The right is nestled to reject ear 5 or ell hide. ‘ . manta’: Brown Business lletmger. 1-edr.-2.67 Weehiegton. here on in th bet ._ Yerlitlfll ' ', 1311. Regietretiat o C. I ‘ If! they will riett with other reletiv . points yet no till note the 1! . .. of ! CITY AND CAMPU:! W‘ "'°'°° " "'$f,,‘,',',,,°;,?,‘- yeen hiiee~1A)le Petton end Liiu hlerr Iuhool. 1131313. Hlltfiri hot-eottthe yeeterdey morning to? lenreie end the 1014 enrollment in~ . their home in !\'ev_Heren. no. on ec- creeeed 196. » ri in can 716' e deeth oi their grend- torhleln 1911. end in D15. 51! more ' mother, hire. 1. )1. Begin)‘. 0! met» Itndente can to U. In I at 1915; Ileeonri ice: to I-teneee end the ' O In - ‘ our tountein llY0!"..le! ere like {rah end Juicy ffflill Dnene Lyon or Bollyrool. Cei. e enceeedlng enrollment ehoved only thl Try one oi theee: Pineapple Sunder.-——Benen 5P1“—5"3"' ‘ - R. Lyon at 1006 Cherry street. at J 1916. the ecore -u decidedly unhi- Lyon in en erchltect engeged in erect-. enoed. belnt 13-0 -in 11130011?“ ‘I'M’- lt . , berry 8ode—Cherr7 Sundee--Pnfit Sehd Bundle. ‘t-epeiring on immune; the T. at. C. deteet. in 1I1‘!. llieeouri lost moet 7 .' The interior Irelle ere heevily to Keneee. end the 18 en- d tinted. the ehower‘ rollment increeeeti 125. in 1918. the end nritntnieg pool repaired. gene we: cenoeled on ecconnt ol the . Robert Snedigir. votntitltei etn- influenza plane The 1910.cnro1l- °3° W0’ dent in the School of Journeiiem. left‘ BIG!!! MI 901 761 5000 dtflhilcli inb- ie rnorning‘tor Ceruthererille .\io.. nleted lmt in (.500. gm 3 in an vim, By the you ten in meent the echool 1 reer that extends to August of 19:0, " THE OPEN COLUMN ’z':'3‘.n‘?or"'t"ne°Z't't'.'.’r"$?°a.t"7.'. "°°" 1 ' ‘me conclneion ie thet victorlone or III They ere ell made tron; thet delicious kind of let Creen. ll‘! Tavern A Drug Store “Kitty” Ltgnmer - Earl rang ' oceeetnl e letic teetne here lit- Ice eel Enrollment. ' “ _ t huh tie eifect. either beneilciel or hem m°¢,.¢.1 [Mm] tum tel. upon the University enrollment. T. R. -oo------‘-‘ ~ K a dear judgment upon the Treaty Mn. N. S. Dyeert. ‘I800! Mery. we ‘cm... of (5. fiu.ogy1-}{._n;;. ‘awed tucgau "‘ "‘*':'“ “‘ Keteendwiniiredbreertentlhi : E 3 E Q E It 3 E °‘ ‘ .‘: - 1""’“"°‘ the t~eoet'wti. nu eeeh ' e-4: t|:uw;e°: dfluhenti .'l‘¢:fhn"IeideI::ey: will inl‘onduIli' end the enrollment at the t‘-nirt-relty ,. Mir ,',‘,., ,g J‘, p,,.,.., -_ 3 1.11;. we mean their cod sum "°“ " “‘h‘ 9 0 9 ot Lileeottri. toiloving eech victory 5:113” hnccfizemfdnniro. to be 3 15¢‘! , _d fiikhv. II‘ it P3 ‘& ark; K O!’ dQfOIL The '0OC- on ‘g. *5 G.’ d L D m '. “"'"“ ,,'':;g''','',, ,5‘; ,,:§_,,, ,¢":?, ' ’ ' . hell geme tn the ethietic teetnre oi ' L614 IL roan world than and II-c.fI,I 4-trod A-er “'1 5- L "N9 W 3“ Tm“? “°- eech yeer. end ehonld here e telling ' ‘”""i" '::.Io'*;-"v51;uti¢- maul!