. . _ _ .. _ - V. ,.. .1 ."V.,‘.,‘ u-.'-‘V,.".a-_— . . .»-“"4 tltttmtttlllitn“ Milli llllili llllllsfsi .\lcn and Vi/omen in Droves. Wander Homeless in ' Streets. RENT FOR $1 A WEEK: l Rather Have Gardens Than‘ Porches No Matter How i Small. L0:\’DO.\'. Jul)‘ 20 (by !naill.—Great llritain has got to build houses right twat’ for her people in town and <‘0UM1’>‘. .\'o new houses have been built for four years and the old ones M“ 5'91"”: to ruin. Men and women 8"‘ “‘8!1<191’3n8 round in droves look- lT‘i~' Y0? lllates to set up life together. ttlti thtntzs have gut to such a pagg that the Red Cross has had to estab- itsk. hotels for babies in order that the)’ at least need not be dragged Wear)’ miles on house-bunting expe- ditiuns. Partiament has taken steps to en-) able» housing authorities to get on with t‘uflillTll(‘l.10f: and the nation is prom- ised a building scheme of enormous [lf‘itpl]f[i0n_ I l'7*'9V.*‘bod)' is interested in the new lmuses because everybody knows that tn :1 cnutry so small as this the erec- tion of tens of thousands of homes it til entirely change the whole look of thinss The new houses have not to -‘till-‘fl’ P901116 Who puts by as well its’ iht’ Ones who live inside. Tho first step toward the b‘: new scheme is a "model home" exhibition JU-“I Opened in London. Architects and amateur home planners all over the country were invited to compete .\’0‘!‘l(‘I'Z 43‘ SPECIAL ELECTION. in THE Ql.‘ALll~‘lEI') VOTERS 01-‘ Till: tl'i”l' UP‘ t’liI.l'.\iBlA, hilsslottu 1 You are hereby notified tbnt a Ipi-vial‘ -~--ctlun of the qualified voters or the City,- --f l‘~-lumhia. Missouri. has 5- F . u I * newer t-yntem Oonnlructltilr M'W'a£l‘ uti-I . ill 1-luttts in connection tho.-rt-w h. dllpua The I-nllnt-4 to be used in ruling on vault!‘ pr--p-nsltlnu will he in the full-mint: f--rm_ Exit-onion of the PK-tent Public Sewer System and Funutructlon of Sewage ills- pusnl Plants in Cottncrtlon Tin-ro-with - "Fur Ittcn’~nm- of Ilcbt—\'t-1" l'vvr .lll*’l'V‘lIi|4." oi’ IN‘!-t—.\'-3" All Va-lrw ¢'3~f nu UH‘ film?!- . .. [ir--position‘ shall hr ink ‘ r lHI'Y0'llfl(‘ t-f I :.-L--it us it into‘ til-wn'|u .l'liI' Dttbl——-.\'n" shall be K ihtfrv rum, . [co-l|lt:g plnrw-s’ of stall! "l('1‘flillI Illlill i-- .t~ ft-lion: | l"‘.l~f ‘Wtr-I liujlivu llail saw and Worst it-muv tkounty i'ull.'Z lluusc. i'i.ir«l Wu.’-l fins--men: of I-Ilka‘ (‘tub I1 nrtlt \\’-ttti W, K .'~‘tmu-'9 I3ttr:t;:o- |--»l!- at uni-l I-lH‘Kl0ll will be u[IvD4't I all .a'- !.-«.-k In the morning and run .---l 4-:u‘:t until M§$'o'iJ l7| o‘t'l0(‘k ll} UK‘! 2 . n shall set after aev-' rll »T- »-'4-I.-ok. itt uhlch f‘.'l.lP the oil! will. arm 4-[wit until sunset of at eit-ctlon‘ 11:11 -Ii’-lrl’ of the City ('utltlcll of l‘--lutnlvln, Missouri. JAMES GtmIm.\', _\|.~t.~.r. (‘Hy nf tfuluml-tn, .\iltttmurl ; \'l"I l-I~'i‘ .:ull.\' >2. lttt‘K.\'t;l.L l 4 ll} 4 4-rk, I'll)‘ uff'ului1il-In. Ml-I5Uui'l.. I l l"Tlr' 1-)‘ ?.'.o- I .'\ «if I '1 CLASSIFIED ADS. Half a (‘cut a Word a Day ma RENT 9 i lam-\l.~' l'.trti--- nnrtng r-.-om: to rent to. -'.u f--ttt. Il|‘l\ list them I of (‘hIli’fi¢'. u"'. .'.3.-- it ---tnlng House Bureau of lb ‘ 3 . I \. I all '.".’3 for further lnformtr’ it--tt. Y-fit!