"?':'.4{.‘.-'».'r."'r'.=.'.q I‘ ‘ ‘ _ _*.'-'1 . a "tie that binds." i To be a true friend means to be un-,' } st-lflshly and sltruisllcally devoted to: knOW the in 3 n y another. and such persons are rare.‘ 3” S_ Hf", sh p_ “:5 syn“. thlngs I see of 3 rnOrn_ i one cannot hope to possess more than ' , ‘ _ _ V l C one or two real friends. and most per-I ~———- lrlg, do YOU. Fa|'nllICS suits die without ever having known —'~'——-— , - ‘I , l O Page Poll ‘ ’ , EYRNIHG II880UBlL!i. COLUIBIA. IIESGURI. IOXDAI. SIPTIIBEI 1. 1919. H M“ *_ __ ’___ . ‘""—— t , i '“ ‘ - hold ro- quxlltring heat: I01 the Un.l°n'°‘"‘ THE EVENING M§OURlAN '0“ 000083 101' 3°1Ih°'lIlI- W °°l‘- both Gllbreath oi Carthage ion for 33- 9' W ‘"0" N mm’ 1333: ‘seefitsuhif ultatton Et.3o.i 225-min Autumn Classic, was iniured klleintter audit Bureau at cu-ciustioas. . ‘u:u’°‘”“’ m“ ‘:13: :9 mmfigg 9'9"’ hm" ml‘ “‘°""l”‘ ‘“°' ‘Wm’ Dolor of Prize in Sociology Reported ‘mm ocmber 1, The meeting will badly today about the head when M80 Published ever sualss ascaprlasday ad .°°°m’°“d"u_e at mo pal” int ill! 7903-904 With 9"“ 33'3"‘ to Be Engaged. be conducted by the Reverend Bucan- car skidded at Death Curve and mer- :s’uEh3oim"°anhia.' at} them. To such lnnuenc: they ma funny ” Ankh‘ ‘ Tm’ R"‘ C‘ W‘ ‘mm’ d°°°’ °t ‘he nan. of Ava. Mo. t'llI'n°d- 3'' m'°5“'l" ’°°°"°d "' Sam“ "I “mafia”. um um”. “_ Tm‘ I. dunno". R am can “mm 4; e s ‘ (:1 emashlner a “flayed” l 5’ work in sociology at.tl:ie University. Automobile Racer Injured. Two mn""'o'r Dhurm.‘ the p,.a._ ptance forml:‘all:ng “st lpec1.alnl;.h‘&t flu Bouhflum " more I the : crntlsonfi o t at 00- is tobemarried soon. according to the By mm“ pm‘. R R Porter ma 1 C Lew“ were stage 1'07 or 80:60 ' W I‘ a. - ' ' . 33° Octobper s, mt uthori-a Sephlthef prophylaxis of protessioniti Bolshev- °;?“‘:.:n‘°m_°whm__ or okmwm‘ “fine: S:';o:’°.:c‘::'v:"!‘r°m umox'row:x_ 1»... Sept. l.—James and ,1 ma com 1,, Wm, com-1 Sat- a' mm “m l‘ mo" "hr" City’. who has been visiting at the Chicggo Sgturdgy n1;m_‘u1" mo,-en“ Murphy. driving a Dusenberg in the_ug-day filth! ‘OT ‘333""’bl“3 “'9 9°‘°°' mag.‘ .ot::,'§,;“'u‘,. § ¢:°:_‘.h'§,u‘,.“li r ‘1 Alpha Delta Pi house. left for St. Augusta Nightingale is- to marry the lo 89009 Count: °‘{”..r. 83-35: ‘ Y AND Louis this morning 0!! buslnelw tier. Charles W. Moore. a chaplain at’ ‘L75’ .3 “'°'" '0 :“'§”‘m°:’&‘:“;1_«5; J J Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Klrltman of F‘au- lme Great Lakes Naval Training Su—l monthflb cett. Mo, who have been vlaltlflx Billion. While it could not be verified» ‘ d‘°'f$' ii°nn°?Iyd°tKlC::.u£;:‘o:l°’gu§§‘:: the home of J. J. Pylon in Columbimilast night. it is believed by friends ' LEST vn: roman ’ " °°" " ten for their home this momlnit. ‘sore that the Rev. Charles w. Moore "as" Mrs» Henry CIIRPV and lift Hefmnll mentioned is the founder of the insti- Tomorrow» September 2. ls tht flu’ mike Reed of Columbia went to Au- ;.;,.,,m,,,, 0, N,pmn_ ‘W, ,1", hm, "mom, Church 0, Km,“ cut when Cmumbll V0193 59'' 3123900 dfllll COLIN!‘ ""5 WOVNDK 0“ l’“'l' visltiny airs. Ed Coats in Columbia. Doctor Moore entered the Navy soon 3. 59“'9l‘lSe bond 3800- Th“ l3 we 5'3’ "03 left for their homes this morning. after war was declared. He has not | . . Wllell Colllmbll Cl‘-11°“! 