V '-V‘, v. 1*. 1. ~ . i’ ' . 2‘ ' ~ ‘J. - ' 2 ~ -. .~: -~'-- ~ 4.. -- v- . -- -- ..- . . - . -. .. . . . > . -- .-. . . . > J x’_ . V . . ‘r. :-,| _‘ Pl": , is _ u.- N! . I . _ . v c .7’ - i Vr.._ . E‘ .. .. .«> v.1 ‘. . ‘.1,—‘—. __.,’l->g.“.;7V:"t _,._‘ - . - -5 v '. - A " ' l .. l » »m_. "‘-»:- —*'-' _ . W i . y . ‘ .7 7 ’ . _ . _-, I _Q MISSOURI N COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. NUMBER 6 Plliillllllllllillilh ,, £21 wiisill will lllilll mas. HAHSIIE nulls lHliC[i’X IS issui : lllllllilii’ liilllllili ill iii Hill llliill AS suijliii Hill] is til_i_i_i_si liiiis met their annual quota for the slip- .ln .._._._ Will Counsel Steel Workers 2°. §:il"d't:'i:5"d.::3"t§3i ‘:5 la :r§:;'7.l'.§ Likens Obstructionist Forces Stress of \Vork Causes Chair- port or the council. The qllom were Senators Prepare for Ap- ' i , Shh-ailn an caeaboa . t ow- - - l _ - to a low Ill. Mole ’ l::|d1¢;|‘|m|: ....l_.. :‘l_olll’.'l;l..:.‘,"t't‘v:..‘......{, to Minority ‘Rule of man of Woman 5 Suffrage fereedulirfi §:5lWbte!:::‘d:°In' 03:11:‘? proaching Srruggic our T°W‘"'d9 S"'1k¢- yvernt-ru (‘l.AtiIld.(|. ‘(Ind all»: u.'.‘- a‘l\!|or::ll Bolshcvikl. League to Resign. mt'erp,m the «men co°"m'm’e,.. ‘,1’, ovcnant. -- ‘at c eon .t a. nl.t ml-rllm: i -——--—- _ - ——-—— _....__. UNIONS MEET SEPT. '9 r;;g-."-'°' at i==i-on~ and W “PUT UP OR SHUT UP" N() SUCCESSOR YET °°°°’" ”*° °“’- ""'° "“““° ”"'"" WANT TO COMBINE "‘"_—— The automobile lllgliw-tl_rll or .\lls.-sullri arc '*""—‘ is now the chief beneficiary under the Twcntv-fdur Union Pres'i- ' League “fill Fret: P_hili1\)- ‘Work as Chairman Hindered °°,‘;.‘,':;";I.n“d“ an m met me” Lodge Gf0r[)~fi'iCs to Linc " mm ii. in Unlullllslll ilui |Ifl'I!’lli I i dents to Consider VVilson’s '"“'i''*' "ll ‘W3’ i"'°"°°"a""'* Ni"--'~ pines and Stop Massacrcs Activities in Other Civic quota of 3120. The King oulglltm Up Democratic Reserva- ' ‘ ' s Rebeccas ‘ ‘ - I i l 1 Ir nnd. I’!If'fll . Lora I - - - . . Plan at Capital. -rl..- lllghrci lemlli-r.i?l'l'. in‘-*-..l....l.l. ill Armenia. Organizations 04 the “"0 "Md ""3 tlonlsrs, ..._..._ Cu 87: n‘l:<:mt‘:l-M13. Ian: ._ amount of 315 which was designated ______ "’ U'“"‘' P‘‘‘‘- "0 ,."“,,,,h,, 5' Mn,“ mur;o-r;l;u“,";:_ By HUG $37 hits M‘. E. Harshe, chairman of the as their quota for the year. The Bap- By 1,_ C_ 31,u{'r1_\° WA8HING1‘0N. Sept. 6.——Samuell~o.l lllld lilo lowest was all, i-l-pt-ll-llsiloll (l‘ultl.-d l'l-on stal P°||4“"’ Woman's Suilrage League committee tist Ladies’ Aid society in their all- Waited Press stall’ Correspoudentl COUPON. P79810631 Of the Am€f1C8D‘"'°.",'mnm“,r um” I _ m. ,.,,u_,..”.'._ at C0.\'V‘l?.'hl"I‘l0!\' HALL. 'SA8 of the Eighth Congressional District. day meeting yesterday by a special of- WiASHl.\‘GTON. pt, 6,_wi Federation of Labor. today receirad_. lllllil. in; Int l...ll._ K; ,,.....m. .,.,.,.l.my_ Cl'I'Y, Sept. '6.