I Revolutionists Surround and " \ , tional headquarters oi: the Red Cross. // war. ‘ Price right. address llisnourisn. A 'PO_lLUS_ ooro RESCUE ‘ French guard stood by and there was ELECT H. ._'I‘O THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF‘ THE _CI'I‘Y OF COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. A CLASSIFIED ADS. tionnl Bank Building. _ mu in 8°05 condition. Only fill if“! d It 03% *0!‘ Saab. Address ."Piano Missourianp ce. ‘ ‘ University not ueusInssW-‘h- . IIJHUIIOBTHHL ” .,s;‘ I tai1EnIt85ts.»IiilIti Bitiiifiiiiiiiii Cut Cargo -of’ Rclieftin . . . _'rHali ~ - Spend Four Times as as Normal to Make ' Trip. WASHINGTON. ‘Aug. z2.——-Details or a dozen attacks by Austrian revolu- tionists upon an American Red Cross train carrying relief supplies from Paris to Bucharest have’ reached na- Red Cross officers in‘ trip/Capt. G. H. Smith. Lieut. M. G. Watkins and Lieut. P. H. Dodson to take their thirty-five cars overland to the Rumania capital. ~ Trouble began at Combos. Austria. where the Red Cross train ran into a congested freight yard and was imme- diately surrounded by armed men. _'I'he intermittent ,ilri,ng_ all night. When itbegantolookasifthetraincrew was purposely delaying the train un- til the revoiutionists could arrive in large enough numbers to overcome the train guard, an armed detail mounted. the tender and‘ the reluctant engineer pulled out of the ward covered with a loaded riile. "in this fashion we passed through Zombar and iinally reached Scahadka. the edge of Bolshevist territory." the Red Cross oiiicers report. “Here again the yanls ‘were crowded. Civilians 0'Ce_dar Mops and Oil at Newman's. ‘ (adv.) xorxdn or srncuu. ‘ 10 W. 4 plants in connection therewith The ballots to be used in voting on said proposition will be in the following form: .Pu System and Construction or sewage posal Plants in Connection Therewith— "For Increase of Debt—'i'ea" ‘ _ “I-‘or increase of Debt-—l\'o" _ ‘ votes cast on the above pxfiJp:esitio of es" aha tak- /The liing places of said election shall be as ollows: - , First Word Belden Hall. nd Ward Boone County Court House. oils will‘ election Council of s ' which case be kept open until sunset of at _day. 1 Done by order"of the City the City of Columbia. Missouri. J GORDON J ][gy_or, Qty of Columbia. Mlssouri. ATTEST: JOHN 8. Bl CKNELL ' City Clerk. Cit: of Columbia. Mlsséuri. «- .HslfsCentsWerdsDay ‘res aster ‘son. m-:.\"r—one large to one or two men; no Telephone 152. furnished room other roointiers. FOR RENT—Two nice rooms in howell Building-suitable for students. hot and cold water, steam heat and light. Phone 7§_ ! 5-03 0 FOR REh’T—-Two nice apartments. Heat furnished E Gare . 414 Exchange Na- . hone 519. G- .. ‘FOR SALE ‘ sA'I.x!—-nxcenent no of- sun FOR SALE--Four-cal? ‘laundry store with water South Tenth st I-‘OR sALn_weu located residence lot in Westwood. Best nelkhborhood. A bar- atin. Write Homer Puckett. 3059*‘ ville. Ky. . ‘"303 -room house. uh Broad odern ex- on 0'9 I-‘OR 8ALE—8ixud d ‘D cept best. lees ‘Baa ...’.°.‘.‘..9.".‘.‘i‘.‘..;‘.i?‘...'<..“t.‘ .-....*-**'-... ...r:.:: to sell. 0. Klass. -tn Guitar Bids. K-I3 L08‘! not roman 1,()s1'__ngu.gt-own Persian at strsrfd Thursday night. 'i‘eieP5°''¢ 31 ?"“"" ism Wilson are. > R3“-‘ii’ WAl\"rED—Matr¢u'flor tn tr. 1'0!’ dnformsboin Missou- further anon-I " .. rlsn. ‘ .‘ at-sot w.m'rnn_fst éuee. at mid mod 8'0 so... an. n. at. 3': f“°'°_‘ur;t.;er""’, .atu3-‘la’-‘tr _ rt wait!-1'00 I . wuunn--s-I Grass = 7 "vet 4‘ ill! I 13303; ‘WK ?ll‘l?qE"1$I”2flIm 1-‘ ' ". .V '..2.,“ . _ _ u J“,y£Ewf g ’ _ from Jen'ers_on City. He will speak ih Columbia. tomorrow at the Chau- I3IIQl18. . to Centralia this morning on business. ' this morning. ed Japan, who have been visiting W. H. to - Parker and .family in Columbia. left 30* went to Moberly" this morning to -visit ket. Call t 205 . hestinx 189 “(L303 . 