5°C”? "19; Ml“ 0"“ '°"’“‘ °‘ P‘“'l‘° M°'-1°" MFR W- Gerelle find Ion. Charles. tisited Kansas City for several months. A student In the Unlverslty most momentous municipal problem for Independence Where 859 W1" of St. Louis. who have been visiting L. R. Moore, :00 East Armour bouie- deslfes a tutor in Mathemao or me you; -rue,d.y Columbia take; 98 - Mack and Albert Rummans in Colutn- vnrtl. 8 brother. said he did not know’ . . & mp mrwud In the N03,,“ 0, “,1 _ Preston Shearer of Columbia “*0! his. left for their home this morning. of his brother's engagement. He had. tics and ys1cs_ A good ctwme 0,. “and, 3””. :9 iB°‘‘1l"3 07”“ ‘M5 m°"°“lK 0" Wilford Woods of Kansas City. who heard of Miss Nightingale. he sitltll . , A“ Comm“. need! an adequmcd “5 0935- has been visiting his grandmother. but did not know her. I Opportunjty [Q eafn one 8 Henry Lake of Columbia left for M I G d , , . 4 heanmul sewerage “mam The need_ ' _ ' _ ‘ rs .. rant. an re at ves near Co-_ Miss Mghtingnle is the daughter of. mu hm ‘pm’! to metoum hm -;\ecv;uI-fdon todai .ot_- a No Melt" lumbls. left for his home this mot'ning.i'!i!r. and Mrs. Basil Nightingale oi} way l.'l'll'U SCl'lOOlo [O . ' '“ ° ‘ _ _. "—""—‘—" Lertmlngton Spa. England. it is sup- ~ , made up of friends arnd fella: t‘ow:ths;‘ Ie:t,11t.:d.g¢{:rT'1: d}::ysw::£nCotl::m“bilfi H5" 95‘ 3“ 59 ‘'Rl“''-E5 posed Doctor Moore met the .\'ightin—l PI-esldent S Olllce, AC3‘ men. or support. omorro It 3' r n it s ' ' ‘ gale ram"). whuc he was on 3 mm. or . day of decision. The plans have all ,= teach school this year. T"° °' “""‘°""' "°"' "'“"°'“‘ ,”“‘ Europe in 1909. Miss Nightingale lsl d€‘I‘nlC J J n ma, , S, h shied Ion Presented at Garden (ity i been made What shall the answer ‘"189 ° “ 5- ° ‘“°" ‘V C 3, Uni,“ pm,‘ ' a relative of Florence Nightingale, l h l ha 0 business. re- l>°?- SM" 98“ 0' ""3 1°“ °°“’m‘Ilu‘:;,:d°°:m:1e(::‘:'::;m,:‘_ NEW YORK. Sept. l.—-Two or Amer- inate against the other part. or shall; Mm H. Buck at St‘ Joseph. who bu ml.“ most “mm” CHpples_ Mwhaeli ‘l’ be ‘ Dwlecl °{ "°'°p°m“°" "d7been visiting relatives in Columbia. 3- l30“'lll18. Olivia. Mind. and Quen- "-"‘m“'°”"'-' » left for her home this morning. lln D. Corie)’. Dallas. 'f'ex.. were DPO- .._.. _._ _ C°l“mbl*l'3 me-"°" "~“'” “'5 Lb” “ ‘S Mrs. E. H. Kelaer of Clayton. who settled -101535 lo Kins Georse of Ens- To Hold a Protraotet. lc¢l'''5' ' lmllerative that the bands be \'oted- ,' spent the week-end in Columbia with land at the royal aflrden party. sccord- The people residing near New Prov- O Mlithout the sewers. conditions art-.fricnds.-left for her home this morn- in‘ to 3 late, received by the god "the Angel of Crimea." Miss .\’ightin- 3 gale. emulating her famous nsmesaltel was active in Red Cross work during] the war. j unhealthful. he says. Citizens in lb‘?! "18-. Cross Institute for Crippled and l)lI— affected communities are threatened Mill’? 35514799 P93“ 0‘ M91lC°- “°-- abled Men from Mrs. Ethel Wood. with illness. and the city Itself is in ,‘ M10 spetttt the Week-end Wm’ M9355 former secretary of the British minim L _ . _ danger 0' d‘m“e Mull Sh‘" 1_h.,;ln C010!!! ll. returned home this morn- try of penlglongt, .l')owHng, who lost I citizens of Columbia pave the way to-; 3 boll‘ ll-‘KIM M3 19“ arm and -'l9V’¢l‘8l 011- ' \l_'.l-‘.B* {Col hllfl . lo ' '. ‘ " morrow to etnbroil (‘olumbia in epf- Sturgeon t§;":no° “m “ 9‘ 0" gt.-rs of his right hand in ll blizzard mp net ‘ad T.