3074!. Fulton. Callaway County; J. iii. a MISS Bllllllll MAKES ton County; C. 0. Leuker. Jeiferso City. Oole County; W. A. ha. Clark County; L A. Saunders. AJ- bsny. Gentry County; ms srssnto inssotzaux. cownu. ltssotrat. ranur. n8C!llllB_‘12. rm. ' , l"A'l'l'I.B SHIPPIIG I8 CUBTLILED jg-—.:_- Hook. Kahu- Lact of (‘are (‘asses Trouble for E. 1.. Peter. stock Raisers. Cattle shipments to and from Co-. Wit.-st Plains. Howell County; Ross l ‘ Nimols. Ltnnens. Linn County; V. B. . Sheldon. Troy. uncoln County; F. W. lnmbia hate been retarded in the pest’ Instructor In Stephens Takes‘ Short . Cut Trip Took 29 I-Iours—Fare Amountcd to 700 Francs of About $75) more effort is exerted in keeping owl)‘ school. in the case of Miss Margery F Brown. instructor in English at Steph- come back to Stephens. she booked b passage in an airplane and flew from Paris to London across the English Channel in order to arrive here in time to take up her work in the col- lege. Miss Brown left Columbia last De- Rhelms working pitals in connection with the women's Overseas Hospital. Had Three F Landings. “Yes. I am glad o be back." said , Miss Brown. "the fac that I new ’ and one time vs lust before we started across the «'11-- ter.“ Miss Brown said that the company, owning the plane in which she made' the trip was the only international, 4 700 francs. or about 875. E “ was the first time that l_' ever spent that much money to make; myself siclt. it was the first time it had been in the air and the sensatinngi especially while over the water. was. not at all pleasing. That was helped. however, when the pilot stopped as’ soon as we had reached England and we had tea." She Was 0nly Passenger. “Oh. yes. 1 was the only passenger‘ and when we landed at the airdume outside London. the officers were,’ amazed and. I am afraid. it little put} out that I had de the trip alone. We carried In e." she continued.» shown in London that night. It is entirely possible for a lady to order ’_ a hat or gown from Paris and have it delivered within twenty-four huurs."§ The hospital where Miss Brown was statloneti did a remarkable wnrit umong the French children. The building. she said, was am ultl brit-KI shell that had been made in the path, . ' Cal English at Coumy; c_ w_ LeI'ls Count)’: w- 1- mutt)‘. I-‘red- cording to a report given out by the Homc. l°(”°k‘°°""- “‘““’°“ C°“m-75 F’ 6- ' Wabash and M. K. & T. freight depots! ‘ (red Rant. Perryrille. Perry County; \VORKED IN HOSPITAL John Eh,“ mm3,.me_ mm,°,p,,g.\i. K. & ‘r. freight agent here, said; ' County; W. W. .\fet"ritt. New London.it0dn}" R8113 C0000‘; G. S. Hensley. Farm-l ington. St. _ ‘ Kline. Bloomfield. Stoddard (‘(Jl.l!ll)';{8Pi"i‘l(‘9 to handle the situation here. ______ .\t. Bruce Gates. Nevada. Vernon (‘onn- ; in the past few days. Tradition has it that in these days ‘IF: E1519 lwormington. .\'eosho.. .\'ew- f meat was made Tuesday. on oun y from school than there is in Kettini! to i-’T5"l||e. Pemiscol l'0_|l{H.“- or the eastern district for the nur- roughs Adding Machine Company. is’ in Columbia during the illness of his‘- will return to St, Louis i-"riday. eelt d l of Luann‘ w tie to a act: cars and at ville. Vetter. Monticello. 953"’ ''°d“‘'"°“ in "1"" 5¢""lP9- It-‘ ruse‘ Pum"n' M.'r|°n Conn”; Ahlihis afternoon Roy W \icl)onnell '0 . . . . .' Francois Countr; We have I ; M. I). Arnburgey. t‘aruth-_ fink Lewis Here to Visit llrutlu-r. Frank Lewis of St. Louis manag--r Get the Gen d Avoid i 9 ‘M r. Le w is Economy in Every Cake rother. Russel I-‘. l£WlS. Teach youngsters to SA\~'li by supplying a BANK BOOK and an INCENTI\»’l£. A nest egg deposited in the name of a boy or girl acts like a M;-\(iNET-—- serves as a nu- cleus---something to DRAW to. Encourages wholesome ideas of the value of money--and may be the MAKING of the one so remembered. Teaches them the ways of such business. ' Our ofiicers know how to meet young