'1'“ "KING l|880UIu1t. ootunu. arssotm. vninrcasmt. ocmnsli 8:. ms. t _ E -..___ :___.____ " H1 N3 V“ ‘ T” LBPIIO B8 G0 8306130 I’ athletes loot Tomorrow. Bible collate. All tirls who have rfla amtfa te:.t:'e:1.0.wb.:t thiltnfiirrbtem i: common I SOCIETY !! TB 53 I0 That. will be a meeting of made ten points in either hasehsll or- lleniher audit lanes E _—# to youth and childhood That feelins , Cola-Ila GlrI:unPro:‘er Other Wail 0' Women's athletic association at 5 tennis are 01:11;-ihle for :i;mbership ,‘ nag.‘ gap 3 da ’ supps g house res. . ,-000,, u, a 1 at $ moo to - 57h: "::E:_ ¢t'?;t°°r'.‘;"'is'l‘at.'.°t:>':'3'§ 0‘ torlomnug 0‘ doubkmumuwzfl Nml;:'m‘n35l1IIb:t.ehreD::buigd and Louis. Probably no other woman in Col— :::.t°:km::.°;:°:,0‘£:t 000, :1, 00: :00 um, _ 1 ' mo’ 0 ' on »»-°"""*--= ---M ~-~ W. ...‘'‘'.a :::“°::..::...:..’.... ..:...... ......... .. *2"; ha - em-« t can a r t - . ———— Entered ‘as second-cis: mail to K 1‘ g.'2‘£.‘::‘."...?.$td.d for‘in section noa Act one.‘ outlook on me 0,.“ duhned and College and a member of the Eta l.'p- ichief operator of the Columbia Tele- arl. t:).elt.oher It in‘: authorised Qvnnhf dimmed silson Gamma sorority. Mr. Boa-msniphone Company. For twelve years‘ 0 O ‘ - sa"5- s lllonllilh t1.oo- The cartoonist Briggs has been run- V“ ‘ form” “Mam in the school of I ‘be h“ been mm)‘ and “Rh”-fin‘-l A e g ' ! 7 Journalism and was employed on the I not yen’ heavy on the discharging--1 spollui bemuse of it. and sometimes “'9 bride '3 3 Uldlllle of StQphen.iI'Ilh the working girl as Miss Potter. 9- ucity: Year. ;°',',‘oh(;u:”n:,',:‘,::,‘, °‘§P"r,: d molflilgfafi "508 ‘ “"95 0‘ “WW”: l""h°’:‘:d‘“’ Columbia Times last year. He is now ‘but nevertheless. she has been handv ‘ ‘~ . I175: s months. 90 mm Until“ _ nations show "when 8 0 er II I 0 telegraph editor of the St. Josephfling the girl workers like all execu-«‘ ‘ 0 E °°k:&‘t:g um‘ ' Dona‘ “'5' friend." but when 7001!! One need! 1! Gazette. They will make their homeitlves d0- 5‘ For Thursday of 0, 1 friend not only occasions but all the in St. Joseph Mo. I There is something about the tele-. ‘\ -, l . .' T one oiflce that is distasteful to the! - l . Judging from the Diogenes like me time. \irs C J Bennin arrived i ‘P - ~ . ' - - ' C01--h gi l \il Potter thi it it is ' C 1° ., - 0 u d _' S1 lh W bo has received K n ' ome I’ S. . 88 ll 8. ' 3 Ce“ 0' the hug” C” Do “men 3 ' me e "as" y l‘"“b" SW33? m°"u‘ll¢ l0 .501“ '1". not that the girls are too proud to e ~. ‘ ' '. l ‘ ‘ d k f 1h ' f In: . W m “P” “::.“:’“'°'~ ‘ :;:“°.~:.';°.::::..“.°...:::.:..:.t.==:-we W or »me ., pected they carr anterns s as “ h 0 ad desk” 00 me whm-,1y opened a dental office here. its 00‘ 0 0005,0010 0|0C0_ 001 go, 000,,‘ l of :seaI'Chll8l1i-8- _ ; 5. ‘pm’ ‘:0. tmume beta"; is new, S‘. _““_),.S G‘u1H"o'f the Epucopal ‘ reason, unknown to the local ma.naso- ‘ "9’ "°"'° °' ment. they simply prefer something . h else. This. as Miss Potter says. makes '9 t ‘3 Beauty Shop s - AIILITABISJI l.\' N117;-fllkli lertheless a boon if it brings to ODe::3‘lllIl!';hpe\:;;)ll1e r::‘rt¢‘etr;teailt;n‘t‘lIei:“l't3pit.i.ctophsl._ 9 l ' A ‘ ‘ ‘ A year ago the state of New lorlt the consciousness of being loved. ‘home of Mrs‘ J_ s_ Ann“; “Baum e‘it hard to lieep the office force up,‘ _ , , P passed a law providing for coinpulaozy --_ ' _ ‘ATE ;to the standard and service that the: , military training for youths of 16, 176 Tllfi All-ll-S AM’ THE 33‘ I S a The Delta Gamma sorority will give ‘company Wishes to give its patrons: .1 _ sh S ) md10).“,.0_ 30,-; of those ages must Th” 300- HUI’? 