. it 0 .,.‘ .7 "' ‘P’. -‘ .‘-\'.'‘-‘b?i:'.J HE EVEN] TWE-LFTH YEAR COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, TUYESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, I919. l ?_L__._ *.' ‘* MISSOURIAN fir NUMBER 3 Clllllilillillililli I Sl[Pill[li_flli|]llHli[ (‘ommcrcial Club Vottzs In- dorscment of Collcgc’s ampaign. C RO\VTI-I IS FORESEEN _ -T I Director of Movement Shot '5 “ E I tonight and change in ten tiutu-d warm tonight as Missouri we wt-ntlit-r are ex is . THRWIATHBI For (‘dustbin and Vicinity: Os-Quill: Wednesday. sot much out For Missouri: (neat-rail fair and con- Wednesday. Weather Conditions. A few showers lure tallen in the up r teursnhed but generally r it warm wm r has prevailed in all of an the principal crop'sec ons. asouri highways are in The 311 good con- ditlon except-they are getting dusty in sea. innit-in no nlitu-rial changes in tin- pcctcd during the next two r three I ys , lac-ml Data. 'It)\\' the T0\\'n \\’1“ The highest temperature in t‘olumbi.1 yt-all-rdsiy was ill; and the lowest lnsi rofit, night wa . ‘re:-ipitation I A your turn w-alt-rtinr the highest ti-nt night unanimously Endorsed the Great- er Stephens College Campaign was pointed out to the members of the i F9 a it-éllintm-r timel I p. llllli ' rnturv was 1 ti The Columbia Courn-ercisl Club last Two ""'.'""" '1" 52' 9 "' °" in. yesterday: drr t Iiulh. 74; relative humidity. m. A n. m. todnr: dry hulb, 71: : n-lntlve hu dity. 9% per cent. Ruin nosvv today 6:45 a. 8 it sets 72')‘ club that (‘nlutnbia has lost 8250.000 1'' '“- 31°09 ‘I'll 51"‘ 8- this year betnuse the school is not 7 a 1:’ T"":;""“'“‘ 86 large enough to accommodate those 8 " m’ ‘79 i’ D. m '88 w lred to enroll. The club voted 9 3' m" 7 , D m‘ ‘T89 on the project purely as it business 10 n: m" 8“ 3 p: m‘. H 090 i"°i’°‘“'°‘L II a. m. 35 3:30 p. m 91 S. F. Conley was appointed cam- paign manager to e County.n which is expected to raise the $500,000 campaign His executive :1 committee is made up of the following I Hudson. C. B. .\llll€'l'.' Vandiver, B. C.‘ T l 350-000 °Ilc‘.t.v oi (‘olutnbis demonstrate its will-= ngm-ss to assist in this enlargement. ctndraluhs (lift to Iiardln. 'Audrain County. seat of H.srdi»l !Collei:e. has undertaken to raise 32:30.- “ ' an automobile trip around the city. is -no more than Audrain uulrht to of the dltierent communities or the “use. The Board of (mmmm realm, county for carrying on the drive..[ which is expected to be completed by ‘ the mat week in October. ( Pledges Support to Stephens. The Commercial Club adopted the ‘ following resolution: Mihereas. the Columbia (‘om- mercial Club recognises the value to the community of developing and increasing the enrollment of il:clPls”n‘iiltiltli::::... to enlarge these institutions, we hereby pledge ourselves to sup- port them. And. ‘Whereas. Stephens Colleze. through its board of curators has made a request that we back 3 campaign for 350.000 In Columbia and Boone County. and states to us that this amount is asked for after taking into consideration the fact that we shall probably later be-asked to back a mmpaixu I0? ('hr;stian College. Therefore be it resolved: That we endorse the Stephens (‘allege Campaign ior $50,000 in Columbia and Boone County. and be it fur- ther resolved that the Prellidt‘-ill of the (‘ontmerclal Club is here- mt;¢ charge of this campaign for (‘olumbis and Boone County. Wm Bring lane) to Columbia. . E. Mansfield. director of the Greater Stephens College Campaign. hat in this city there are other insti- ullons which are likely-‘to come into he held in the near future. Vie have n asking 350.000 from Columbia and Boone (Vounty. that a similar contribu- l.l0I'l made to Chrftsian College would still be much less than Boone (‘outm- might well be expected to contribute. 