tiiihliiis ililillili Bill. IS THE llliliflil Movement Back to the S_mali Clothes Started by‘Ktng Alfonso of Spain. MAUVE 71Tfi'"rs. ALSO ' First Aid to Cali Emancipa- tion ls Promised as Mod- ish Change for Men. liy MARGARET ROBE (Written for the United Press) Folks talk so much of female styles The men feel siigbted quite. .-tnil so they're planning daring 11111186 To make themselves a sight. xtziv YORK. Dec. 30.-—'l‘he comlnir year promises to be a wide often 593' son indeed for calves. l-‘eniinine ones have been cnvortins around unhampered by the more detail of a slim long enough to hide I-hell’ curves until the men have become I nearly desperate for an opporttllllty to show that they have a prefect}? good understanding of what‘: nifty in the made themselves. Now the)’ an about to burst forth in all their opu- lence with knee breaches as a first aid to call emancipation. '- At least that is the rumor that is going round and though We hilfe 136611 threatened with a return of these erst- materialize. this time it really looks as it they would come true- Just t-ailing to mind off bandediy the Vis- ion of your male friends and rela- tives in bathing suits or golf logs it would seem as if this threatened pan- tie shortening were going to bean av.‘- fui blow to aesthetic art. Still there is always the comforting assurance that. although according to Ellis Parli- er Butler. "Pigs is Pigs." calves are not always calves and that often a silk stocking co\'er:i a multitude of symet- ricals as they say in the profession. And then there is all the color ex- citement that King Alfonzo has start- ed with his new lavender robes. it's quite uulurnl for the Spanish monarch to don half mourning for the king- ing business which is now almost as dead as a door nail but whether other less regal males will adopt the pur- ple mauve and violet tints as the col- or scheme for their 1920 outfits is a ’i‘wain tried mighty hard while the smart back-ground of the modisb male and someone else. I for- get Just who. essayed to put over dark blue. .\'ow along comes Alfonzo with a little dash of lavender and if there is anything in the saying that "the ‘ the charm.‘ purple panties U can mum tttssotlltuli. oownu, mssooat. rtmsmr. not snubs. ms. IRVING COBB A BASEBALL , . STAR. ASSERTS FRESHMAN it you had pill! thirty minutes in which to answer 168 questions would you any that. “The Scarlet Letter’ was written by Edgar Allen Poe or by Rob- ert l.ouls Stevenson. that Yale Unl- At any rate sotne of the freshmen in the School of Englneerins W310 @003 the intelligence test prepared for the Society for the Promotion of Engi- neering said so during their examina- tion last month. . Asked to underline the correct an- inter to "Perjury is a to used in pedagogy. law. theology. medicine" many of the students underlined "ped- agogy! The "Maitinga of a Nation’ one of the brightest students said was a breakfast food. “It lust Be a Goal.‘ one young man failed to underline the correct word in "The Arabian is kind of goat. horse. cow. sheep." but put after the question "lt must be a goat.“ Among other questions to be an- swered in the 168 of the psychological test were to tell whether Arthur Bria- bane is famous as a newspaper man. comic artist. athlete or actor; and whether London is in England. Aus- tralia. Brazil or Spain. A number of the answers were to about-' the rela- tion between u . For instance: "l7ntlerline two following words with the some relation as wrist and bracelet: iur. in and hat. underline two words of the tolloa-int: wood. leather. knife. soft. shoe; or able and unable. muscle. ex- ercise. strong. ax, weak.“ “Write the two numbers that should ., X districts not in Tb corn crop this year is more promoted the desire to resume pro- dueing. One barometer of conditions is the number of inquiries received here for agricultural implements. Farm ma- come next after 21. 22. 81. 82. (1, 42; or after 2. 3. 5. 8. 12. 17: or arts: 11, 21. 13. 31. ll. 41: or after 1!. 19. 18. 11. 17. 15-" “life were a number of questions like these. in the physics test the question »which received the fewest correct an- - swers was. "The six links of a chain can stand 50. 80. 70. 80. 