-"‘I‘l'aaty o ants today announced that she has sent lndering raised their quota of $10, but treaty opponents withholding from the II "D1? T7011! Pffilldent Wllboll t0 re "';a;'.':-"" u__’,‘_"E;‘:"‘°""-" ‘ ‘"3" "“"' “‘ who View the document JIll!l- her resignation as chairman of thelthey expect to give more later, it is answering (ire of Pregfident wagon-3 diced eyes. who are against it use district to the state suffrage head-lsaid. .. assertions various senators are going they have some private political pur- quarters. she has not received word Th Civic League has raised the ahead with plans for the coming umidit, . 74‘ per il. nl. Bull an-ta . rt» ll telegram asking that the Preside ....,,,_ gm, ,..,.,. ,,,.,,,_,. 0,‘-_. use his Influence to arrange unme-< 723': il. in. Moon ---t- '.'.’--n n. m Matti! I 000130000 50117000 I-D0 lteflfi 5,‘ m 7'” 7”" .“ pose will ‘he gihbeted and the people as yet as to whether her resignation 810 of their quota and will also try struggle. workers and Chairman Gary of the ll 7.} mjjjjjijfiial n :j :'.fj_'fff'_jf'.%:l will require that the gibbet It blah." has been accepted 0? “'belh°|' I0)‘ 10- to give more to the council later on. .\iild-reaerratlonielg today tormally . United states Steel corporation. ‘ ’ 5- '3' --------- --7" *3 °°*'*'---—------“Ii President Wilton told the cnotda here tion has been taken about ilndlng ——-—-—-——- decided to oppose reservations in ra- i It is understood that the telegram — — today. Ila reiterated that it was a someone else to take her place. illlcation on the grounds that reser- ~_ make! known that President Wilson , , _ _ case or “put up or shut up”. that the "Stress oi worlt." .\irs. Hal-she said rations to Article X scuttle the League i will persuade the council against pre- ‘I 33?“ fiohnsla‘ 9“ En’ opponents would have to put in aome- this slteronon. "has caused me to take’ of Nations. 1 oipitate action 0 _" thin better than th gueiii they this step." ‘ _ _ -———- The lrreconcllables. such as Sena» , The W'€‘Sld9N-S Of IWEDU-T011? DI‘ Quequfll 0! Juan]: Wm go villlxnot accept it. Mrs. .\(n.rshe recently was eiocteifi Pl'UhlblIl0n Eflf0i'C(‘l'DCi'lI [or johmton “,1 senator gout,‘ D1". ' NOD81 51001 llnloms Will miet lyre sun wu med in u“, Cgmfll CO H "Merv negation without olerlng president ot_the Columbia Community: _'\[¢-agurc Passgd by Sc.-mm to tour the country in opposition to Tucsdgy to learn what the Proaifilt mu, yegmy one;-305;‘, by Geo 9 altythlng to replace the treaty is, Council. and she is chairman or thel YeStCrda"- the president. covering much oi the g “ml 5° “"°‘“ 01° u“'°3‘°“°d 'u"k°l S. Starrett. llroseeutinx attorney. Bolshevl:lm." Wilson said. He cited Eighth Contrfesslonnl District Commit-: ' ° lerI‘|!0I'.\' which the President does. I brought ‘mom by Guy.‘ negulon‘ nun“ S. C. Hum and Alex Bnqmfd Rania as the eump]. of mmofigy tee of the Democartio women. as well! it; railed pr"... Willie senator .