‘ FOR SALE l't~ll .~’.\I.l»Z \ lcumpnrtment flrt-leul -&v- '.'.--n-- ‘.'l4.'v. or call at 309 Hill lg X-294' l Peinltsareasinterastintucanbeto anunsrlcan. on September 26. according to J. 2\‘ THE ju-gm 901' Drius which ran to $8,000 and the .4 ,--_..o .... ..___._._. ._.-.___ - The model houses are all pretty outside. Most of them have red tiled V0018. ’ White roughoast or concrete walls jrlth red brick trimmings. pic-N tnresquo chimneys and wide laticed; Itindows. We in America know it as’ the English cottage type. There are’ some models with our sort of win- dows- that slide up and down and P0l‘¢hes and bay windows. but porch-l as do not appeal to the English ven- much. This climate is not adapted to porch life. When it is good weather: everybody wants to get right out of. doors and when It is bad Weather at pot-ch_maltea the rooms behind it dark. ‘ Any Englishwotnan would rather have a little strip of earth three feet wide to make a garden in than the widest porch you ever saw. We Americans imagine the things that are done in a narrow strip of ground or- even a winduw box in England. i To our idea these model homes are just Spartan abode-s designed for 3L hardy people who will enfure dis-i comforts in their own homes though { the)‘ are enthusiastic about our Amer- ican houses when they cross the At- lantic. There is not a model in the exhibition that has a cellar and not° a model provided with central beatlh) or stationary wa.-shtubs_ (‘hlmucys In Plenty. The model that took the first pr.ze for a block of four worltmen‘s cot- tages to rent for about $1 a week has four cbimnc-_\-5 when three would have done the work. or even one. Chim- neys add greatly to the cost of ' house. too. but in this country they are considered a necessity. and archi- tects lof-e to stick them on. ‘Coal is. bought weelt by week and stored in a little closet of! the kitchen. or scul- lery as it is called. In the corner of a tiled room leading out of the scul- iery is wtnt they caJl a "Copper." This is a big stntonary copper kettle to boil clothes in with a place for a tire underneath. In another corner is a bathtub set on a raised platform t=t'lth_ a, fitted (‘DIET over it to serve as a: table or ironing board. In the scullery is the sink. drain board and plate rack and usually a bank of shelves for pots and pans, but there are seldom closets out of this room The living mutt) is also the kitchen. provided W th 8 iiF€?D71li‘0 range. On one Wall is &l“’8)'$ ‘ht’ "dresser." u long sort or i~‘l'deht)ai'tl made of deal, and on this all the fam- ily china is get out in grand art-a~'._ fully exposed to the dust and r’ uir-; log a good deal of keeping in order as ' i know to my coat. l Except in more pretentious _- houses where rent is about $8 a week there are no bathrooms or running water on the upper floorond the Stairs °‘ are sfcep and narrow. One of the great lIll10\‘llll(1!lS ‘.11 the new scheme will be inside plumbiniz. At present most London houses have exterior water piptas and these arc nearly always run up the north strict of the house. The drawing rooms and . l . test bedrooms: are situated on the south side and pipes outside would spoil the effect. G.l}{D.