4. .""““ . . ’b.\' Pope Abollshcs Last Lathollclnr the Hays Normal School Y .-\lonarchv---Plans 3 New Power. By HENRY wool) (United Press Sta! Correspondent) PARIS. Sept. 9.—The Pope and the' Vatican have joined the democratic. V AWN’? A'‘''°¢'~1ld0lI 31'“ Dill‘ IO!’ Pk- movemenl of the world. it was brough‘ I11!‘ 4 out in a papal letter addressed to, . Cardinal Lucon. made public today. in go! the baseball and Miss Catherine connection with the pan of pmnchlfiallahan was elected head of the ten-. Catholics who den‘!-ed to k,,o,,,- W1“; inis tournament at the ilrst meeting 011 participation they could take in the ; the "Women's Athletic Association held f opposition. l elections. l“ The \'ti!ica.n letter discloses that .they will accept democracy as the [only source of political power an ‘will work to help the esttilllislimelli ‘of democracy. Their platform lii as follows: II10(.‘l‘3(‘)' INT has set forth the claims of Stephens of the proletariat. (‘oilege to local S0090"-; "we "'3 coming 10 Y0“ .-with a proposal ID!’ the OCCEDWDCQ OI the quota for Columbia and Boonephllstlon. Foam). 35 3 epurely commercial prop» ranklook steps to join the democratic 1 [6 an Young women In the re- wor . ' osition. sentimental gards you may have for Stephens Col- lege is by the mark in are present 111- RIIIICE. lwlhate vet‘ Stephens (‘ollege is 210. Oil AU!“ 8 we had accepted reSel'\‘8“°"' T0" 393‘ Republicans to Investigate young women. exhausting our calls -* ly and leaving 98 girls to be housed of! l the campus. Six large houses have been obtained for these ¢ll‘15~ 0“ A“; gust )1 we I381! 1130 I ll’!-‘U118 H‘ 99 girls. and slut‘? ml‘ 53"’ "9 h“° have been refusing girls at the rate turned away not less than 250 SW9-. "Presirl e average girl spends 81.000 811903“? “‘ Columbia. The turnisixmivi OI 359 girls Is. therefore. the turninx-CV8)‘ {mm the city of Columbia and 300319 county an annual revenue quarter of a million dollar!- ua, Promise of Funds. “Stephens Collete I1“ 5°33 ‘““°”' allzed by a pledge of a minimum of $50,000 and a maximum ot 8100.005‘. contingent upon the “3°°“‘ "“’°d “ this state, by the Northern mt Convention. and has the promise of I These amounts. h0V€'°"- °“"’°" used tor buildings. but must be 0800 for endowment uaowen‘ QXXYM not i I - 1 "The present dormitory 060013-’1)’t°1T| resignation merit alone. The fall of the l-Iapsaburg dynasty .\ir- Manslleld said.5lett but one Catholic monarchy. and ,the Pope faced certain political anni- Recognizing tl.is. the Vail- and Perhaps Impeach Him for Plavirtg Politics. My lfaitni Pres; -WlASl~l"I.\'G'I‘0N. Sent. 9.~-POBtl1'iIS- ter-General Burieson's administration‘. we hfle 1 will be investigated by the House. Re-T publlcsn § Rpo s are current that impeach-gms mom will follow. but members 0! the It g committee any no such vim Ml“-“ton Aero Club. been discussed. l leaders decided boday. and selected solely on a political basis. sst-ll at Christ The women's physical cal instructor. an she Vi" find with the limited space provided Those who have not enrolled ‘for a Co-operation of all classes. coalition ‘ of all classes against Bolahevism. sc- d education . Hliilfllliifl FIRE?