-:.§g!'_:‘n 066°“; ntte geue porch pert!’ 705N374" 33' eflect it ethletice operate in such e rendering the me: cl the Jtaerican people ‘"900 ‘°" 31"?‘ N3 9“bh¢11- 759" trey ee to increeee or decree» en- to i-zdeou-t end us now! t-‘in were eight gueete. “L var in en n-net. - The Democrhtic convention reject- ed the tolioering plenk propceed by Wiilient Jennintl : e um m pe.rty.dtmeed unred- rnen to'thr It-adore! Coaxituihnuwm’ ‘tag ‘kn’ '7 ' of “G ‘°‘°h“' ‘"1’ for mutation at treaties byte nejnrity watt. whom ehe need to tench in Colutnhie eoth.eInvti!b:feereI1_tocndevereett . . . . _ o 0 9 Bier)’ Seercy. who will leeve It is the desert yotrserve which makesthe Sunday dinner dis- ie to dedere er . Pleat A e upon the moat lnnflgzentalhc 0‘ at!“ The Women] Auxtliery oi the Prev _ - rwvcrn I. . Q IIOOIIJ In rukf: ezlnctrlync in Jun cl which v: bnerhn cburch h.ld"n ‘"41’, me“. 1918-4381110 cenceled. ' . - h.|:'t‘reeen|tzhq!rnt am the: l1S00O.:liDa0O:i lug yeetendey et the home or Mn. N. 1”,__muond ”_ Kn.“ ‘_ H . IIDCIIVC. ::auu:4' ‘R _1l:O—Ct“(lV0:’tl8Tfl;£- R’ wmn" "'-12°’ 5"" B'°“"" - Thin in e record the mores ot the I , - - mm mavens; diedtht st-eat: um lhvutlfihf eon wee eorred in the at'.er- kn an “an ,1“ am“ The I ' '.';'.;"*,;".:,..::.'-.'..‘....f‘.... .'::.":::z ......."°*'.';v.'.:*. ;';§_f;m“'°'° we tow me-at-e== :.u....... .. . ...,...u.,.. or u.. net’ 1 e - 6‘ “"f_":‘°‘;: Fgkmumdwflnd . ' . . . enrollment: for the entire school you. 1 Wan‘ Jung“ was ‘ i . ‘ e ““'t"-."«.‘.'..".'.g.;"?':.a.......... t,“g't'." Preident. mu ruumore sch-mr will we . ’ .:uet-um; non ' ::;:..=::~:=:..~a.:'.=::<.:-t:~..°'L2:;<.r.***:u::; -= ~~r -v--« we -=~-ww W e r ‘ 1 ° regularly chm.-Q drlcgeu-e an elected end 3'3"‘ G*’P‘3 0‘ G‘¢‘b'"'K- "1 _'m,’ ‘ Mwm"h°9 ‘mm 0"’ _ A V _ “:\1"cs1!tu.o the at ('1 4. cut. \' tin’: dl ' . . . ' Mk". won with . nu ma “ W1" b ' f 1' r a e . I or . - ' - rm” U, “_ Lu", 0, ,‘.u,____ ,, .\iise Virginie Bottom or .1. South of our breed roull repute how . P CVCl'y mem Cl’ 0 ‘ mu in diflagl ;a writ! he_t ticdpezpl; Ptxth street left this |'.norn'.t tor convenient it ie to he ehle to . _ - I 1 I . ,:....~:-:.~.:”:-..-4.E‘*T:*::T'I'-=- ““'°°""° ‘° ..°.‘..u':-°.“..‘.‘.:ii,°.‘°;'.'...'°..... .,..‘.- I Your family and anyeucstwlth ‘ l ""t'*' ¢°"4_* i':'5\'*°4 ‘-7 iv ' e e e dom from heking over e hot , ‘ ' . . O \‘f$‘IY"KhKCf . IIY'U('1l¢iIfDQ 4 tum"; or {eon th-eR:'..,,.;¢, ‘am: by M. hiiee Blenche Wllhk end tleughter etore. 3 taste. """ ' will elite tonight to 2 ' . > ’ ""’.'r . ot luneee ty -treated to -suit: upon the tit-r't:ua-ix: at be the clients or lrmii. H. Benn et rm“ “*5” u" bu”! " the -and in order that the burden 41 mil: um you-, .,°u;".