‘ - . ‘Ill IVIKIIO IIXUIIAI. (DLUIIIL L! BVIIIIIB. JUL!‘ 7. 11 ’ .‘ ." " P ., re -_ ‘ - . V htclsslu-Iissflstshwlhehhe. ’ . °‘¢|d"|¢li¢I?Dhl9.Indonlytnstst e[Ie1'eter3ssts resent. ' Political Announcements I A an will tnshe °‘‘"|I’~¢1-7 3009 ‘M10 bout! own N000 In rm last‘ I1 . 5'37"‘ u"'“"" “"““ ' ""'.“"°"°"'9‘ . n , 9 ut-m.s.u. a1~om: noon us-r 8'!“ possible the addition ot 60.000 noes ‘ - ‘ ‘h’ 3'9‘ ch’? 43" ' N39 ' tor’ i.ut.'ltl. in. Jul! 7'..'nn- nu’...-g ...,.’ Jr. ' am: to the tnsllisc no or the 3s- “‘ "' ‘°':':=;“° ‘°l'*“ 3'<=hc:¢ Kbnsr.‘-aha bolyarm strive t7_;;_r"t«;:¢-r m a mm: the essence W. L. .ri extsnsio ts belt: *- ' . W‘ . 0 "‘°e|t.‘ rd - 3“‘'‘P¢- “"02 “I'M '-'3‘ . Kc! ' "ire: ténuictlsts tar to-accuse as binn.‘ M, an :.,u‘_...,__ 3 V As to the lane of Nations. he Giltoer locals. cannnsoder 07¢. \,""" ,. __ ‘(fill fitflet. 3 A .1 ‘d In. _ . Itire bed steers Wfloa. Ject to the action at as ‘ , 9"“ '10‘ "ill “I0 900910 Wlllllml Poet. June:-icsn on. Yrerlinx stem end hdtrrs sa.tI003it.‘.?s. . non. August s. use. . P . _d ti i--*-—Nominec H‘ were out discussion d um they It tree 3: nm ptimmi 2 the lots! "°'- “ ~ ., .. ........... 0...... . ,-—“ '°" °° 9 . . - am . mean» um um t-71°‘:-re. .. -1...‘ '=*=°°*'°-~ 3'; an Iutbot;-e:” 1:. an or“ 3. ‘~ _ F Been in Politics 5“ ,’ 0150- He He the services. ' . (‘own sud holler: s4.ooasio:.o I’ I cllcf Cfla « . . ,. ' . ;'-“NY”, . ,. _- . st:ue. Oslsubls Ibwuhip. subject n7. HIS Lift. xi‘ 0“ no. mm.“ ‘D be ‘ noun" 0! - mii.‘.". L " 6'‘”0' ‘In ' Ir “ :- -dlvi 03 0* Dflotuflc Drintrr. Aunt [.31 . 3 3 V.“ . 1;.’ _._.__. t‘- M I“ . 1 Ice. and o"’;*' c“'''''‘‘ ”'°'°- in wt and hntrbrrc em:-.usuc.oo. 3- 3'” - politics but sun thlt there shot: be An ice ‘ such! will be ‘icon on “""“ "d 5"" f“"7'-'¢3“5-"' “g cu-canto. ooiu-us ts-nag: ‘ _____ 1,. _ 3:: ins tuznre VII‘: the turn at the Christian Church I-‘rt-‘ iiiiiih ’ti.:ti:gi«i1o?:‘.'" e 319 so crust! to unounev - . __ u “"3 of r”on.u.u-dm { 4.’ "-53; {mm 7 0'“ k lit: 81'.‘ most .50 um: .31“ IISCILLIIIOII ' rmflncnt 1' ° "3 0° "W1 10 Ool:ncl:t=u%.o:I=:in.u=ohJoet c: He .Fa‘ors Dlsa- —- “'9 l'|>n"lJ'I Q they csn be :1 100 creun Ind cute 15 cents. Eve-ry~ i-it‘i‘t"‘t':'": “.|]I' nu...‘ .g..gy l ::'“"£“;'d?' "" D""°""'“° ’”""'7- "’ ""”°”¢=l, fag“ :.°"{‘~“" H“ Stand on or 15' T It the lesst el the people. and 50¢! welcome. Indies Aid- (‘hrlatinu . -“I-"3: '1 -'-- $4i_!'t¢1§6»‘-' ‘ r c ‘an. columns t ..,n 3:: ttiusoum'.miauer A re: \ Sue IS NO! i\F0_Wn- ‘mt’ ' ’"“ ""'”"‘“°*' ‘° '3" "'°"“- Ch'"'°l" ""*"3‘3'3’55~ h-'~=i'i'I1‘rfn:‘-“Iii:-'~‘ti;4‘:" ' or CID . Q '_ . ' " 83‘l:l:;-tt.(?'t':ut:i:<:i‘i:3.feb to::§no":€t'o:"ot‘¢§=' warn-xn——s cook ‘to mate an acne 7'" ’°::5"’°'lfl‘;';.If uzlljgulx hits ssru thst the ieheritsnce tn, on , o It , II 1.3%.. .. ..-.....:.°.-..';..-..=..*.;t*.*:..°.: "° - -'~ *° Wye: °"'°°;:, ° *1" ' °“"' *'° W *° W -t-- -»d W for County Ill!!! We are snthortsed to e ofhe than t net. ilw. :1-fi'_tu‘:3."'a‘-"’....?" .;s"'.'.'-u"'.'..'&.":$ 703 III!‘ For Cantu Ihtll. We 3re snthortsrd to annual Chsnhrrs 3 cnedidste for storm or Boone County. tion of the Democratic ‘ out its! —.§ priasrise titnsries these in Ar 0! Dis- I Bslldhx. Phone 74. -87 rot: xxx-r—noous belie. U3inrIT6 olloe d gm.‘-g g. (5, .9 coupes so-C Brosdvrsy. Phone 2219 White. ‘in Ar T-Sn! rot: tu::~"r-—'r-o nice man in 24;»: ' rstic port)’. in spite of thI,’tIootn.~ we the ontioo it ‘met. ‘ horse,"-for its nominee. in 3 in! wt Pol. Rllfi‘-‘Two rot-sished rooms with sleeping perches. (bu II? White.” P08 llh'1'—-One Inn to tehga one Natl tron University." n...'°°& led. . 04$ for Os—tJ We are nuthorind to candidate for the atria PM! I of ensues- sor of Boone County. subject to the ageing Ansoeot. snooosne W. I. file Detnocretic pritnsries in August 703 Jtsoesu Ill‘l‘— summer 3 ‘HI. 8121 14.1-Iersesttor Onehieetoentlott-eh nan s-u. 3.33:, c. and he do out 3: sspoliticisn of the best due. 3 men Irho h3s been setire all his life in public 3!i3irs. 3nd hos 3nd efticiently hnndled ros I.ll1‘—l:rn eons the problems of the people. I]: Psllthnl Ll _ , u eflopuhlicen port)’ elected _I dark mm, in [nor of Otsinst profit:-era of 3 the .\'3tion. - t his supporters hold thst he is 3 slight modificstion at the V0 teed Act. 0 st numerous times hrongh the sttention or A i ll governor: in with pitch s Ibfi OZ 0 I- vusiu. he nu neuirteu. rugs-‘I1. hm‘ ” on ‘,_ on ‘ um . ll; ¢°!nm0ffl-Ills upon .{iuorneJ'-cen- ,,__,_.,, ha, cum,‘ an - N J 11 Psltners drastic mess res uud ":':-°*'*...'*::° :2.-::.°':.°.' '-:.-' ‘ '° 2:‘ '- ‘”uucn°°"‘a".°”..‘?. °;.‘""' 5.2”“? ‘‘’‘'l ‘“ "*‘*"'”" "- "M w ""’ ° N’ NP‘ my 3;. 3.33 W, ‘h. ‘.¢ - . 9 "3' be 3 bolshefilt tendency throughout ,"',,,,_‘“f,‘,",,‘;‘,;";’;,*;',,‘_7:,'*;;,’,-,;_j'_" u"° men. can st costs: us. ‘Phone the public schools. 3nd in the summer nu mun"). unhumd D’ c “u‘_ out. 1% - l. '1 '43‘ onths worked as _3 Iprinters devil in wt“ Cox “you.” ‘ dlncuon _ ,.,,_,,,“_, I03 —& any an: up... 3:: nor. er 1 ncstio in of mo "and We an"-'utnort-as to u:n'::?;"ttuiuy u. "“" ""' W,’ ""|l'|- the public schools in auto 3 country mad “:1: ti. on‘, °,d awn’ "‘ ‘ mu . audio.“ {of we .3“. 0! M. a n E m 1 t en! 7 r‘ u°'e‘_er ’ e 0' Hum ' ‘ritugfin c°"u'n'.