3- l‘l8V98- 0 hl-Ia masquerade dance Friday, October: Miss Potter has reasons to believe! (Over Miler 8 Oc tore. be able to mrmsh Mnmcat“ showing Louis, Tia uin an article on t e:3l. 1:?:;dl1::s;n€lrfi:h:rh?£”l.;trfiijhfanfifilaa‘ lth thi i ubensneo ‘I 0n8= . "" ‘ . . ° 9 ‘I that they have complied 9- s an‘ “From the mm or out emeflng me! .\irs. (. H. Pommer and Miss Sybil A would have to work or something’ .....L¢( us show you the new before they can obtain employment or.‘ . Pommer will give a reception from 8 down town. stay at home in (‘olumbie.: em, school‘ Today New 3-0,,‘ ,0 080, War until ixorember. lhhe.n‘itdl)fet'al:ie .010 0.30“ wmormw 0,000 I H,” 0,0 ,m,0,,,., Mn keep room" place and what good in herm.m100'000 of me“ ]0d0_ Thelapparent that Gezntsnyegasme ;a;Bl-.l Much?” Tue}-er and I V ‘V and boarders and the girls can help work we do “"7 wu finned duflng a period ouour newspaper. 0 D‘ O r ‘loft lodav for Indiana oils. wh h ‘O ‘ ' ' ' the war ivhell the teens: of militarisl”£dem~mlh °"“°‘m"" Md "‘ ’b"""( I‘ 5 ’ p ' ere.‘ wt’ °"b'"'.‘ "‘°"' ‘° “'°"’ ""3 "-"""“’°'-' ‘SPCCWI 3PP°““m°°‘5 W1" “.88 “ us highest pm,h_ Are the pack; or criticism, s, iide1‘i:tyb'and a patriotism . the Sum“ Phi Epsilon fraternity ,plea‘:e. rigid 't‘]t1he llilie is bugyu way be m‘de for work ple of .\‘ew York sincerely in favor of'.“‘hlCll V-erg rtiimnrl Bi e. I "1 i V g W G :‘__I____ M o s ppo ng emse tea. I "But wit t e sgnng o e arm 21-‘ . r. . . . an 5' entertain in- ’“ ‘ ‘‘‘”‘ "‘ '“ 0 o em “me. itice criticism and a division of senti-giormally yesterday afternoon for Mrs. Wrmn‘ N" “I ‘'1 s°"'°”’ I J ' . ' ;k ,_ ., Bl-l'd.ih, t ' The war showed the American pe0.{ment allnezuetl. and the press of ourlcflm marina ‘ifs J W Sllddnth‘ of d iounr Sm: Jr who studied. y 0 _ 1 ed as on flvue e of arrensburg and Sire. Mick of cm. a vert sing last summer in the School pie that we were unprepared. It ““‘_°l' '°’‘"“ F D 8 ’ go. of Journalism, 13 now supplying t-op)‘; showed mu mmuflam 0,0 000 when individual thought and expression. ’ 0 _ _ _ O _ - root in this country. A certain class!‘ ‘Ahnduzo gr” M:l::°;°“n- £:8dCLl::i “'42:. 3. g;.wCg0elll::'8::l:;t&l:;.d three The Ad Mr set--rice 30001193 .,d.,»e,-l Broadway & Tcnth Phone 535 s.'. g 1 ‘ 03 g the mm m f B W )‘ 9 881190 - 8 0 3 _ ~ - l‘ 3’ ernoon tislng designs. cop‘ and ge tlons’ ‘t 0 “ope ‘as seen cu “Ho be so much discussed and crit-‘Ill l10D0l' 01-“T8 U05’!-l 5- -l0ll9B- to newspapers. Ii’: laiesiuglssfie oil 5‘ this l1l1D1‘0Pll'9dlI€8B- IVE heflfllli 10-! i°'s°d' _ _ I h I 0 I mu A. C Young, who has been vlsitlni! sfiftygrrfi ac €r‘,..s°g;?rhn “mums mm] " domains the establishment of 21 s>'stern- *5“ ““°" "‘ ° ‘ ° °" ° °“ ‘’ .\ir and Mrs A. s. Prather. returned ' ‘ i oi’ military training. This group hail; ""'°"" ‘yesterday to his home in Vl'ashingt,on_. **—---——----—-- r ~— ' rorsotten the purpose for which the} Bio“ 0“ Fl" 5°33‘ ‘I’; *1" ‘*:‘5"° :"'D C. l nations of the world fought N“U°""- he“ 5 °”' ‘u’ re“ '3' , _ “"“""" ’ '“ The ‘.0, 0,.“ fought to sufmp omlsome mental reservations until the: NLW STLMPS ‘FOR H0!}Z(‘0!1.\'(l . a militaristic system that German)‘ <“8°““‘°° “' °°'”l"‘-“°"- ‘slut and Gold. Tia!-r Heads To Be rsday. such a militaristic system at the pres- ('8 citizen should attend discus- .l - bad fostered. The established inil- “Th” L°‘5‘'° “’ “”°°“b‘°‘.1"3' the '9 l (liven On! Thu itariun in any form. no matter how '“" °‘ '3'” “°"'l"’°"“‘°°- he 3'1"; Tigerhead stamps will be used on mild. at the present timelsillogical "34 33- 0“? P"*3ld°l“ ‘l’l""°“”3~envelopes mailed out by University In Virginia Bldg. o . .