*7’ I . , . . g- g.‘ _ '.‘.(.’E‘I.*" —« ' of Henry A. Bitter of Duhuuue. Ia... . any local communities did not R’ operatewi nlaaione ' um fairly chat Attorney-General Pal- -; -is BTSABLED YANKS FACE LIFE WITH OLD DETERMINATION Off the coast of France an explo- n occurred. wrecking the ship. A hot spark lodged in Marten‘: left eye causing blindness and affecting the right eye. The shock of the explo- sion impaired his hearing and affected hi. nervous system. The following ‘eight months were spent in a hospital. Previous to en- listment he was a blacksmith and ex- pert toolmalter. According to his for- 8 WASHINGTON. Sept. 1.-The case 2.’. o which has attracted the attention of Congress on account of his double “total disability." has been acted hpon by the case board of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. The explosion of a hand grenade in France resulted in blindness for this young man and caused injuries which necessitated the amputation of of his hands. Since leaving school at 14. young Bitter had studied pharma- cy, working at the game time in a drug it become a graduate and Now he could not de- termine welding heat. erfortn other that occupation 0 of a_fine physique and “hi: he to be‘cast ors. functions in was possessed mechanical ability n conference with vocatonal ad- visers from th_c board he expressed his desire to continue in the drug busi- ness. case board has approved unofl UH’ WEN? lllle of social t'l8il9Ud‘ a course it the manufacture of pro- ents'_' . tprietory medicines. including courses! The problem resolied itself hi.» this, an earnest, willing worker; an istration. His brother is to act as unusual degree of mechanical ability. tutor during the ‘course. ‘handicapped With D001’ Vlslflll 3”’ With the new artificial hands vi-hiihlhearing. with it keen interest in elec- are ‘iwmg made for him. after thisltrlt‘it_\'. With the concurrence of the course of Il‘1‘ill‘..lll).:, this smcrely dis-'¢')'E 31'"-‘fifllltil. ahied soldier will be able with thclmenticd for a i_-oiireae in the electrical help ‘If u .-iuitatiie H.~‘§l\'t)ill1 in l.\t- at 0f UH’ W1." 1-Nil" “W1 self-dcpetidt-tit life Power (‘oiI1D%4“." ‘ll 5““’”" H” winding tirmatures H1 34 it riiii in aaleimianship and business admin- h‘! Walter F. and Albert T Urierson -- -. ‘are twins who etillstel in the A. 1-‘. I The Ft-det'al (‘ivtl So-rt-ti‘i» regula- linth saw service in I lions as amended by an t‘IP(‘llll\'(' or- i-‘rance; both were wounded. One re-titer of the President place upon the celved a gunshot wound through theft-‘eteral Board for Vocational l-3du-:a- . resulting in partial anitylosis: ‘(loll the rt?spOn.~ijbllli_t of testing. rthe other received a gunshot wound_traim‘ng. and certllfinx to the l’tI11¢’‘.’ar1!ll9_r)'. engineers. and commis- ‘air Drives commmees he would 0{_.'8al'lu(—Wlll be admitted and taught Mm“). "_,mgn,u, [hose appointed by I the technical side of military matters. Gardner-as his aflhncics ‘in Missouri so I A '19“ -‘ifiilefll Will R9 3d°Dted where- that they will T'i'iIi98€DI both the teit- “F "19 “Udell” Of -*0N‘m'-' or engineer- eru Kovennmon‘ and the “me in meilng in the imperial universities who fight against unfair prices on neces- 3"‘ W 00 3<‘''‘-’ll'¢‘ in 111*‘ firm!’ in the ill- sitieii The Missouri governor said ht-=1|W-° will be when school expenses hi’ would “M31, 5”, ms work here mmm, the rnilt't."r7r autltoritiei. row and leave fit once for iiissouri. "W'htle no tlefitiiie announcement was made. it ii‘ unilo-r.-stood that Go » — ernor Giifdno-r iiill ask ilcan .\l1l!I1f0l‘ ‘VON York Protected Against Farrier.- of the 1'-nit-ersit_s of \ll.=§flUl'l. who wusi f (‘out-ealed “'0apnll\. HIM Lu! .tt;ltl\'t~"l‘ lt..\Illt'\1,S 1- _ food aiitiinistriitnr Ill the war to Elf”, : ne (‘glint ,-,-,.,_ as ‘fair 1"“ (‘"Ul"1‘*‘-“W1-‘F’ ”‘ "W ALIiA.V\.50l>t l—.-Kdded pr.;ie.—ii..i-. state it is cxpetto-ti. if Dean .