. ‘v‘: Duke _ l_ClTY AND campus '1. Miss Kathleen Btlver went‘to lo- epd visit nth relatlvesat. New ‘Frank- lin. Charles E Lucas went to Hanni- iun yesterday on business for his ilrm Mrs. warren W. rues: in the cues! of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Do rsey. Miss Louisa Forge)’ Went to D0!‘ home at. Louisiana. hio.. r 015 week-end. Miss Edna Llnebach of Higgilnsvllles .\io.. is the guest of Air. and am. Ed- ward Thee. him. . . Morris and daughter. Dorothy. left yesterday for 8 D71?! visit to lideaico. llo. , Mrs. E. 1‘. (‘Oman left today for home in Seattle. Wh.sh.. after a visit with Columbia friends. Lawrence C. Rock. of Kansas City. is spending the weelt-end at the Six- ma Alpha Epsilon house. Miss Madelyn Settles of New Frank- lin returned home this morning after on visit in Columbia. Miss ll-Ileanor (‘lark left this morn- ing to spend the week-end with her father. it. C. Clark at F‘s)'ette. where he will preach tomorrow. , J. 1‘ Armstrong and family went to Boonville ‘this morning to visit .\lrs.' Armstrong's son. George Branham. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Broadhead of st. Joseph who have been visiting here. returned to their home yester-| tiny. ; Miss Fmnces Mitchell is v1sltlni:' her brother, Prank -Mitchell. in Kan-S She will return home .\lon-5 y. i Miss Regina Frlant. state supervis-l or for home economics. passed through 1 Columbia today on her way to .lefler- ‘- Ion City. Miss Virginh Oliver. a student in the University. left this morning to; spend the weelt-énd at her home at Huntsdale. Mr. and Mrs. E- R. Chllders and daughter. Dorothy Nelle. 1326 Wilson avenue have returned from St. Louis. where they Mve been visiting. Eldred Menefee and Kenneth linger- l I dent of ootnarhla too this moraine for Kansas .Iter visltllll 9% the “wt at '1‘. 1. Button. 1014 Rout‘! 8999!- the last few III!!- Miss Evelyn Goldman. a student in the university. is slvinx I I300" W11’ this week-end at her home in Jeffer- son City for lllsaes Selma Stein. lla- riam illlrschland. and Florence Rubin. students in the University. 0. P. Oaulileld. John Bartholomew from the ‘state auditor's office at Jef- ferson City, who have been auditing the books of the University. returned today to their homes in Jefferson City. They will continue their work here next week. he-ntaiafio user rat-css i-‘AIR Will late Vigorous investigation into Prices. Circuit Attorney Lawrence McDan- iel of St- Louis is fair price commis- sioner for Missouri. He accepted the appointment from Attorney-Gem eral Palmer Thursday. after having Governor lorred too much with his other du- ties. The general plan of the Fair Price Commission is to establish county committees to act in the same way as‘ll'le Federal Food Administra- tio . Mcllaniel said yesterday that he would start a vigorous oiunpai to investigate prices ‘at which nec- essaries are sold. and if the results warrant such action he will seek in dlt‘U1'l8!1ltl against proflteers. One of his flrst acts will be to re- quest Judge Garesche to instruct the new grand jury. which convenes Oc- tober 7. to give special attention to the complaints of those who I! suf- fering from exorbitant prices. - Arlnuha has ller Story in lofle. Aurora Mardiganlan. in the "Auc- tion of souls." to be shown at the Broadway Odeon Theater Monday and. Tuesday, with daily matinee. reveals her own experiences during the depor- tation of the Armenians by the Turks. Though the story follows Miss Mar- diganlan‘s hardships, political char- acters figure in the play. Attention. Scoitliih Rite Masons! (‘all or leave name and address with i‘. H (leery. 