0 —-fan Seattle Halibut. ‘am...’ ‘I l H Market. (adv.) \ 5-o ’ 1 I CLASSIFIED rAi)s." llaliaCeatalI’st'daDssy Z-3—"T iii-Jl.I' w.tx1't:n-no: or girl to sort: is Full .~;i Li: W A .\'Tl-Ill ’I'II'l'l1l!’ 8001 AND BOARD fioull-And board for We girls. Iod- cf” house. I!!! Z0 PHCQ IV!‘- nnp. Phone 7% ' B-67fl HELP WANTED _________ ‘l\'.t.\"l‘l-Ill. -A vromnn one day each week go do laundry work. 2 per day ra. Jan. ll. I)ul_\. 617.’ West Broadway. Phone rwil. D-O it time lilo-I'I Doughnut Shop. Suuili .\'lu:b sin-ct. D-as LOST AND FOUND inst‘ sirint: nf kn-ya. (‘all 787 Black }{ l.. text-llmn, 107 hlnlilu-ks- Y- ul.-i'l' :-‘mull d-Ltnlontl llI'lllll'fI' (‘all thinfuroi him-man. HCB (Irena. or ‘uh levy Are. 1(- g-3-1I_ FOR RENT men at Oltl B-til I-‘nit lti-:S‘l‘—A room for Turner .ln~mlo-. Plmne lill'.' White. — FOR SALE rm: .-=.\Ll-2 Ilverlanvl sntmnobile, 191'.’ 3...“; 711:. not--pass:-nger Been run 6.511) ..._ 11 ll so-vcrant-1-. Phone 9'!» VVhlt9 6-tl) —Ni.u. clean. good stock --f ilood-. - ul shoes. \al e 815.000. Ad l1l'I'§ul| I.-..|¢ai« .\lvrt'ulltlIe (‘o.. Ll('llN.It'.I”:'. IISCBLLANEOUS tyre-writers. Any Any make. Will pay highest 1'lwne 1321. Reading. sol Locust B-78 -_.:;—: 41- - DR. W. S. WHITTLE 3 strong Tiger team. I S P O R T J_ g; ‘inch of ' es" Coils. Coach 8chulte's Nebraska eleven left Lincoln this afternoon tor Colum- bia to meet the Tigers on Rollins Field here Saturday afternoon. From Lincoln, the Missourian has received a special article written by the sporting editor of the «Daily Nebrasltan—th -‘ usl. hard-luck. "bear" story. which emanates from the camp of the Corn- huskers before each contest. Tigers will win Saturday by a score of about 69 to 0. But judge for yourself, here's his pessimistic lament: pate in the coming clash with the Mis- souri Tigers. Nebraska coaches are anything but jubilant over the Corn- huakers’ chances to down the South- erners. Schulte and his assistants are hard at work endeavorlng to develop an eleven capable of coping with the The Nebraska mentor is tully aware of the strength of Missouri and is exerting every eirort in preparation for this battle. "Bill Day. Schellenberg and Monte Munri will be out of the game for cer- tain- Day and Scbelley are both suf- fering from badly torn ligaments and Mann has not yet recovered from a sprained ankle received in the Notre Dame game. Captain Dobson. Wright. Dale and ilownrtll. all backfield metl of the ilrst calibre. are in poor dltlon and it is doubtful if them will be used in the game. The game last Week wit. Ames played havoc with the .\'ebrnslta team in regard to injuries. "The Cornsbuskers depart for Tig- t-riand Thursday afternoon and the _a:~:&.._ l-‘resh Columbia River salmon. Richards Market. (adv.l Dentist 4‘ 9,... ,,,,_.,,,,, illlclli ANOTHER PI-o-- 5" llllfilllllllc TWINGE e °'*:.":.?.:.-.:?'‘'..I.':;*..*':.'.:° ; ,_ Sloan's Llniment most: 13 ' VVi'.2.f...‘.‘fi.‘f..‘.S.€‘s..“ ~"°" SERVICE 3 .‘:'....':.‘i ..“'..t.~'.‘.""‘ -.2“ “ handy for sctattu.chl:i'mbag_o._ ncu CLEANING. rasssmc 1 °"'.,,,,-_x'-'='. ". . l,'?.:*"""’“‘- and REPAIRING *“:,.:".;=‘* ,,......,.... .... JACK DAILY 11}-r_rw1I har)(l_\' Fill optical prescriptions Furnish glasses AND WE DO IT RIGHT DR. R. A. WALT!!!-S Optometrist and Optician Over Bill Broadway ?