\iutn-Vhxmnsi the bomb mrowfl and rarripr ford act-i-pts. that he will begin at once nothing the local fair price com mittee. “'There will be a fair price coni- mitiee in e\‘ef'y county atid every large of .\f ssoiir- in :1.‘ of (‘Ullt'§.'kLl(‘d weapons is expecte dto result from the amendment to the penal law which became effective to- day _ The provisions of the new law are Gardner} very strict. No boy under 16 is al- ___nm work of “mm: the Org“. i lowed to carry a slung shot. while a isatlon readv will be Dressedftlo thatmcmon who can!“ or possess“ 8 the committees can begin at once their l bomb' or bombshen or P038” an ex- inquiry into the scaletifI‘l'l(‘etil0c81l\‘l:“f)s“.e wbmme win‘ mm" 1° "5" on necessities of life and ascenaintntnglgzrig tzfngegoufoir proper!" 0' whether they are fair or exhorbitant; V” K ‘ aunfininen I was assured today by senators that I not to be given petfmus “; Can: C2: the new anti-proflteering bill. with Its, and W“ Th 1 d a drastic penalties, would be shortlylce lignl '3 new aw e D" ipasaed This will back up the work ofiglzfisapzg tbnhcui 2° concealed 8“ 3 the committees with sufficient penal-l ' " C u ' mndm" met“ ties to get action. But there is plenty‘ knuckles‘ mudgeon‘ auger‘ ark’ mm’ of work the commmee can do even gerous knife. razor. stiletto. pistol or under the premm “W. ‘firearm of such site that it can be "one 0’ the mom imporum pus", concealed about the person. that developed today was the under] standing reached with Attorney-Gen-N TEACH BUSINESS COURSES oral Palmer over the naming and Overall of the local fair price com-‘ji ‘L r’ studeua !;'k:‘h°alw°fi' h (‘L ' mittees. it was made plain that if. "5" 7 c0_i Courses in shorthand and typewrit- th the state fair price com- ra and name committees or attempt to moot the local price situa- l~“d91"-8- ‘N0 Cfedll Will be allowed either for entrance to or cred- it in the University. The _shoi-thand class will meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon i» daily. Provision ii-iii be made for stu- dents in these courses to practice l mu 1. not going to prevent the oper- trvevritinz one hour daily. A ration of a fair price committee in a of no a term will ‘be made to Univer- ctty or county.’ ‘ ‘"3’ "“‘ms- .- I .5. liter. himself. would stop in and ban- \ z.;‘_«*, ‘-:-.,I.: . i sin , l f l l gleiie Iitiard sort the fruit and wit-«qt firm. sound. uniform peach- ! . ‘es in i,-aniiing peat-hes The soft or broken ones may be used for lam. Remove the peel with '.a knife, with boiling water or with a ,hoiling lye solution. if boiling water }is Uhctl. tmmer,-ie peat-lies about one I mimite or until the skins slip eat-lily .lteniove and plunge for an instant into cold water Slip oi! the skins. '-‘ut in halves and pack at once into liars which have previously been bolleil {fifteen minutes ' Some peaches have skins which will itiot slip off after treating with clear thoiliiig water. For them or for any ‘Il£'8(.’ht'§, the lye method of peeling may R .lw need when they are firm. perfect and not too ripe Have read)‘ it boil- ing lye solution tfour tablespoons of Ecommorclal i-ottcentrated lye to lout lquaiti-t of watcri Drop the peaches ‘into this for about twenty to thirty .~i£‘t'0Dtl.~. Lift out and drop into clear ~boiliiig watei for thirty seconds. e- move and place for an instant in cold The «kins utll them come off] L (‘racked Plln in Jars. ' ' lit-lore preparing the fruit, make it strut: of so.-i.'en cups of sugar to four‘ quiirts of vented or, if it richer i-tirup’ is desired. use eleven cups of stumr to four qpnntt of water Allow one cup of water for each quart jar. Put one t'l’fll‘l(('(l peach pit for every quart ' tif sirtlp iillii it Bull strap for five minutes. The pent-it halves should be placed’ in the jar in overlapping layers. the . . _,_t-,_,_-_.__._ , Vlili’ t‘tll'R.\l-I IN iil't:lF..\'II HERE Aim 8 Woman Piiyisician in to Be_ Added to Staff. For the benefit of those students} ‘ho are preparing for educational l.hl‘l'r VI‘): - ,in nu '\.lt‘h thin . tits-P1 lhi '4lrt'\ li-r-cl when the Han ‘ ' (2! e Bell S)"'ndit-ate. Inc.) EY WILL KEEP ‘t‘Uflt'ii\‘t‘ surface of each half being iimvnwiirri Sometimes var)‘ liirge peai-hc.