\'f-{R TO PRESS RZIEETISL Missouri Association Will Meet This Fall for Three Days. By l'nitNl Pt-ooa. C.A.RR('lI.l.TlJ.\'. Aug. l2.—GOYéTUOT Gardner will attend the annual full meeting of the Missouri Prose: Asso- ciation and will address the members. Stonebrttker. president of the press association. The association will be in session threc days. September 2.3 26 and 27. As no annual full meeting has bcert held for two years. President Stone- brenl-ter predicts 11 bu-‘RV lime 111 UN’-’ ‘ conference is * ders coming sessions. SCHOOL —;'OltK Sfl()ll‘.\' AT FAIR Boone County Represented by Edu- cational Exhibit. Boone County public schools arc represented by an educational exhibit at the State Fair at Sedalia. Speci- mens of the work of pupils of the -._m—._._._. - ITO PUSH SOUTH Anmc EVENING IISBOURIAS. COLUIBIA. MISSOURI. TFESDAY, At‘ — g-_. .5 - TRADE DURING SEPTEMBER x1-:w Yon]-{_ Aug. 12.-—What is the basis upon which greater trade can he established between North and South America? That is. of course. only another way of asking What 55 . the basis upon which there can be es- tablished a better feeling on all lines. for successful trading relationship! generally. and there is nothing which will destroy confidence between na- tions more quickly than misunder- .:45 melt l-:l‘.v..\\\' N!‘W ('lrIe,'t__"|,-. Tl3'»'." dil lull l'4‘REtl’d ll as lurlflf-'. fill’ :'\l'u}. It is‘ rtttnounreri at tltr h"iUlqtJ.il’lI‘l'.~ of the it-.l\'t‘l’ll.-llllg 2lS.'~}()(_‘lEx'tltll‘. in this til)‘ [l.ilf Jttllll l‘L1t‘ro*[[_ director uf the l'nn-.-tmr-ritan [‘ntnn. which has «ion».- an much to prufllnlc frie-udl_v t-glatmn. v.‘*l'll[‘l6 fN~_‘lV\'('9il the two 4't)iilIllt}lll.l-‘. ins 1l1k"Il it l:r-zltt inlets-«I .n the septum bet‘ tonfi-rcltc-0. and is lit-lplltg [u {ur- wttrd the nmw-mt-nt .\ir liztrre-ti is to iilli"ll(l the saliva,-:'t:.~'lIu: it)f'l\'(‘Ill)nrl tami wtll 3-[lé*.'ll( .tt HHS t-n'.tf«-rv.-nce lac- tween bu.-zncas ntcn u! the (‘W0 rout..- ' n‘tlts. i‘L\' l"I.\‘D ['.\'EXPI.0DEID SHELLS l-‘remit Professor of Sciences at .\'utt- ry fins Inn-ntcd Instrument. Bv Hi-3.\'Rl' WOOD «lulu-d Pm-u Stall’ (‘orc-1-vudeuti l’.-KRIS. Jul)" 25 lb)‘ matll --I-‘runce':< war zone agricultural problem of how to discover the presence underground of unexploded shells. bombs and gran- iades has Just been solved by a little invention by ltionsieur Gultton. profes- cor of physical sciences at .\'ttnc,v. Professor Gultton's invention ren- the task the simplest in the world. With the little instrument he has pa:-rim-ted each individual shell. bomb lillfl Grenade now lying snugly tucked away under French soil waiting for an opportunity In blow up any farmer whose plow or narrow has the n1i.vfor- tune to mole.-at it. will silid sh:-ll. bomb or grenade is repos- 'lng Professor Guitton in perfecting his invotltion has availed himself ilughel-e Well known principle of bat- nnrc l_v lnluction invented for study- inlt the molecular structure of metals and perfected later for the use by sur- t:u-ons in locating pieces of metal em- bedded in the flesh. Cut‘tton':~' instrument consists of two large wooden hoops, each on encty. cling an electrical coil, «mo of which ('¢xl':‘lt-5 a variable cleclrtc current wlnie lite other one ts lnullllled on n '.clt.