,"" p“b“‘b°d in ’-he l’°“°“n- P’°“d°m F 0 O T " 1."- wme In my“ m_‘.,e_ and the gowmor 1 here ,3 that the people who are “up jthe Guard. looking as though they had number 65 per cam hue been on feed f A. Ross Milt of the University. Chan- W E A R ,: succeeded in helping them change ly interested in promoting the picmcsim" °‘°PP°d "Om l Pictorial history _e mm new or more um 70 per cm ecellor rt-ant: Strong or the University ° their manner of dress, their habitslhnve been busy with church raliien,b°°k “"1 ‘rmed "ml ‘"189 hllberlsjof [hem Wm have been marketed M50’ "-3"“~5- 355"“ —‘‘“1he'''3- 59“ 0‘ ‘W’ CW0“ °‘ " “°"“""- l‘‘‘“’'-‘’- “I” “am.” ‘the middle of August, with very fewlme ‘“"'""" °°h°°’,°' ‘he m“"°"“"' ALL SUM- "When General Pershing was sin-I J. G. “'llli8m5. negro barber. be- _Ch:tl':eangu gm:-tyb tdremzarked ll" lgeede,.s_ homing hue, than the m1dd]a;°fCmc‘5°' De“: “flier “filer or the tioned in the islands. we liked him. E lit-ves that the lack of interest in tbegder of ‘beg: “:59 :1” °"_‘ °u:°‘““(‘_‘é _of September. _\~.,,,,,....,;, “,5 ,,o,,,,. ‘ ’ _* But we like-(l General Bell and Gen-sczlebration this yctlrits due to the wars _i h ho 2 ‘C l r in rom: .94“ _\“,E0m.i show ‘ewe’. hogs [4 O R D S .‘ t-rul Wood as well. You see we have Williams claims. however. that the ne- , ‘Ll “B an p n C V?” 9?‘ .gm“ than in“ _‘.e“._ while the west no favorites. wgroes of Columbia and or Missouriigruluxs l’(’Nsvr won,“ BERLIN district. with a yer)‘ poor corn crop ‘ -- Just year. show» El decided reduction; P U M P S ililt People Become Alanued When but the other sections of the state are T "When the war rurnc. our country never fail to celebrate on January 11, offered 2:’-.0m'i .-sulrliers. They begged .\A’lll(‘ll is lhe real emancipation day . h C‘ ‘ , A to fletht but were not needed lot the Missouri negroeis. Slaves in. pood1~,..ngporta.lItm ls Hllllperfii. 'pasturing an increased number ofgtjoersérgcut Umn‘ are among the en’ Aguinaldo. our former l:overtior.1—MIst§oun were not set free until two‘ 3513145-_ Julyjs my man)‘_“vhen'hogu. Meetings are being hem in the who was captured by I-‘unaton. has now only the kindest feelings for America. occasionally he gives a dinner for the American oiilcers sta- tioned Lhere. At present he is in ‘ ikmerit-it \'i.~)r‘e(f-atliltlhl :1‘ rindim-oil‘) iluly 1 ir.'.i5 S6, Cir aibnut the 11511:: Ill. A plan ‘5 now ban‘ rormuhu-‘d to “.‘""‘g Thmuh sun.’ limprnvised Ctll‘I"8ll8 and didn't curee ‘"937 ""“"3i“‘ “°"d‘”°" can a meeting of representative Bap- R ,, an ., J , 1' ~ :' , _:_____ mm or st. Louis, st. Joseph and Kan- 3P° 8 1 5° <‘ “"9 are Over“ "3 s the luck except mildly. i i As for violence. there was none ex- l 5" Sufi” "n l‘ K‘ k T’ ‘''4‘ ‘ in several counties in the state In that “"°"k°"‘ ‘cent in it few isolated cases where. The .\1. K & '1'. Railroad I188 n0t 3'0! izuise of Salvation Army % 'hr0Ul1hl 0|“ ' 5t5tem9nt ‘ruin U99‘-‘igtrjking cgrmen were pg;-90n31]1,' 'i)9Pll £'fl0liPd D)‘ lhi.‘ strike. according '-f i.-: in the Filipino urtny. 3 "There tire now more than ninety ‘{ moving picture slum’.-a in the islands. ' We also have baseball. football. gnl{., . tennis and other things just us you] have them in this t.-ountr_v." ‘ __-., 803 Broadway .