wt‘ §e I. ‘i u r- % | 1 . ‘ “. I .2.‘ °“~;;. rml ililllllls ll SPA -~ ‘j 9,.‘ g sider the ilidivldnsrs 17 7°" roan. and. training, his 1; 3. open impossible grant the lat- hecsnss the other tactora Inn! 132 it man estl)‘ hie. ‘ students are enralled $3“ in disability may result In a man .33 um; trans! rned from clans '.‘ pg uflch he is given a ahlar! 0.‘ SM‘ to-class 3 where 0015' N913!" are void. V Practically all men who are tsitiris ovocntioual training here Are men who worein thearmy ‘ s t - ' FIED ADS ‘ a Feed allay _!’llA;Bl1'Bltl!G4 ms llilil Islam Allies Hope to Put End to “Bargaining" Over the Peace Treaty. ITALY IS A PUZZLE Germans to-Be Met Equally, But They Cannot Change ‘ the Document. IDNDON. June it (by mall.)-Spa. where Ekttenteand German delegates will meet for the first tinpon a has- .ts of equality. probably will be the rtant terallied dealing with the Versailles Trust)‘. The tentative date Qt Jilly 5. International developments. at ace [Essa Isl! a Gent“ D—- Agents and Bepresentsllves to an the Famous "Itverioc" Tire Patch. alaadher new and sun re a Inthiamrtinnotaheconnt Btu- roe hastieea Wflu to '. C. w , W7 Western Ave. In Its. Xian. W ‘-39 W‘All'l‘I:D—'I'o boy a modern six Ives:-tooth house in Ira! cisss condition french teacher would like pnpsls in Fraeh or lipanlsh for the ssunsner. Write‘ , to line Irian water A for appointment. 1% WA!7£D—A modern cottage or or tour roams unfurnished by nsas wile. no children. will aanse a maths or year. Write Box Colarnbia. Io. N-2:0 nsrvu-b and cool to prepare and I'Ah1lD—A Q-re « V heals. Apply to ili"l'hllIyPAI.e.5 be- __ trumuuunn t~‘.‘”‘. ueved. have already decided upon . lads. Pris: win stock. Phone maximum auh dezuandu. 30¢ . 3‘11‘Shoulrl the German estimate of mm '0‘ mt alility to pay (all thin 0 llm fig mm: b Com‘ the conference will rapidly come to a — PI 00-? 0| _ ' a do the other ban r- ‘,:,,"..‘..',.§.';f°".',fl’,,f,‘.‘.,.“""" man) s offer is below the estimate of I Yon naavgnmmwrar mssmh no-=1. ltuadenta. rge s it pure . lollies St. ‘ K-3! '0! Ill}!-'T—'!‘wo furnished rooms for honnsteeplng for summer. Lill 10' or Dione 3:’? Black. hl-fimsnundnmem ween University b°° I03 I2.\"1'—Iloosns bet nlpasaad roadway. Phone 1210 u- mentsfisnd proofs In tavor of' their Advance preparations at spa for the of — ' '0! B£X'I'—-Two tnrnislsed rooms with P0 ll!!!‘-one large tarnished soon. in University Pboae In 103 Ill!‘ rge roots torsntnnar moral. while Pr ier yd George will be the private guest of Baron de bu e r 8 The I-‘rench mission will stay at the Grand Kotol tnnniq e: be ' e an if It . at th otel te. and the Italian. Belgian and Japanese '. te on the possibility of capi s "’ 3" “% martyr’; reparation promitstioycl dis- poaint #:g:...' ;.' ‘ma mm 2'3".‘ fe ee meets at the Chateau de in '0. _I‘". '~“_“" “on F5-nlueuse. the residence of .\i. P z- . visa perch stain. one block trans Dal-' er-CH“. : vI~|w- '0 -- -M We PW; .,W,,- Udted sum lay No: rain. ' . . Failure of the United States to par- ’,I03 Ill!‘-1180 bun treat No. v ,,, ,., ,,,, ,,_,,','_" nu, ,, ,,.,,, ttclpate at Spa will he agruu back W I! I5 he Ava. race for tho Bntenta. The I-‘ren hope ~. """’ or "tnuned payment‘ is based up- Ger- bonds in bonds. a loath er-able amount in German promises American qcordlng to officials u. Itoedosie in lALl'.—Wnter power washing an o Klsth Street. ' T- -ehhe: race. will 1- -sou‘ I least. neither An ed States will participate. Davis 5'3 rice reasonable Bargain hr «Quiet 3., ' at C4 me 6” mm‘ "ya rnitareanddisbas. sadboardia bonss. r arfhooelfilflsch. A '; -fit! Suiiitner Prescription K“ 1. Keep in the _shade. 2. Read your hometown paper. sans-40 near . , “ ts ¢;m..u.._"'::_,. ., 3. ho matter bow is: your va- .-- D°‘°‘. anfigl '°“vI L5“ wing tiou wanderings lead you you "00 -no clam-lrrutgs" '3 Phone C "7 o.asur can have th SOURIAX sent to you by mail. You’ll.anJoy thn. baseball news IALI--loud soaring ear. condition. Privately m hrunaar ‘Wlllsiidnp. an 11.7 .r..'.“.:.'.r:'.:'..-.:.°.-.."- "-5.." ‘'‘..a."'_' 3%‘. ..-t’.Ei'r'-9" '°-'"" D ......-. o- s and the polltiul news and the special features which appeal to mod. Alefsse year trslsyluves phone 55 I‘ . A j- ‘ A pcrtnsnento will he sl- so formed to take of all matters pertaining to games score-tee r and general upkeep of the grounds. DI M’ both teams. and the . ,. e e 5“ Hllflltf Leaves for _ Eastern "YyIIts. instant. oetnssia. n1uo‘trll.rsnssss!. mus sass. u Inquiries ot all kinds come POO lhsae —~-— * Alnhssssdor Wtlllte it PM’ 5” I~hl9- 730 MIN" ‘W "3" ‘9 P" in into women trishnien I th cu phsned to go to 8pa. pentathlon‘, team . tor the Oiylnjlcwlrolll Nnuesls for v1‘°°' "7" llrls to gas -mu,‘ ,3“,-. " ' 3.” C. rug. 1 A“ work to their room to r 9 "L ° '"“°' I Italy‘ Aflltlfl Games a warp , 0' m or wo n 1.3,, . gmhwn , cu“, Italy's attitude at. :9! 1;] 3.0%‘? Following this tneetp um’-5‘ _ I 50”“ m It’ 0: The and sees that she gets registered and ethat may cause ltfic t . n- to “human- erare sotnevr o o o er at ioaudy ‘ ' -~ th§’.W.CA.;btlti ft in :::..'°°°.:*.':.:.*.:.'.. ...“.':..:'." ~' v~...~:.:l -1.1’ .*.:*.‘'*:.:.*~'.. :: ..:. ........,.... .:.°..°:....:: .. nu .»—-« c. A. _ u“ 3‘ “ ‘ Q ' u to l !‘ we 1 , tires numerous teas. receptions. pic- Unodon conterenoes between U775 uy in one at the nut; in gun nu . can cits?!‘ “lie 1 mt cissitnde-s o. 10. “Id "‘ ‘anther “mac” 0 “ Q 0 ' . :.*.r:*v:.:=....° --..::.::*.:E =*:-::.:; .‘:*..°:~:..~ main. m «J. °° ~ v 1-» M w ‘ ' ‘ qua nt Italy. they claim. must be conutlted , ,_ "1 ad nun“ But“ fin ! ere is always a list of available a A to any international ar- 0 u “ Broom,“ ugh; ¢inPl0!'lnenl It the Y. W. C. A ms '———-'—-—-- ,-.,‘,m.,,; .,-,-g.-,¢ “_ rnrmggmoa. ‘mo ‘N are mnuton an nu.“ ,an¢i eight girls have been placed this (‘onto-‘ion’: Vetiqr fewer. ‘ ‘‘‘‘P'' ‘M "_“”'d,” mlwlidg '1 ‘M competition . A. B. T '"k' “C 9"‘°‘““'>:':::{’1° ‘igfflfl \nmber of delegates loin " 3°” ' ‘Fume '9 Pastime A. C. New York. who is the p t mu’ '1‘ ° lsutnber of alternates 1092 titled to priority claims . And t mu“ dumping ‘of me u , Who We cmvlorlnent. These I*scsn— \, _ _ V . must come Germany as well as U K K ’°° ' des consist of clerical . taking ' °°““"" '0 ' .¢h°’°° '35 Andria. they declare. While not ae- etfirt \_ "':'°‘° °‘ 3” ?'m‘‘ araoi children. positions as =ter.c um]; gr:-gy Germany dur- K‘ °' ‘ ",5 3 “d"‘:I gnphers. library assistants and tu- lag the war, it iszpdnted tolutiihneu 0! 3”. ‘j‘,_um""“ o°n:°°““° °’“"'9 “ an-.. oftensives. Italy also (eels acutely the lack coal. and France's recent ment with Britain, whereby the iormer is to ure the largest part”ot land's coal exports. has not crutcd any too friendly feelings between ‘the two nelghbori lien on the output at the Ruhr Val- ley. Italy also be eves. is tnaterhl llhlllld r t of Harope. ‘Moss all indications fal Spa has I nations. France's “ 300 11! trapping the reconstruction of the 1011 I. even ‘less g ratios. The events which has up the pen- ‘ tathlon : pole-vault. high Jump, broad 181119.300-meter dash. and 1.500- rneter run. to e o. Oalnnhla Gel Team To Play at The Columbia golt team will go to - The Y. W. C. A. not only conducts this huresnfor employment and for locating rooms, but is it active other- wise among the women students. One or the most helpful things it does for L will be divided equally 1: two teams lore are some nyers in re expec d to be d interesting. Af- are office daily. —- “:1- C ter the tournament other teams will be invited to opartlclpatn mains-l ill. be staged at the end of the soason,l and the winning team will receive a! pr e. E 1 national A. A. U. pentathisn champion- fied; They said that 5 their children in the fi diamonds. But they didn't IlllIlllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllll lllllllfifil bcrly farmers. They with a telescope, in ::———.-—.._¢u». I there to guide you. . K Don't miss them. ' money. And the Pebbles were Diamonds! The farmers of Kimberly were dissatis- living from their farms. And——all the time they were pebbles. They died poor. Lots of people are just like those l\(im- Don’t miss the advertisetnetits. They are businefs mines of opportunity. They tell of values you might never know it they were not THE IDEAL Taacuaas’ EXCHANGE ' Vacancies ii at gt and all ern.Btaih Free Enrollment I Phone892. will call ‘ KLASS COM. C0. D ofaw 714 hilss.ouri'Ave.. Phone iololted Olicea: Denver. Des Ilolnas. O C they c'ouldn’t make a ltfllflllllfllllllllllllllllfllnllllllllllllllmv ‘fllllflllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllll elds were playing with know. They thought ‘l , V.Pptts5‘lS Graen' ‘glfllllflfllfllfllllllflllllfllllllllllulfllflllllltfl Private Lessons By Tuesday, Thursday ‘ LEARN TO DANCE CHILDREN'S CLASS Phone Mrs. Jameson . 962 Red . Italian cabinet crisis and the Prnnk- x,0,,,num,, 0; 9,0713‘ ,1. D,.n,1_ an ' Bnumur. Bu_ 9°“ °'~“"’P‘“‘°“ “ '1” “mm? "1593! profitable than several previous eon- cu,-. mum goo“. 1-‘fin,’ Bun“ thatco-operative action among the “.,,M,,, my. 5,0,. _ "um, ‘M Daley Allies in scheduled to be more and » ‘ ' . mo ditflcult. com- 2 ~ ntercisl rivalry between the Eumpea ; Laguc Standings countries, regardless of [last sifills l , lions. will again do-selop. lndivial at-tion.,'escs-pt in tiiecnue of Turkey mm '”"-I hm ' I,“ ....‘. u _ . with whom treaties ‘ . (‘inc-Intuit ........ _, an -.-5 :.7.i have yet to be concluded. will enable -f,..],‘ 1-.u._-G.‘ :3‘ I5!!!” :::__-::: E 3‘: :3; 0'01} *‘-Oumrlj '0 ‘mm’ "8 0 '9 set ray august 2. ‘«‘m«-use .......... -- as at has Robert I. Simpson has made ar-‘ §-‘:’.',‘.'L".,,,""""'_j:'_:j : 3, . "3 German: to Be let As Equls. raugetznents to hold a tennis tourns- .\‘_n-- tort ---.- .... -- 3» x. All: while cording officials close me!!! oh 1 um west of Roth» “""‘°""'”‘ “*“ " *7 ""3 to Lloyd George. the Ge delcga- Gflnnllll-"11 31 138 Llltllll . ‘ tion at n will men as equals and *1" be-siren to the winners of the .-....§.},",,,, __________ __“}g' 'g'' gm 1,. pe,-mm“; ¢o.p,.,,,m meg, -1, men‘: slnsles. men's doubles and the .\;n- York .--:...--- M :3 mt — case in their own way. they come m'3°d d°“bl¢5- §;v".':,',f_°no;"': """ " g g g with the distinct ttud r-standing that “*9 05”)’ “"5 ‘"1 C10“ 5"‘! 37- """°" ------.:::: 30 8! .0! the Peace Treaty is not to be modified‘ 7”’ *1" 8"? Imdfllu 039 |d"‘m-38° ’:,',‘,,l§‘.',"" " """"" " 3: 3 in an)’ wit)‘. _ 0! I month’: practice to set Into 1- .latielp.i;i-a"':::::: it so ass "The meeting can be comlllrtd to ‘up’ 1°’ lb‘ "°‘"'°“”°‘"' ' " “‘f::.1,:""°.":".,:‘:':‘t?:;_.Phu'°°" a conference between two litigants. f‘m"“'°° t°°‘ ‘mud ‘'9 “M '° ;-..”.,..1,, _,,-,5, mug, 0, nu,‘ 3,, . one oi whom has tau] { m"“’;l " ""3 ‘7m“"“““‘~ , tab-d too tstr for yesterday's Hluuufisn. ‘udxmem_\ D“ G Om h ‘ lw be 50 cents Ior the mens_ . agree that the judrmem is valid and ‘ "5 °“' " ‘°’ ‘M "°""‘°‘ “'4 " '°' ' in. boots. )0: (‘ten-isua. is. cut; up gun st.-1-sorts ‘ , ' t. e rnsuer to be discussed is. “‘ °" 51"‘ “““‘°- "4 ”"’°“- ”~ Inha sas n-c ii-tan toe on». W51‘? Puma a‘m5IN° , . .. O ‘O o Iioalsrnv. ins-oond gstsn-i ’.'; Washington. 5. ' _h “— “, ,... .. .- Hoa can it be best coll ted. This Y I ‘, L Wm B .\el' tors ts:-one guns). I0; I'hlisdel- _‘'‘.__h_' h ‘I, “,9, __ m .5, ‘ 39°d‘"" _wu the ogy drawn by a ‘British ' ‘ ' ‘u ‘ V’'“- 5 ._ 3, n. "Q.-.A .v “mew ‘ho ‘.m N”. ‘H lmmrum Tennis Tearnanent. Y “, (, F[,‘s "mm L '01:”, reasonable. Ian at 3”-3.“ Sp‘ The Y. hl- C. A. tennis court will be ' ' ' ' sauna’ taller . l . PICK DI-U0 (XL 1-,,, gem,“ ddmu um opened next week vi a tournament Even Asked to Give Lists of Beaming ‘'3' "u"! 5"‘ " - to well-informed officials. win he re- '’‘'‘‘‘'‘‘°’‘ "‘° “"-"‘ °‘ “"""“"“°8 '4" can for Its. Fine Shoes H eberling ' silo; Repairing System .- ‘Columbia. Mo‘ Appointment Only and Friday, 3 p. tn. I |lflIlflIlflIIlmlllllllllllllllllllllll "look for Opportunity ' some far-away place, when it is really so close that they could reach out their hands and grasp it. They will sav you 1 Lbf-“‘ I v on} iiliaaeoa Peries s. Tailor-Made Suits. IIyonstiIlhavainyonrtnlndioget.yonrnewsnit.onsnaisand halowthe lstnssltluawithyon. Onrprieasaratsr nndradsotsvlsatoaslaettrosa Waalaodo“a1teringandreInodaIlngonbadias'aarnants. $834. $|avBldg. ,1. WOLFSON ' an was‘ ” nod.‘ "Perfect swung” 7 sons fill! an nnsnosass. rathsU.a.a.thaniaasrothsrontns- l|I_I|lImlIIiillllllllllllllllllllllllillll E.‘ h‘