r "" 4 '_''~. 7?“ fl ‘ - Ill IVIIIIB OOLUIIU. . . 1! IVIIHG. 1171.1’ 7.5 ' mm. mm; Darn also sum xoueeuuaaaaeauu. iauiuuoenaotmnamrsstror Tag Evm1NG |fl%.nMe@&Ma mum tor er. ‘nieuhihitwill incl P J , , . _, 'm,u_hu,‘,,”,., ykggnmuggn - attheomeeetlames . axaesoa. &‘.“‘..'_‘ kandaplahelhrthetatiffithus Jan‘ ‘ 3'!‘ m°:;';.!:uh:3"£uB.n_ Seaiedpropoealaflor‘-theoofirle-.‘,c,m.¢¢lVu.Lu,u._ ""‘-fi ' ' I lrs.Biiiaehooier_ienthiamorning iiton.all-aroand‘l‘laIrathist8.oti-lar- uonotanohservuorykatldiagwiil .n.,U,H,,..,‘u,,,,.¢§., __ by tnrlhlls reahewillmahearuonvtll- L lAw1Lali4eonpdh"°d"db’_m.cunwndm.md‘hu‘. , -N-_m' ahoatriait. ,.,.g.mu.a¢.uuoruutm11;- , 0*‘ » lira. J. B. Breckenridge left on. er toothai team. at an ‘n. Unlmllv 0! “WW” “"1 1 - 95'!” 3'» 3"“ 3 morning tor'llonta‘\'lsta. Gels to visit c, cclnng. weight man. of Jetterson Tuesday Jul! nth. 1020. Plans and finflnag lax». rug. her daughter. lira. It. 1'. luncoelt. (Say. and William I'- Srlveater. at B0_I- gpecifl may be seen at the 7137-487 " ' '0 e e e —- ' ta leeae '9 ” sun. 3 Y‘ Big League Standings I T neath.‘G ed’; _ n ‘ma net: ‘I “"11",” . . . To wives: No. the hunt Kama Thursday at llexieo. Their inarrsan 3," 0”.” '‘ (haw. _______ "W: 1;" and ICQ . always furnish their own dice. so and was a eanplete aurp .1..." h cm.“ for mu may gwofiiya ........ .. 3 gs: 3 . _ V looking through pocket won‘t tell -lllas Hair is a daughter of iloward “mam. ,0 La. an American‘ 0lym- tii:ut»:rgs"IIT_:jj'_;j g 9 _-go -v. t h is _ -, Hair oi Iecredie. Callaway County. can-an .. ....... -- as as non ere ‘ you pic team. in addition to Coach -Roberf I fihe attended both William Woods and L n , N“ ‘wt;-—--—-—--- 3 :3 -3 ’ 1-anon-r snoeuc-I con-cu Mr. H-mu is -. Wu,“ ',. 8, M W.“ n.u..m..u.'"’:::.“.: :: in km ‘W 71,. ",0", 0‘ eh‘ cu, mu-nu; member oi’ th: ‘I! l;odge. ‘ “lqnm fiomylveatfird. D:.“dan!\o‘ _ S P0538504 9'00 U130 W W” 35° 35“ . ~ ~ he Olympic Games committee. asking _ (7 w‘’‘' 5"" ”"- . W "M" “ mm “"’ *“ '*"' .....""““‘ "" “.9 §‘.°"“="'° 31.‘? mm w”--n an «mm -« was .*.:'...:.:::* ::;:::-: 2 3.3 3 We are exclusive agents for ‘°‘ ‘° ‘”° ""’” lira N. ii. Hickman of-Hubbell drive: “ "‘""d 8"‘ J "‘ ‘vi3'.".':'.f.'.’ no; """" "‘ 3 3 ft} sun on em v-r-m M w W .... .........a to um. em. .. M. ‘' '*""""'**"*"""' "“'-""°"°' ‘---—-ii?-133 =' = M iii’ Ice Cream tetiontoeontinaetodepend upon tree- no". on‘ "3 "*9 5" °' "1 14'7"" “'7' uiflll ----- fl fig ls , ' will 08 tram . rious mu} e Wm. M “[3 of mm; 11*: ad‘-'_‘ mi. 'r."::°.:'.:':: E‘ be no _ andortluiaatioaa tor suwort; orahafi Illsa Annalee Yernon.ol New York 0 am” and mm‘o be ‘en rxaraanara asstzura " mm. pug dgvugd 1 ed atte n 9 guest, om 0' we ‘hang. 8fl'"ur kn Co_ (in addition to than printed yuterdan “ otljaa Jaliet Bowling on hiore‘s boul- m u um ‘mama in he mu ‘ lihra may tor in the lite ot the community! The church that his theimost per- sonal workers is likely to be the one that will toward getting the atudenta to.attaad Sunday school and church. ‘- ran maatoaiiraxtii Aonzsflns .worry_ahoot foreign trade. Iluunanuw “ ‘ ' “ " ' takes some immediate action the bulk ol this acquired trade will revert back to Great Britain and German! ‘me war thrust the bulk or toraign trade on our ahtmldera. Before-the war we were an isolated country—eoo a, danestic. America must be world-wide in activities now. it was world-wide in 8 But we will not be am: to retain that aupremaq. not that toreign trade un- less the late! apathy which seems im- pending now is shaken oil and a re- newed interat in -.worid lanes tales during the war. America has it still and can rietain of it by aucanufi the cloak ‘or lethargy.that ia' threatening to enshrond the cou- U7- 0 T1- FIREWEIJS ‘ND FLREWKLL-I38‘ erard.‘ Ilsa Vernon will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given by ilra. C. 8. Bowling and hllaa Juliet Bo Fflda)‘. Miss D.hel Sykes of oil Rollins street will enterta th two tables of bridge {or alias Vernon. Saturday morning. 0 e e The Garden Club met in the Com- mercial Club eooms last night . e e e ilary Catherine Parks. 1305 Rose- ‘mary lane. is leaving this afternoon ' attend a house party at Louisiana. Mo. e e e air. and» airs. G. 0. Slorria gave a 311'!!! Cady, of Chillieothe. is visit- arenus. -Tauday evening. Among the eats were: Air a Mrs Miss ‘rilharn Johnson. 1!. P. Bearsley. ii. Klhlernd A. M. saline. 0 e 0 avenue edhrtalned last as . . rd. _, the Ilisaea Maurine and Pauline Riley. " J Mra.Ella0rares.oi 1104 Paquin D '1'" the hurdles while "’ State l-\ir in 8edali.a.\An .up to the sixth in the finals his place on the team is 8 in also left this altemom ior New York where he will act as official 10. N?‘ to train the hurdlera and stands well l-hatern authorities . Also he may have an opportunity to go across In roach of the small-slxvd track team that hliaaouri is sending. O 8 HA. July 7.—'l'he interest displayed by visitors at Farmers’ Week Bimpso . Tiger track atar. role some all dozen records in 'atudent at the Uni- versity. has ocmai net! the department of physical educatén or the Univerait! to exhibit these at the ilisaouri \ gust 14 to 2). [baton l, Philadelphia 5 (wooed tuna‘). lagua. (‘hit-I80 13. at. hosts a (‘lncinnati 7, Pittsburgh 2 Raspberry Ice and .-(1 .- » .., ‘ ‘K vi,“ ' "' ' 1 llruoltiya 4. Bacon 2. Philadelphia-30:-w Tova. rain. __..._:__.__ than at nae] t. Sean is hereby given. signed eaecutrix Strawberry Ice Cream 5 III-stieneo that the under- aatate as L. 11. ’ e a at the hex Court of {mono County. hlaeouri. t 1 v holder: at Columbia. 110., in am no a em e on the 9th day or aaguat. a. D. In) LULL 3. FORD Du-cot AL “Kitty” Lightner Earl King . Therwfi news in the ada—good I--In ‘ ’ w % It is the prit'a(_v i 0/ our boofli: lumhia. out-of-town gnuta we Ir. and Ira. St Georgia llfiinaon and Z..:.‘. "‘ V... of llallarille. and Ir. and him c. Bruton. st elhdfilra. .c. arts. lira Hales an:i.R- IL Baylea who motored to Columbia from Kansas - I { CITY AND CAMPUS 1 IL | Col. 8. T. me:-guaon. U. S. A retired. is visiting hla3..aad Mrs. Samuel A. Smoke. ' ' Elwyn ad)’. 0! lug J: W. te, Chilllcethe, is visit- IQ . XI. Cad: wll leave in a lew days to 2 left this morning for L rs. J. W. Une returned to her home in Kansas City after risking relatives in Columbia. . hlra. Thomas .\icRorie and her chil~ dren. and il rgaret. re- turned to their home in .\l‘oberly this morning. Jim. 1. :AJ’stewart left this morning /Iiong ‘.'.L‘i!’l the good service And cxrrllrnt menu: _ ' "With make: Mr. Smith- Say to Iilr. Jone; "Meet mt at Harris" /Vixen a decision film! be rnadt On ram: businru- (tropo- sition. ' HARRIS’ Perfection in Confection. . ‘ ,tor lloberly to spend the day with e. hlias Jessie McBrid hllllard&Siaaon nu w. 1». run» -on. st»-i JlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll : Cool and j Refreshing Drinks j-. These are only two of the fea- tures that make you leave with any ‘ anticipation of coming again. Be- sides getting the best of drinks, the service, the environment, the en- tertainment, the cool, fresh atmos. _ . gherc, and the courteous attention are all ideal. - Be sure to tell your friends that you'll meet them here next time. o from a rainy l‘Ilneral—e\'ery grain oi powder has been washed l noees. Then there is the male. south and who wrings the heart ot won- :-uurvv - lmrreilertahoaidbenadetobreak the thereon or the rye- raekiaghahlt. Bow . iormiowprice Wash Suits F or-Kids The Kids. aresll happy when you buy them a sreao land nioe.- *‘ ‘ s2.so-..ss.oo (We hold an blesnnce sales. We sell goods at a uni» ' all Ethe around) . - _ . ntoe. ‘ _ » Priceirom ‘ I The wise housewife knows that the scarcity of sugar and - fruit this season calls for careful canning. ‘ Nluch fruit is lost every year from using wornout rubbers and can tops. Prepare for the winter with our supplies.‘ Can Rubber: filuon Fruit Jars. . ‘ ,_ f ;- Cola-udgm _ 1-‘nu’: Jar Filler: ' .- ‘ ; ; ‘ Fruit Labels : i Q . - Aluminum Dirhpaa: TOLEDO FIRELESS cooxzks ; AL UMINUM JND GRANITE xzrrws a ‘T74 :73? V. _-‘i(5,‘ . A - ‘ ..'_'1r"- -~ _— ;~.';‘ ;’ ll’? ‘ -0 '5‘ 1&1. - _§ 1° '_3.§'_‘ ».._.§..-_