“ to W at Charles GalloWIl)' 38} member of the civil service comtnis- “mm, ",9 ,. gum, who claims that Burleson dis-llgm. we plane 3 thou“nQ_,°m raw 0' one regarded civil service rules K0\'9|’Ti- way I education it a problem to handle such a number EHHISTIAI CITLLTBT DPENS Tflllllllllllli Enrollmcnt_m_B: the Largest That School Has Ever ad PARTIES PLANNED Cltapcrons Mcct Girls at _lunt‘tltlll Points to Bring Them crc. Christian College opens tomorrow 'with the largest enrollment the school has ever had. Girls expecting lto attend the school ram dlflerent ‘parts of the cotlntry are being met by lchaperons at Junction points and ac- gcompanied the rest or tlhe wsygto Co- ‘lumbia. At Parsons, girls ft'0I'il lTexas and Oklahoma are being met; lat St. Louis. girls from Arkansas. ; Louisiana. Illinois and Texas; at Kan- lsas City, girls from Texas. ass, ioltiahoma. Nevada. Montana . ebras- 'ka and Northwestern Missouri. The parly front Kansas City. the largest lzfmiil to arrive, will have a special -‘car. This party will assemble-at the ‘Kansas (‘ity union station, where it lwiil be met by alumnae and taken on .Tllls party will arrive at Columbia at i7 o'clock Thursday evening. 1 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ‘ will be devoted to the registration and ;<-Iaslsiflcation of students. On Friday iilltht the Y. CWT i A. will entertain accordingly mtde our estimate 80 '0"; with a library inn)-. to be held in the } school auditorium. Saturday night the old students will entertain the ncw students at the Uoiumbia “movle" I ‘shows. On Sunday morning the stu- ldents will attend services at the Church. Sunda t‘hristia.n y it moon . Margaret Roberts Green of the DEMOCRATS TO GIVE Ill AS LAST HESTIITT Hitchcock Says Reservations Will Be Accepted If Necessary. \\'ILS()N HAS FAILED? Only (inc Response From \’l'i|son's Hcarcrs. Sen- ators Say. .?._a—é-— L. C. MARTI ti'nited Press Stair Correspondent) WASHl.\'G'l‘O.\'. Sept. li.-"Demo- cratic senators will accept reserva- tions to the Peace Treaty only as the last resort." Senator I-ltichcock. ad- ministration leader. declared today. Senator Hitchcock said he “sup- sed' he would have to accept reservations in the end It there is no other way to get votes for ratification. ~ Hts utterances followed the stand lot President Wilson against all reser- j rations expr-seed at 0 Senator jflitchcock is of the belle! that reser- ivation as part of ratification is not {favored by the msiority oi the Dem- '. ocrntic senators. who are sutnding tor lthe President. I Senator Lodge indicated he would ‘go part way to meet the miid—reserva- locum»... it is expected that the bill l will be reported to him to the Senate l Wednesday. Senator Hitchcock will tile his re- ‘-ports about the same it is ex- ipecit.-d. Reading of the treaty to the Senate. article by article. will begin ‘III that time. llvllms (‘aunt-s_0;-c_i-0' write Senate. ' By I-‘RI-JD s. FERGUSON .~ tlfnited Press Sui! Correspondent) ‘ W.-\Slil!\'G'I’0N, Sept. 9.