€\ 4‘ Tavern any time. 3 st ‘ I . has ever appeared. Teeming with "t _ W9“: ‘t You enthralled throughout the 6 . 1 ' $0 . ' " j BROADWAY " Mon.-Tues. 0DEON 0ct.*l3-'14 MATINEE DAILY Children 10: & lc Tax-1 1c- Adults 15¢ & 2c Tax-17c (Captain) * ROBERT WARWICK in ; ...l.::..i:.......h. ..t.y i .SERVllCli~” Thin one of the best pictures in which Robert . as-wick OCTOBER this season! So -Distin (tire among lt(I‘i‘t’ captu red that garment. Suztr Classically beautiful in..vthe simplicity of the straight line silhouette——youthfulty smart in slim, gracefully flared models-charmingly modish in clev- erly bloused creations. Such ‘a diversity of styles on ru-hic/1 Fashion has set her seal of approval that you are sure to find your indie-idual type in the extensive assort- EF‘ ments are are slmvwing during PRINTZESS week. ;,’./':..::':;:.3:£;i;€Z:a;n:;,aa 4 at or -9 . . .. ....- Natioaal Sty/e E vent So many lovely things to wear expressions of the Autumn mo- tif of briskness and brightness. creations of Printzess designers who called charm and someh-out instilled it into etrery graceful line of the new models are are showing. You must see"i'"this fascinating array.’ Note the exceptional materials, the deft and skillful tailoring, the luxurious touches of soft fur. the novel trimmings that give that tone of smartness to every N Exceptional values for ‘ Printzcss _Woclt PERRY-WARD COMPANY e Formerly Rogers’ “4p_parel£gShop 3”" F , was nvsmetnspouuu. ooz.uans,nssou3I.!oxnu.oo1~onn mists. -, r ‘ M on . _ _ , . V - -- t'-‘—‘''——“ . - :— ill of their Kirksville. -110.. after visiting their ing the weekend with his hither G. NOTES | iriithieiicmu of mi new son. Lloyd P. sharp. ls’. Akeman, who is at Parker Minor‘ 0 _ ’ l, J. Oscar Smith went to Moherly 10- -Mrs. J. M. Crockett went to Caruth- W31 H°'P‘“‘- h m» ed as he - ‘ ~ . day on business. , ersville today on business. 3"“ 3“ C°”“' "3 7“ me’ w- 3' Page’ '9'" to Mobefly to. Preston Sheflffir wtlfl to Moberl! ..tA. E. Nichols of Ashland went to Oigntin at \fIi°ui?li:)?l?'88MR “day er iii 533' 0“ ‘’“’m”“' '’'i“'‘‘ 1058)’ °‘i b“'m°“' 1 Kansas City today on business. mix it ‘P sisiavenel wentrfoyst Loni" s A H. 11- T8115! ‘Went ‘° s‘“5b“n' to’ D13 W'- W- E1.“'°°d “'9” t° Si‘ Um 5 P. S. Allen returned to his home at ' ' ; ' . ’ - b. 1 today to attend a meeting of the day on business. . today on asfiiess. at to Cemmua Liberty after.‘-isiting in Columbia. American Surgeons Mmury Afiodb . gtog ~ w. L Dorsan went to Moberls t°- l Ji‘-mS::Pb,:';:ne:: * o. w. aennedy went tobfiifhmoud mm _ __ - Q . ' , . ‘ bhliizleeiiesiand Ella wmt lei’ aihir rind \irs.C. 3. Sharp and daush- -“S “3"sf{:,§,‘:,t’,:‘$:;e§n,O"sM'L°,f:,‘m Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thiemeyer be— . . ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' d to their home at St. Louis today ° . .- 1, t pt, smith, Ark, to- ter. -Helen. returned ‘-0 me" h°m° in .\io.. man’ it r -isitin Joseph Adair. mme K d f P 1 ii for their ome in Ben “guild E, ‘_,_rdm:re' Oklafi wenvaiter visiting their son, Ernest 'I‘hie- O C to St. lfiuls today after visiting ‘Defer’ Max .\icCann. a student in the . a friends. , DY .\irs. M S. Spracher returned toischool 0‘ EnS:id:lafrm8'hrem;ned us: ' Cowles, .\’eh., today; after visiting in|3:§h;'efe':I:nd a‘ W ere e ape ‘ f0!’ (hf: Columbm . - l .\ir. and Mrs. Henry Conrad and son. - ' .