. ,. \ , ...-- ..-.._ _.t..___ -P I / -J Q l I s \. « ra iuonc raoiuun ~aunar' also ca. new war. ill] a. ‘ -‘ - given over to the I!- WIII It 03"» by an-iu'i_‘.r-miwiluuui 1 , - wtuae re it an in aiohanaon.vhn-H5910" Thain vii aakadbyl. ""9." K.0'!~1eei-ou.atoi'i$'LE.P‘.Ctiap- P‘ ‘lain’. u ir executive secretary or the 933"‘ Uuuieer-alty 7. at. C. A. wiitiun s. at e as recent by the “W” committee of the Vderana oi’ Porelln ‘ uricai: _ Am tier wliiiakliiapicee the proerlm The official Count)‘. With 1 be given of Boone blue or gold. for erery man or I'D It riarnmunaaauu’ 1l.ooLu,|ln.lllo0UIl.-‘ . 0 state representative. will Sh‘! Mina Helen ed to Columbia iiolo. ‘Hie ner- 5L 0' Robert d qtrana of Foreign ara. ‘ ‘ii is expected that ture on a patriotic subject iiltovfn. Following the picture (‘uluinbia Band will kive a concert. Thp ppogr in will 0 Wilh alnxfli‘ or “Anierlca" by the audience. F00!) VALVE OF NILE lllllll a moving pic- will be 4-0 7 Q o itica . nnounoc l P l" l ‘\ mcuts l 1 * {__i Boone ('onuty hodaeen in Feature - This In (‘II r I Boone (‘on do not appreciate the We IN “"10 ‘“"' ‘ relatite {ood value or ii quart of milk :;‘;.':;",,.: :'°..12‘i§.f.‘:: ‘$3.... "..'.'.f .. 0 net - 3' ggld E \i Harmon. aecre ry of t )4-at the action 0! I e inary,°Anxiut 8. .193)- ".\'inety per cent at ).'or Coodnble. Columbia fottallg. “,9 meeignx of no COHEN)‘ 33:. .a"ea:.d‘li.i‘:'i‘e.l'or“thed.:li’£"ot Eu.‘ .\lili: Producers in the \\’hile Earle ataiiie. Fulani-ia 'NII'nIlalii. -15%“ 3° '5' Dairy Building thin atternoon. .1130]: or the Democratic primary. alone: I ‘- "5’ Evening Miuourian on your port-ti an e‘ every night. to cents aancutti. Call 55. \\e are 1 to announce (a over 4 ix. xi.-siiiia:-r a omiiam tor the one 2 tuualllllc. Icoi ila ‘township. sublet! N the nation for ratlc IIVHIIIY)‘. 53‘ 3 i . I Oolflnhh. (‘olunhla l‘oI'uIlb- tto are antiaoriaed to announce -lube Bahia-it a candidate for the oinor of con- la 'ro-on-ip. nblfrt In the Democratic primary. Aatua atal Ie. Col b nrtihn of E IL 1820. 2!’ r (‘catty We a 0 re aitibo to llrmru a candidate {or II! of Boone County. I be Delaocratic III-I-U. auuaouoe II tab) to t N‘ Fred C. e olllce of alaer 8‘! nnriu i be ac- oe Count: ltd-I. .~.':‘°.:~ ""'°':.'.:."..‘°.'°".°.?."°'...¥:.".'i » The in ran a can a or _ - aueritr ot Iioone County. ublect to the M‘- tioo of the Democratic primaries in An- - (net. 183). _ for (‘villi Coon Jolte. A R I rt We are iutboriaed to announce Prank .‘ S L. (iitit-I a candidate for the allot of , _ ' Judrr of (‘ouniy Conn. Northern Dir —-strikingly trier of Boone Count . aubiecx to the ae- ' _ tiun or be Daanoera primaries in Ar new priticrtisg goat. IE). . . - -. ——in addition to line (Volt: Aaaea-or. ‘ ‘Ve an authorised to announce W. E. the \\ ¢‘8lll('l’ Pare a candidate for the once of anew \ anr of lloonr County, aubiect to the O 9| ..-u.. they iuriiisli “raise Democratic primaries in AIIIIIIL 3 reason for Iepi-eaeoaauee Boone County. ["7 193"": We are auiiioriaed to announce Julia 8. Ofir ,_'.;)m. nniiiua a candidate for the other at aep- - re at Boone County, nah to the Vt“ action at the Democratic prim en la La ‘ ' Knit. lI".'0. ' For ting Atloqq. , g We are a riaed to announce Rut-y.)t. . fluien a raxflidate for the (flue o1.Preoe- rot Attorney of Boone ouuty. named to the action of the Democratic priinariee in Alitill. 31 _ (ircat. i .3 24 South STARTING SATURDAY Sale’ K Reduction “P/Oin all Summer’ ootwear ‘El greatly. reduced 0 iv prices a H eéer/irzgs Ninth Street —' .-0-84 9 Ditto llaio I wenlieili Annual 9c Sale Saturday Morning, July 3, 9 a.m. We will begin our Twentieth Great 9c Sale and continue 9' days. This will be Colum-bia’s greatest opportunity of Cut Price Sales. Entire aim-k abort aleero prim-4--a gingham and voile dn-aoe-a_ beaulllul qualiil-a nod -in-an In America. ;: to it _n-an trim quality iii 08: $.'!.Sh quality‘ 323 titiiirr aim-l abort ale-eve prim-v-u gingham and votiv- to-I _ In 332 qiirillly at BIO; NM qual- It)‘ at sue. axis’: quality at -.---. ..-----....--- Q.“ Iltitlrr d-Wk rlilldi'Y'li'I and Junior‘. xx-rtrttr ortandie Iuiil uifli-ta allk GPEICO. en-ntiy rv-dun-<1 for thin aale . ','.i.§i.i'...L.i apoq atirta ii .-e ....---...-..-- 3",”, |-laid Iroui apart Ikifla __-...-.._-..-----. Cab . rim- 8l.uo ljrlh OI'€I'[|lXlt liruvlal. Kale pfia ....‘* - No. 3910 sweeping price - - E ii‘: ..;):o;wli-ngtha of nigh ntir ‘-111 la]-e-airy hint and , an it 9 Cents ' Steel nail iiles——S:ile Pricc . . . . . . .. 9c limcry boarcls-Sale Price. ‘2 (I02. for Be Downcc Chamois. blcaclic .. . .....9c Cloth lirushcs—Salc l'ricc.. japaiicsc silk apple pin cushions_. . 9c F;imirus_l)l;ick shoe po isli. . . . . 9c \\'urlil’.~ Pair tooth picks, ‘3 boxes for 9c Bread, cake and paring kniic sci, ‘.’.’ic Va tic .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The llariily Lunch set. 10 napkins l.liii(i sheet roll toilet paper. . . .. . . 15c drinking cups—Sale Price. . . . . Dc Chandelier hooks-—Salc Price. 2 for 9: \\'0od door stops, 4 for. .. _ . . .. 9c Straw hot cake mats. 2 for. .. . 9c Lcnmt soap. '2 cakes for . . . . . . . . . 9c Tangle Foot fly paper. 4 sheets. . 9c Fly paper holdcrs—Salc Price. . . . . 9c Scythe Stoncs—Salc Price. 2 for. . . Sc Cncu-Long Bar hard water soap. 9c Can opem-r.s——-.\‘alc Price. 2 for. . .. Dc 500 Count carpet tacks . . . . . . . 9c Plated stove pokcrs, 2 for . . . . . . . . _ 9c 9 Cents 300 Count electric plated pins. 2 papers for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9c llalf round can violet talcum pow- der, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 in. regular 10c tape measures. 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _lcwel dress snaps, all sizes. 2 cards or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkish wash cloths-—Salc Price. . . Oc Tc large hair pin cabincts—Sale Pricc.2for . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hump hair piiis—Sale Price . . . . . . . Cc Lc\'ison's black itik—Salc Price. 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Household laundry scts——Salc Price Oi: Black enameled stdclcing darners. . Dc 4-yd. lingerie braid—Sale Price. . . . Sc llarus roae water and glycerini.-— Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . Dc Japanese tooth brushes-—Salc Price Sc Pect Bros. Elder Flower toilet soap 9c Knitted dish and mop cloths—Salc Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bath mitts-—Salc Price . . . . . . . . . .. Oc Single fold dress lawns. yd. . . . . . . . Dc 2 gross 15c Quality powder puffs- Salc Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9c non boxes shell and amber hair pins. splendid quality—-Sale Price. box 9c Lady Fair gilt safety pins, 2 cards for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c l\'ui'_\‘ Soap Flakes . . . . . . . . . . .. Dc \'t‘lI|I?I lllllll‘ or gillofil 1"" *:‘l;“_°_" 7 __~___|‘f_.“‘ \\ ood handle cake iiirncrs. 2 for. . . 9c -, U.;‘(:.Q:;|f: qugluy r-er- 3 K7055 ‘lth _llIl_\' \\'0Od Cl’RCk(‘T5 0|’ :jf",",'"‘ ‘;:,'g,’;,“,:l'fl""'h_ ,4‘: noise makers. .’ for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c 1:! ya . [-N‘ an p . . per ya .i -.....-_--- no 30 dozen l-'»c looted sherhcts—.\.alc- ‘.;.lIl|_ yil.->._u;ll rim! of (‘UP rprlcc ‘ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ - v « -‘ 9C tluit-ll-thank . gfrim ii'iviti:.i IuTu 5 im. ior Palm Olive and Colcu soap, cake. . 9c mil? . ‘ ——-~» — —— l’\\'drl - ' ‘ ‘rm. 3" mm M“. o c er and flake Rn . . . . _ . . . . _. 8c in-aiuino but ialrufli [I ‘- do-f. Kale price‘. 2‘ {Of DC .1 PSI-N I.’ A\\' u-diary‘: l*‘at"|Il »...i'.~-z TL...‘ ... OVC en :'-d.6'---|lln_-«l .. .,.,°,'”“ ,,,.:",','...3I,','.','.';,e.... .\lalli.son s l’\um5l lxumsa and Dew """ ""' " "'“”‘ ”' Kist skirting; silks -iii in wide M.i.-iiii: iii-v iielfa * lllal SUM at $l1l.Zii| and $7.93 Hr a all: flu __ ‘ 2 ‘ . ,,,,, ________________ _- Yard Sale lrtce. yd. . . . . . . .. 84.99 don-u iadit-a‘ pure - . . _ l;:l-;_:iU|-rrs‘-i|tl:ii-r'_‘l>°-- Mallisons 40 in. Dream crepe-_-i 3.‘. laditI|'”.'1llQBlgK that sold at $4.98 vard——Sale -lava" and I in» on , - in -in how. 1- mi: Price. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 82.90 I-0 lartrjae, ullij‘ . . . ,..r:u,., ...,. ;..;, ....._ gm. $2.50 Java silk crepe shirtmgs— I hr ____ ,,.._., a . L, ,..., 4...... _________ ..i Sale rice. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.59 -.-in 43:’ ladies‘ «rim. “.3 $3..-x crcpc and plain silk shirt- II It ffid h d‘ ‘ ‘ {‘fl,‘:,M,,_f'”,..';: '_,.h,___".__ ings-——Sale Price. _\ . . . . . . . .. 79 7?» do: ladle.‘ all iiiiea plain rlilrf [IPUY ' (lilo ...... .- Pfl—davr. .\'.iun-'. iiini ax quality lil’1lllIt'l'!'I. _Rpe-rial [ml Illr ....... .. CI: for me am curtain not 8-ale I'l’1iV-, 3' . ...... __ fie 0 piece: Ii.:’.‘- tllet Irnr; arliiir ami error curtain neta~ Fair Pri:-i-. yd. .- -. fie 1:0 _ft1a. . . — . . . . . . . . . -...._- --o - ~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . .--- Inn: cli-Hi. our $3.77. ‘pp 10. )d unit quality-sale l'rI ............ ..- up 81.50 ‘ll-iii lave triuituVd\_ I1 uirfa Jule Price - - - - - - — . . -....--..--- 3' llexifn-I deeuualilre cloth hr rtiiidreu‘a rear. yd. .. up I) tkxfl in. Iran rota. ret- Iilar price 1'.u~—-sale price - ~ - De «tar. " prim ‘INS. Sale Price 5 due. Nature‘: Iiral 81.15 finality loraauiereo. Speck! or thin aale --...._,-. Q. spec-iai he-nanln and aiiaoad. “'Mt‘h Burt and cocouiher cu-aiu. Hale price --.. 3 , ’\ Store will be closed: 38 pieces fine quality taffeta plaid silks that sold at ' , $2.25 and $2.00 yd.. beautiful p..- .tcrns—Salc Price. yd. . . . . . . .. 81.0 $3.50 «min. Tussct silk skirting. colors taupe. navy and white- Salc Price." yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl.“ $."..'iii natural heavy pongee silk 34 in. wide-—Salc Price. yd... 81$ 53:; 36-iri_. riowm.-d'Dresden tal- _ feta silk.<—Salc Price. yd. . .. . Palmolive toil:-'1 soap, per dozen 3 "CS . . . . ‘ . . . . . - . . . » . . . . . . . . . . a Our special: $3.011. quality heavy gcorgeitc. 30. in. wide in a full: ~‘ inc colors-—Sale Price, yd. . . C169 _a_j ‘ 8235 and $1.95 satin stripe voile.»- , Sale Price. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.89 "$1.50, $1.39 and S12.’-. imported Voilts-Sale Price. yd. . . . . . . . . 