de- positors-—-how to build up in their minds the right mental background for a successful career. Yes---start an account for some little friend. Do it 'l‘()l)AYl 31.00 will start it. Boone County Trust Company "in this case. it consisted of a nuni-_l her of movie films which were to be 7 of the German bombs. It served fairly well. however. if there was no rain. The patients were mostily children _ orphans. had been victims of shell shock. was Brown explained that the peo- pl of England and France were much e f Natiptts than we seem to be here in the l'nited States. "There one hears nothing but the treaty." she said. "it is the chief top- ic of conversation all over I-‘rance_" Miss Brown's father. (‘nrlettm Brown. is professor of English at .\iin- nesout Fnirersily and is now lectur- ing at Oxford. :25 ARE ll. 1'. I-'B..Uli'A'll!":-i More Than Half of (‘onuty Agents in (‘onreniion Are I-‘ormer students. Of the forty-nine county agents. who are attending a conference here in Week. twenty—iive are graduates The twenty-ii ve graduates she: 1; S. Kleinschmidt. Savannah. An- drew County; J. U: R. A. Kinnaird. Plattabnrg. Clin- ton County: J. Robert Hall. l-l'arrlson- rille. Cass County; P. F‘. schowen- Huston. lalhysville. Dexalb George Catis. ecé..—-. _;.c?... Oounty; Springfield. Greene 90“ C0110”: W. C. Strarner. Mound C**Y- Holt Counts; L. P. Childer. Psy- ette. Howard County; E. A. Ikenbet-. Q32 ‘:9 E5 % 415 3 gs E? ~5 5. pi. County; George V. Sh . Willey County: Grover Kinsey. Clay- 1’ ion. 81.. boats County; Asbury Rob- CHI. §0FC . = 1.5:: "lt has been impossible to get the! ' J. C. , required number of cars and adequate, ‘ ' 4.1.. several carload of cattle and hogs in my. a week. Monday and Fridllfi 1‘ the stock yards now that are waiting jg flnmfit impossible to handle C0- .to be shipped." mhia's increased stock shipment in in Lee Wilson. Wabash freight agent. the two days allotted by the ram-sad. said that the same conditions prevail- ed on the Wabash. Cattle shipment. he says. has been cut to only two -Card or Thanks. i we wish to express our Ii>PI'°¢ll' Page Three unit for the kindness of our friends and neighbors during the illness and after the death of our wife and moth- er; also fall the beautiful floral ofler- Inst J. H. FREEMAN and FAMILY. '1 an Our last ship-i « ,. rm: tr. ; -3 ; . -~.t.. ' .4l If , ‘uni!’ W 9lk.._;‘i W‘ , l_n, . ’ i ON ‘T take a fellow's pipe. Take some other possession. Because wrapped up in his pipe is a fellow's peace of mind, his relaxation, his contentment. This is more than true if it's a W D C Pipe, because then a good smoke is multi- plied many times over. Our special seasoning process takes care of this by bringing out all the sweetness and mellowness of the genuine French briar. Just you go to any good dealer and select several good shapes. Put them in your rack. Smoke 21 cool one every time, and you’ll be well on your way to pipe-happiness. WM. DEM UTH & CO.. NEW YORK woi=u.o‘s t.Anoes_r pipe MANUI-'Ac'ruRERs -Al ‘Mary 'Pickfo ‘The Hoodlum ‘i 1. I.‘ J‘. ,. I 3’; ‘_ - was .‘ . . - '>.-‘I-u "i“4 '-<,‘|‘iiv,l_ ‘Ml’. V | 9: .f ,.'l‘. '1: - ‘.‘|;‘V'i:: ."‘ NH‘, ‘_';. -" 4 *.'.:iIlllyi!T ml.‘j:.:llllil:‘lill-illlllilf ll‘; l"Llll.‘llf'llll'1Jl:£i:.'l:$' .'"i' :.-'.. All THEATRE Tonight and Saturday Matinee Saturday MARY PICKFORD In “THEHOODLUM” Putting a fight‘ lid on French heels, sport models, six maids and two chauffeurs Mary Pickford as Amy Burke becomes a professoress in crap shooting. conductor of hurdy-gurdy. a chamber maid for burns and an enemy of soap and water. ALSO “She Loved Him Plenty” Mack Sennett Corned 7- I x L «:2 _‘ alibi-:;f7. _. Candy is the most acceptable of gifts. Our candies are ‘delicious and pure. J at g g We make only high grsde'candies—-fresh daily-reasonably priced-» '_ packed in fancy boxes and baskets loom 50c to $20. 00. ,‘ \ Special candies for churches and schools. ' "1 Order early.