°um.n. ‘gr A them (eon! 3 repor’te.: sttrscted him. nth tn mppnuh‘ mum 0 — ' o 1- 4 "° ’ ~53: an. o:'u:':-'§‘-u"'n‘:o°t"" pad. he went to Cinoinnsti and obt.3in- 1'": usoumsn. rs... mum rm“‘mmm nu unread. aughuuebmukl tans; nss-e-L «nu. nun -9“... me i '‘°'’° '’ "‘°' . unseen sons! ‘?‘le‘ot:. I3?’ be b:c.:,*:°onn:‘,_“’ '°r eds: .1 as-""'s-.a""-n. uu°""'u.-t" " “iv-auu""' oenorul cut! of the Ciadnn-U ' risen shove the rsnks.o!::i.s 22531:: _ qelrer. He w3s 3t,t.lIis work tor ten am, 1,“ . _ ‘ '°' 5”‘ ' , -«Wm ;3n~vvc-;_e1;- .......... ::.;.:' ‘.:':: ::':.:“;.....- ‘-1 uii mu. end ii-1-ii"°°' ""'b 33 $.'..°'.'.'m. ntsuuldvtnu has bronchi int; '"°°”"°' °' "”? ’”‘ ’"" agoczgy pgcul m x t It mu 1 a rd ‘ bed. ‘mm’; and, 3 “ ' "' "-006 rnutfsosv A8‘ 3;. °':&‘..oi:"‘:-.'r".‘.'.‘ I "'° M upnnizt. and M ero?t>e‘: "" mu” "m M’ ’""' “' N’ °"“ "D FRIDAY we ‘ c. 3. Reid. um Lynn street. 3,“ u "0; he Mum an 3pm,‘- “i °' ‘°"""°°’- ‘M "" ‘°“‘ lisrshnullovr cream .......,_ 3% field Pnessoltepuhlic snd tonnded the :l?d".n;1:mu:°;:%: '?d“hn‘ kw” °' rn checs . ._ ..... -. '03 3‘ 3°59" 13"°°" 50"‘ News Losgue 0! Ohio. capable oi Una‘ Bufdlzx . tkt_:nd_ smpbelrg Pork and Bean: 10¢ E§:l:‘&e':¥é.a 61.w?|”=l‘a;; In 1900 Cox tt'}hO;: M Di: acct nee for m! prammcyz um , ___ 35¢ Inns. 0 3 we 0 e O o - ______________ ]¢n,_ pff gt“, _____________ ____ 10‘ g" _'"p,,.''''”u_c,°''§:‘¢ ,, an trict He was re-e ed 1911 Former Wsrrelsblrf Stldeltrte loot. 0.0, _W____H___,_V_,___”_~ ,0‘ -13“ 81!!-t V-87 mu 3 mm In 1913 VII Former students or the at 1 one" mm ~~~~~~ -- ..:.°:..“.:.~:=.+*.::~*.:.~..:.-° ::-:.-.~ -32; .”...“°°‘.. .1‘. '.‘;.°..':::‘.°‘...".'.° .f’.‘."".’.°..."“°... .‘.°.'f&.“.:'.::t .‘£°%‘°.,‘-:.:.: 2-“..‘.'.2.'..".'; He‘n: blltltf. 2 lb‘. ...- ‘X 05 Cf P.0.Q W 3 CI. ‘W a . of the e ‘e 6 2 E t: 3. U 3 . 3 3 ' n Lady i lb. ‘an Michigan spiced ......_....... , Pdffs CII package and biz] PHONE 3 W. '1'. Cslnss. Prep. .10: 351: Try on; line of cofit-e's both in 1:. Phone Us You Orders‘ roe ut.:.—ou run euucouau! slsstwrsrny outs. ‘lfloestry. Phone {..::;' ..-.:%m...‘-.2.-.. .-.-::.r:.° POI ILL!’-—Pox3‘133d art. Phone 110 at them. 3 ideal machine. ' THE . CORONA The Personal lVri'!iug Rlarlxine. 'Wc'havc just received a few new Corona type- writers and we invite you to come down and look The Corona fulfills cveryrequircqicnt and is an r-‘ We will be glad to show it to you. SCOTTS BOOK SHOP constitution .3511 forms beneficitisl to lsbor. '1: is ssid v . _ i It! he wss elected into luvs. ere" dubious 3: to effects or his new rit in the Ohio government. in was elected by ‘mu ° "3" ' h“'m 3 lsrge rnsiority. Urns the single De-mog ..'2.:.'