\‘orl-is challenged the . u bomumen of game, pmbau Judge mtg, gnd denonncod the group of men as being an active worker in many M'AsHlxGmN. S,_,m_ 5._-I-he pm- President upon his account of the sec- ' B year Here Testimony. Johnny. “urn. who are in power as more cm; mu. civic organisations. She reels tllilt'.'mbm0n enforcement hm passed by rel treaty between Japan and the 7 “ "°"- ' ' ‘ ‘ A she cannot do -her work Justice if all - . . Allie . hi ttarnnice ho t " bh t- WASHIVGTON Se t. 6._Memb°"M ‘mg pefluon med by the pfggecuung fie c opposes minorlti rule: un U ‘h ‘ d " the Senate late yesterdai was headed . "3 d 3“ U 8 3 U tul 1? 1 ‘ " 9 » attorney alleges that while in onlceiln the 1 lllted States as well as in an) ‘°°“ “°° 3' ‘° "' ‘ ""‘“““ “n 9' today toward a committee to com- In: an contemmlble Qultlerl ill!- ot the Senate agriculture committee. John F‘ Murry "mined ‘3.._,00 as ms mum .. . the sum-age league. N“. we dme,en._.e8 be”-,,_.n me ed to bring the answering are such as ‘Damned todgy any Wm hear ‘W salary {or probate Judge dtlritls the1 lie Nctureil the horrors in Armenia The W°““°"‘ WW" S““"33°ll-{ease and Senate measures in order N3 “P01 Uh 0'‘ 81101 I19" Dllrule did. your 1918 and that according to law in detail saving that these ciiminal b°“8“¢'l" 0°‘°b°’ be’:-Jme“ ‘ 9°” °‘f to send it to the President for his sig- 11014110: Democrlllc Senators luv Kendrick bills betore making up their be M“ emmed to but" ' .' . M the national organization. called ihe- that twenty Democrats will vote for s2,12o_ Prose. prtlciit-es were continued and coil . _ . “nature. ' mm” °" 11" m°“‘"°‘ cutinrt Attorney Starrett is suing for not be ended except under the League. "W9 ° “’°’"°“ ‘°‘°'"“- 0'“°"“"-L Since the Senate made only one reservations to the treaty and tWenl)'- v ! Ch“'m”'d Oman“ “M ‘M?!’ mt‘ a retuu by Murry’: hondamen. Hunt He wondered if the men who ire re- “"43 l‘|“° b‘;”'-Wm ';1‘““"* ‘lid’ ‘“"l‘1"_;amendmeslt to the House bill it is ex- ‘GT0 “'1” V019 for Uflflllflllfled film‘ I 8rmel'S In DKIC 918 On KIDS SCI“. d f ‘h h I I t 3 , I“ ‘h I eflly realm wh‘t 111.1 I y COUIE 0 (‘GT5 11“ CT I P tha‘ mreemenl an egg"). be cg] any ‘ "? ‘umble ‘° ‘°“'° me" '°"k "°' t° he in his trotltifin laefitilgfl “ c l‘l1lse)!’1:l‘:dt:i(!fK- 9 r '‘ new °r5“””u°"' “'3' H“""‘h° '‘'l'h' ' reached and the measure can be sent This Wndlctlofl is based on the u- ' come to Washington. and he asked that an" “R ‘ ufflcndl’... 0'” ‘Hues The Presmem “id we Phmppme es to be relieved 0! her duties belore ‘ w the President lmmedutaly. sumption that there will he no other ""3 “me b’ °‘“'“d°d ‘hm’ “V” ° mafia ‘erotica of opinion as lo the islands will get their independence ‘he °h‘"“"' "R" “"9" . : This means that unless the bill is 613111888 Of l>081l-$011 sive them time to appear. . g ,1. l . .3; .1 ,1. Rune _c 5- Lions, . . ‘“"‘. i . “T . . ‘veloei by tile President 2.75 per cent Ne!