90:: ‘$1.00 and 89c imported 40-in. voile: Sale Price. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:: 69c and (Eric voiles, beautiful pat- terns. 40 iii. wide-—Sale Price. . CBC 75c and 59c white and tan ground skirtings—SaIc Price. yd. . . . . . . Dc $4.95 Eagle crepe silk shirtiiiga— a-on Sale Price, yd. 2'55. Q50 ' Above 9 Cents Br-;iutii'ul patterns new valmorc gingliams. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85c Paramount shirting madras— Sale Price. yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Me 3.3: Prophylactic tooth brushcs—- Salc Price 25c Cube toilet pins assorted black and white ' Chalmers l0c pearl buttons. sizes I6. I8, and 20, 3 dozen for . . . . . . 19¢ Turknit and Turkish wash cloths 19¢ 2.'nc size l.aml)ert's listeriric—Salc rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.2!» 2-qt. water bottles-—Sale Pri ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . u n . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . a - cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubber lined tourist cases with wash cloth. 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89: Rubber lined tourist cases with wash . ..l &4Ic 25c aize incutholatum-Sale" Price 10: 22 paraaols. our entire stock all greatly reduced for this sale. Cuticura toilet aoap, per cake. . . . 10¢ Herriotts wonder clean for all fabrics. . . . . Freth French cleaner for kid gloves 19c 69c_ rubber glovea—Sale Price. . .. III: 20c shaving brushes. 2 i'5‘r. 30¢ ' Sale Price Si: 200 yds. 49¢ no-in.'d’oiied and fig- ured curtain Swiu—Sale Price, vd. . u - - evooooonoeoolooooeooeu . _ L???’ 60 pairs $2.98 Iaeeedgeecroewliite and cream-marquiaette curtains Sale Price £3 . .-H_~a. >A -'. _ ' day. ’iMondeapy, July 5th nu-in-riaed boar io. our llni-eff!-rt. I3 don lama‘ line llaie Dock oral! or 5% W slightly price ._ S’-r atinena knitting bnoaa ‘ Hale price I’! Entire aux-L Minerva 4-told uerinanic-Cu yarua. Bali -...--...----.-- ID! '_ (L0 t-lea:-in-ii uuiea, he price -_--. I00 - . 81.‘ v.- ua II! Rah ............. . . - - .-.... ..... -. i.a'iI-3’ oulta. S daa. iadit-I’ 8150 leather ea- . f eelope puraea. 8|-ertal ,j ' Jlerriotla "Sr alien , ' including mark Beau . Beauty White. ‘ Beauty Brown at -... tee . 0 (run lbbeawrand I‘: - Cu tndti paate. -ac-—...-.-...-.--- no groan braaa ‘ aa!-ay aiu 1 Sfi and 1. price. 3 due. tor -....- India‘ I-ool nlxeddaatliiux aaita. I-aliaee from-5.!!! in ea_.oo, sale price -..- Slab ' am nirver an tor euimrva. ' our Price -.--.---.... fl,I, I18» I-iacn tiinona lI—laIn I‘ .. fie so rlll. ere-e rt:-ctr colors pink. brown. V taupe rtie——&h '*-‘:‘- K" --'’-.1a" 7.’: .‘u ‘argue pa a ‘a dreaara. yd 7:-r iioaveil aiik uutie laa2—8ale Price ...- T’.-r lienaotu witch Iaarl e-ruin. u-.......__. as aiip-on-vi-II-. I-Ir 1-H‘: :n- rarity rorade. 6 oapkina‘_ y la pact-Jule price... he V ltauitaty atirt protectors ' _, hie rim Dr 4----—- -._--o.-— ------ on Ilea'a no quality itali- biau-3, brown. pearl '3 ry ... ............ .- & Metre fie aatity haul black and bravura -.--..--.... fie e:§;°°iZ?i'i’-o""'é'a’ii'§'"g‘iiaay' C volie";¢II.e- i 81:50 ’ -v .. —--:~-s.-r .0 C10.fl‘I.iIpIII'ted Ava out in-aeiaii voii-'"iau— hie l'riee~............. (T150 walk file -.......... voile II .44 :.."'& ~ nan}: ham a tab .1: blonaee-—la|e Pris” J 318.18 Oeolji-no bl ngixhgetttltta l'rIee........‘.-.... Price ltxflnorutte t I " ' i-ua:'°""" ...... C M -i A