—-sllrr BROS.-- REPAIR SHOES First class workmanship Entrance on 8th Street P110558: Ofllce. I08; Res. 1185-Green The l For first-class ba rbcr work The first shop on your '| way from the University. " i9 South Ninth Street m I I and prompt service guar- anteed. or for and delivered but egtra charge. Phone 50-8 with- 810 Broad!!! hopes and tears oi all Cornhusker stndents will go..I1th theq. N051‘!-In gridiron tans are.not~ vet‘! enthusl.Il'* tic over the charms of the 3933.9“ and conaaqngntly there is little or no betting. All the "dope? tavors the T18- er school but Nebraska may show I re- versal of form and upset all the cal- culations oi’ the "dopcsters". "Coach Schulte has announced no deilnite lineup." ja- Nebraska Galas Starts at 2:80 0’cloc|'.. The game with .\'ebrs.ska Saturday will start at 2:30 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock as has been the case with the other .\iissouri contests held here this year. Athletic Director '95’. E. .\iean- well urges that those who have tick- . . \ _ - ‘ . .- .— «gm gvgmgg ngsouuu,~cownu..a1ssotiai. ravnsnlr. sov uses 0. ms. to Centralia this morning ai'te'r vis- iting her father. 0. N. Akeman. who is in the Parker Memorial Hospital. H. Gntenhars went to St. Louis this morning on business. Service! Sunday. L ti-"5"" o'clock Sunday night. u eran services will be held in Karsien at Marshall will preach and the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium at 7:45 administer Holy Communion. rmrtvo The Rev. W. Joe Riggs returned to ,his home in Sturgeon this morning. James Hudson returned home to iiaiisville this morning after visiting Elmer Kiel. Mrs. E. C. Hawkins and son. E. C.‘ _ Hawkins. .lr.. left for St. Louis this} " morning when they will visit Mrs. J," f T. rneti. l ’ E. ii. Salisbury and small daugh- ‘5 tern. Nellie and Laura. left for their home in lilrksville this morning. Ellis Taylor returned home to Her-. I risburg this morning after a hunting, etc to the game be at one of the two‘ gates to Rolling I-‘ieid not later than 2 o'clock. as starting the game on’ time will depend on the ability of thel ushers to seat the crowd in 2:30. 3 3 as E o o :1 '2 E as s S: “E stores are closing at 2 o'clock and it, should be easy for everyone who '8,‘ not employed down town to S91 ‘W1 to the field before 2 o'clock thus l'lt'lP"l lug the seating problem out constd-‘I crilbly " 3: “ it i Dr. J. .t. Rt-lily ; Will l‘mplrr. ' Dr. J A. lteiliy of Kansas City will! umpire the xebraska-Tiger battle on: Rollins Field Saturda)'- Doctor lit-‘llw i_v was reached by wire last night and’ acceptei the job for Saturday's game.. Reilly has worked in tnany of the Mis- souri battles in the past and has been on hand almost every year tor the am; nual Tiger-Jayhawker strut?-3% ' i NOTES 1 I I ‘T I I . .\'. Jones left for Kansas CNS’ this morning on business A. C. Thomas went to Kansas Cit)‘ this morning on business. it. D. Richardson left for Salisbury this morning on business. H. H. Cardinell. at the Agricultural Extension Department. left this morn- ing for Howell. Butler and Fe coumles to give orchard demonstra- lions. Mrs. Mattie Weir of Centrslis. and James E. Tucker or l-iallsville were admitted to the Parker Memorial Hospital yesterday. Miss Martha C. Douglass, who has "A week from Thursday it the coal! trip on the Missouri River. A I SATURDAY NIGHT! I‘ What Saturday Night? Loren Johnson went to Hallsvillel 1- this morning on business. I _ . ‘ fil 5 1 Christian College Notes 3. I ‘ . .4 901 and C llerry. The first of the class dinner par-‘l ties at Christian College this year was: given Tuseday night for at niors. ! Miss Frances Bodle of Kansas (‘ity. is last year's graduate. is visiting at." (‘hrlstlan College. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. |..ee left this! Mr’ 17:90’ B’ Luca” mornlug tor St. Louis where they still represent Christian College at the‘ meeting of the Missouri Teachers‘ As-’ By appointment! only. THE DANSAN Private instruction in dancing. MRS. J. I). IAMESON. Citaperon instruction by and capable assistants Children-10 to 12 Saturdays Telephone 962 Red Miss Reva Baxter forces. (‘aptain Tindall is on a leave, __¢—._g_- . _.._:.. - I IA!’ SEND -Ill Il£l.£liATES Large Delegation From ll. ll. is dis- pected to Attend l'onu-ntlon. .Plans are now being made in the‘ University to get a large represents-j tion of students at the student volun-' I from practically all the colleges and no in the United states and Can-l ads. and representatives from every’ foreign coil.ntr)' will meet at that date: under the leadership of John R. MOtt.' chairman of the Student Volunteer Movement and chairman of the Inter-' national v. .u. C. . 1 The University is apportioned about’ forty delegates as one student may; be chosen to represent melt‘ hundred.‘ situation is relieved a mass meeting will be held In the l.'t1l\‘el'JllJ' Andi- torlum to create interest in the con-. vention. Dean Waller .\li1ler will tell what the convention is like sud what are its aims and ideals. Guitar Bldg. The bread that Federal makes is great. , We've brought Mother’s methods up-to-date Federal System of Bakeries of Columbia 24 N. Eighth St. been in the hospital for about ten days following an operation for ap- pendicitis. and Miss Ehnily I-‘itch were discharged. Mrs. M. Meng and sons Edwin and W. D. Meng left this morning for tfopperviiie. Kan. where they will make their home. Mrs. J. P. Leebrlclt and children. Edith. Marvin and Elma. left yes- terday for Fulton where they will Visit relatives. Mrs. D. L. Dunlap left for her home .in Pontsnelie. lows. yesterday att- er visiting her daughter. Dunlap at Stephens College. .\trs . Chambers left for her home in Richmond. Kan.. yester- day after visiting her mother, Mrs. V. S. (‘rist. Mrs. J T. Peck. Mrs. Verge Reed and daughter, Miss Ruth Reed. left yesterday for Odessa to visit Mrs. Annie Crigler. Miss Sue Rosenhury has returned to Stephens College after a visit with her parents in Oiathe. Kan. T. Candle left for his home in Rock- port yesterday after a business trip to Columbia. Miss Gladys Hopper left for Kan- Dorothy l'lOLBORN'S P/wtagrap/2: sas City this morning after visiting her father. Dr. R. H. Hopper. Miss Bernice Irwin. a student in the University. is spending a few days in St. Louis. Mrs. W. 1-‘. Hoomerton and son. W. L. Hoomerton. went to St. Louis this _.._._a——._._.... l f The Iiational Livestock larhet | I , a:1n.uJ_n "XII" T .\'.l'1'ltl.\'AL s'l‘tu‘l\' ulitl-s. I-asst‘ st‘- IJUI'l$, Ill., Nor. IS The ilvv stock mar hot for today Ins as full-svr-I. ' CATTLE: “I!