rp TWELFTH YEAR '5'» ’ THE .a:vE 1 ~ - 40773‘ ‘command, MO., THURSDAY EVEITING. JULY 1. 1920 .« a .--.. -: SSOURIAN NUMBER 259 ill Bill [8 Pill BEFDHE Elllllllllllflll Balloting Will Begin After the Platform is Di ed of onight. PL.-XNKS ON FLOOR Attempt of Palmer Men to ush Voting at Once Is Opposed. in nine rus- - Al'l)lTORIl.'H. SAN 1'-‘RA.'\'ClS(‘O. July l.—'Wlth fourteen candidates for ‘ the Presidency in nomination before the an F‘ ssmbls this eveulnl D70" 51°? 0”‘ nideration of e resolutions commit- tee's at once. It was expected that prohibition and the Irish question and their prop- er incorporation in the platform would he finally thrashed out on the cor. is afternoon w p e- the Palmer oting. Wilbur Marsh ion of rules rters and other dele- gates raised a ry of "trick." lie with- drew his motion I'§'nncln Burton Harrison. novernor ‘ at the Philippine. was placed in nom- ination by . Bessie Buyer. the first nomlnati h on record made by a we . abs broke the feminine record for illnchlng resolution in the face of stares,and noise. a e s Inning Session lie-an Nominations. Byilfnlted Press Shh’ EGJNCISCO. July l.—Chair- man Robinson called the Democratic na convention into session morning at ll:!5 o'el ocstio chairmamof the Oregon delega- his deletltlon of win to second the nomination B’. G. Iic.A This was somewha of a surprise as had been expected that Senato rlain would put in nominationvfor that state. lame Brings a r. A oman in h Utah delegation confined to hand- ciapping which quickly stopped. When West Virginia's name was called Governor John ll. Cornwall step- andbplacad in nom- lf their tion they will expect no more than a asnplimentary vote. cnx llil lll WEST ;:~ \Vill Make Trip to San Fran- cisco in Huge Monoplane If Nominated. 37 United Press Cllifi, July l.—A steal mono- plane. ble of carrying nix pas- Franeisco national convention if y nomhnte him as their candidate or t. aocordidg - here today. ‘Newman. hand. of the ¢on- 7001!‘! (‘0.\'YlKTl0.V P300311 i It United PHI. - BAN 1'B.A.NC18(X). July L-The hrst business of the convention program today was more nominat- lnn speeches. After the ntnninating speeches had been finished. the convention was to decide on a platform be- fore taking any ballots. Names Before the Convention. the following ten men were placed before e Democ tic int! n- veution before adjournment last night as candidates for the Presidential nomination: . JAXE ht. COX. A. III P JAMLB W. GERARD HOMER 8. (?l.‘1iill.\’GS OILEERT Ii. iff‘i"Cl-fCOCK WILLIAH G. hlcADOO . ROBERT L. 0\\'.B.\' GOV!-ZRNOR ALFRED S.\ilTll I H KUWARI) l. EDWAB )S , without further trouble. lilllflfl IS Elillllllllli Cox and Palmer Forces \\'ealten——Stampcdc for ’ilson? By I.‘nlte-l Press SA.'5 i>’ltA.N‘Cl8f.‘0. July i.—-it was hlcAdoo against the field soday. Managers of all rival aspirants for he Democratic ‘presidential nomina- tion declared the first business of the convention was to block hicadoo Leaders of the big amps &icAdoo said their great‘ weakness te alliance, though’ they hoped ng tn gh be affected before the day is over. Th organization of Governor Cox. however. declared there was no need to form a special "block" on becaass were enough h , there antl~&lcAdoos to cause dcfenl fly United Press SA.\‘ I"BAi~'CiS(>O. July 1.--All rare- , fully planned political strategy of the weeii seemed to red today. A ' nation of events centering about yent . ' n s be: and dsmonmrations has -in vaulted a change of alignment preparatory to balloting. — From a confused of inexplicable add happenings throughout the t night the following may be P 304 be out: .. Va. 6. lI(cAdoo may poll the most votes on the first ballot. This was At- it yesterday. it is will poll :00 to 350 votes on the firnt ballot and Palmer :75 a tner sup- ft to squeeze out the V member on the sixth count. while Anoo igners claim he will wit. in the fourth ballot. . The Cox organisation claims to have 51 7 his successor.‘ some of the Palmer group were in!» ilnnt today ' o tell the world they had converted Colby Ind pgmm get eighteen of \'irtlI1ia's twen- ty-fonr votes. and that lb?! 3185 0.‘; gu-gugug to put over their fun the three leaders the pen od But the)’ stator the ‘dark horafrntrsilnh Qtnrsd about Iarshalt There is '1; Q1 tilt wuid all r hnndadthelissourianintheevent thsdrtorney-Oeoerslcoli majorludpolitiui observers .QylhIIilllUfn£Oal!ItlBdIIl!0l- lows. IcAdao.Dsyis.0s .311?- shall. I follow? names were added ‘ Th wan: pa r its essential intently, U10 9'" (-_ 8. sluuot‘-8 the party on record as n op to ‘ - - ' clearer and mo a tie " 303.5 W. DA‘ IS . "9: . ‘ «I that Wilson ha in opposing: l.Db(!8tMC-be‘ hndhsnnrniadintothecategoryofi undidatns. llllllllllll innm. llllllliillflll Hill Permits Reservations 1 'ot Im- pairing Essential n- . tcgrity. VVILSON TO ACCEPT Measure Is Hcraldcd As Dc- feat for Administration . TS. _‘ Supporte ~ sm.Lt:rt.\' _ wssmziomei. Jul)‘ l.—‘i'he Lanny of .\'ati plank ad ted in‘ the res- olutions mmtnitfee of the ocfllk convention is not unacceptable to President lac . ._____. close to bashful ‘i’0i(l0. June 19 (Delayed).—'I'he “I. h ° dlnrla shoal the diet building was I ' '°_ W’ W S‘°|'=I=-W thrown into great excitement today {Inn of’: $1 I?e:"i;:l't:tld:.0‘ when a bomb exploded in the build- rue ,, _.‘;;,"‘:.'::“,{'“ ."',‘§{{_;,';; " fix. It did no dnnnge. ‘ Sun rue tod:&‘4:l7‘:. In av-t , . ‘ I p In I 7 ' The police believe it was part of a 1. .,"____._~_ 1. t to assassinate Premier liars and 7 ,_ .,L _______ _;; ,._. ,,,,,,,,__ _ __ - ,0 terrorize the ruling class The diet :I- In--—-—-—---77 3 In ........ -- ovens mm vb is expected - w:;.'.'.t::::;:‘}:‘. §E’.::::::-.::_-:'.l stormy scene will ensue over the bud- U I« In ~--5--J“ 3: tr .... "in throughout the treaty fight that he is not opposed to interpreting resolu- tions, which the plant: called for as they interpret it. _ ' n n o By United Prim ’ SAN l‘RA.\‘Ci8CO. July 1.‘ The ruc- lutions committee of the Democratic national convention today adopted a League of Nations plank putting the party nntcrewrd fuvori ratifies tiondf the Treaty without reservations that would impair essentially the ID- tegrity of the cotenant. amend- ment by Senator Walsh stated that the rty does not reservations , ote of 32 to 1!, after a four-hour heated de- bate. Tht action was a complete surprise. Leading Democratic politicians had n led to expect adoption of the nil- mlnlstratlonw» League lank without the lightest chanre. Walsh and Sen- ator Pomerunc of Ohio were leading the attack on the administration plant. The committee's action may result in throwing the League firm to the floor of the convention. Lenders Willing to Accept. Administration leaders are not at- ternptmg to conceal their chagrin but say they are willing to accept the amendment. Walsh's plank was a decided yictory the Democratic sena- Those who voted for the Lodge reservations said as making 1 e clearer and more apt-ciil Walsh urged adop- iaeagne and Secreutn of State Colby had re- ported Vliiiil l directly insist on a plan h would indorse the ?‘ IL‘! ly as Wilson brought it back from Versailles. o IrADOti IIAINTAIK8 8ll.!2.\'l'E lakes No (‘moment Upon News l-‘roan nventien. fly Press »..\'i-IW YORK, July cAdoo main. taincd his slle lopments at San Francisco todav ‘as in- formed early as bun pin end in nomination. but sold nishgd no comment to make v on: a'It.1’.r:n—roUn l.\'.ll'BED ‘hm (‘ars f'olllded When Be-iarnlnn re: a Dance. By United Press CHICAGO. July .-One person. was killed and four injured when a taxi crashéd into a touring car da Tho Dredenbnrg 18. of was killed; Ogden Bprlngfleld. lli.. 8 Bwoiford _wss of ' in the id!!- THOR. they regarded the radiu yiati-«rains; wannnquns tsIe0nts(._ Iiiaa Jan it p University Besides thb : ill JAPANESE DIET Terrorize Ruling ass Fails. r is Aggravated by Siberian Fiasco. . _ lh Plot to Assassinate Premier ":°°=r3r M133: and couxrnv IN UNREST -M-‘U wt Bull is; £lP[llllEll Ii.-A--—»- rue can-nu ass Viddu: lineal ts... Inrnhnwcs afternoon as tonight. rg-1. In n-II: felt. eesslnned want. For linsoari: Generally fair t I-ht and Friday. probably preceded t.;m|4:1t1 ode houses orthesst portion this aft- eontlnoed warm. Conlltlcs lode-rate to heavy in Iowa. Heb nnnotn: ndlsaa. 0 not Hon weather showereihs aha. south‘ [is _ , _ _ _ _ About nresonsble warmth obtains in all Dissatisfaction in Politics and "°"°'- °‘ the mo"!- hnn been heavy rains I‘ per elflnnulifl river from Kansas in ‘Itieer watershed, . y to the month will continue to rise for neeeral days stages. Kill‘ up and HAHVESI WILL Sllllll BE UVEH Ill BOUNTY \Vhcat Cutting \\'ill Bc Fin. ished in the First Part of Next \\’ccl~;. A RAI2\' VVILL HELP Pal’! \Vill BC Put in Boone County .\lill But More in acks. When: cutting in the Missouri Riv. er bottoms in [too . 9* f the vuumy and will be over the first pI“l o x wt-(.3, ‘"1702’-hlnx machines will sin get. taxes and responsibility for the _. n. i of much rain it disaster at N clack. I I ht none to allow the gr-sin ' Q to stand in the fields longer before it W M lllll Sllllllli lllllilll --- ~ on . jg. ,,omgc,; “mm,” 0, 3",“, . 0'". it is seaeram considered better ‘ad uu “nu.” 0, ‘er people ‘re .“ —— . )' threshertneo and In 9 (or the out in letters recently received by Dr. Larry Aucnv Fonncr Reside!“ when to 3“ nu‘ ‘"3 “ ”‘ "’ hock C. A Eummd of 1,” cm 0 of Hansburg’ Commits since a rain makes it hull out bc'ter “dam” of we L.m,"_nm_ or uh” _ . S _ and ltes it possible to ri f m .\i. Anesahi of the College of “la c' Job 0’ m“''m"‘ "”"" W’ ’”''l‘‘’ ,l.ltera*nre. imperial University. Tok- lgrry ;u|._~n_ who formgrly may er," in J pm. I’. All I is hsflnt one near Hsrtshurg. shot and killed hun- Gm” Wm 5" 5‘°""‘- D°<‘t0r Ellwood’ books on social self Sunday at Deer Trai Not psychology translated and hopes that it will be of benefit in solving the so. problems of Ja . extracts from Mr. Anesnhf; let- 3 a are tars As you probably kmw, Japan is passing through a serious crisis in l . The WON‘ Usvorahle to the novernmem. but it will certain- U lxtravate the situation. the returns of the election will repre- sent a comparative! - small the na on. and the larger portion. the growing “intellectuals” and work. lng class will thereby be mor in- dignant toward the governing There is ground for serious apprehen- sion. yet the lrresistable power of the awakened majority will be the final winner. - Japanese in translation. Another significant fnntnre in the militariln. t mo eetly due to the failure and the bins- ders of our military to be "My country is push; through a Q is being seized the people with the necessity of mill- tarlsm. "I myself do not indorse our policy toward Chinagyet 1 sorry 00 riod of reaction. Yet. think this will be only transitory and every- ds forth- v 13'. Martin Ca on toiled all at empts IAY E0308 E2830 fibhiljil America begins‘-lest lay Funeral. by them to impress beau mornl ,thia atternoon. . was a farmer ipent most of was with sixteen months. to Colorado for his health By United runs women In the fifth d cratic on ad their delegate . in to gm soldier who died in to J. A. who 43.1. paiofaschool onbon inservieeofth thaircoior C The Herbert Williams Post ids. his life near Columbia. the A. E J’ in F-‘ran . ee Last spring he went it is be- He of France. Ac- was found with a bullet hole under eh his in. - air. Allen leaves a wife and a young iifiitu llllllli illlllll Members of Fifth District Resent Treatment of Reed at Convention. July 1.-—Demoa'at.ic The recent rains A_ help the earn the on those elr country hard ireuy. son 9 will be done i . rvices were held at Bond's Cbhpel at 4:30 o‘cloelt a great deal of wheat stacking n store the grain in bins or sacks than to try and store it in stacks in the fields A few steed ‘run bought in the county. hinch grain that is stored on the farms will stored in sacks A considerable of the wheat crop or the mun ‘ ma- be stored in the Boone County Mill of Columbia . This mill has a bin ca- paclty 2' required for the operation of the mill; hence this mill will not be able to store wheat to Jieeent lain Helped Cart: Back rent this year will be about 1- some that it was last year. ac- rdlng-’to local mtllers. Tb price last year was 2% eats a sack for the first ten days and ‘/5 of a cent a sack for_each additional. ‘ cune in time to farmers say it them to got the first crops gave time W_ of alfalfa and clover up in good shape. The first crops of clover and alfalfa were especially good in {bi ty this year but th othy crop is Very ilght- Much of the timothy has a deal of white top in it. ‘His weed is worthless for hay. Sons of the meadows are nearly all white top. i25,fllllllSll[lZ0llHll] ‘Alleged Robbers of O'Fallon, Mo., Bank are Arrested in New York. By lfnited Press’ July 1.-Joseph - pr-openy into the stats.- when theysrrived here. the police said. the two men had in their 900‘ Bonds worth 885.000 by rs'ns'asutta- tlrerof the 0‘!hilon hnhns FIR 0'" aaanion Liberty which were idcttidsd one can see that the ti waves of ' , “ "“‘i". the reaction are showing their wesh- W3» In R5 R057 ‘m lb‘ h°" 1" i’ cnlng. one unduiation atter another. ‘ “V ‘*3’- "Our fight for more freedom is not rt ~ an easy task. yet we are now more , hopeful than ever before. 1 am glad fi‘oday’s Big League GamesJ to tell or this general nitnation “ and i hope your boat will more en- (Qmru-gy as Parlor) lighten our lhteilectuals and help ' them in sound thinking on social pro- x‘flox‘L_ Ll‘? H ‘_ M’ __ ............ ..._ s 11 1 ROBERT W. JONES WILL TEACH New Yak -.....-»...—--—.— -—-- 1 ‘ 3 Lawyer Wm Be Assistant Professor of Journalists in Wafilgten. . Robert _ been elected assistant professor of Journalism in W ington atssnt. gust to take up h hfr.Jononia a and e of the school of law of the University. He was formerly city editor of the Co- iumbia Daily for two I w pro f Journalism in the Lniveraity of Sonth Dakota. Dar- lnmhta ing tflching a class in Journalism Christian Coll e. l ' 4 Danae. I._and ..c;. _ parents. r &'n.‘IrstfsL8wolondsadtwoothsr sill'I.Anga¢nanl'Inry. we registered securities worth 880.- 060tnhenf’roInt.hsbanhil'sbraar!17- ntsstosutr soctnn -ro nnnr 4 .___a_____arA"') - .