—If Presi- itive a musical recital _detit Wilson was counting on strong we action and rammed to work fiodgy, gShe will be accompanied on the piano i reactior. from territories which he has i i-aor. mm Lsivas son ii. v. as Attend lasting oi Inter-ckuch Wprid Invent-ut. Prof. A. W. Taylor of the Bible Col- lege will leave next week (or New York where he will attend a directors’ contsrence oi the Inter-church Wbrld meeting in New York to discuss the church and industrial unrest. On Wednesday. Thursday and Friday Professor Taylor will attend the State Directors‘ Conference at Yonkers. N. Y. ABNLLEBY UNIT GETS GUNS To File Samples of tlther Types (or hst on Purpose. Two carloads of 3-inch guns arrived this morning at the M. K. & '1‘. station for the Military School at the Univer- sity. These guns will be used by the students in the artillery unit for drill. one sample of other types of guns will be used for instruction only. These guns were shipped from Fort 8ilI.l Okla- THREE KILLED IN Hill; 9 '27 Vl'oundcd in Foreign St:-cl’ \Vnrkcrs' Strike at Ham- | mond, Ind. ; By Failed Past’ ‘, ll.-uisloxn. Ind. Sept. 9.-rliree’ foreigners are dead. two are dying and twenty-five are wounded as thel result of rioting here early today bi‘ striking workers of the Standard Steel * Car Company. l The riot broke out this morning ‘when 400 foreigners tried to prevent‘ ‘I50 American employes from returning it ,to the plant. The police ordered the, men to disperse. but the foreigners] opened fire, killing three of their own ‘ men. The Americans took no part In i At 9 o'clock the police had control‘ Walter B. Roberts. formerly head I invaded In the form dt letters and tele- I of me guu.,uon_ xo gunner disturb. . and in graduate of the University. Wednes- l day night the Twelfth Night Club. in‘ :all student organi_zation, will give a idsnce in the college gymnasium. I 13!. I‘. .._t- lv0.li}:.\' rl.i.§'”l76li dint-zs c—._.—- Q.- I so To urnanu-at. 4:30 o'cltr.~lt yesterday afternoon at lthe women's gymnasium. The -picnic 'pIart- Thursday. September II. All in-shintill girls and other new women istudents in the suhool are as-tilt-cl ll‘ »n1r-el til :3 o'clock Thursday tt.'t¢-rmmu at the women's gyturiasillm lo tut»-ml Ilht-. picnic. Th e tennis tournament will begin l :the week September 20. inlereslt-.1 are invited to names on the gymnasium oilice. The tennis tour- .\i.iss .\iarie Parker was elected head . 'whlch is to he held for all new girl tn dlstudents in the l'niversll_\' will take bulletin board in the.’ I grams to the Senate urging that oppo- l-sition to the treaty cease. he has no éto the senators of the opposition. T Senators Borab. J !Cormicl( are to open the series of ion ldistance debates with the President soon. however. 1 The only letter received br the Sen- 0 trip was from a St. Louis I Senators Johnson and Borab will iatugt-. the opening attack on the treaty Senator Johnson will ~' liorull and Mt-(‘ormick will arrive lai- o-r The itineraries of the two latter have not yet been completed. ,lvuii1»:x WIILI. iltsirr rouoits0w',B'°=d*3>'ih°°i°"- short Talks will s-Tun on Work of A mass meeting for all Unit-ersit' lrow in the Fniversity Auditorium. “amen, and baseball game, are open "M .\liss .\’ila Collier. lpresldeht of Univer- have already Points in womens athletics will Prac- I play. Several school who i 5”)’ ' women. will preside. The rules student government regulating ‘women will be Votedon. Short talks will I)? made by Miss Eva Johnston. lice in baseball will start in about two’ m“ “‘">' P°‘“" P"'“°- I"'°“d°°‘ °‘ weeks. .lng the latter part of September and llrsl at October. i Regular meetings of the W. A The games will be played dur- I ‘he V W‘ C. A.. Miss Maude Gwinxi. ' secretary of the Y. W. C. it;-in be held H.