-Iwhlle mild re-er"-tlonlttl Ind M “'9 °l°“ °' “"99 “'°°k3 °‘ ‘*1 the probate .iIdxe's :alaar:'. rfififer iii‘: unP:sld:nt Vvllsocll pl:-oclalmed that in“ ‘BB3 T9___,L_L£‘l‘ lohluy bee.» and “he, ugh; beverage‘ wm be the Lodge group are trying to ‘m°n7 m°“‘ °f the m°mb°"’ °‘ '3‘ Iflllfs the probate judge to retain through the treaty the American spir- Will Visit lllsaollri (‘lilies for (‘hrllaianlunder the ban soon. . dm°’°‘K‘°3 °f “'°i'F“n8 “ml 7981“! W ’ I Bdumtional ‘ ’ X 01’ the League covenant. °°mW"°° T091 “I1 019 Putin! ll‘ 1 t can ted hi i _ ed ul Id. Ill - . -*'*-'—“ . A dun” needs auemmn “"1 we qnw ‘al;°'eq_‘°°w Ehrdriugf :"31g::|“_':i‘_;¢°‘:‘:;‘°;" ‘_‘:):°b'y the Amer Dun G‘ D_ Edwards of we mswmi FEIIER ARRESTS SINFE Jl'Ll I now the real issue anions those ta- lion 1,8 '1!!! the timers '1" 60- salary. ll-lllcll is 32,000 in this county. l.-all spirit." lle cried. ~11 tile ll-only ri Bible College will lelll-e collllntlall l- “M8,, M m.._n';u,,"‘, D“.,,.,, h, "°"‘“8 '“°"“1‘°3'~ today were all cattle He is also allowed to retain 10 per ll. ilglgen am... who mu.“ it to be mllltilly ill ilellalr of the Missouri? (.o,n_M.' BRO,‘ 8.0,‘ 3“l‘'“ '’°“' "'0 “I030 "14 ‘‘‘“°‘‘'' ‘W’ ‘""°P°""°’" P“*"'* 0-M6! the remunins feet loot wiil~ have a melons reckolins -“°"°'“°"" ‘°‘‘‘’‘’‘‘“"' M "M ”'0°°"i ulllllilllltloll oi’ the records in ‘M M°"'°° °"°""‘° '°'° '°““ ‘‘’° day to have no essential diirerenoes . All . The law further provides that apir, u an 11 ml; forces of the United 000 endowment made for the Chris- .1, mm 3- ma sh W. HAIWARB our Fol Exmwfin cult lull!-who oreaides in mol'0"fha'll States." tlan colleges of Missouri. fgfiicsmfldflecohol “'3 “sea as with bQ‘:'::en ri3l‘eu L4‘od‘ge Wllie ‘MM (0 Plt CCUOOI OI °~F‘““7 [3 9'"-med ‘° “-300 "'°"‘l‘ He said he was £05118 '13 583"» '0" The 9'm°“m auowd m Chflsuflniblow on July 1. the number of arrests mln:°::e uroezgshmuu “n to u" S Pinneial Basis. flu ¢"’°“'°“- 1" ‘ddm°" ‘° m’ 32-‘ UN "931? it in °m°° °’ WL H°lC°"eg° ‘B between um ‘um “"99 mm" 5 has decreased. Though the decrease up the time which the twopreservation gun,” Unjvet-3"’ 1, ",p,.“.¢ to 000 Oetual salary, Since the probate] “-0,,” “gm for 5; .3 long 3, ‘e [['ved_ tired thousand dollars. but the share - m not no noticeable m Commbh as ‘mum ‘rm conwme 8 her graduates in an eirort to raise an 3"“ ‘‘ ‘"°‘‘'°d ‘"9 “me “hi? 39 Wilson Went into dwlil 1050191111‘ i'°'' “"3 m"°“"‘ mm“ C°m’g° ‘"5 °°‘ l in larger cities. by digging into the me”. dmemncu tn tum,‘ gh, pr". additional endowment mild at 8u..ooo.- ““ "'°‘“‘ 1°38°w ‘hi’ °“°'“°° *1“?! power or the Leszne of Ntuons l"‘-‘°" mi‘ ““°“'“* ‘records one nmill there is 8 slight de- ,d,_,,,,_ group andths ooo. me organisation or ulill great "“‘° ""’°"“"' °" "°‘ "W ""°“'" ll" rel-em wars. dwelling on the hor-| '3 9"” ‘°" “"3 “‘“”‘“"‘“ “ ‘°'cll . __.._____...__ WM.