9 South Ninth street. for the purpose of forming a complete list of all members in Columbia G-18 ; f I Tits National Livestock ‘larkei I -- I . e road. and her daughter Miss Gertrude Martin. a student in the University. went to Kansas City yesterday for the week-end. > Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Coombe and son. l R. B. Coombe. left this morning for, I-‘ayette, where they will visit .\lr.' (‘oombe's brother. J._W. Coombe. for a few days. , Hrs. H. L. Scales. wife oi Captain Scales of the méliml corp at Jeffer-A son Barracks at St. Louis. is visit- ing H. H. Banks and family and Mrs._ C. F. McVey. f Mrs. Harry Pence. a former reel-I3 i _j.. IZAST ST . - Ilovk Ina?- Ito-i for today was as follows: : item-lpts Lilli: Sloth»-i ale-gdy reel’ Ila-rs $%.00fl$17..'lii ling steers and heifers sftllfifilitm 3-i.‘a'&@8l0.(K|. rs and feeders $7.flifl8l‘.' ill, (ll. Ste-era $S.00(z8l2.llti s and heifers 54.75689 (I). "~’'‘'"“5 3.3! OZXIIIPKOI at(~iIl,7 Mixed and bnlt-ht-rs 8l7..".'-68l.\',rao Good and bean‘ Slit?-ktltlilo. ltouch staxioeittrt-. is . . NA'l"li).\‘Al. t-"l‘0(’K' YARDS. . .. an. - T llvt en rl w 'n I flinch- i'lga 812.’. .m. Hulk $17 00¢$lR,lil. HHFERI‘: ilo-v-lpts om. llnrln-I -tun-iv Sin-op and en-ea S71 ..llfl ldfnlol $l2..'ii)6{1«i.2.': SOCIETY ‘S STUDENTS Til llfllll The ball mom of the Daniel Boone Tavern was crowded with nearly four hundred members of the facility and their wives’ who gathered greet President and hire. A. Ross Hill at the reception given by the deans and their wives last night. daughters served the refreshments. The ball rootrwas decorated with goldenrod and other ilowers in vases- The whole affair was made as in- formal as possible to allow the guest; to meet and become acquainted with Mrs. Hill and to welcome them back from their wedding journey. air. and Mrs. J. C. James of Kansas City, prents of hire. A. Ross Hill, ar- rived in Columbia this afternoon’ to spend Sunday with President and Mrs. ill. ' The sigma Phi Epsilon ti-aternlty will give a dinner party tomorrow for the following guests: Misses Doris Ambler. Margaret McLaughlin, hill- dred bee Clay. Marion Bmalley_ Mll- dred Spalding and Lavinia Hickman. hiiad Elizabeth Weeks and Miss Thelma Butts gave a matinee dance this alternoon at the Delta Gamma house in honor of Miss Dorothy Hahn St. Louis. who is a guest at the Delta Gamma house. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity will give a dinner party tonight for: Miss- es Virginia Maughs, Helen Yantls Maurine Jeifrics. Dorothy hogan. Katherine Turner. Bllubeth ‘Hill. Phyllis Thomas and Mary Lee i-‘aria .\iiss Frances Gray returned yester- day from Lawrence. ltan.. where she has been a guest at the P1 Beta Phi house. The P1 Beta Phi sorority gave a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon in honor of their chsperon. Silas Elva k. ' The Delta Tau Delta fraternity will give a dinner party tomorrow for the following guests; Mlsse Frances Gray. Rebecca Evans. Isabelle Hen- son. Nancy Moore. Mary Choro, lildith Cornelius, Nellie hiiilan. Beatrice Whtts. Roxie Young. issbeiie Coons. Elisabeth Weeks and Mrs i-‘attnie Hemphlll. Prof. Samuel .\'. Spring and son. John. were luncheon guests at the Kappa sigma house yesterday. Miss Garnet ingals‘_be_ of Kansas City pha Theta house. Misti l.0l.lil&—F—a.l'gey is visiting in her home in Louisiana. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity gave iniorllml dance last night. The chaperons were: Mrs. Stonewall .\iil- ler. lilrs. lncz Clark. Miss l-Diva Plank and Miss Eva Johnston. Leslie Bradford is spending the Sscorrs B That’: Distinctive, Daintilv CORONA TY PEWRlT- 920 BROADWA l’ ~~u'ms1r£ my car 2715 LA TEST il!.4(.'AZI.\’£.s‘ H).