~1l°r . pressing and I'Cp3ll'1l'lg'. r"ln3 W “C993” ‘ P0‘ at the age of H and Cort-l\' who I ' - ‘ i b-- - - v ‘ . _ . OS. I I I hemics of disease or legal mgllt on x ' rmon M Rupcrmmndem M “hue” both "ms in aTum_Oad acddenh "ere to Women I our Service is prompt and Sans- their neglect. _ thew invited by the British Red Cross so- . , _ ‘ Bull)’ and illflllellulll Ullllllllllll Clll~, Elder R. T. Fennell of Hurdland. (.i,_.u._ by arrangement mm mm Ameb Designer of Suits, Riding I factory_ I sons are taking time to speak at mass, who preached at Hutton (‘hapel ,ves- mm Red Cross h.,mme_ ‘0 V1,“ En‘, thbiu ‘tad Gown‘ meetings in fa\or of the sewertt8°.I terday returned to his home this land to chee, up the thousands of MS_ - \\’e dellvcr on tune. b°0d3- The)’ T990891’-C ' C“? ”°°d.m°ml“5' _ able-d Tommie-s in the reconstruction ' Miller Building wd ‘n Opponunn). m pmg,e5,,_ 1~he_.E Miss Rowena Campbell of Kansas centers [here urge their fellow townsmen to \'otel'C"5- “'h° '1” 5°" 'l‘m’‘8 “ me P‘ At a meeting of some 2.400 disabled Au work gwlnmud to 13,: , ° for the bond issue tomorrow Surety. - K .0!‘ ) re at § "fed umhcti n ‘bah r Irglnla II“. "um and rum must he here. .m0\|1'l1 W ' stories of their struggles in overcome’ P . , . 0 C . rs. . M. Grace of St. Louis. who we" hm¢,¢,p,._ p,.1,,,.9 Albert .d_, ladies suits or dresses 1_ Let's all get on the right side. Let's has bee V“ n ,_ _ (‘0'0P¢l'|l€: let’! 5003‘ Columbll 0"” family ll? Coltl‘rltb€a.“leftDforGl1-2:-‘ehc?tf:(e! dressed the wmieml l -I to Columbia it healthful, adequate this mowing ' sewerage system. And lest we for- Misschsrlott Wright of St. Joseph.‘ get. let's resolve now to vote in favor who has been visiting J. Kelly Wright of we bond “sue for 3 51;‘.-_.‘r.nd bet. and family in Columbia. left for her (‘ONE Til (‘ii TO SAVE l'0[‘lf l’R0i’!Jl{TY Wnlk into our office and learn that it is "penny wiz~'e and pound foolish" a-22:: ,9, (-ommbi. tonlory-Of’ Sep[(I]'nher -_-3 rllome this morning. not to have fire insurance protection ' 3"” Rm! Glllfllllly of St. Louis. or not to have sufficient. We offer liberal policies in the leading com- what 8 ‘.Ederful wow is fr‘en.,q__ zErBCh9)' in Colulnblfl. for hf‘? . , I m I _ ome this morning. . limp’ The” l8 no word n e an Lee Simpson. a student in the I'm- guage that gives quite the same thrill tverslty. has returned to Columbia aft-l I0 the h°"""“185 “ ll ‘°‘~‘‘- 1‘ ’°" er spending the week-end with his I or gets a deeper significance from the pnenu In amwonh soft ‘voice of his beloved. but warm. My-g_ Eu]. wismu of st 1,ou;,_ Mrs‘ panics. lowest rates and full exemp- flat is and concessions where possible. Consult us on all fire insurance mat- ters. information gladly furnished. SHIT}! t CATRON REALTY 00. 2004-2 Exchange Natl. Bank Bldg. |»‘.[{‘|:l»,'i_\'[)§}i;rl* who has been visiting Mrs. C. “Cf OUR passionate love has not long life; it C. H’. Chamblan of Carthage. Mrs. P5030 97 Chud [eels greater CI)m{0rl Ind pro-l-“H1195 Jone!’ 0‘ Clark and M78. Eliuh n motion in the reassurins speech of his’ _ ‘ mother. but 'ch1ldren grow up and mother remains only a name. But 'T'.‘.’.TI ,..,.'Ii.'.’§“l.'I".‘.‘.'.. .t.'.‘.‘.’.‘.;°t.'. ..i°.§Zi..‘.“.f.i‘ 1 TYPEWRITERS it friend or two never grow! Old find Fleallod. 0"-rhauletl X MILKM AN SAYS: - A it never pales. Lovers sometimes ‘M crow cold and divorce each other and Bepurflt mothers have been known to cast Out: their children. but true friendship is; Skilled Workman Proaipt Sen Ice. “ BET you don't I that eat roasts and pota- ' toes for breakfast;’ young marri- f cd couples that spend their morn- l l any If you are so fortunate as to hate such a friend. cling to him unto death. "for few men are calculated for that close connection which we d.5iin;:ii-sh It_\' the name of ll'lt"Il(‘l-i ROSENT HAL SCHOOL 0!‘ COHIEBPB ing meal spoonin’ round acoilec hi . Guitar Building B 'I“)l‘lle friendship smiles with _\'0ll? Etitlbllillled 1.12. pf!-fculatorl Oht 1 SCC all sorts when joys strew your pathway: it 1. Fall ti-rm. Day and Night School 0 U“ n thin or ' kneels with you when .~.on~nw i:n—’ begins September Elshth. y E8 of a m mng' . _ ‘ shrouds your stricken soul; its faith‘ The demand for our graduates “ H ain '[ much science beams through the bitteriieiua and! exceeds the supply. b b _ "'°°"’ "‘ "‘“‘l'l"""“"‘ “°"“”' T”“‘l ROS!-J nossfvruin Director. 1 3 out me’ “I I know a Fil’8tillw0I’ldNCW8 friendship seeks not self, nur dues ll‘ censure your inhrmitles but woos _VO\lri spirit back into the win‘: of truth in i klndliness and l0\'t'. a thing or two about milk and what it‘ll do for folks. Lot's o’ ; times I've seen an old man try to K cure his dyspcpsy an‘ all the time l l l I _.._:-Q._ C o g _ _ _ The Evishlha MISSOURIAN THE l'.\llElll’lll) PROFESSOR ‘- ' l<‘r--tu tho Review He is being cramped and humiliated on all sides, is conscious that he is be- coming quasi-miserly through over at- is Columbia’: most representa- tive newspaper. It covers and gives to its readers ALL the local.—both Univcrsitv and City be drinltin' strong collect and cat- in‘ things bad for him. Wish l ;f;;;‘:°u'°p:ffy°*:;;*:o‘r;j: ‘;t:.*";':;f count to: and de- could tell ‘em what lots of good —-news. and cognplctc World ‘mu .3 much worse‘ nu am” he livered—it costs no would do for them. And News by _United Press tele- tnost cares for. and for whom he is re- more. . , . , B7395 |¢!'VlC¢- gpongige, infiolved in the 331:: des- Ph n 63 :00 B d the bablCS, too. 0 times I .._—. -' ‘ tiny. e wi ingly took on t e vow 0 ¢ roa way ' - ji 1 ' In [ a, bug of poverty for himself. perhaps. but see babies ‘W102 to sup c0Eee- (fut, tfiepafifiufiifce an 2:: 3°‘ '0' =l*°m- "'3 *°“'¢ 8° "W . out 0' their daddy’s cup. Pshawl dcnt—all w intlcrests are plumbing if he ltnew enough. He is _ ' centered in cohmbh. I can't see for the life 0‘ ‘cm why asp_e:'atlng experience. one that is de- . he can't ivc’babics a lot 0‘ stnlctive both of his dignity and his I Y 2 Rate-s—DellveI'el to: your door self respect. milkin YesrCl.38.sloaths sue Whether. under this narrow. he re- ‘ 1 Iseth fl.lI seals Bolshevoid tendencies or not. a _ ' ‘ man in such a mood ought not to be W0 you Look at -the Bottom of Your . teaching our sons. . He is bound to be pod roouuvith ex_ 1 , wearled and distraught. if not bitter t Milk Bottle, l I The Evening Missourian . and a cynical. it takes enthusiasm cellant ICl'Vi¢G If and fervor to are the heart of youth. * - There is call for the clear and suitable _ . Pnc.‘ mind. sufficiently at rest as respects its own concerns to be able to spare _ .tud..t.. uh ' oughttohavetherighttiodraw.A_s - quireattbe '.f 0 , . -0 ‘ tun-no ».«-=»-:-- wu--~». - 4 White Ea he-Dairy Co out of teaching. and presently the ln- . l _ V * . A 9 nu... ..... i... ..t.... and ...t..... ens Hotel mt . of nonsense, may actually tall. as some ' , ‘ ' ' - have already fallen. into the status ’ “$0 334 - - ' , of aoggestible maiooutents. ‘nae - " _ _ headrof most professors are not yet ' “A bottle of mill: is not only filling but nourishing.” _. . ) _‘ ."_._-._ ¢.’..."_k‘:e‘.">“‘,_"‘.v; _> ‘_- , - , -‘=_‘-n-'.i.:~'.::'.% ‘ ..'t;.'--....X '~‘-.;it—.=*.i=.ma‘ér.i.r ' -