90, and 100 pounds respectively. it has been de- clded not to load the chain to more than half of its maximum capacity. What is the largest allowable load on the chain?" Most of the students ad- . ed up the numbers and divided the limit! by half. forgetting that a chain Its only as strong as its weakest link. , Thirty llantes for Geometry. ' Thirty minutes was given to the ‘geometry test and to the algebra test ‘also. The last test was on technical ‘information and they were allowed to ‘take all the time they wished. Des ; E. J. .\icCsustland said. however. that } most of the students did not take even ithirty minutes for the last test. I Nothing much can be judged .5 to nal warfare. need replenishing. Labor llbe relative value of such a test how. is scarce. Many of the peons have .act-ortiing to Dean Mccaustiand. Ila. left the farms. either for the safer en- ‘ chief value will be found later when vironment of the cities or for the more the grades made on these tests will remunerative and more stable life of be compared with work done every se- the rolled States. There is a short- mester during the student's school ‘age. too. in work animals. hundreds e. and even during his professionaliuf oxen having been selted bl’ M110!" is. " ant tnarauders. The average gi'ade among the fresh-! Now that there is an inclinatiott to men who took the examination was resume work. the modern products of. pretty low, he said. but he did l:lol!Ami'l'it‘£lll factories are called upon 1 consider that significant. ] the gap created by revolution. .if This examination is to be taken by! the inqiootiou becomes a permanent States. not so much for sale in this center as for distribution throughout Central Mexico. Ten of the twenty- aeven states of Mexico are contiguous to San Luis Potosi. Dealers in agri- cultural implements report that while their sales are not up to normal. they have exceeded the demand for the past two or three years. By "normal" they mean the pre—rev0lulional')' per- lod The salt-' of farm machinery does not imply, altogether. that the Mex- ican farmer has awakened to the ad- vantage to be gained from modern ag- ricultural methods. While this ten- dency is noticeable in some places. other factors are more pronounced. ‘:3 -e-5 ‘ most of the engineering students in‘ B1819 0' mi|'|¢—~|md is given a chance America upon the recommendation ‘I0 I10"-‘lull--oi will mean much In the of the Society for the Promotion otisisbitizing or Mexico. Engineering. Only after a number of tested by trouble-mak-' ably those who have had a good bill! school or college training. before ap- plying for the positions. Twenty-seven men teacher! 0-1'0 asked to volunteer to go to Jail!!!- Philippine lslsnlll. Korea. unlimit- India and south‘ ‘America. Five women tuchers are needed for the west coast of South Allltfict ey must have" at least a normal -school training with some practical «and successful. teacbinl "l'¢!’i€¥*¢°- lit is preferred that they be also col- ‘ lege graduates. ; At least five {omen are urged to so ito China as stenosrnphic socret«Il'ie8- They must be at least high school [graduates sood trninlnl Ind {some practical experience. , 'ru-onty-ih-e general missionaries desired for the above These must be col- ltmerti are lmtmed nations ‘logical training and with some prac- tical experience as preachers. The Student call for ithe Methodists have stated'their need 3llPl1||I?8. deillelell D)’ M81100’! “11fl"i so exactly. pntcticaily ever)’ Other de-I .nomination is right now in need of_ . material. The foregoing positions are‘ open to anyone who wishes to apply.‘ . whether he is a member of the .\leth—. odlst (‘hut-ch or not. . ma lll~t1"l‘l-IR i'Alll:‘. or l'IllLDltE.\‘: Survey Will Be Started In Boone i‘ouniy on January 2. A child-hygiene survey will be‘ started in Boone Ooflnty January 2.. _at.-cording to an announcement by Dr.‘ i‘. P. Knight of Jelferson Cit)’. former. assistant surgeon of the Tnited States i Public Health 8el't'irle, who but been’ assigned to iiiseaut-l to organize a_ division oif child hygiene. l ! l I o gntdnatefi, preferably with theo-| I I Volunteer Movement‘ headquarters has sent out this spec cl the Methodist Episcopal; Church and it states that. although‘- years will this experiment prove its worth. pt-an Mccaustland said. 1 l l’ugilisls——-Heav_v De SPORT r._. weight. Jack IIIPSEY. Salt Lake (‘ity; weight. 