-$7“ Tinted and of Rich Quality HRS FOR PERSON- AL USE. OOK SHOP ANNOUNCEMENT ‘The Bible. ’ ' Professor I-.loilman's Class for pare for Work. " Professor L. J. Cums‘ Class ternationsl Lesson Series. allclasscsinthchitaary. to get a scarlet the St=sheuo,Bolics=- Baptist Sunday School E. Stephens‘ Bible Class—Lecture by Mr. Stephen: on P ‘V1490! James M. Wood’: Class for young women—- Lecture on "Christian Experience in Everyday Life." ioryoung men-subject: "in- ‘Th¢ fellllar international Series of Lessons will he used in ‘ lltmnclm. Classes taught by competent teachers. GOOD M USIC P I NOTE--Come to Sunday School as that you willfbe sure l FOR TOMORROW 0 young men-subicct: "Pre- Juniov and Intermediate Dc- opcaing aulcil scrviceior - -—e . "*4 " “-..- --.-.u_:.'s.$ week-end at his home In Sedslia. . . . O. Severance gave a party last night for her daughter. .\liss 1-:s- ther Severance. There were fifteen guests. The Alpha Delta Pi sorority will give a dinner party tomorrow for four guests. Miss Louise‘B-eT1f.e: is visiting in Kansas City over the week-end. Simpson left—y-e_sterday for his home in llosworth where he will spend the week-end. The Sims .\'u fraternity gave an inform dance last night for fifty guests. liarry Pence. a former simient in the University, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E G. .\itu\lester. left for his home in Roscoe this morning. Lawrence Roclt of‘-Kansas City is a week-end guest at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. K. P. Molsaughlln of. Pocatello. Ida- ho. is visiting his brother. Robert ‘litr- Laughlin. at the Acach house. Fay Minnie is spending the week- end at his home In (krrollton. I Mrs. Sue B. smalley gave a dinner party Thursday night. in honor of her son. loaeph Bllislley. Announcement ha_a- been received here it the engagement of Miss Alva , . ' may be guilty. shall be taken oognl-. is a weekend guest at the Kappa AI-5 ~‘‘V‘‘ :. . . ' ;~.- v —.' ‘: : ' "'5vlaig.‘.?.‘..-"..i' ¥.'.'.ia-:.~~.a'i ‘...-. --ia?..'_;_.is.'.1.’-s.‘ -.';r lllllll lfllll Eflllfll Members of Prof. Marshall's Class in Military Law to akc art. PUBLIC ‘i§'“lNv1'rED Diffcrcnccs—o-i'%Ci'vil and Mil- itary Procedure to Be Brought Out. M'as Brig.-Gen. Samuel T. Ansell. former acting judge-advocate general Were General tary Baker wrong when they forced General Ansell to resign? Prof. Jesse E. Marshall will give Columbisns the opportunity to witness the v.-orlting of a court martial exact- l,v as conducted in the army. All the participants in the mock trial are membent of Professor Marshall's class in military law. Professor Marshall was a major in the infantry during the war. ‘being senior oificer in charge of instruction at Camp Grant Briefly. the case stands thus; Leo J. Harned. private. has been accused of violating the sixty-second and ninety-sixth articles of war. Private t‘. C. Craver alleges that Private and two civilians: "There are three E is :: E 3 U’ o Is" 9. 2 s 3 i: '1 Q 1 :- o a ‘1 Q I‘ § and would steal from their grand- mothers." 'l‘we Articles of War Vlolated. Here are the two articles supposed to be violated: Sixty-second article of war:“A.n}‘ otfice who uses contemptuous or dis- tful words againt the President. Vice-President. the Congress of the 1'nited States. the Secretary of War, or the governor or legislature of any lstnte. territory. or other possession of ;the United States in which he is quar- ttered shall be dismissed from the serv. I as 8 ther person subject to military law who so offends shall be punished as a g(‘0l.'ll1 mart in may direct." ., Ninety-sixth article of war: "Thougl. not mentioned in these articles all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. all conduct of a nature to bring dis- lcredit upon the military service. and -all crimes or offences not capital, of persons subject to military law can To Show Dlllereaee of Procedure. The trial will bring out dlflerences between military and civil procedure. For instance. Private l-iarned canno come clear by proving that the thret legislators are crooks. A civil court would free him on that proof. An- .0 '— Dropped--—————— i from i L*~ -—--~ the Sky - BRIEF C1853. IUSIC POLIOS ._._..