‘ 1.” men “mm ‘“ ‘ed the circuit judge ior_travel.ll_1s p‘ _ urea by yhgglgho (‘ending i'°"d‘ 5°“ “"3” ‘ma '"m'“ 5m" ml’ in May, 1919, there were twenty- P21803338 TO BUILD BOLD little remains to set it into motion. ° '°“°°""‘“‘“‘°‘ ‘ 9"‘ °7 1”‘ 33 ' nation may be isolated. ‘' ‘“’°°‘ th“"'"‘”°“ "R b°'lnine a ' ade. In June there "‘" O ‘L’ “ "H 1 Under the leadership of Thomas W. "3" l "The war enmcipaied Germany uimwe ‘° “ch “‘°mb"’ °f °"°"3’ Chm!" l wele twenty-seven and in July the 3'-"‘“°' " 0" T535 ‘I am“! 30 l ' tian Church in the state and the en- on De C sh-Ietel. . . b d t . t . I A - tire public canvassed in the comrnun:- "um er mpped 0 «Mn eon 0'; 1:8 The Millershnrg district section of 31 sixteen were ""m°d' the Old Trails road in (xliavay Ooun~ Lamont 01 J. P. Morgan & Co.; and “K “E “-508 ‘Rs. WARD iwell as other nations of the world."| ‘ Kn ' “'m‘y.mM arrests “me in may “gm ty is to be completed by convicts. the Eliot Wadsworth recently vice—chair- _ lhe said. ' - ‘ - - . . . - - ed. ll [:30 or !:he Amerlicatzhge-d Crolfsuitn Fouple Leave (‘pr Lillie mp Am-r tile . Tl: Pll-.csidcnéts:D<‘(‘l1I:gag:1:’f":gc°:’:“::;:_:t::£:B::;"::£“icing” In‘; ha ed Wm d R bu rt , 1 1-hrlnoll . ii 1 e .nlon .. ii on a I C ' were e run enness W e etitl; :io:k"telle,o:orld hI::et!>1e:n cu‘: lwi-c-llll l.. lll.- \UIInlll’l1I|y ’lIll'llfi morning. Entering for the flrsljbe 1"“ her)” Thnnhgwmg‘ M ‘ten oiher:gwere taken in for disturb- 3”" p”’°" b°‘"d “"33 ""°°d to ° ‘ ‘ ' , ‘ . . l l , . “flung into divisions. each of which is pre- HARBOR BEACIJ. .\ll(‘h._ Sept. i:.—- ' Um? Teal 9Il¢*m.\' territory. the home oi;en:::_m°:;1°“;nd’:":2i”:‘e‘ lgglfedl R: : in! the cam. some 0! which were mdzflzutfigeazzfit tnxttzger 1 sided over by . prom]nen[ Hanna “,5. Hugh (~_ “-3” of Ram.“ mwisenator Reed. the President received , ' _ . k w”_]under the influence of alcohol when m“ 7 ° b°‘°'° raduate and in each distrl t the l ' 'tl trenlelldous Ovation when he stepped ‘Cmumba M0’ Culvehbloc um‘ '1 ed in June live were arrested Nd‘ °" 0"’ 5°!’ '°" "k°d 3° Int 5 - ° "9 and President A illosll illll or the l'lll-§ - in '0 School or tile Bible at,‘ ' mm, are further local ramifications With on the platform to make the npilefil ,!or drunkenness and tour for dis- “ch an orgnmuuonv “ is phnned to Vefslly of Missouri were married here ' ,0, me ,aufl(.,,uon of we U.u,_,._ 1-he “ 3 . . 1Drur}‘ npllege and .\iiss0tlri Christie .u"_bm‘ ma pea“. in July none of the A mm, for nu-an‘ we york 1“. College. The State Mission Society not been an C_ w_ flwlengn. . mgn. will help In this movement “rested was ch"-‘ed ‘uh ' Lions to every l-larval-d mall. and to lolln wt 1)t'l_l- or tile (‘llllrcll of lllegntsht The .,,3_ou,, \,o,.,,me,,, V," be u,,_ I rlrunkennes and only two answered to 3:: §:£_’::1":;‘: ‘;'ut°°:"'t':_"°:°'o't°" °‘ 2 h n t 1 in ' ul .\t tan. St. Lo 1 * T18 8901!!