3-like O'llowd. St. Paul: wel- ter weight. Jeni: Britton. New York; lightweight. ,Be it; Leonard. New York; feather weightplohnny Kil- baue. (‘it-tit-land: bantam Pete Jterma-ll. .\'t-vi’ weight. Jimmy Wilde. Loado ctr-chery-—Dr. Robert P. Elmer. (‘asiing—4Ilr. linlford J. Marian. Athletics tindivi uaJi—-8. Harrison Thompson, Prtncet l.'ni\'ersitj‘. 6 Athletics ttesmi—-.\‘ew York Ath- it-lic (‘lub. Automobile tspeedwnyi «Tommy .\lilton. Motor idirt track)-—-ilurney Old- field. Baseball-(‘incinnatl Reds. Bttseibali iAmericalil—‘l‘y (‘obh. nught to he a g _ Baseball l.\'aiionali- l'3ddiP Roush. llutii the knee iireet-lies and the 'm"i3""i3 iM“|N_i'l|F|i-Nil?!‘ .\|¢'And- mztuve time: are still in the offing 19”- h"“..,‘.m. but nh_ my dam.‘ wk“ real, Billiards tpt-uft..i_--irlttali - \\-mit_- i_t“.~a here is something almost too mun it to bear. Pale pink. baby blue and delicate orchid pajamas of crepe tie chine. for Tom. Dick and Hart? not forgetting Percy. Oh. shades of Polly (‘hast-. as the pink pajama girl. E the blue pajama boy promises to be the bright particular star of this tiar- ruhust tcnlpernnlettts there are hectic pajama enects in Iilitrk Hill! with futuristic it|'li0lt.'heiI Of vivid color and all over designs in bright hueti silk like high art cre- tonnes in their hues and motifs. These Iris! the obliging clerk assured me were most excellent for traveling. I suppose he meant because the colors are all last. i have a very strong liutu-it however that pater fitlnllias wnuldn‘t get very far in them without 593138‘ drnssect to the hours gow. I NOTES 1 I Herbert White went to .\loberly this morning 1-‘. J. Ehler of Browns was g visitor here yesterday. Jimmie .\loiIcow left for (‘hit-ago to- day on business. i-‘. W. .\it-(‘lure went to Alma. 310.. today I'~i.'l¢!‘e he willi visit. 8. E. 3-filler went to Kinderbook. ili.. this morning to visit relatives. Miss Vivian M rrow and Mrs. J. for-row went to Paris. New this morn- ing to visit fricnds. rs. D. R. Taylor and daughter. Genevieve. will spend the day at Stephens. T. A. Sinclair of Jefferson City passed through Columbia this morn- Ins on his War to Hallsvllle. Miss Gladys Lila. a student in His- souri Valley College at Iiiarahall. has been visiting in Columbia the last few- days. Miss Lile returned to Ilarshsll this morning. . hliss Harlan Lawrence of Trinidad. ('olo.. returned home this morning '9'!" hit"!!! spent several days with Mrs. Lynn Hungate. ll. 1‘. lfloyd went to Clark today. Melvin B. Thomas of Columbia will luvs tonight to take a position in Bnrtlesvllle. Okla. ' .)]l[I0- iillliztrtis I3-I.‘tii-Il'iitini- Ii. i.. (‘sinne- en . Bicycling nirnfesslonnl I —-Raymond E Bicycling tatnnieurt -<‘hsrie.- territter. Bl(‘}"‘Ill'lfl iliiillllll den. Football tWt-stl — I'niversit_v of lili- lloulett and \ind- :: 2 I - -tbail ii-lusti--'i'«ndecidrd. om tamateuri.-i-2. lint-ldson Her- ‘I E’- Goif tnpeni -Walter Hagen (loll (women's) -Alexa Stirling. Coil IWPRL amateurir Harry In-i:t:. Goif (West. openi Jim Barnes. Rat.-qtlt-ts iamsieuri Clarence t‘ I Racquets tprofessionali -Jock Sou- tt'i'. e Hoqtle -ti-iarold Walker Shooting infl'ltlleuri—-G. W mer. Shooting iprof('.ltaionail— Bart bew- ls. Auburn. ill. skating lice. amateuri-(‘barley Jewtram. Saranac Lake, N. T. hori- “A Happy at the end of one candy—or to exch fountain. II. , ifiilllards ipovi-fell . Ralph mean-’ I r A better way to say the old greeting ginning of another is with a box of of Joe's delightful drinks from our The PENNANT wishes you _ a very happy New Year as the ' whole EDGAR HORNBECK, a— Swimming ta-omeui—l-3. llleibtrey. New York. Swimming (men) lilinoiedtbletic Club. Ski (lpmvfessionaii—.A Huugen. 8t. Paul ~ -Norman Ross. Ski tamateuri—-l:‘.. Jansen, piorge Ski Club. soccer tnationail—Betblehem steel. Tennis (singles!-—W'llliam M. Johns- ton- Tennis tdoublesl ——.\'orman 8. Brooks and Gerald L. Patterson Tennis dou ieli~\'lnccnt Richards and Miss M. .inderstein. Tennis (women's siltgit-sl—.\irs. 0 ti‘. Wighttnan. Tennis {women's doubles|—\liss Eleanor Costs and Hints .\i. zinder- stein. Tennis tjtrniorl—-Vincent Richards. Tennis tjunior d0tlblen)—l'-‘rank T. Atttlerson and (‘ecii Donaldson. (clay! - .tt'i1liam .\i. Johns- ton. Tennis tciay tioublv.-t-ll--Wilitatli .\i. .lnhnst‘m and Samuel iittrtly. imttttttzits W.tN'I‘ -rt. t:o-rt» Wflllli lit-tit-an Laborers Anxious for lie- turn of Normal Conditions. ' Bl’ RALPR H. 