__ up ___._. STUDENTS’ (‘£838. De-and the srblni for your protection LEATHER 90098 l‘t'aleIal'IGUAR.Ali"l'BED TOGIVE ef illalitl 8A'i‘l8l7A(‘1‘0R!' SERV- ICE AT ALL 8111388 WHERE QUALITY BULBS. Lifton Mfg. Co., N. Y. _..__...n— —: —-—i.__ —._j..__._.—.._ ————_..s —j——ru..g¢:- . I ___—‘P: bounced. W. R. Gentry. Jr.. will act the i of Judge-advocate. J. L. Gaylord assist him. Oscar Reno and 0. s other dlflerence. which would be of immediate interest to Private Harued if he were a soldier in reality. is the absence of the right of bail in the 111 army. For the sake of realism. l-la should be shut up in the guard house. this is the only point at which the case departs from real 5-. 'i‘he public is invited to attend the trial, which will be held in the court- room of the Law Building in about eelts. The date will be an-‘ as officers. a basis for. understanding the luvesu.i duct winter. all e es in Church to- morrow, Sunday morn'ng. at ll ~ o'clock. The subject ufthc . sermon will c The Man of the Beatitudes What Does it Mean to be a Christian? YOU are cordially and fratcrnally invited to WOR- SHIP h 1:‘... —._j..-..—:g( I I I liarned said. in the hearing of himself '' .___... § Dean Walter //M’//iams’ I i l I I sauce of by a general or special or’ noun martial. according to the nature and degree of oil'ense. and punished at the discretion of such new T1: I. WOLPSON importer and Tailor to Women Delight!‘ of ' Rltling Habits ans:gbwns Millet Building All work guaranteed to give perk-ct satisfaction whether an.t.toss or oou.a_as _arelos‘t by property yearlnilres illlilllfliililllllilillllllllilllllllllllliilllliillIlllllli tlllllillllllllllllllillillllllllllilliiiiiiiiillliiiillIIlilllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllllllllliiill. TOMORROW’S TOPIC “ 7 fie lt’eaz/irzg of 7%? Boot” C Bib/e C /ass This is a Sunday School Class which you will like. merchant. student. farmer or worker» is cordially in- Every man and woman in the communit)'— vitcd. The class meets at the BR().~\l)\l'.-\Y ()DI{()I\' at ten o'clock. The Presbyterian Sunday School 1 The opening exercises of the Presbyterian Sunday School are at 9:30 a. m._ The closing hour is 9:94, prompt. The Presbyterian Stliliiny School includes classes: For l7nivcrsit_v \Vumcn led by Dcan‘VVal- tcr Miller. _ _ For Cl‘li'lSil£ll‘i College Girls led by Mrs. Sallie P. Ely. For Stcphcns College Girls led by N. T. Gentry. For Adults led by Rcv.‘VV. VV. Elwang. And other classes for all ages and both sex- es in addition to class newly organized. ed Jan? will defelld the prisoner. 'I‘I|Ig».’- teen students all on the courts mar-tm~,_._ Those wh’at}end the trial will ’_' l$’lak.es ijlaiterte 4' _ _ ‘ . A _ . _ .V ..- _ "1. ‘Z -__‘r » -' ‘ ‘C '>‘ 5“; I ;’-" 1 '._a. .1 f‘ ‘:.P;_'£v4::.‘ ‘J Lfih l . A ' - - ‘ s _‘ - <.. > - - r . o , .— - ' - - . ._ - _, ,~ .__ _, W _ . ., ._ ~v’ . ._. _.. 2....” J3 24.2.‘ -' Ir. .4-3:.-*!s£iz_}2'i?'.-..i:-*‘~.dLnf:sT;‘_-2 -. 533- a at . "L.-J. .uD,.&.a' ';Lnm ‘ .. t3‘._a;._‘.K,eJ‘4_i.a—._‘.‘_a4.t-._ . .1 v.2. 8. 4.. .fl.‘r.'A._ I_ ... "fa-4...... ‘cs . '.- ...Q4_.n....‘Lru c .54.. 1.. a .AL.1_ in ,'.‘..1) .- HQ‘-A .1. , . _, , . ..- -.A_31;“J_'s6.‘.. Lt .1