~ aie ctinni.-d whole in a heavy sirtlp. These are called Melba peach- ('5 fill with hot sirup and. with it wooden paititiic or knife. rat-efuil_v remove air bubbles I‘nrilall_\ sent the jars iwillt Mason l()|i.~t, =st'l'e$\' half way run. it Kliiiii , tops. put top wire hall in position! ‘it hot-water hath calmer. either com- mercial or homemade. is used. plat" the jars on 11 false bottom with suit till I iwas made by P. s. Quinn and Mitt’ iJOll(!s. ; .\'ames of the owners of the land VIOLIN: George yenabm D,- included in the boundary iitnits just: redo, of ['_ 0, Mg Band and Eextended are as follows: Mrs. i-2m—' Orchestra . l‘.’I.‘i,.:'.‘.1.‘Z.‘i“' i,’..;..fi ;.‘“‘é‘.i’l°' ..‘.‘.:. mm. Hm"-W W W- ‘ ' ’ De " Graduate pupil ‘Board M’ Education Meets Tonight. l THE EVENING IISSOUBIAN. (0LlllBlA. IISSOURL 30591‘. 33917-133 ‘ni [petition for the extension of the cor-l ‘porate limits called ' tlerson, ‘ltrustees of Hallsville. who had tllsd, .' the document and a plan showing how I 5 the QtllHt:fll)ul‘_\'. in it. it. Rnhillurm ltlltl it 1.-1910. _ iui.i.svtLr.s snows is size .lry. secretary of the board. at 8 o'clock 1 tonight. —§.— County Court 1’|Dl'0;-1: Petition to Bx- . lead Limits. I ______,_.- - ROBERT ll. GRAY Hallsville is approximately one-l dnrd larger today than it was yester- 1 Agent for ‘ " . tual Be fit Lit Ins. e county court today approved a _ - -3“ 0'2“ e 308 Exchange Natl- Bani: Bids. Columbia. 0. up by E. C. All-: attorney for the board oh ._ land had been subdivided into lots and streets. The survey. 3'E);A3L}; ][‘5[C STUDIO Rl‘0lN‘l1s Sept. 3. I919. lf)'ii\'!l lor Venable. of T Carl Whitmer. liurlzh. Pa. Phone 1185-Green Elvira Building \\'I‘:il(9_\' Wright. mm’ The t‘-nlumbia lionrri of Education ~.itli meet in the i_ifi'ii-r» of John i., ii'[i-.i and your little rapt. \\'c have taken a new lease on life since you came. One of your quartcttcs in the writer's neighborhood Saturda_\'niglil was 3 little ragged on the edges but practice will overcome that. VVC have serenaded some ourselves in our time and often wonder why we were allowed to remain ;lll\'('. To the .\'¢’tt‘ Stttdrnfi tin’ M)‘: For 54 years we have been in the ‘‘rushing". Fill’ <4 years we have been “niiiking dates" in Reliable .\lcrchandisc that Students cnjoycd. one with you for the cntirc year. To I/tr Old Studcnts the add: You know us of old-- -You “signed up'_' with us be- fiirc- Don't "break your dates“ with us this vcar. \\'c \Vclcomc You. Let us make K ‘work. the l‘ni\-erslty of Missouri is‘ iUf7C‘i'lflI: a new course in hygiene this’ all. for which a grant has been made ; -3.‘ the inter-departmental Social Hy- The object of the course is it: prepare teachers for giving in- '~'il‘U('llt)n in the prevention of the so- called social diseases. There will he s]i9ClEl instruction along these lines; and. in addition. physical education and training will be emphasized A woman ph_\'aicl:ln will be added to the staff of the Student Health Servicel of the l'niverslt,\‘ She will be a spe-‘ rial adviser to the women students‘ and will assist in giving the courses.l Those who are interested in the newi course can get any information they desire from Dr J H. Coursault. dean of the School of Education. or from I). M. P. ltarenel in the Medical Building. FREE stttvtct WE INSIST on all our automobile cus- tomers bringing ' their cars to us once every four weeks that we may examine the electrical system and battery. tiinott GARAGE The Grocery Store That Should Be Your Grocery. Better Food, if; . l I I THE NORTH SIDE DAIRY AND GROCERY ~—.\ {,2/(-‘-.-.-' _ q..- ._ ~ vzr . '..s ‘}‘‘T‘\'‘’, \_;-//9 - $7 ‘'/’’;.5.'‘.*l§.'~({\.'l ‘\ * -\~. -um, Prom pter, Cheaper. . P/I071 e 626’ If you need some milk for dinner or supper, let us know and we will send a it out with your order. 1