‘ mil“ '9" 91 13 °'¢1°C3‘ ' ° - . the charge of disturbing the peace. ' an i glitz: or hclghs: e(::l1¢Iti([):l'-E“ m e e;r‘t:f. Ernest lisoeger of St_ Loni,-t,*lor 1Des hioines. where he will speak d." the dimcuon or E. H. Fl°°‘ (if M" ‘The records show that during Aulust “an um P'°m'-°°ull'! 18 expected to ; The campaign will be world-wide. lllayed wedding music especially com-['1onigllt- So far the otficial itinerary m m'e New England secmm‘ Wm‘-‘tvro were arrested‘ (or drunk 3 '. Foreign countries which oomgln at- posed by him for the ceremony. Alllas been Bdhereu to. mm is W. D End,” of Qmncy “L: d the smile number ‘for disturbing Wm perm“ the mm m ‘-mompluh ‘ : mm eddi ii iii ' .- "“""_‘_ l - - . ‘th . . ’ §:;‘;‘;‘j}m°’;§‘0';’:fé,‘;f;‘fch‘ m ,°;3:;,° ,".’,,.,,. ",,,‘*,.,'°.‘.‘,,.,”},.}‘,',“‘,,',“‘,“;,"e";f,,,’:§§, E.\‘t-‘l.\’l2Elt8 rllosi was s.\RoLL “=0 Wl“ M‘ M ‘"5 °***°““"-' 5°‘ '°-1+ ° ""“°"-_.___.. area! can berm time or them to ro- . . . . ’ n. , 9*‘ ‘'1 d°m33U¢ d"l3l°n3- 3" A“3"'3’ 3°"? °; :"’":;"l‘l"! :‘"’°3)°';'0 P’;°”k‘!i}Dcan .\it-(‘austland Advises Stllllelta Dean Edwards will first attend the. "H8 "E" 801'” HERE mm m me" mm’ Q at Ila. China. France. Great Britain. Ha- en an . rs. ¢‘313-T-i °'°°“ , Vol to Work Their Way. R.alls(‘0il!1l)'Col1\'enllon. Prom ther9l.'s00 Acres of Land Challxes llalldv-' ms “temm I at. m G I .'- . ~, _ - l.-tructing the concrete bridge acrou ;;li.37.lgg>;ln; ;-nmlld (:I:::l:l(:t. Etna: Lnkes. n or ran on e rea user 400 students have registered he erpectsto go to Springileldf ‘tic,’ lestel-day and Today. Cad". Cm“ on the b°unu,.,5.t',.. “:6 0 er m :d tom‘ __ ‘in the School oi’. Engineering this start the sort: in that section 0 t E: R, H‘ army,‘-00¢, who 11'“ 39., B00“ and cflhv” mun“ sou‘. expec to come to e a o e r ‘BIRD ‘Eh. L00‘ you 3”“-Ens-,terni. This is an increase or at least country. .McBslne. sold a 270-acre farm today we,“ no u 'u plum.‘ to ‘nu,’ 1111118 mfllet _____._ [20 per cent over any pre-war enroli- ""—“"""““"‘ _ A poster. which is in-oducins sood 8.099 Wk-st We-Isis (‘oal in-ll am-ll meat. E. J. McCoustland. dean or 5 (‘A38 0*‘ SW1" 3 G0 T0 NARWT s. J. sontilenl. who lives near tile ,,m,¢u.,., mm; wllicll made a ills results. calls attention to the low on lineal’ the school of Engineering. said this C I! (. ‘ B In Oakland Church. sold a 87-acre (arm ‘mm, the nunmr. "an", 3. ""‘”°'’ "aw °°"°‘° ‘"° '''"'°"“‘’' q’ Wm‘ Pm’ m°’“‘“‘ “M ‘h‘’ ”‘°’°‘“’° "“ ‘’‘’° ‘° mm 4‘? ('3 “all M I" l?tl-d I ‘°‘”’ ‘° 30'"! C"°°k°r Of Oolmblt cost. but later”!-be eoulmiuiallm de- protessors as compared to salaries l«lU.\'Tl.\'G1‘0.\', W. \'a.. Sept. 6.