~ granted the retllleflfi 01 l'3l18l1"1d~.students ani residents of (‘olumhiu Meal flickers claim they are not France. Ital)’ 804 -“D811 in the Trent)’; who write to former University stu- making any prom. when business of Peace. it would seem that anyfdents. or other person; who might ° 1 - ‘men do not make profit they usually proper request emanating from thefflme l0 Columbia. Homecoming Day,’ Rehabne T or’ ' go out of business or change their Senate either in the form of amend-.-"°'°mb°" » business tactics. We recall no in-iment or reservations would be graut- Th°°° ‘amp’ "m be l’‘'”“°¢ "1 start i which sclter have donelgd" - mu!‘ ink on gold paper‘ to “"7 M" ce 1: D 8 . . 0 0 ‘the Vniversity colors. They will be either of these things. liir. Ha-ares thinks that since Vlilson .granted the Allied requests. the A1-‘T00 Bumps may be chained u that 0000 _ 0 Phone 736 es ought to be willing to grant our! ('0-Op and the Missouri Store atue’ 0 Gabriele D'Annunzio. the poet lead-190003“; ~ lThursda,y_ . e 9" 01 UN lull“ l°l'¢°3 ‘'1 Flll"'°~ mi Mr. Hawes further believes certain “Homecoming Day; Tiger vs Corn- y losing the good will of the Allies bylreservations and amendments are 88-illllskefi. Saturday. November 8,“ is his unreasonable determination to senug] to secure united support for "19 ln'°l'lDll0D the Bumps hear. be- . 3 hold Flume until it is annexed to the Lane, and (list without sllclllsidfl the bead 0! ‘ fld°u°-l°°un‘ 1 have to be dislodged f0|'l‘lblif 0!’ not’. what the people of the l'nited States y. The decisions of the Peace reservations it will become a dividing‘ nut‘ 00 , Isfgnxeuowa. towme The N‘ ‘n We the Council are being openly denied: even political issue for years to come. Odd I-‘ellovvs Install Electric Ska ' L Straight talk. Many worid—sailay tl‘?euSt.-vat Seas-— ' ‘ll’ "“"°' °' D°*""“""°'° “W-"'“““ Haw‘-'9 l>°lW-‘<1 0'" W“ “"3 ”‘P"°'.l The Odd Fellows Lodge is lnstallln I R€P8ll' 5 9 man Whm 11¢ Bets "l"‘°“ '"‘ ‘*“’ "‘ °°° ".;_V are unneeded: and as the matter rests 000mm.” of me 1-[med glue, 3; me‘ an electric Sign in ‘mm of me" has to be 40' an-sacs aom°_ that's its business. Yonstand ‘J . at present. the fanatical patriot will‘ Peace Conference had no knowledge of me; the 30000 301.0,”: : thing. He may have 21'" mwelfg ”‘hu' ‘"4"’ ' I lots of money, and s fine -.,__,__ _____,__g »_ 1. .b_ but__ thnnyoucverdnameoot. .. hard while 3° 8°‘ Out and work. You'Ilplayhsrdwhiley’:: saw things . After he play. You'll can learn. gets settled down, rt’s too Y ' ' 5. at all. He declares he has selected the‘ 0-0med_ They merely guessed, it they; 7315' 890% Where he W359“ "3 59 bl"'l°d had known there would be no discus-' at I-‘inine in case his forces are over- 310'}, in the senate today. 3 hi 3 t gfi 5 on m late. leave". a_30-day straight vaca- Irannunsio performed feats of valor term. of the treaty or the covenant oti Every man wants to mm" c ‘h° . . .. f the world. No man likes ‘ p ‘ an in the but War 1'0!‘ Whldl 119 l'°°°l"°d the League. which is contrary to the H 5 _ 0/ / . count on. _ . am I em ma e eary. . to stand still all his life. -"-‘ \ due recognition and honor. but he is mnsuluuon 0.0000 express”. pmfldes 0 I11 _ You an id‘ {C an yen‘. 0‘ Wllllnk SW11)’ the 8101')‘ 0‘ l-5°99 that all treaties shall be made by the . . _ I is m TRAVEL whG|J'°|lI'-'¢€h!°lllhY?°'l1be ~._‘* achievements by his opposition to what pnstdem "by and fim me 000*‘, .00: He/P [fie Savitar and a.v0!(] ; You re }'°l.m8 ind physically and mentally ‘tuned _ sreater minds that! his 0W! M"?