0 . sullen hundreds of former Austrian soldiers but the arms of the French and” Serbian guard prevented an out- oulaws cut'off' one car, which was recovered with diiriculty, and at Pre- deal they broke opm two cars and guard appeared and scattered them. At another point the revolutionists con- cealed a coup of their looters in four cars. ‘planning an attack later. but this was nipped when we dropped the four cars and proceeded on our . _. ' fl m C ' 1 -3 osmium. rmu. mausr nu. ma. inseam". Ar rumor Will loner O » {hllsway County. A mass meeting at Fulton Saturday afternoon indorsod the proposed erec- ' tion of a bridge across the Town Creek at that place as a memorial to Cailaway County soldiers and sailors. _ The memorial will also include a park. covering about six blocks around the bridge._ ‘nae cost of the ground and the bridge is figured at about s2o,ooo. m_~CEBTlPICA'l‘E8 sass nus sown: Price Will Increase 20 Cents On the Hundred Dollars Monthly. ’ The price this month for ‘$1,000 United States Saving Certificates is. ‘$333. said 1- J. Hall. postmaster. Floor Brooms. Dusters, etc., at New- man's. . (ad;-,_)__ 8o-ld_i_ss~s:—-and Sailors oi ‘ was quoted at $840. The price on these certificates will increase twenty cents per $100 monthly. ‘These certificates are excellent se- giarities and are non-taxable, said Mr. ll. - 0-rnsa:3i.ns In as BUILT Harrisburg, Ilallsville and Sturgeon May Connect With State Highway. With the acceptance of the Riggs route through Boone County as the course for the new county highway connecting rock roads may be built. The road will run two miles from Sturgeon, and the special road dis- trict there plans to connect the town with it. Harrisburg and Hallsvilie may also connect with the road. All three towns had sought _to be on the main road. P, Window Glass at Newman's. (adv.) way. Throughout the remainder of the trip there was much shooting but no "one was wounded." ' Thevarious obstacles placed in the way of the train- resulted in its rim- ning time being more than tour times as long as normally the journey con- sunies. [CITY AND ‘CAMPUS i ‘William Hirth of Columbia went to Montgomery County this morning on business. .. NOW ON SALE 7 HAROLD BELL VKVRIGI-lT’S LATEST BOOK "THE RE-CREATION OF BRIAN KENT.'f ‘And EDGAR A. GUESTS "PATH TO HOME.” SCOTT’St BOOK SHOP 920 BROADWAY ' " u/115.53‘ you GET THE LA TEST MA c.4z11v£s FIRST’ Tlirough an error yesterday the pricel s1t_OAowAv OOEO ttiiifi robs!-Ertsooss No.1 AND No.12 or I EDDIE POLO in MARIE IWALCAMP‘ “'I'heI.ureofthe‘Circus" “The RetlGlove” Pathe News Ne. 65. ‘ Lloyd Comedy “on the Trolley” TEN REELS-—iN ALL TOMORROW—Gertrude Bonhill and James O'Neil in »“M1ss ARIZQNA” A TYPICALLY wasrsau sroar or ‘run CATTLE RANGES or ARIZONA . ALso CHARLIE Ci-IAPLIN IN “THEHAM ARTIST” Coming: Henry B. Wslthall an“1=a1.e Fete." . Mr. and Mrs. Berry McAlester and children returned to their home in Co- lumbia yesterday after a two-month \ J. Y . automobile trip through Wyoming and Colorado. . Miss Catherine Krone of Fort Smith. Arie. who has been visiting» W. H. Parker and family in Columbia. left today for St. Louis to visit before re- turning home. ‘ Mrs. R. L. 8 t of Fayette, who has been visiti Mrs. Joe Long in Columbia. left for her home today. _ Mrs. R. E Downing and her daugh- ter. Grace. of Tulsa. Okla., left for their home today. Miss Grace Down- ing has ‘been a student in the Univer- sity. fig . . Dr. H. J. Waters arrived last night Frank B. Rollins of Columbia went Mrs. C. W. Zersohey of Columbia left for.Bush this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyd. Miss Edna Wicklein. advance agent of the Chautauqua. left for Keytesvilie I Mrs. Sam Reed of Huntsville, who has been visiting Mrs. Elmer Keel in Columbia, left for her home this morn- i ng. Charles W. Turner and William H. E. Reid. who were recently appointed to the faculty of the dairy depart- ment of the College of Agriculture. have arrived in Columbia to take up their work. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Young of Tokio, for the East yesterday to visit. Miss Katherine Long of Carrollton. 111.. who has been visiting Miss Helen Sylvester ‘in Coitmibia, left for her home this morning. _ Ben B. Shore of Columbia went to Kansas City this morning on busi- ness. Miss Marguerite Triggs of Kansas. City. a student in the University, left for her home this morning on a.short visit. Miss Jessie Shearer of Columbia went to Moberly this morning to visit. Miss Laura Wharton of Columbia this morning to visit William Gordon and family. /\ John Wilson _9( Columbia left for Excelsior Springs this morning on business. Miss Charlotte Lawrence of Kan- sas, City, who has been visiting Miss Rachael Patterson in Columbia, left for her home this morning. ? Morton H. Pemberton of Centralia came to Columbia last night to attend the chautauqua. ' _ W. B. Cauthorn went to Mexico. Mo.. this morning on road business, ac- cgmpanied by two representatives of the State Highway Commission. * Mrs. Elmer Keel of Columbia went to Centralia this morning to visit her brother. '- 5 B. F. Mode of Lawrence. Kan.. who has. beenrvisitingin Colunmia. left for his home today. V. Dummit of Salisbury. who , has been visiting in Columbia returned home this mornin8- Charles E. Brown. a former student in the Unlversity.‘who has been in Co- lumbia _ .. . Q ‘ \ 1 - _ Our wholgsale site the Daniel morrow. a carload of fr.ui we OPEN TOMORROW store at 706 Broadway, oppo- willxbe ready. for business to- ‘We have received from our St.‘ Louis house. Inspect Our ‘Store and get Our Prices Columbia Fruit Company and retail fruit Boone Tavern, t and vegetables For Saturday’s offering we have an exception- ally choice supply of fancy milk fed Veal and Spring Lambs, the best we've been able to buy for many months. ‘ Why not try a Veal Roast, a nice leg of Lamb for your Sunday din ner,'or_nice chops or cutlets. Tender, Delicious, Appetizing. I M2il2i(E.1' ‘PHONE TWO-SEVEN-“OH.” r Potato Chips. Cut the High Costtoi Living by Letting Hetzlers’ Do You?’ Cooking _ Just a few of the many things we have are: 12 kinds of Salads. Homemade Pics. 40 kinds of Cakes. ~ ‘ 25 kinds of Cheese. ‘ ~~-; Cold roast Beef. Cold baked Ham. Large variety of other Meats. Nice line of Fruits.- F inc assortment of Pickles. HETZLERS’ MARKET “Where Quality and Sanitation Reign Supreme”. Phone I65 Domestic and Imported Sausage. Silks including- Georgette: A Visit to Our Store of Curtain Scrims. I and Side Drapes’; S_atins, Citarmeuse, Messolines, Etc. Curtain Goods I for ' School Days Our late arrivalsinclude a. wide assembal/sgé\ V lies,‘ Swisses, Nets, together with Cretonnes, Res 0 May we have the pleasure of éhoiiflrtg you. ilks For the Coming Season . 2 More*Tltan Usually Attractive Is Our . Fall Showing of Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Will Convince You. Marquisettes, . Announcement We are installing modern equip. _ ment lor shoe repair and on SEPTEMBER 1 will be ready to do any and all kinds of repair worlt from the Guest shoe and most dificult re- buildingto the ordinaryshoe jobs ‘ Ilaving secured Mr. Frank .Claypool, who has 15 years experience. to talre charge of thisdopartment, we guarantee first class work and prices to_ be reasonable. Sapp Bros., Shoe Co. . Successors to Guitar's 0 § C "¢ - . . . ya .-¢rr..'L... ‘,9 Meal-"*9!-re. Lhi‘; I ‘ M r ‘if!!! detain‘? 2' ‘ 5‘ . . ~0,.c