= E A‘ "When returned 1° his Mme ‘ Wiright returned to Kansas City it» we want you to come in and see us when vou fliifmél Ddflct’ at Bloomfield Ia" mday after Hg“. P ° after visitin at the home of ~ ' y km‘ mend“ ’ ' ' 3 ' h d store sells S a; fit 0 I Mrs. Sam 2. Reed went to Kansas Judge G‘ “' ‘nimble’ - want anything t at ya rug‘ ' . atur 07' tg 9 r ‘ Citv today to visit her sister \ir«: ' - . - ‘ ' ' " AT THE TIIEATEBS I 1 .4 r J 11 Lil hlit . ; . at thg 0H:I1i')'cSCh:rraIlOl' returned to I-‘red-3 ‘‘0l*U'MBlA’‘T°“l3l" 3“ ‘°m°r' oricktown today after visiting Missl r°¥*'- Charles R” "‘ "°'°“°d ugh" You all know that our soda fountain is the P - -' - th Co- . Mmeada manwn L ning will be the attraction at e C0110” bid Ha” h°::5’m°(': *3-t d'°‘“a’f‘t‘°“ ;°,:°‘"i:2‘:bl:;:e::ae:"L::;::$:i3t,:‘::ewnm_mm; best in Columbia, and that we have by {at e rs oay 8I'\silli:4 - M _ Em, S ,1“, _ «:0! an automobile that Charlie has in-i in pan-Ona C of an lacc ".1501". fl" D0'7"C/onfli Ldufidfiv Ilgaui Bratiidn wgent to Sturgeon to'l vented and. while " has nmhmg .33 t0‘ the largest Founta g y P J /1 day atttjr \‘l{8ltll;|1: hcils sister. .\irs. R.l ';']‘i’r‘:;‘;5“ "“”““ “" "“““'° W“ °‘“‘ d° in town. - . E. For 5. 0 As an . ii ~ \ Mai". by II", “T,” A0,”! Qf /{Hemb/i an 4 Ed Stavton a student in t ' ' i - - i _ , , - , _ , he uni- “hen another gentleman comes Qguadrang/e On“/zestra Student Activities Dances ' varsity. spent the week-end at his! along with one of those twelve crlin- ‘ . ll lid (1 . d ,Chllal08tl hi girl - "C.nB‘_mf3?a,°:°:e,u,ned to he,‘ bi: °::s,,h,,:: §,,,,,.,"’,,,,,,,§§,",';’,,, Zbom .- Our other departments are Just as modern“and —"—‘ A h at Per on’ this n i an cars that make th sit up and take - . . - tn“ . , vfsfifng m,s_“.’I.‘:)m R,m._'°r" M er notice. 8 complete as our soda fountain. Drop; in. and . 6* Mrs_ L, E, Armstrong returngd to A "Blll)'" Parsons comedy will 8183i . , " . Centralia today after visiting Mrs. J. N’ 9h°“'n- . sec lf they are” t‘ ‘ 3!. Foster near Shaw, .\io. ;.Lu‘1,_p;-1da.. and Saturday. Doug. MAKE YOUR mm: Now to t. it at LaW!'el1C€_. K811. today 8118!‘ ViBil- through the United Artists, which in- f h 1118 his 181118!’ and broth?“ elude pictures made by .\iary Pickford. . 0!‘ t C .\irs. S. E. Schooler returned to her Charlie Chaplin. D. W. Griffith and hom-5 at Hallsville todav after \’isit- Douglas Fairbanks will be the attrac- . V I ‘UK 3175- 7- 7- HIIDUHKIOI1. tion at the Hall Theater next F‘rids_vl . . Harold Kenton returned to his home and Saturday. l D S at .\'orbornc, .\io., today after visiting "His .\iajes-ty, the American" is the , at the 8' the K8908 Sigma house. title of the play and is said to be the - - Mrs. C‘. Mobers and her daughter. best thing Douglas has ever done. It i to :f.’.§f.’;‘.°.‘.::‘.".‘-":.‘:.".I°:’.:i§f; :::::‘ ‘° “‘"‘° :'.?‘:.:‘:° I.‘f.‘I;"‘I.§’°I‘.L" :‘.;;‘“:.:*°.::.::: "Kmr ~LI<=HT-‘ER W “"6 I “ ‘ 0 ' . 3: .\ir. nd .\l . C. 1. v Patt - hi h h- - h - h 4’ DANIEL BOONE TAVERN ...:: ..“:;.....:: " :22: ;.::::.:;* ‘ 8° °' “ ~ 1 . ’ ‘ _. - .\'eb., after visiting I-‘. H. Burr. . 1 - A Mack Sennett comedy entitled ‘-4 . - C ‘ ‘ I .‘ II A Brown Akeman returned to his ‘*Trying to Get Along" will also be. ;home at (‘entralia today after spend-ltthown. .- ‘V ‘ i . " _.: “7.:_::_—‘_; "-_ _-_'7'* . . - _.___.:. "'.—:: .*“"" . _ __ _ _, - "'”:~:‘-':.:’-‘~:‘:i'__{ _-'::“'—'—1::—_%£é§E:e£:;a?;;:;:E¥-:t::—’:"'— :—:—. '”'” ~ -; 1‘ r‘: - - - . . ‘- o i i . A '3 You can get your t1Cl_(¢tS at the Cigar . ' 0 i ' . Stand in the lobby of the , g A 13th to 18th many different I .8 ill..‘ them all are the M -1; .‘-'—3l eluswe something 3 I .1 a «.1 it 3 "4 =1 .4 bl Coats .Lustrola,.Marvella, Chameleon Cord, Frosted _ Chinchilla, Ttnselton—these are onlya few of the soft and“luxuriant fabrics of. -‘which these beautiful new coats'are det>_elape'd. Coats of fur fabrics, too, of deep fine'pile that closely simulates seal-shin. ‘ A most com- plete stoch is on display‘ foryou during PRINTZESS -week. we at prize so highly. o -.-Q0 .