‘,3_ f much u the behing reiiei. Bet- é t ’ . §....' 7'' 't'.i’...'5' ...5.-‘_".' "5£’.‘:fl‘t{,‘;..'”‘;3".‘;'.:‘ 0 0 0 3 ter breed tun poeeible. Order ' . . g .-m: mm -_a nu in -n c--or-m Mine Ethel Syhee entertntned with - 10,, ,0“ . E I D um. ’ ‘ ,- uc conunuou nu"). two tables ot'hridge this morning tor i ' ‘ e /_ edopted the following its LJCCC g t ‘ _ ot Setione plen : ‘ T i ' ' r The Den: ‘ t the 1.. I . * - ‘ ' . Nations ee °$:ue‘uI?;:’ii_.rr;‘Ihe nril;f‘:r-es P130810 11“ ! ’ ' tit:-Ne Inrene d Imntnuue the mascot _ , ..a...t°t'. "’t£.t‘.5'.7"‘.": "".'°"§'£'3""‘ 3"‘ Li: O A O V ' Q: I ‘ it ..‘."t'. (Me I t“Am:>i': ——Groccncs broke t ' ‘ ' t. Lent t:¢;enn to -*V¢gCt8blCS . . not out tut» h:a3:oot cu t nrt:,gta'ttr. '—F1'i-Ht t with rue :1-i.ei Ger:n:tu a‘ hit tu'“h".t3' in H I “Y men - er-nu e In ' ‘Id ‘.4 ' C OUIC 0 C I“ generate :u‘caan°‘to Gcrlnuiy. en .51": Rin and “r-sh_Bo C g ‘"d‘ ‘°' “° °‘’''‘' to the P°'fY!i?.1?4 Iain: cm-any. um --. 8 . I 0 Ann Vilh thick. rich Cronin *;;;;'_;;;.-;;-';° -‘ ---3;-.-; :1-=~=-g‘. Products, r(or without it you preter will aluttuu muted d pohtiai ie- ‘ ' Inehe you remember e dinner et - ''''‘E' '‘'‘V"‘7 '° 0"‘ . " the PAIAIS for teen. ‘ 0, _"*..:..':';.‘:‘...'**".... '_‘*'o '_‘.T.‘.’°.‘t.._‘I;J.'.? :1: The Hons; cf Quahty _ uy...m....m...g.m..a. . .......""" :.'-:..**'...'="'...:'::‘"::;*.:.:.:*:t.":.t:.t and Sm-cc.-. ' -°-M -w***-=s.- ""- hie eeeeeheee an . t-xr.-retioeel ea-hire-rmrete ‘ t°°d- ‘drop "3 .‘ ‘J39 .d.dPerie involved in thgedoptiee of e Inge: pAbug 103135; ‘''‘j{,,,';; ‘W. “‘"* '° **"‘"f‘°'.” " JOHNSTON BROS. prreod - ‘ rvheedtetheeepiretieenlcivtiindgteqslee ‘ -- O r m» an The P 1 \ We ‘ggntné 0 Preeidcrvt‘ for hie cae- _ . one ‘ a ‘ Get Into the Spirit of summer: . f Bcthcgirlwhd iiheppieetbeceitee‘ stajeisl :‘a"a':"¢..a.'”"..'.""-...t'-'.’,"".$“.t..'?f,..:."~. ONQIOVSIIOIUTO $:loA.I.inetudetS:5oA.ll.‘ . ‘ i ‘ '1 t O _ g 0oneciotteof‘_:lookinéher*beet.O _ ~ """‘f , .' ‘ '~.h'o.33".';_ °" O:80A.I(. *- - 1o:uA.iL T‘ .1 . mu... % ’ e % A "‘.-..-='*-';;.g““.é-'i::"""““:.+ ~.-.: Important Changes in Wabash ~ *...‘::t.,"':'..-:.°.-**..::.:*:.°‘*,:.'.':.*:.. ~ Passenger Train Schedules ‘ Ihet ¢he_lte-eetvet the euguy 1. §nruIe1>dAfi pout tn ' I ' §!‘g‘;gI..,"""'..4"" ...".1 m.,;.;,,.. .,L;‘'‘‘.,,_, Efl"EC_'l'iVE stmnxr JL°t.r ttua. , _ i, . "' "I! : -0- ' . : ‘ . T ‘:32. of the seeing fa: The 3'-e moet itnportent ehengee in eehednlee trotn 4‘ I _ Ootemhie. Io . In I! HI. I‘ "*'-'9" 1--9--4 ' mu - '° 11:flA.I. - '- 1:o0‘P.IL - . ' . .- t...s....3.".‘.'itu. .r _§ ._ . _ _ ‘ the freehneeeofagoodmasege and -her figm- ;-_-gfa‘ _ _ V 1.35 tut. 4,» an N tg: . . k . _ . 1 1::-_-&e_v.t9: ’ no.8: ".3 " ‘4:8IlP.X. , .-t" ' is bright fromehempooittg. -‘ ' _. e . ,-",'*_-3‘ Noe.80-81-8len‘,