7 ‘ ’ ’ P.” 3,, ‘ ’ me izvzmte lrssoenutt. cow nu, snssomu, ramn, itovu an 14. ms. jjé __________ ______. —"“?¢ 115- sophomores. Missouri, 93 ~ . H :(,hey are within our walls. They will where that is being taught. You sayl log in December. I-tlsntoptc will be . _ H . tear down the structure of our gov- tliztldthfin toreitnofit thingd that man’ industrial Democracy. . . cooonsinmm. :2. 23:32. A ernment unless we get together and s u air 3 ow to o a part‘ _A‘_‘_0 ——-—-——-—---R E Y’. I . . .. . wit » ” lam ho‘. to [nudge tmngl well. But a good farmer. in good en-1 ( ‘ ; T E? ‘T “OIL one CU“) m!3:m‘_v::l,e :‘['1‘g’:(;l‘J1i;l‘nhnhla sixteen 5.: "A democracy oi one hundred mil; ginecr. a good physician is not neces-‘ Uh rhfltj Fa.‘ h ham,“ 3, ‘3 Th’ 8 n N” 1‘ I. 1*.‘ “°“,°~ - . . lion people." said Dr. Ellwood, "re- sat-ii? I good citizen. I. Coi.Ibuo' 3,_..p..“_ _ I 9: “SJ” fguilfif -‘ ‘gum!’ fl]-ft‘ nu." m“ me people mugt solve We must get the service ideal l Dawns we may "quest. for up __......_. “"¢ “ ‘3 '9 eshort-.;. or - , h i bl . It requires that life. We learn it just as we learn . ’ , “'5 °f '°m°" here 3“ “°ml>lhsd ti’ This Is Statement Made by in: 'p;';fe‘;'e°m:"‘;”tm_ we [me n0.,,.,dge_ Samoa ,5 best mush, 1,,-I’ other Performance of --on. Oh. Cindy‘. D‘-'3" Mumford H“ Enron the number enrolled at Wisconsin Di‘. C. A. Ellwood In to solve um“ p,.ob1em,,b,- imam- connection with social ‘last night's audience saw the closing merits in Agriculture and explained by the fact that many ‘ . l H the seniors here were given their .3; _- Address. 'K9DC9- The 9'31 C°n‘“”°n '0" "“°' Th’ “'°"“ "‘ m'ld°d- ;'performance or what has been oonsid- ome Economics. _ y'r?'LP~ ADERSl°e55f"' d‘;m°°’‘'-°>' ‘5 ‘ 3939'“ ""9"" 1.1‘! we d°"" wamma b°]"h°”“: ‘SW’ er-ed the most successful amateur t‘l::’h:tl“heotmct:nr1aDllDeLtnefi Tlimps S J‘ gen“ 0; the m‘s8eg. A major canal. o ut on we must ac eve a raw u on _ _ l _ S ' P Y1 t. -s _ ' 1 n mu amen, 310,13 with mm is In our democracy that will make it up *‘h°"' 81"” in COWHJM3 "3 7'3"‘ 0 work for graduation. Intelligence lS Necessary ti)’ that we need not only wt.-iely dlfluged democracy of good will The world The P9i’f0"!181iC€ 1&8! 1118111 V0704 xfissouri Leads in Freshmen Flxures tor the home emnomtdte and political intelligence but 18 too much divided. It is too much ‘ to he even better than the two Dreced- _ wvork of the two schools: are: M'j ’. and political inflamed. it is time tor us to i-‘i.i\e it int: ones it was said that it the mat and Sophomores; WlSCOn- men, Misgoui-i_ 90 \\'ist'0l‘l$lD, 71 ‘T- soonaia, Defeat Enemies Within 5‘~‘°“"=' _ also intelligent social 0 I . ._.. _ 7 ‘; Our \‘ ails. «leaders. The time to cultivate this thing is had had it week to play this show sin in Uppcrciassrncn. iiiophomores. Missouri. 6.-'. W1 __ ' —'—‘'‘‘A d r_li _\-Md w|d(.,§pn..d 5,-mp.“ while you are students. The ('hrl:.-- they would have been an finished as _____ !5]- A rmoluuou i‘ "(Med [0 H on ' u -v i ‘H » (1 lion Democracy (‘lob can do a real '1 professional show bv that time ’ 64» l selves Of i8D0""1“9-' “id I)" (l A I UL wmflued “Odor P‘ :00 ' deal in Droniotiniz utid r l fiillll ‘ The ‘Hall Theater ‘was filled ever) The man or we College of Am-‘cull 68' , " 1 ' I ‘ l C H U K.‘ ' . l Ellwood‘ in M‘ address to smdemh‘ Duwvle ma’ be lmem.gem an )6 5‘)'l11 aim’ and -ood will " 'll(l L) t-tot‘ l(‘l’lUf'UHlll(‘t- and each audience I‘as‘”'"° °f “qsconflu In‘ “flue” Den’ )1! I ’ h 4: ‘ and IOWDSPQONE at the tneelini: of the he-.art.ess. selfish. rcznldl‘-""‘ "T we ', D ' 5 ' M 0 I ' . ‘ I “our seem!’ "0 M" “ bl! ll-‘ l rhrisunn Demo(_rM‘_ Hub hut mum ;w,.”n,e U; mhe,-,.,_ In 0,4” that our F.llwoo.l in conclusion. on rllllllliilflsllt‘ one. The (olumbial Mumford. suggesting lhfli 1! C0l1\P8”' A vantage over Wiaconulii as far as (5- fhh was the wC‘;ud ieflurv flu,“ ‘grpm 1,3130" may “V9 demucraucan}. Port,-,fiu. men and iiotiie-ii .~'l|:li(~tl lulky-' t-unsitior the work done. for her‘ mu or the registration figures of the!‘ freshmen and iiophoniures are f bv um rhflsuan m,mm,.,“._\ (-11.1, ml, il~.t-n- must be widespread svtnpathy Dl?d'8if‘1c't;rdam The ('nl‘ltZll&n' i_)emtt:r~ .\‘0'IId_- l'?i‘9“”_. i’-1P°('U"J°"3- d‘”'"‘ ufialtwo schools be made in regard to ag-;°9"""d- hm '‘f3“' “3‘”“_ '13"? Y ._ . ‘gm, Abom 150 Mmpie auemed 1h9?Tll(‘re must be upon the blood irlenrl- |)i:c)A £1“?! ill?!-;¥lLc’1‘fl' .\0\o[l1l er :v!‘.1f: 'l’l'll'IblIINt: treehtun will 0: rk_u"m_e and home economksh ,um,¢«¢1g33men_ This ,3 erpumt. , ifih”,_ mm,.,desh,p_ If good mi; 13‘. . e n e iapea er as not it-cn great ,i increase on t e strength 0 'h0*e\'er. on the assumption that my 4 Au lcture last night. I O . , _ _ _ . . en-I am not here to propose a re\,o_ lacking we can-1 ten ho“. 1me_ug,_.m.(. stcured for then. Dr A. \\ Taylor the response which the Columbia pub- The result‘ °' we °°m9“*”“’° “'3' : home economics girls got married 1&5 l will talk to the club at its first meet— lll gave to their charity call. ;l-‘reahmen. Missouri, 174 Wisconsin.fdi‘dn't have to return v,’ i lution that will disturb the sot‘lnI:‘‘'”1“‘°’'k« [ peace. but one that will ninke lor so-i "W9 need ‘°"lKh‘ “°°d ‘‘'m ““d-"‘'' CB1 benermem_~ MM 1,,._ E1,wm,d_ mltelligence to meet the grave crisis." Opening his lemurfi ..“-9 Me pasgflsaid Doctor Ellwood. “We ought to numnal C,-tstsihave met this crisis generations alto. ~ 50ur forefathers believed in detnocra- gn m¢.t('_v. but I don‘t believe they fully un- derstood it We've never taken it ostrich by hiding our heads .-umd because the sturiti is brewing.‘ We feel cotiiitirinlile t.in:i:ht becllusf‘ ~*"’”‘““""1-‘R ‘he €08‘ strike ‘Q (.n1h,>1Un. “-9 think’ "The world was-S bull! ll)’ Du!‘ fore- the great crisis is passed. But it de~;fathers on self-lI.)l(-reiil. but that basis pends entirely on the way in “vhk-_h’l.~: crashing down. its crash means it is handled. I! we -continue to l1\'(' mi“ “"1"” “'9 39‘ “”m‘'‘M"K mpe‘ in our old ways we will continue it‘ rm’ [0 bmid 11 upon the who‘? “h'”'.' haw more Strike! izatioii will go down. Our clviliza-, ' is not only n(‘(‘r-<\"il’\’ to hrlndlt-3 3l"“ “'33 bum ‘R7995’ ‘J3 ‘3"°"‘”“'°‘l ' ‘ We thought it would vmrlt but it‘ wnn'i Football Returns of the , WASHING I ON---MISSOURI GAME but it is necessary in go to the roots o . of things and to prevent the o(“lil’— ‘Nd S0058.’ EJIIPIUOIL V , , rence Oi Striker: We can’! go alntii-'. "The rfiwoluuon that I D7090?“-‘."f u.'li1[llli_'(l without disaster A house said Doctor Ellwood. "is to 281 rid 0- ‘ divided anainsi list-it ('f:lll‘i01 stand ttztiorance The ignorance I refer to.‘ And lhul this Italian is not (‘ll\’l(lI.*‘l is the woeiiil lKD0i‘8T|l'9 among lhe‘ against itself is gninszty eiucnled people 1-oocernlnlz the 5131-: Enemies Within Onr Walls. pie social problems if we are 10. _ 31. ' I “Th:-re is rnizundt-rslanding. dis- make democracy we must educate for» trust amonlz so many instead oi; citizenship. t _Z_.’ __....__:.-.._:.____._.__ _- s strikes with intelligence and wisdom. Iiitiiililiiiimiiittiiiiiititiiiiiiimiiiimi Y 5 0 o ending with the war ii is increasing. "Good citizenship defined l1iPl!l]8‘I [4 a 8 ( We thought our enemies were without vital itilellilzent interest in the vii’-1-. 2 me )f our walls. but we‘ lliltl out now that fare of the cnnitnunlui I di-'fl'i lU10"~‘? - - . ~ t 1 u _ .t_, ,. , t = —-Light lunch —-Soda ' . Ripe Olives I ~ "C‘9‘"5 _ ---Candies K -'—-— “’ ’ “' —-———————_—__.._._.-9§.___, _- ._ 6 02. Cum, ‘man ripe Olive‘ _ _ _ _ 15¢ . Recreation Parlor across from Columbia Theatre 9 oz. cans, fancy large ripe olives - - - 40¢: SAM SMOK E ARN ETT ‘ 17 oz. cans fancy large ripe olives - - - 55c l .3; ‘x 18 oz. cans, fancy extra large ripe olives - 65c I . _ ._ , _ __ ___ , __ Gallon cans fancy medium ripe olives - $1.50 t At these prices, ripe olives are more i economical than the green. i Dress Up! N0wEl.L's t '-"*' ‘V ‘W-."r.'r‘ '-‘ .'.'.'''-:'.-.-.1'- -'.'.'r 9th and ‘Walnut ‘Phone 74 _-., ..-3.-.. ‘V. ._ Choose your overcoat from our 200 patterns and we will make it up in -any style you desire. Prices $35- $~i0---$-l5---350. We have 500 fabrics from which to select a suit. Prices $35 to $60. Great Weather For 0’coals - This’is_ Glove , -~ Weather ‘ Not only are gloves very necessary ,« to ‘a well drckséd outfit, but they are no less important now to keep your hands comfortable. Kid gloves, undressed buck and silk thread gloves. Priccs from .» . - 31 to 53 and Great 0’coats For The Weather. Any kind. __ ______ _,?_.. .—.....__. .__._... .__. «-——.._ 4——._ —-— -oi‘ Mufilcrs keep your collm fresh and clean. They not only height- en that well-dressed appearance but keep you ‘warm and protect 3701} from the dust and ‘soot. Prices from ‘ - $2.50 to 87.00 We have on hand careful]; shaped union suit; that give you i Wllfmth‘ and ‘also give the satisfaction of ncatnessf Prices? "°"' - - - - -- - - 31.74 to 34.50., We have leather lined and wool lined cone with belts. Our _.- lcatlicrette costs can be used as an overcoat or raincoat. Prices} ‘mm - - ~ - - - .’ szotoszs; Light and Heavy. With Belt and Without. Seam—Back and Plain.‘ Any and All Colors. New hats, too-— Stetson, Mallory and Schoble. - s. LASGO Wodo T A” Ca|l749 am . . .' f:'E,.HC‘fi-‘:HCP3 khtls for cleaning a ‘ I O I . A V A , _, . .r ~ .- ,> .» '~