depend on how we treat Mexico. Our easier wag. THE IYINING IISSOUBIAN, 001431311. IISSOURL IOHDAI’, NOVKIIEI 17. ml-: EVENING MISSOURIAN «me warm. mu - Member Audit Bureau of C11'¢I,|1l110l|3- ,,_,,_n_,__ ‘nl:lmilnJ_ d p u gs-ery evening esmpt Bonds! by umn Association. incorpo- rated, Columbia, lo. Virginia Bid}. 00*!!- stairs. Phones: Business, 65; he“. 371- d mall, matter. Ac; 1 in 13012181 0 3;? prgiided to: in Scgction mo. Act of Uctobe 1917 authorised September 26. 1918. _ P city: 1'. 83-75: 8"m0n month. 40 cenu: copy. 2. 0200- B! in Boone Count!‘ 'ear.;$3:-‘-'>: 6 wh- ;1_'.'a; 3 m 90 cents. Outside the county: 1 $4.50; '3 month 81-3'5: month. 45 . The Iowa legislature thinks a 17- year-old teacher fit to 1680h- 3"‘ Wm the 17-year-old teachers who will have received their education from the present 17-year-old teachers be quali- fied. ' —1—1‘: FOR A xaxlclx court The voters of the United States owe it as a duty to themselves to require from both parties next year an un- equivocal statement of unaggressive, aims tloward Mexico. Our 11101111 power in the League of Nations “'1”; nation can never retrive itself in the esteem of European 118019188 “ overlooks in Mexican oil fields actions _ that it reprehends in Galician, Caspian ' and Persian oil fields. l The American people do not desire to encroach on our neighbor to the. south. Money interests, however.‘ may be able to encompass such a re-A suit. But the Europeans will no more make allowance for the miscarriage‘ of the American people's will than‘ Americans now make a distinction be- 1 tween the greedy moves of the Eu-E l ltopean governments and the good in-I Butler. . . The Pi Kappa Alpha ‘fraternity gave ' a dinner yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. C G. Drum. Missescorasadler, Sue Slack. Maurine Hone, Kathleen Page of Miss Jessamine hiaughs was the 3100; ““" guest,.o1' mes Helen Mitchell and Miss Frances -Mitchell over tihe week-end. The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity will give a matinee dance and bullet sup- per, Saturday. Novvember 22. ' -Mrs C. H’. Bour K1 Sehhlia. Mrs. guests at the Phi Delta Theta house ' yesterday. Mrs. W. J. Jacqtrin. Ralph Coffey. Phil Scott, Bernard Anawalt and Douglas Curry were dinner guests at the Kappa Khppa Gammahouse yes- terday. Mrs. T. C. Mitchell will be a dinner guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma "house tonight. Robert S. Clough of Benton. Ky"! was a week-end guest at the Gamma Alpha house. He was graduated from the College of Agriclulturein 1917. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. , Misses Dorothy 1.40- gan. Gertrude Stormont and Henriet- ta Stewart were dinner guests at the Farm House Sunday. Prof. Marl: H. Keeney was host at a stag dinner at the Daniel Boone Tavern last. night in honor of Robert S. Clough of Benton, Ky. The guests were: an. lnllsrd. x.c. Sullivan. 0. W. Harvey and J. 'l‘.itosa.Jr. ‘Miss Patsy Ertlstt was a dinner at Read mil Sunday. flout.-Ool. John D. van Househ- dorif. who has haul in Chicago for the last week. ins returned here. -Miss Frances morning from bet-_ home in Kansas Oity where she spent the week-end. A. o. Craig of But:r is a. week-ens guestat the Delta ‘mu Delta house. ' of October 1. Five osnts niece will ‘be paid for the first four copies of thi‘s___news- by an mom-l glues. Ssturdaymsht. November 12 at the Farmhouse. the chsperons will be: Dun and Mrs. Isidor boob. Mr. and Mrs. N. '1‘. Gen- try. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Clark Edmonston 8: Blanks GATES Hall Sole TIRES, Authorized Service Station 921.1-Z. Bdwy. Columbilv M0- Ollfford McDonald of Richmond,is the guest of Joseph Black at the Six- ma Nu house. » Miss Helen Crawford has as her guest Miss Gracia Hartley of St. Innis. ‘ Mrs. E. M. Wormhoudt and Misses slice Wiedmer. Lena Brown, Corrine Mucltey. Katherine Baker and Eleanor Dangerfield were tlnner guests at the Sigma Chi house yesterday. The Athenaean Debating Society will give a literary program followed Save Yourself By Using WESTERN ELI-3C'l‘RlC VACUUII 8WEBPEBS—Motor driven brush. built from a woman's standpoint. ' WASHING IACHINllS—'I‘llere is no easier way for you to wash. PORTABLE SEWING IIACIIINBS —have put the stamp of antiquity on the foot—power machine for all time. We carry a complete line of Eiectricirons. Toasters. Grills, Per- coiators, Heaters. Study Lamps. Waffle Irons. and WESTERN ELECTRIC FAB]! LIGHTING PLANTS. ujo-_—. --SAPP BROS. REPAIR SHOES ' First class workmanship and promptseryiceguaro I anteed. Work called forand delivered with- out extra charge. 810 Broadway Phone id-B tentions of their peoples. A clear plan on Mexican relations. therefore. in unmistakable terms ought tn he demanded. Otherwise the Democratic and Republican I38?’ ties. in order to avoid offending an)‘ dass of voters. may muddle up the question so that an opportunist pres- ident can misconstrue the terms as warranting any action he may care to attempt. And the League of Na- tions covenant wouldbecome thereby a scrap of paper. for European peo- ples would lose faith and allow their governments to continue doing like eeds. : Premier Clemenceau's dictum that work alone will solve the problems of the world will be regarded as a hard saying by a great many people Advertising - chase. 14 154. who are cocksure that there is an‘ , i will cause a person to buy any com- ’ modlty once. The real test is wheth- er he will make more than one pur- Mother’ enjoys unusual popularity. GEN TS CH 1 s Bread, Daily Bros. in Virginia Bldg. Reliable Tailors Phone 736 Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing DIFUY. issue of October 2. brought ‘,3 the Missourhnr oitice. K ,_4 r‘ .’ ;. --.' Phone 800 Columbia, Missouri 8 North 9th St. WEATHERS I-3LEC'l'ltlC commlw ‘ T - I T That's All We Do Leases Pill optical prescription Furnish AND WE DO 1'!‘ BIG!!!‘ DR. 8.. A. WALTERS Optometrist and Optician Over 801' Broadway Entrance on 8th Street ' PHONES: 01660. I00: Bel. 1835-Gross 9th St." A NATIGNAL LA B PARTY! The radical elements of labor, stung by the stand the government was forced to take in the coal strike when it resorted to an injunction against the union chiefs, are advocat- ing the formation of a tgistinct labor party to enter the field against the two old parties in the 1920 presiden- tiail election. They are dreaming vi- sions of "government by injunction" and are afraidthat such will come to out l The more conservative/iainr ele-‘ ments, however, are giving the move-; ment the cold shoulder and it is high- ly improbable that labor will pre sent a national ticket in 1920. It. seems tmi. the best the radicals can , do’ is to place a few local tickets in‘ the field. l The conservatives are opposed 1 a uttionail party because they claim_ that the labor movement should be operated on an economic. basis and not on a political one- Labor's prob» . iem is a class question. i If labor is to succeed in bettering: its conditions it must stay out of poli- ‘ ties as an organisation- The field of? labor is economics and it should fight its battles within those limits. l l soclsrr Miss Margaret Rollins has return-A ed from Chioam. i Mrs. A. P. Richatiison. who has been the guest of her daughter. Miss A.' Richards-oil at the Chi Omega house.‘ has ruurned to her home in St. Donia. Miss Janet Ensley has returnedl from El'va.nston.. Ill... where she a:.-. . tended the military ball at North-T western University. . Mrs. W. 1-1. S:s—niol-1-r-of Hlghee was’ s. week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Llghtner. Miss Mary Belle lllundy has return- I , ednroml-‘ultonwbereahewaaal guest at wnllun ‘Woods Oollege. mselLm~laa:-luinexieolsthe‘ , . 1 guest dmrs. John F. Rhodes. rm Alpha legal fl-aternityf announces the initiation of Robert j Leo Baker, Carl cracks and 3 Shock. John ]lc‘i"ey. l . lflasEthelC'.'«lsrkofKirkrv'ili-eiaa; lllestattheneltanelubelnhonse. uaenennnelianefneumrluggeu’ a dinner yesterday for Jliaa‘E.‘bel- cnsrkotxixtsrnlemuanie - suhulfsuohsus sse.cnnul~datv.- D-nndd uld -a $100-.000 p. BE CAREFUL or YOUR B CHILDREN'S FEET It takes but a little inattcntion to do life long harm to the twenty-six delicate bones in a youngstcr’s foot, yet it is no particular trouble to prevent it. VVe have shoes that are scientifically constructed for every age of childhood, and we are very, very carc- fui that they are perfectly fitted. Such thoughtful- ness mean absolute protection for your childrcn’s feet. Our Children Shoes for Dress and School wear are reasonably’ priced. Come in and see us. I . _ Di H. E. READING TY PEWRITERS REPAIRED Bought, Sold & Excllangcd ‘ Modern Equipped Plant on Premises Telephone 1321 801 Locust Columbia, Mo. dent body. Our pure wholaome drinks Drs. Hardy and Hardy Osteopathic physicians Colpplhia and Aslllsnd Acute and chronic practice. Eyes care- fully tested and lenses properly fitted. Exchange Bank Building Phones: oflice 534 Res. 1687 J The Tigers satisfy the stu- 5 satisfy the Tigers. Satisfaction is OUR sole ‘aim in life. THE PENNANT Formerly Penn’: EdgarHornhecl:,Pi-op. 12 South Ninth -A MONARCH Metal Weather Strips ' (3176 C081) Battling. Mint Iflliirovament. W. J. 0FFU'l'l' ‘Keep Out Cold Drafts, Dust and V, Boot. Keep the Window From’ A Good and Penna-, .lox1eo,lo. =--——»-r-s=yy—.r—..-1.1:‘: 9 5 .1». DOI'!l‘G00ll"! of our office without a are insurance Class rooms, laboratories, ~libra1'y, auditorium, chapel, gymnasium, athletic field, and natatorium at Chris- A tian College were planned to fit: the needs of. 500 girls. The total enrollment "is new 350. 9 if 4 .2: ." "p -r . " ~ 5 ' y; y , ;o",_,-‘R .‘f,"$'&i:l'~E ,.,;._.___._,)“A_ p ,.. llfil - llll C0.‘ llaietiius (1 Sodas) lfsiuuosflix lStsle&srflx. Dsrandfiight Service: Coun- II7 Trips and Dance Calls. s Specialty. " Pl0ll7$ O r I l J . ‘ '- ' ‘~ - ‘ -‘ "5 < . L. . :. ‘ ‘ “ "“"'-'-'.np-.'v§‘r.-».4-.. 4... ..—. ... .‘..,,’.:f‘., 1. A.‘ S’ h \ T‘ _‘ ‘E S‘ -. ' .- A_ . - .-‘4.-.""7‘. -.*el'u~.‘. _ . . W ‘A . V I