+.:.m'°.*:: ... .9-,;;,:, ::::...°':.::.:.: :.*:...;":.:... .. .::“'..:: -"°"’°"""°"’”""“.‘ ”‘ ticket. rriedtheststr '-" thrw times. 3 distinction thst no other Ohio governor has 3 loved. Governor Cox hut been 3 supporter at President Wuson. 3nd stsnds true «tins entrsnce of Ace- entit: H311 to clot: new officers. A N l.\' \' l'l'A'l'I().\' Ti) COLUMBIA and \'l(Il.\'ITY FROM VAN HORN’S. that you may judge fur younrlt the t'tc~h, Miluitsnftlc quality Ol }iERl‘l. illiir, ‘ii.’ anti lilf tltiirmusnc-55 of C.-\Ml’Bl7.LL'S C;\l'IT.\l. C>\Kl‘.>' vc arr uniting yum: ta demonstration at VAN H()I{.\"S (}ll()CliI{Y which we are |,'l\ll‘l‘ THURSI).-\Y. ]l'I.\' it, \\'c are cxpeciglly dtlirntts that you and all of your friends come and be sen:--I with the splendid products of our splendid balxcn Scrrlng All Day. THE CAMPBELL BAKING CO. 4;‘ KT.‘-_"J.’(-‘ICC '1 TONIGHT 3nd THURSDAY TOM .MIX IN ‘The Lolestlnxfhrtnjer “THE c'YcLoNt:'"' THE IDEAL TEACHERS’ EXCHANGE Vscsncies in Missouri 3nd gll estern Btstes fies’ Enrollment L. D. VOTAW 714 Missouri Ave. Phone 1010Red Oifices: De er Des lioines. ML A story oi the Northwest Mounted Police ’ Also Toptcsot the . 7 FRIDAY 3nd SATURDAY ‘ s. to the "leiiersontsn principles of nor- erunn nt" bit .2‘ sbie oonrsge end self possession. Believes In Ikhis of Labor. lie loomed up 3: 3 his men in strikes. In rguixstions ‘ snd was strongly sninst 311: such suppressive measures ed thst no strikers to meet 3c:-ass the harder lllllllllllllllllllllll ( i SPECIAL — JUST RECEIVED TODAY 4% Dozen l’ongee* and Georgette Waists and Over ‘ fifltiscs. very especially priced at 35.75 Woshibresses,’ Skirts and Waists at Silk and Wool Dresses and Skirts; v_voo1 Coats and Suits, priced at 25 and SO Hosiery,_Bathinig Suits and,Undermuslins also much ” underpricod during July Clearance Sale. A iijersey and Taffeta PeEtticoats,:_t'alui‘es to $10. -. l$5i.00 ‘/2Less =' § § .5 § 5 .-=. 2 C 4/ _v . He the citlflkeep order. 3nd ‘ yor for l cauu you have no tendon. ' P has r. Reference: 5 Do you here to stay at boot: because of the Bol7y.t’_ Do you hat‘: to slay au'a_i' "from the reception, tea, or part} be- The Children's Club For Little Tots V WILL OPEN THURSDAYJEILY Hour:-—‘8 a. m. {until 5:30 p. tn. I will give your infant: and ‘little children mj undivided si- Prooided. -.Ra!a—-$l.00 for the entire day. Sptcidl rue: bjfltt _\‘ , . . m l “JOHN PE'I'I'ICOATS” "Mothers" one with whom to [robe the Baby? est. care, entertainment, and wholesome lunches _ Excell furaithedi on requ :31. Mrs. H. M; Craig f _ M‘ ;. ; ms Em Au. Street.