'i'l7R.\'ER tllnited P1-esa stab’ Correspondent) SAN l.l'lS POTOSI. Mexico. Dec. 1 my hlalli.-The Mexican of this sec- tion wants to go to work. ricultural activity is becoming in- creasingly evident today. according to both Atnericans and Mexicans of San Luis Potosi. Different forms of evi- dence are offered to subs tiste the lht.-lief that the farmer is go -111; i re- inewed sense of industry—and differ- ent reasons are advanced to explain '-the steadying influence which is said ‘to be laying its hand on this district. 4 lstore order: in other circles. you are [told that bandits are still active. but ‘. have established a "liaison" with the people; and still further questioning meets the simple explanation that the ihlexican is growing tired of fighting ‘and is ready for work. . Work already is well under way in 1 -j--we New Year” year and the be- ange them over one commencement year at happiness. of: Pf°Pl'|¢0D!'." A disposition to resume normal ag- ‘ '\B*'""n L‘ iontui‘ HELDS The work here will include the; sending of questionnaires to all nub-’ lio school teachers in localities of more than 2.500 population. the en-’ roliment of loral physicians to exam- ine children and measure their height’ and weight and a house-to-house can- vass by public health. school or Red~ (‘rose nurses in order to get an ac- count of every baby in the communi-I tv. From this survey such statistics’ ‘ l'.W.(°..t. and i‘Jl.i‘.A. Secretaries ile- - who (‘all From Church. : Coupled with the decreasing sup- fpiy of ministers in the l‘nlted sum ‘and the fewer number oi’ young-men } who are manifesting a desire to en- iter the clergy, comes the call of the '.uoinstttst Elpiscopal Church. asking one via an or oft. must call at the olfiee of the Water and Light Don't. and sign the order for end: service. Wathr & Lilli! DOD’!- J. E. Barnett. Secy. B-10.’. eat at the home of lira. D. A. Rob- 9 Thursday afternoon. Fine Shoes l 0 Shoe Repairing System Columbia. Mo. 2+SO UTH NINTH STREET Dra. Hardy and Hardy Osteopathic physicians Columbia and Ashland and chronic fully tested and lenses properly fitted. Exchange Bank Building Phones: oil-ice S34 Res. 1687 eberling J -— SAP!’ sites. +- REPAIR SHOES First class workmanship and prompt service guar- anteed. Work for and delivered witb- out extra charge. 810 llroadwu raoao SI-I 8-J? tiirth registration will be perfected; W.-V‘ I -r I glint}; ifor flu and"women to volunteer to '_go out totthe foreign field. because of lthe growing need. The call has been ’ received by the \'.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. 11,- F 7: , ; _I in-cretariea here. ‘iii iv. H i Their néd is specific. Fifteen men ' ‘T - 1. V‘ 1;! . J. 9 ;doctors are needed in go to Korea. - ; -l | China. Philippine islands. Malaysia. _ i on!’ O _ India. Aim-s. South America and Mex- ico. These must be graduates of Class medical schools. allopathic and; with a successful internship. Eighteen women nurses are needed‘ for Korea. China and the other coun-ll tries already mentioned. They are e:-: ported to be registered noses. prefer-_ CIIRISTIAS BRIYNIB 80330378 as well as ojys. Many a home has been destroyed by fire on that day. Protect yourself against possible loss by a policy of fire insurance- Then if an accident does happen you will not be the laser in a money way. Let us make out the policy today. Fire is no respecter of time or persons. 8lI'l‘ll it ('A'l‘R0.\' REALTY 00. Silk! Exchange Nat'I. Bank Bldg. ._—. -- i I ‘. 3 3 l I i i l I ; Start E New Year l /« Right . tccting assurance of insurance. bring. And remember that insurance family-—however desirable you you are no longer earning. ‘ i H. M. Mortttnrrsits Boone County National Bank Building ‘ ‘Adapts A-Happy New Year To All . \ ‘ ,. By providing your family with the pro- - ' site i I ' . sure that they will always have a certain ~,_ l * ~ ‘ income. whatever 0 her New Years may . i " is some- thing more than more protection to your 0 know that to be——in addition it give you the .. advantage of a safe depository for your savings, and should you outlive the term - oi the policy (as is not unlikely) you will find yourself with a sinking [and ‘when the Pbiicy to the Man‘ .’ canal ¢u\ ‘ A -rile Christian college Club will i K neu, isos Broadway. at 2:30 o'clock -‘ Adv. 103 "".I‘..“ 3.34 .:..§_‘- ‘- » '