— the return of upperclaasmen who had M‘; Hnewefirof ma,“ sm'ped The price paid was 810,000. dad to ‘u an 9””, ban“ ‘.7. _ paid in the other trades and promo» Logan County sherllls and armed dep- ten gchoo] to [aka up war work. “V ' C3‘ of h um week mp we L. J. Goalln. who lives near Kinton. me job_ A" of th, '0“ '1” 5. dong ‘ . siclls. Speaking railroad termlnologyw uties left Logan today headed for the new mt-calmiand says that it is “Z '75" ky°g:d at St Louis sold a 100-acre tract yesterday for “do, an "n.,._1 “ye,-"don 5; an —,’ it 1 "Consider which render the head of Jemiley's (‘reek in an eflor‘. to 3 bad policy for 31udenu;_ egpecially ' Gionn :11; sped 3 ‘car of.cat- “J50 to T0111 Ankrilln oi Hinton. ‘um ugh“, ¢.,u-un.nL '‘ greatest public service. those who halt armed miners who are marahinz in engineering. to work their way no lgmllhe N520“? stockyfids many. L J. Lewis, who lives near Hurray. ma. (0,. we and m 1. t. lfllin the mltldfl 0!’ I-31089 ‘110 mind W GUN” 0°“ 53”“ 1‘ l5 "9P°"“-‘d through school. as many of the stu— one C" dame W“ shipped by q _ sold a 45-acre (am: today for 86,000 un|°,,hm."du,_,‘1¢ '9" ma“; ‘flu 1 -.- 5'-;—.uAn-—.‘_.. - .4 l,. .4. the trains." 9131 the mine" 3'9 593"“? “med “"5 dents in the University art-.doing. to Shirley Littrel of Col i . __ .. trail .2 Phillipe. J. B. Wright shipped - dprins the Inmnum Neither um VII. 0 SE YE LAF“mTE ‘MY ghgolhelr number llrled fr0m.500 l0 Man cannot serve two masters. :1 ca :0‘ came to st Lon“ yesterd‘y_ The above sales were made through ‘ Md ,uunm_“. ‘M _ R R - - said Dean hiccaustland. "Students Pmmps ‘I Robert‘ received three I-‘enton & Coats. real estate dealers. m“ “ mum be "uncut". m 3.‘ guy s "—" , , It-ct their studies to do work which "-—~, -'—"-'— ,5 mn“ mg. .l mu.» ills... cllicioo lwmrls STILL lvritiill. ""‘ cars or miles this week. W. IL Wrlsht gouglp suns cm you an '0 ‘I.’ Cu” B “Fun for ‘mug’ "mm °°mp"‘u'°‘y mm’ '°‘ ot Stephens received it car of bulls ,, .,,,,.,,,','.f,'',i ""'°""’° luy Reach Agreement 'l‘oday—-—N. ‘i’. tut;-i-I Thtff “"k“°‘h:°h'f!:"-“ d‘:‘°:;; yesterday. It Tandy received ll car nl-ieuuum llepuru-ellthlluto ill. work maul. lint NEW YORK. sent s.—uai.-oell. 9"” " '5": “'3 T" t '3 M" w ° '5' ‘ 0' 35°91’ W‘ “'°°“~ W‘ E R R9“ 7"‘ °' ' “°‘'‘' N’ ’°"' ‘““ "N '°“ ’°"' ” ‘m Leonard Wood ‘"3 “ham” to be By United Press. it is not-ll that demands a cheap cur» necked ‘ cu 0‘ mm” yesterday. R_ 3; gonna mu nu tad” R be pougmg u, me D“ and h, u an ,5 “I, CHICAGO. Sept. 6.—8triking echo]! M“ '"“3‘’' “‘°" ‘"° “'°"'"“' “’ °°‘“’ the city water ant tmnl east to west on a llud-cal-aaosa n in ‘pa 0‘ I‘ here today planned to go on with p°uu°” ‘mu ch“? 1‘b°’9"' B18 P537533 WAxT5T033I-L for 8825 damages. .In‘llia petition - road. _ _ .~ °°""'°"’ °°"""""°"‘"°" ' llellent allows in spite of the news "A $000? mil “'50 *8 P'““"“8 ‘O and -noses he s tarnished mtunent tuned in Jelmon Gtn ' ~ A fayette's tsznd anniversary. held at , 1,“ 5,“. 3 Eat George W. Barhvell Wants to 30- - i - _ Cu’ her. 1%.’. frag) Ngw ‘oft uggg gctofg thgre hgd an endneer r *0 “h H. ‘IOQIO ll ‘Dd tht ‘IO III‘ WOO‘ M the become Baler. ended me". ‘mu “fin” um “um employment in some industrial work. _ The celebnuon’ “mm!” ‘O we agers. Several actors said a meeting and "V9 °3°“8h 1110097 ‘D P” U3 D"“'M°G.""