-we each ‘numb’ 5”“. V K. Stewart, chairman of the 813.818- rltuth Dulaney is president. 5' vlstirauvsif rtlss iillltl-I hoes I'p at i 0'1-lock “Iii: Passenger. I First I-‘lltht. n Frederic-it Niedermeyer. Jr- mad:-pl flrst ililzhl today in the thnadianl Mrs. II. B. Ba ‘unis plane belonging to the Csrrol- is . H. ii-lopson. Jr.. was ter Movement. will explain the work I or the Big sisters and Miss Mary Mil- idrert Logan will talk on the honor lsystem ' DIZAN WILLIA IS’ SISTER DIES the tlrtu passenger and went up at 1 l H. B. Barks. died at her home in Max- This action was prompted by the'(,-flock ‘ms utemoom senger "“'—‘—"“"" . . I-Inch passenger -as required to ovstiitsitllt cusses 0RGthlzI-1l'i~s1gu a MW mmgs the am,” Club fro iiabllit t ac ldents. At W073 I0 3°C“ 39"’ ““8'd‘.l" the tlmemof the ilycslmllighct four per; ch '”“ l s had-signed the release and were _ flcAdams 0 was scheduled to make the second son waiting their turns. Marvin flight . \ iinne daily. Miss Helen Oath. Ph!'8l- H. G. Tilley. a student in the Uni- make a night-this slit- ernoon and to take pictures at colum- bia and the University tor the Com- verslty. was to The start was delayed for an hour eeds were being cut to Atter giving the engine a limit M ¢l“"“T°5”°“"- which "‘ b'“‘°d °" itiimec-lion. Mr. .\'ledertneyer left the °mC'31"‘lleId at 4 o'clock with his unit pas- the Presbyterian Church ‘at and the one at Deer Park. ed yet. FOILIEB STUDENT T0 CHILI stars as a result of the presidents] business Juan. who wrote to Senator Johnson. urging the Senate to continue In the 5 women will be held at 4 o‘clock tomor- A_. and Miss ‘ Rutih Dulane:-'. president of the ‘Whom- A_l en's Athletic Association. Miss Mary rks. 87 Years Old. Lived Iexioo. I 0. Mrs. Betty Barks. wife of the Rev. Walter Williams of the School 0! OLEV'l:‘.LAND. 0.. Sap _ 0 ' lmendations tor a nation-wide ‘::.*:;.P:::.:“.m.$::~.: ;:..‘*°°*=... .:. or -» me am »« ~-'%*’ The funeral will be held in Mexico.‘ Arrangements have not been complet- l»‘ot-resi I. llatmss Accepts Pesltismststes Wlfit Firm. I-‘ornat i-Isrmou at Noel. lo» a tor- ‘,ances had broken out. - (‘IIILDRBN HONOR PERSHING panes sing ore’:-7ng»—taenml Heads,’ Parade Tomorrow. , By United Praa YORK. Sept. 9.—l‘-‘itty thou- lsand New York school children snngv ‘greetings to General Pershing in Cen-‘ tral Park ‘this afternoon. At the . same time the other children of New; York sane "America" and pledged loy- ', city to the Stars and Stripes. This was the first event of todny's_' 3program of welcome to the returning. After the strenuous cer- i . . . l 1 m ' emonies of yesterday's home-coming. ;the tommander rested this morning. i A reception will be- glance maa._ tstt”Ior g._.g.,.-gag, ""‘“*°°-Ii’ - servlcachlhllalioll I180-0°30-0“! |‘§fl°°“" . otaduuqnI:d';'””‘&".Ef9::_I¢‘: ‘ls rt-sss!atoi.JII.-llllliifi taov w c.;t.om..t_ nnoaspt tits I1II.!IQ..cias at the ill’ Ill!‘-. -million . . .~ t muons cinrl span vwunutq‘ ‘cot Naval-sub ' ’ outrun 3'03"‘ 0°“-7 W“ 7"“-. """m.'"'"_,,'h',, ‘:3: wk? «cog-sac 'w:s'°iu’::r:te'ot the arts’ :33: Only am: who I “”“ ““"°'“‘°-'”"’ loan the codloan any Ila:-‘as: ia’Dulmh.lllIIII-.hatoreeoI.Ihi¢10|3|¢ 0!!-«nae-‘-n-Itlirsv-didfl-i°r'I!!iI'4!fl9: ingthis an-you-s-«idol . ~ g u.,,,,,.,,_ _ - .5. am. . . 1 2.. lusts. no itsauis only tsirsnd.D'.‘°9"’ “'0' ' ' ' - ' Q-' _.._...—..L'..x._.-. .+