~pl:nnc tppnrztt-is if the opposing l'tlrrcl'li:~' in passing through the earth that is being examined meet with no metallic objects nothing happen. But f.:________ The National Livestock llarket ' l l -\.$Tl".\‘.\l. ~‘.T""l\. \’.\lilIS l.'.\.-T .\’T |,1'l l.‘*', lll, film.’ l: ’.lu- lilo» ~ri.a_-k may Krl f~-r I--tin)‘ “us an full--we‘ “.\'l“|I l lie-«1-it-tn 7.i||"|; .\l.trL--i st:-ally VA-'.!\‘t f lit-«rut $ltltull:1$1'- Tull ..,. YwtI'li1t|.: 1-it-4-rs nut) I1!-lfvfq :14 tntQ$:4.'.n tuna S\uuq1s1;t un_ t-‘t.-wk-~r~ and to-mien $7 futvqtlfii an t'nl\‘--- 31:1 Ottutlia M T-‘tilt: Sfovvrl 8\‘.'.’u(1$]{fHl "own and ht-lfcrs 8Ti,(l@${o,'.u Ho-'v4ittin 7,0--I-, .\l:trLr-t t.\- t.. :5: 2'" ''.I3(‘{'.; 4,“ ‘law- hectrr 82:1 otv(;:23.3o. .1 . v I:lL"‘ liulls I Slflif I‘ l{¢r<‘I‘l[vll| .'i..'slta; .\i:irl;s-t §ft.'8tl_t' .\‘t:c~v-p ilhtl t-new $\.'sUqt$9 uu. Lauri»: 3l5_tl_bu8l6T.'» ROBERT it. can Agent for Mutual Benefit Life Ins. flice lwlt i.‘i'lu’|{ .\'.-\I.E—HOUI('holIl furutlvarious count)‘ schools are on dis- 3% Exchange Natl Bank BN8. <[::.‘r'-.-“ft. T+l4._I.*~‘.’\c-uth 9th. 3rd floor, D0fIhUll.(l.:;'. play, 30373. and girls “ab work ,3 columbh‘ no‘ .___ ' lteatured. lull .\.\1.l~2 snxne household and kitch- .. :.m;ltun-, cirwtaer, rocking chair, rut:.. - l -8- \I', it l‘llutw 5'55! Gl‘t‘9D- " -' it--it 5.51.1»: um» quick meal range _nt sf 1 rhuuoo 74 5‘-5.5 it «run it i ~-- - i run r4.tl.E «rt: 'l‘ltAl)l:2--A good wet-K-i l'It)'1D8 [1 tto-nut-nt-t-r ntul job plant fu’ -.tlv. vr st-vul-i tr (.1! for residence in (0 lutlzlvlu 00' (OUT! Ad 7 Hi’ t-the-r gum] IL‘?! . ‘I’ vlrttts 5.‘; F 9 Evening Missourian. I)-Z13 lltl: 2-‘.\l.l2 Near llulversity 6-room It»-iluw and 7 room fI0llO(‘ Wllb 1ITK¢' 1°‘-. \I--l---nt-..-t; limit, 210 Guitar Bldg. Phone; 'g1‘§-U Ll-33 ll-it .\‘.\l.l?---81:-room house. modern ox- -vt-! it--at. tm-at-d on Broadway. clole Ul- l’rt.-.- .'lt:hi. Addrvu nluouriau. B-3!! rut: Qtftt“t< BALE-—at s blflain sak- --r.lt R-oullt side rt-aldencel. 0'09?! l0“°" t.. .--n. it Klnsa. 411 Guitar Bids. K-312 IISCBLLLIBOUB you niod student help. fill 0'11! an ll‘ Plllnn blanks in TUUTIGIYII and mail to 1'. M. C A. 1-9‘ Lady wants pocitlol '1“ until! family no house keeper 337*- (‘all 706 North Seventh street or G muon- rlan. cl \‘\'A.\'TEl) I'l-2.\‘t4l'S PLEIKEL (men. womenb 4°°° UP--Ilwl 39'.’ muntb.s'Acc. I8 WWII‘. 83' tn-rlc-nor n P]. For (110 P "3’ Ian nf o-utninationa. irrltc 1*" ry rm.-r Government Examiner) 143 t‘ontint-ntal Bldg. WuIh1flf‘@- T'”‘ GIRLS wAx'rt:o-rive rim 10' ""““'3 um.-.t, are is to 5. nut be neat andélé telllgt-at The Palms. ! I i’;. llwi U l I 4 I I l USE A WAN AD —j——--— 1' ' I I "I w \\ ,. ....,.:-‘.J:;7 t}iiiili'.iii.‘* t. o \ instead call- ‘up the said farmer by telephone and notify him of the precise spot where. of’ ' “ _______ if 1118)’ entnuttter a bomb, ur a shell '07" 3 Krflllitdt‘. the [t"lI't)flt'it1t’- liefilllx lfl’il'l1&('lli'.[t'l}' in buzz. and all the fartt1~ Eer has in lit) in to tits: lhr- slit-El nut With t'iil'0_‘ I The instrument will itvcate XI1Zl.*t.‘