° 1"“ um 1“ "M c" he requested the department to turn necessary . U""”“° 0:12, "::°n“'°d°°"”m°°'i'wollid be held some time today w-illcll Bfhoollnx expenses befvfe °W—'""¢ *1” 3'3, fig‘ gnitfif, ‘B°m°d” ‘H mm other yrhaes t£i'nngu;' my. out:-‘vm tgltrontoutwmat “"1” ‘ ‘augment. ELIIIVOEEE1,-_ it Wclillld pay him mug: ‘ones’: at-‘ My wér ma smut up alleges the city tanad,to do and as a um am the hi ._ - ’ 3.” ‘ sl ause all We D878 3 , IO ‘vases. «and It is. ‘ion; the "ne of work (the are in I me up in making the commemoration exer- ____.. ' ' he es ect to till: " “°n- 7'“-'7 13‘? Ihlfqd equally mmumnumth no wm.‘m°umy‘ D 8 9 up" the protlta from the machines. and ' '° °u““d mm are . ' —-———-—- clflgr 91,505“ “d.” ¥.‘.::.'.¢,Am'N’ DEAN fl McGuire trams to sell out but Bark-L‘ M’ u - ’ V plans for the day had been made By United Preaa ‘ P -" V011 05100“. TAKE "'3 Ll‘ FAIR were eul‘ in-l-ulciooo: Lynn. ai‘ul.- VIENNA. Sept. a.-—'rlle Austrian *"“°i|Is- Lecture on *!'he.IilIuo_I According insurer Poll-“L chm‘ - --'-". . '°'.,:: N'm.k'N’.3 NY. ‘ ah dead.‘ ma‘ ‘he noun“ NIHBNOM . ¢]gy[,¢j1g1gt_hgnr;tguitotiuk1nd ° .' " u"um'- ' Mum’ "M y ' x ‘The Kinsdotn Th-t Hui No End.‘ that has been died since he has been In! 0| IJVOIINL . “'3'” ville. Ky.. Pue lo. Oolo.. Y hers. N.~ the report of Chancellor Rellner to “H ‘b D.” ‘mm’ wmhm, mic 0"“ ud uiuuu‘ 0‘ Golan.‘ . Y.. and Passalc. N. J. A “recommend that the National asaem- 9 *1 °m°¢- ‘ snap onr_s.o.s. res aimon-s C1388 Ilayorltolphotsanrranclseoheads lily accept the Peace Treaty theoounltue in tharclty. He rseent- was preseifid tor. ratliieation this gnu” B"°‘d"" 05°“ "- N °°‘°°k . > V l "73“"i'|3d'°°"|'“'3“""'-., rraltalli-lnlllrauiiln-iu'ailIo‘o:llx.,,, mm ,.,,_,,,¢...,,.,,,,. !orl1ni'-"!l¥‘:'!"""l!~°‘°"°":slnl..élal-ysi-otooll slslsnu.:‘ll,,,mhh“,“,,__.,.1' ':‘i » peallarea Oallhi-‘ gang, '33- — """’d. i vim’ haatmaia . % Tax ll .|I!l:a0al- nytlsltsirnaa. . witlszotherfiundll 1:. -i;oi_:Ic.:enireoverthe”p.ho:s‘onth: 1‘. s ulxoll:-slime-g icon: rams. y_ r viillrosiaauopu calm -- 50*-“'0” all-ugliuwnawueuatilun -« m,_,,- ,,u.» couszyrortso.y.olg.1su-ulousansoaxuuintaoannsu-oroopnuo-to- rllqoalooottsoissoalllvilnl-ulu tir_lIrIo'|l1'II||¢|lMI.?" 1|-Ilisutilvutocaaaellulw. u.100.£!has " at open for hudaaaalonday In I.¢swrp‘wantgh-lstovIiak8at1II'dava.laveraIfi «. ~ oountyciarkIothe‘Iar|oIsroaldirths‘1niaoonli_itfl0.O00O.O0O.00o. Ban. sophomore nmualdfiusnodflusnnhnflidht-fluufidsubjnluulafianhv .tr|cta in ms ‘s _- illltlllllllu io_a5qa;oom.lty will lllullilm and thudrll ‘Gown 3 It: “.4 no 0olI.IllU_a’&IB la'to._J-aaaun Q... V.-..,., 3!I.,500,_000.000ito an alien slsl =aaa—s:sa to wall inliullluallillla-uy.;sust aellagg, ’431.'lO4.64otthaaliore'.aaoInt. wnmtiloauttilrqaillyulm o-oiocllunsa-yllutlmil. _ y lI!'°I"I‘|'-_a . i ' s ‘ a 31' ‘.2: l « - . « : '* ‘. .. * _ ” . ‘ ‘ ' ~’ 3:;