A can svszmca atssotutiut. cow nan. nssovll. SATURDAY. see 1-eases s. ms. ALICE IN DOT LAND Iv cnnu-4 Lean called out. "The Queen. the Queen!" and the ‘ltd:-l'lPf‘< throw recognised Sr-mi-one lg:-nus-{Ives on their faces. Alice t I.‘ ' fut-r like the tllrdenera. but also at the queen. as she poi ed use" said Alice "you are l-tngandthe Xnave and wondered ood to the gar-d " . . nothing at Iaytn 3.-cutloner could af"l’i\e she toolt the -three fr a ——. Ihorvnan still eners. I s “ cards." and before the ten (ardent-rs and hid them (259) (®vJ"'khL 1919. 117 The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) STFDI.-2.\'T§ ARE 8'l'B0.\'G ON BATS- Pood Demand Ilsa Greatly increased since the llalversliy (lpeaed. Much has been and about the lim- ed number of rooms in Columbia for University students but comparatively f people mve thought of the in- One grocer gives 50 per meat as the Increase in his business last week over that of the week before. while several say that their business showed an increase of at least 26 per cent on account , of the incoming University students. use said that he could scarcely give a per cent for so much of the extra demand was met with goods that he had in storage. But be added that it had been a substantial increase. According to the grocers. they have i no or three iv been preparing for the students for‘ salts by increasing their ‘ orders. Especlalyl has the demand‘ for fresh fruits and vegetables been, ltacr . ' One grocer said “When it comes to eats. the University students surely are there." Australian latent a New (‘run-ll. 81 United Press. SYDNEY. Aug. !5 (by mail).-—A new crutch for the us! of those injured in the war. designed to prevent crutch paralysis. has been invented by two Sydney mechanicians. The ew de- vice. it is expected. will be adopted by the military authorities. Bit; Parlor is loved. Parson Sisters‘ Beauty Parlor is now located at 1005 E. Broadway, main floor. P- .was the realisation of the dream of -3 less. but because there were wrongs University Assembly » At the Daniel Boone Tavern The First University Assembly of the season will be held tonight. No Stags Will Be Per- - mitted. to Attend STARTING NEXT WEEK Two University Assemblies will be ncld, one on Friday night and the other on Saturday night, season. throughout the Daniel Boone Tavern lllll Sllllllililllli WITH Hilfllllllllll American \Vom-an Dcscribcs Good Sense of the Commoncrs. elfta-ts BIG STRIKE AVERTED 90 j—--:—: Prices Are Still I-*Iigh— But People Remain U n pcrtu rbcd. BI Called Prua. SlE.\'A. ltaiy, Aug. 17 (by mail).- Italy has been -nearer to revolution than is generally lrnown. She h been saved in this crisis. as in the crisis of the war, by a national quality to which we Atnerluans are almost blind. dazzled by the spectacular beau- ties of physical Italy and her art. ita- ly has been sa\'ed by the genius of the common people for endurance. pa tience, common sense. colt of it. depress the spirits of the nations. are is t d > L llerhia Bach Ioaday. Dr. J. Dr. L. hierism. Pagefirse !who went to St. Joseph to deliver a . professor of series of lectures before the teach- s-chool supervision of the University. ens there. will be back by Monday. 0110 title. has been very much greater than America lcnows. ltaly has borne herself bravely. and her sacrifices and Y showed so plainly the stuff of which they are made. Senator (‘ails Wilsoniil-e-magogur. By United Pubs. WASHINGTON. Sept. 6. ~President Wilson's lira day's ' eeches floor of the Senate yesterday. Bemtor Sherman of Illinois attack- ed Wilson as a “dema.gogue“ cused him of contemptuous of the government and ac- disregard 4. Service Men Should‘ Keep Up Their» Government Insurance. The War Risk Insurance Bureau now offers you standard insurance on any of the following plans: Ordinary Life. Twenty or Thirty Payment. when there came the overwhelm- ing, humiliating disaster of Caporetto, the nation was heartbroken. The common people of Italy. controlled the situation. They took care of their refugees, they held patriotic meetings. they made Sacrifices and subscribed all they could. it was a very hard time. But the motto everywhere was. " Resistance. " Patriots’ Drum Ital ed. Then came the great days when the Then came the bulle- tin that Roverto was taken, and almost immediately after followed the news that Trent was In Italian hands. the cavalry were entering Ildine and the bersagllcrl were landing at Trieste. it the great patriots. of Maulnl and Ge- ribaidi, and the redemption of the cz- tles and places which had suffered and waited for so long. Lorraine were to were to Italy. All through the spring and summer there has been an undertone of unrest and disturbance everywhere. Those who have watched and studied the in- ternal situation have been uneasy in spite of a deep faith in the underlying g sense of the Italian people. There were plenty of revolutionaries and bolshevista about. What Alsace and ra so these taliaa Base in Crisis. A great strike was proclaimed for July 20 and 21. There was a certain amount of nervousness in regard to this. not because the Italian people were likely to do anything very reck- be relieved. The censorship been taken off shortly before. and any sort of manifesto was allowed to be put up. But the element of common sense was at Y0!’ (‘AN ALWAYS GET BE1“I'EB l’l("l"l'RE8 No matter how well your present pictures turn out. all kodslters should remember that they can make Bl:‘.'l'l‘l.-ZR ONES. ‘me little things you over- look may prevent you from get- ting the best results. Ask our service department about your pictures. We have helped many people to get better results from their kodak and camera films. Full line of films. albums. and accessories. PEEK DRUG El]. Sol Broadway. Vclhlie word; of warning were being uttered by the people the government toolt up a steady and sensible position. There was to be fair play for every- one. and an opportunity for all to ex- press their minds. t it was clearly given out that order was to be main- mined- On the day before the strike we were asked buy our bread and., whatever food we could to last for sev- eral days in case of necessity. Guards were placed at the banks and sent out into the country to protec: the villas and farms. Strike Proves a I-hsco. The 20th was Sunday. Everything‘ seemed to be peaceful. One would not have known that anything out of the common had happened. ‘ The next day was the same. Nurly all the.shops were open and every- thing wont on as usual. News of a reassuring nature came in from all of the country. Grit of People finds Test. A lurking suspicion is thus remor- ed from all hearts. I have always lmaintsioed in the stoutest way that the good sense of the Italian people would never lead them into the ex- cesses which have ruined Russia it in seemed impossible. that they could. as a nation» really lose their heads. Yet Italy has suflered slight improvement, yet the grat lack of nourishing food. and the enormous N‘ ‘F0 RM rivm BARBER snor Student Trade Soliclted ‘If you fall for servia. boys. . try us, live chairs I"-‘it-st Class Manicuring Bamlmtt D¢m'dBooIu Taurus moss I3 _ for . SERVICE .cu:muIG.’Pttr.ssu¢n _ and REPAIRING A sacs natur E'l‘wenty or 1‘hirt,r Year Endowment. ‘and Endowment at age 62. These policies contain all provisions ‘found in the policies of standard old iltne companies. saw: only the)‘ may They contain the same non-forfeiture fea- '.not be assigned to a creditor lures. such as cash. paid up Insurance. ‘and extended insurance. at the end of the first year. The rate is approx- imately one-third less than that of I lany standard commercial company. i A young man twenty—one years of ‘age may carry the full 810,000 on the itwenty payment plan for approximate- lly 8200 yearly. In twenty years he zwlll have paid in about 84.000. He ‘will have a paid up policy for 810.- loco. or as far as his estate is con- i cerned. the same thing as a liberty bond for 810.000, which be will have purchased at forty cents on the do!- is r. Fathers and mothers. should. if nec- essary. assist their sons to continue -the full 310.000, and charge the same 0. against the son's share of the parents’ restate. The money will do the son '.far more good so invested now than :either the son or the parent can pos- Iaibly make it do later. .'f'he_son al- most surely will never again have an opportunity to buy a L‘. 8. Government security at such a figure. The boys who have permitted their policies to lapse since they were dis- charged now have eighteen months in which to reinstate same. by simply paying for the one month‘: grace after month in which they reinstate. or if a boy has been lapsed for say ten months, he pays lapse and for the for the first month after lapse and for the tenth month. the month of re- instatement. He does not pay for the intervening eight months. during wlllvli time he was not insured. lie may also reinstate only such part of the 810.000 as he may want to carry permanently. from 81,000 up. lie may also convert a part of the 810.000 at a time. He may convert any 85.000 of the 810.000 to the twenty- payment plan now. and continue the remaining 85.000 as term insurance at same rate as while in service. and 85.000 to twenty payment plan at some later convert the remaining date. when he may be the better pre- pared so to do desired information. 0. Stephenson. whose services are yours to command for the For further please call W. asking. A v Phone 575. Oifice. :05 _Eashange National Bank Building.