\‘l]0lI .';.000'. Market 1 .\'ntivt- bu-f sin-rs Sh Uofld-1-'n.':0. Yearling sh-0-rs an-i in-ifers I-‘§0U@8ltl.lI0. (‘owls 3-':.illu fill Stocks-rs ii .1 H- mm rl-«ti.-n. trot-ezsn:-n. . rm t alwrl 1 Trans N'tt-t-rs 8\.iIiQ$l'.'..’J0. To-has Slurry $'\.lKi(;$l‘.'.K). (‘nus anal in-lft-rs &’..taiunl_tI) muss lit-cu-1;»... ituuu; Market lite ltlttht-r. lllxrd and ixutrllo-rs 8l4l.W(t$l.'a.‘.-"-. H--tul and he-:l\'y Slltlltltfilb 10. ll:-ilL'lt 8l'.'.mt:$i;s.m. 9 Light l«I.tl|€l-$ll.T.’-_ I l'l|.'l $ll.tI\61$I.’i.tlI n ; Market stemly. .' . $7.-..» Lnlnlut st'.'0lI€t8t.'._w, ‘ l'~nunrrs and cutters 83.ll)€1S5..'I0_ Fresh Columbia River salmon-; Richards Market. iadv.l ' ”" "11"" 1; mi II ‘L It: On account of Homecomln Day‘ and the Nebraska-Missouri football: game we will close our respectlveil banks at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.g Exchange National Bank. Boone County Trust Co. Columbia Savings Bank. Conley-Myers Bank. Central Ba it. , Boone County National Bank.‘ dv.l A Richards I Hi‘ n -1- mil j— (H — -_t.-.-..---_-1! - Tljjjlij nH1LHIII—HTIHL H.I.H_H:H_.H.j A Great Comdination /5 a plate affiot rteamirzg calm and some “good ole fiam’n ’ ’ prepared for you wité Me greatest of care at HARRIS’ ‘ ‘Per/action in Confection” l I i I l iii-r-nyugt-in-In-tiilljrn 1—H—HL—flHHHH—Hfi—-_.-_fl_—I 3 D -I ket iljtnlnjji-I1--1-L1-11 --I--1-I--y -1-1: -1-1:1 Fresh Seattle l-lnlibut. . (adv) i __,Z..——— morning where they ‘will spend the winter. l % Edmonston & Blanks ' GATES mu Sole TIRES Authorized Service Station 921 E. Bdvvy Columbia Mo. C‘. J. Grimmer returned to St. Louis this morning after a business trip to Poltitnbia. " J. W Hudson left for Nashville Tenn.. yesterday to deliver Q ad- dress before the Civic Teachers‘ As- sociatlon. Alex I-‘iniayson. a student in the University. has returned to inm- Grand. Dprkht and Player GEORGE YBXABLS Elvira Baildlll bia after a visit with relatives in Car- rollion. Mrs. A. A. Vesser and Mrs. ‘P. 8. Spencer went to Slater this morning after visiting Mrs. John Vesser. E. H. Moore left for his home in Hannibal this morning after visiting his mother. Mrs. Mary Moore. William F. Rosenfelter left for his sosaar ttfiau Agent. for lataal Beaslt Life Ins. miles 808 Exchange Natl. Bank Bidd- _ Oslanlhu Is. 0l"l'0l- ETIIBT X 3:133. Bat Bl“- home in Kansas City this morning after visiting his mother. Mrs. P. H. Rosenfelter. D. R. Campbell went to Kansas City this morning on business. C. R. Eagle left this morning for Kansas City on business. Carl J. Grimmer left for Unxicn this mornlns after being in Columbia on DON'T G0 00'!‘ oi our cities without I lit‘! lfllllflnfl policy pmucuns roar, woven! 101' thsnextyearatleast. Assn oxnnnm slat-s ‘ ssuuslauallls business. lltas E Jane Tlnsiey. a student in Cllflluifl Colleae. left for her home in Bowling Green this morning for a few days‘ visit. A. M. Roberts left for his home in Mexico. Ho. luring in New York “The 307” [ill]. THEATRE Friday and Saturday ANITA STEW ART “Mary Reg"an” Leltoy Scott's sensational novel of Big Pleasure Born the daughter. of an internationally known U003 31! “i3¢°¢1'|3i¢ 1'5!- Mary Regan used brains and beauty tao win lire’: crate-t ‘mic- I ‘-..‘.-;.».—:’~:.nu: