of ‘um-v-.—-v _ Q‘-.1 Pusher Z I /4 1'8! L _ Tm: Evazsimc MISSOURIAN lie-her‘ ' Asditbarsanefclrdatiesa idsd :ate3~&inn&ia.Ilo \'irginla8i¢g.Dow‘a ‘stairs’. Pbonut Business, 5: Neil. Sid. -eiasemaiimsttsr.Ae- t special rate at of October 8. 1917 authorised Ieptesn 3. ins. ' City: Year. 81.15: 8 months, sun; th.s0cenis;eoy.‘.'cents. By mail. in Boone Conn - ear. R35: 0 months. L73; 3 mon D tents. Outside the ety. 1' M: 8 months. 313 month. 6 gorKasnsCityafterbeingin'Colum- his otrbusinos. I _ . Brooks iett this morning tor after being. in'Oolum- . . Roberts and small slaughter. Vsntres. let! this morning [or Centralla where they still spend ¢_ . J. C. Smith went to Glasgow this 4 business. hair. and lira. C. A. Great rst urn to their home in Brsymer alter visit- : ing Sir. and Mrs. J. D. Hill. R. H. Prigmore Some lawns in Columbia look as it there had. been a shortage 0! city water as well as a lack of _ PERSONALITY Personality is the constant talkoi e ambitions persons who know it is too otten con- iused with crowd-catching oddity. The snake charmer at the circus gets at- tention. but has she personality? Nor should personality and popu-- {or Centralia tor the week-end. . P ’ pps. honorary educa- tion fraternity. will meet in m D. r. M c Building totdght at 8 o'clock. lira. Ol hiungateltonaene, daugh- ter of E. II, liungate or 820 Hill:-rent avenue. has resigned as asslstan‘. lead- er of the Boys’ and Girls‘ Clubs of (Is state an‘ York City to join her husband," l‘hi'lIp I; Jloltxone a chemical engines.-r. i _News of Near-By Towns ? - 1 is normal and sane personality. It more aspiring young persons knew this it would save them the strain oi adopting a pose. Personality is altitude oi character. To be a man of personality is to be in man oi color. S'ime people are so drab anti color! they would never stand out with individuality. be ever so prominent their positions. germ, sell-res ism will not in a h ng. Cowardly humili will hold li;,4arkness. Sell A -respect is the pre-eminent toundation of per- sonality. . ...;.. ..:;;‘...;. ‘am co... in has. in a way. awakened but they are putting lump coal in other parts oi their basements which are not in use. some who tbonxht that it would; be wise to hold oi! about buying until later, on account or the price of coal. have bewms en thuslanic about buying new and a laying in a supply, A tew still hold to the old sides that cot will be cheaper and are not buying.‘ But the people who will do the moat sultering this winter and who ‘others can do little to help them But a eal can be done now to keep them trotn needing aid. l-.\'er)‘one in Columbia who employ! not the money to lay in a supply. he should provide means it be can reas- onnbly do so. in so doing he will not 0 rm a service for humanity. but he will insure himself of the serv- ices oi his workmen: during the n- ter by beeping them in good I: ll: when they mlkht otherwise be ‘kept. rrom work by sickness caused from living in poorly heated houses. ' the cry that no coal can to sis weeks but will take orders to be nlied in turn. Illinois coal has been'slow in com- Tm house 0 o o I An American iaegiou post has been organised at Laddonia. e o The Oberman Overall Factory. Fulton. has been closed temporarily. o o ,s , Ddlssotiri hiilitary Academy is Jelieraon City is to have new mu Hlilllk with a capital stock of at least arked charscte cs $30.00“. 0 Miss Juliet Price has bee by Governor Gerd- ner.to represent Missouri at the Texas o o o cream factory is it be start- ed in Fulton as a branch of the White Eagle Dairy Company of Columbia as I I W. H. .\lclntlre. editor of the Van- dalla liail. has bought the laaddonin Herald and will publish both papers. llias \'er-ca .\layes will be the editor 0! the Herald. ' left this mbrning C‘ V - _ -II “The Kilcreat Golf CIub'T. oi Boon- rille has a new golf course and club- ,’ I In the first ‘having an eight-week summer school. 3",’, e e e - o e s .\lrs. iriam .\iartin. or Slater. has n elected dean of Howard-Payne‘ OP College. - of Jetierson City ° Cotton Palace Exposition at Waco. Tex. "‘ nery for the plant can to a s e The Knights of Pythiaa_ oi Boon- ville. are to have work begun soon on iilllllllllililiilllllllliilllilillilllilllliiiiIIiililiilliliiIllillliliiliiliilllllilllilliililillli Drinks for the Kids lOur drinks please all the “kiddics" because our _ helpings are so large that one drink is big enough for two and because they are so good. Take them to “_Iimmies" next time and make them happy. ?\ (The Home by Better Confections) JIMMIE'S COLLEGE INN t 1 "I9l6 Broadway . a lodge building that will couover .000. e o ‘flu American Degion oi)ie.gieo. is making plans for a Fourth or July celebration. A campaign is being carriedion in Audrain County for a Firm Burns. e e e tarmers have torm- hold their D. ll‘. (‘.nl'l'l'BlfDEl’ I3 8001'] Kansas (‘ity and lit. Leah Leads h Animal laraets. *- Southern tarm vrosverity is chang- ing southern farm , to the reports 0! D. W. Chittendcn. hnahan assistant p of - dry at the University of Missouri. who e isn't going to raise them. lace. me region not we . in other regions. very determined effort is made to out in The result is that . in at least half. possibly two-thirds of the total area of Florida. Georgia, th Carolinss. Alabama and Mississippi. pasture conditions do not at ‘ e South will not produce one- tenth of its own work animals. in my bacco IL animals onto .\tissouri. Kansas, Ne- braska. lows and the other horse and mule producing regions. The receipts of the St. Louis and Kansas City horse markets have been greater this year than ever before." Evening Missourian three months ior 81 in Columbia. . Ullflllmllflllmlflllllllllfllllflllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllmlllllll Illllllflllllllllllllllllllh 2 in on account of transportation iacilitits. it is beginning to in taster now. however. Coal from the local mines is 24 cents a bushel or 86 a ton. llllnole coal is 29 and :0 cents a bushel. Both kinds may go higher in a short time. all are jprovided with tuel tor the winter. if f‘ 4.1 A I CITY AND CAMPUS I * 1 C. 8. Philpott left this morning for Ila when as was called by the illness at his father. 0. B. Phllpott. Ira. B,bi..Bnown let! this morning hesiness. went to hi-, tonthlssnorningloravisitoisevero alweeha. ' ‘ - .’h”‘ rum sum ' IE3 .1931-7 IONIC!“ B and SATURDAY ENID BENNETT ' “Womnnfin the Suitcase” eae tout the {us she boosted was min; a lie. 5"-1'°,"lN1l0""I)¢l'V'gueasdt1nppedhin. :1 j_,7 l-L‘-' ‘ nunsntssn .. \’/__\ "'l'be'l1‘r|sin tasuuimsityinga scbeolhavecrgsniseda V “A c HONDA?! Aim iruasnar _ uancumnm « ‘P’ ”° "'5'.-.' “fr. ‘ 3 'nssousus.ost.uasn.mssCsI.rsmas.sut.rs. ass. i‘ . . ' -.3 suuua cam nmfmr st _ You-tb ' 4- $100,000 ART EXHIBIT Mm '_ m an OPEN SATURDAY N IGH .T ,u_,;",:,9‘,,,,“,';",,?“_'_',’,,,‘:;;, _,_ Owlngtothet-ainwsdnesdayerem mn5.3,,'¢‘,¢g,,¢_g,.g.¢¢h.gn1ng8edailabssinessmsnandtheir |!i8lh9Ih0'lIIgotthe8keltonexhib- :nn...,A_n, 11 of seintinss was so tend- ed tht the directors have decided III’! A ormal tomorrow "thing from I to 10 o'clock in the Inuit! won: at the U versi Li- brary. 'l'be paintings will be exhibit thereattsr on week da from 2 to 6 o'clock in the anernoons and to 9 o'clock evenings. _ tnerce through. probably spend the night in Oolumhia. Flour trips will be mndeagain this fltisnottoomuchtomythatthe "" opening of this exhibititm of stint- lngs marks a most important step in advance in educational work here.in the University.” Doctor Pickartl says. "They are mid to be worth 8100.000 and are indeed a.great LOOK to the University.” Baby Bors‘to Its. Ambrose Estes. A seven-pound baby: girl was born to Mrs. Ambro Jr.. this morn- ing in the Parker Memorial Hospital. The baby has been named Mary Ann Estes. o o 0 ant fUl1lV::lty is to have a collec- °0 0 DI ngs on exhibit in the UN!!! room of the Library tor um dalrlzns have made thesengu:‘.£'l?h.e purpose is to promote good fellowship between the business men or Sedalla . and the residents of sttrmundl next year The pictures. which belong to Dr Cit e spen most at his time in travel. and as he has no home 1; ymch go 431.91., an the twentieth annual liissosrl 8tats V’ Fair at Sedalls. August is to 2!. Dress Up for the Fourth The Barth Store has that light sum- :3 ' to exhibit it in such places Chicago Art Institute and the John Herr-on Art institute of Indianapolis. . John.D. Harding. 3 promicen: inw- yet or Kansas City. and an alumnus of the University. suggested to Doc- .tor Skeiton a pain ngs might well be lent to the University of ills- Pickard. oi e de- nier suit 0 for you, should stay at the Univer- sity for at least one year. ‘ The paintings have been and whether it be a Palm Beach or Tropical. You'll be going gomcwhcrc the Fouith, and you'll certainly want to look your best. Bcsidcs you'll want to keep cool. Get a Barth Suit and Straw and be com- Price of Suits $8.50 to $45.00 (\Ve hold no Clearance Sales. \Vc sell goods at s_ plctc. artistsandthehigh quaiityoi the uniform low price all the year around.) 0 '-THE IDEAL TEACHERS’ . . . - EXCHANGE II’: will close at 10 o'clock ' ~ g ' Vacancies in Himonri and all On 51 OM10)? ~ ‘' estern status , Free Enrollment L. D. VOTAW 714 hlissottri Ave. Phone l0l0Red _ Oiflces: Denver. Des llolnea, Columbia. Summ erlletluclionsalo These reductions are on goods that you need every day, below ire a few of the items_wc have placed on sale and you will find our store just full of BAR- GAINS LIKE THESE LISTED. ' ’ ' I Middies. Prisct-Ila niiddies, all white. beautiiultmatcrial a regular $2.50 item. uction Price 81.89 so GEORGETTE WAISTS. beautifully made some with hand embroidery «Ems. . regular $5 to $6 values, sizes 3 to 42 " Reduction Price 83.08 _ -, Tennis slippers for men and women our regular 98¢ slippers ' Reduction Price CO: pair _/ Men's summer unions, athletic style, as- p sorted lot of kinds. values up-to $.00, sizes ' 36 to 46 3 ‘ ‘ Reduction Price fie och good and’-look good.‘ . _y‘ Price ‘Iii: pelt’; . Men’: summer hats-—Panattta and felts a lot of Drummer samples worth $3.50 to $5 Deduction Price $1.50 SILK HOSE. Ladies’ hose in black, regular factory run, wear "._\ worth $1.50 pair - Z. ‘ ? Ladies black and white cotton hose, our Men's tan socks, medium weight a rcg'u- _ '_ lar 25c hose lar 25¢ sock ‘ x 4 e_ >1‘- Price llc pair Reduction Price 18: pair . nuucanoifi APRDN8 Hesvy’pcra.le. in light'aud darkcolors, all sizes, reg'u- . . A —. N 11!’ 31.” values a Reduction Price (1.3 Search lig-lit matches full count, regular Hur laundrywnipp the ‘beat ', ’ soap to be had ' ‘ Y" (in 8: values Reducticu'Prlcebc“bos Rcdnct_ionPrlcs8cshesfle . — ' -5’-3-7-“-""*,.'«."'i,'2~ i5‘.".'Si5‘." V . .‘-.- ~ ‘ ..‘*'§9r-Gptwindows" ; r 4 1.. ‘ .