- . .__j__._....,-__ 1" ID!!! Estate Tranniers. “mm H },mM_“ to 1‘. ML ;(;ol. John in. Sharp of the salvation;,,.,,,,ed_ no H. ii. Wilson the local agent. pa C h t PHONE 13 10*‘). P‘ H 9.; price’ Add ('0. ;--”n)' lhal ‘he Sailafion Ann): h3dl A_no[her gtrgnge part of the §j[u3. "There are 110 strikes as )1?! 0!! ill? y as ' lumbia H.500 I fm£:"d°"t;d lb: ltllllan til!‘ senfjling 6:: uon was the moi mg: [hough mg ‘or. .\i K. & T he said. "and we are hav-' i f0’ _ _\1_ l__ C 5,“ , H 5., . 1'“ "'5 "°“3 9 3 9 3" ‘"7"’ ‘ernment could undoubtedly have re-— mg "0 lmuble "1 the shipment 0T? l 5-.,., 3:;-(19_5‘:,_:1 t mo er _.;.,,,(,?'°‘?" ““‘h°‘”‘“°" *0 be 0° "'9 “id! sorted to the American expedient of freight." 1 Used SERVICE , (or fake collectors who 8°59 "«S""""strilte-breaking in order to operate _.~tn-oi i-‘lrderv From 800110 uniim-y.l “:1 }B),§::terA:;:j :.0§'umB‘:figs 2'00“ “OWNS loft-t money. i::‘1e“:-iara. this was not even at-g DOVDOV J I ' 16 M H A X i S G‘ -\""“a”"‘ lid" ”’ J’ H‘ B°'°h' !"°""'"'""" smdem‘ 5°" T°'“"T°"'_ Be‘.-’riin had to gel to its work and 7 steamer has unlltat-‘tded ni‘l.lnnne1:lv]u.Tt‘h ‘ad i paerlsr \t\'f I; 11-47-H (2l.\£:'.3all. 100% All! siudgnls it; the ‘.'§'cl:ool oi Jo:e;i£:)a;v as best it could. or else stay Va full cargo of German steel helmets. G ‘ nu e vcrsoic lo '. 2. nut 81!) an pre- ourntt 8 8 are its 9. 9 0 9 9 5 "0 - . Smith Pl its 8 & 9 Bmichelle '10 meet in room 100 of Switzler Hall.’ 'l")he result was that thousands of 2:.“ if‘1r:t‘1‘t-er‘ ivhltelcbltuitlrcfi ti? bi.-I l:1e|ri1:tl y I Add, Kill) in 32,500 4,250. at 815 o't-lm-it tomorrow morning. early risers did many miles more I down at steel works. . : ,,_ - ,__,' __ N _ _ ____g_ __ W ,___ p ,___g ‘H or H A ____N-__ BROADWAY onion - TWYTUESPAHAMUUNT-AHTCHTA --«I H- ‘ _ g a AND | . -- 22¢ 4 0 . . CHILDREN, 10¢ d 1 Daily MItlnCC 11‘: "I cf.‘ 1 S . ‘ MAURICE TOURNEUR PRESENTS ti. ' _ 5 “S I ° 99 The SD€Cf2tOTs were drawn into the ex- ; l; D g e °i'°m°“‘ °f ‘hi? Pl3Y'8 ¢PiS3de8, applauding and ex- I y '1 A Pieturlzation oi the Famous llrury lane clmmng at tb.F.‘.~§’°°°“’i."" °f °““""°‘» “ P‘°Pl° d° 1 ’ Melodrama-— run oi Thrills and °_“‘Y _“’b°° 9“? "0 thrilled by a sense of participa- ; ' Excnemcnt hon in what they see or hear. It is a remarkable -._ = plcturc."——N. Y. Timer. ' i F The world's most ‘ 'j' I 9. famous racr:——-the English A & Derby! A thrilling Bad M3d¢ , . A 99 .j prize fight at an exclu- Love to Her! ' ‘ p sive London club! 131- 1 9 Some dastardly citement. intrigue— tfitctfckthfifclrfi hfizag) everything in a young T5095 Sllfe. because the T‘ '. ‘ h o 0 English Earl's “gporting dslrgnbzeral l))rt.>:t’rt.mt;irs: life”! See this 'I‘RE- TI-Icrcg is a young Enfiglishhfiari, muscles soft- -1:3“- .- - , MENDOUS picture! tened by riotous living.‘ His opponent, a hardened, bi‘ P10“ a d 5 T . veteran oithc prize ring. wnuum your pity till you see the his $lG'I‘i-i ”‘ l ’ m scrap itself in this nupendmas Drury Lane melodrama. ‘ _ E . RIP?‘ -. -_ A 9 . ’ ' - i i l t * . ‘ _'z«_. . - I . ' ,_ v . , - . > - .. _ , . ,- . . , . ‘- . V _ __ .__.. — - I - " ~ ~ . «.-. _ . .., - 7- . - _ -’.'?_'._‘_. ._ 6' ‘ '.‘ _4__.'_"-__. I‘; “.j‘— -__ '.‘.£&{.--,- .1 f‘. '. .-. ; -:- " ’. v ‘ I