gv-V-9-v n-——-—j llllflllllll Pllllllllc ‘- 3.’ s .\_ , _ .0 fl!’ —Retail Price Steady. Sweet Corn Coming n— Butter’ and Eggs Up. ‘the sugar market, according oak. The ebigtest dro for borne-grown nets. Beans “"5? have dried up within the last week ° "W , 9* C"-" '”""*"‘- to the extent that there is a mi 5"“ 113"‘ ‘“”"- "‘°"‘* ““‘ 335 oi an in the market. Partners who """° cl" " 3: “,9 “"3, ‘O 3:: adglt-‘fiaion. :i6‘i::ntl’|(l-°‘tLlseti‘ou ' 154 of nine The number ma esareacaree. is gone and the later crop is 1! price is expected to so deem. to l svh Local Retailers Are Being Swamped \Vith Quotations A VEGETABLE SLUMP Q Beans and Tomatoes Scarce-7- tiona below: are svraxnping them with mutations. which indicates unsteady condition ‘the market report on sugar ;Iu‘te.-- p to in; poorly. They are selling at 20 cents I pound. One at the new features on the mu- 0- ‘, v _ -- Wlld bichfi-riuare stmoathisveet _Il(fll"35l.ndfI0clntltQ tgtoesaronlixht other as such as head lettuce. beets still betas shivvtd an e cotnegd and are in: down. They cents a doaen. Butter is unfit 50. 55. and rv butter is are selling at 65 cents scarce. O the quart. B’ oney has ‘ and is selling at 81.25 a Accord to the has gone up stead I‘ its he kets. rk ily tor the past o reports Ibo that yesterday’: prices on box: have roached the highest mark this year- The price cs pork rose 5 cents I 90904- iluat wee Othe meets P0 in’ an Lionel‘ tilzrs sew noolls Thirty-tuo Presented by Friendl- Last I of persons ruins the library in June was 1137. nlny-two book: presented to the library. eight by Silas Joy Fev- anith. nine by the Rev. W. W: - ran; and tliteen by judge John D. (gwaon. - - The iollovhg nee: books have been added to the rental shelf in the li- Axes." by Ir- Party Nights at Chl'istinntCollege Natstorlum ‘headny—'l‘bnnls.y-—8atardsy ' ‘ 1 ‘O adnissieflse IO: Private Parties any night aner ,) Oil ‘.....-, . “A Pb: the fins Bachelor. "sisters". 1')’ X50119!!! .\'orris. McGee". by Nude sconway Oelnler; “Little Black sam- bo". by H rtnan; and Th : ‘ I! ’8oothch 'l‘Iina". by Lucy i-‘itch Per- kins. srsclu. an s:t.%ox A special City Election is ordered the Boone county Court -House in the second I'ard. in the City oi Columbia Missouri. for the purpose of el _ a Councilman from said ward to ‘(ill tell, resigned. e of candidate notnlndnd (min the Ward # in my Ooun lnsan onthe Democratic ticket.asshosrn by IV held on the 29:1: dly 0! July. 1920. at " ecu“ an eras out the unexpired term at A. E. Roth~ for ‘l I Ptfilfl ‘etnoto ~Ie'tAev. 0-> .1. WHAT wi KNOW Now i /-J: luwill A‘ web mus new suite HOTHNL C7» 1:.‘ GOODB Y1}, “EAR-BOBBIES,” ‘ RULES DA-ME. FASHION I_"}_l'eI‘ell youth and “ear-bohbies"! _)t6 longer may girls in t e upperl umnties disguise as of seer-afiein so follow the youthful lines that have been popular ' Every girl F -I 3 so long. ' exolaitns in horror I‘ hen -0 without I do? ra.l . But style will nofcoznpronlise with vanity and curls are not to he used as ion of the prob the vagaries oi hatrdressthk style»- it was such an easy solution for a r 09 there is one .oolfi'ure nmst static principle. conceal ed away and en .screen of mystery to the u . ‘nu yourselves are longing utflnchanxe. - the certification of nomination on omee, J. T. QAVIS Witness my hand this the 211 day WINTIIB (‘OATS ARE lilSl’I..t\’£D C05-l I0 hail: downward several inches A _ ——-——- _ tar-ti tha h 1 id . Dee . Sew leri Shops shew New “ups of ,houl1:,:._. an ‘:3 C Wm‘ M . e 3 ‘ or July 1920 - - " “" "‘ “- f ' John a mcknw Varied Designs. an lhr or iuur. are another very ‘ , By United rm. new ature and e as It = on Clerk . . - ~ 9" ° "“ V l 3' NEW ‘XOR!’-. Jt:ly_'.’3.——Wlnter coat: terminnw in n ro in; col and hood. : _ _ I no‘ on display in many I-‘mt: A "Little nu: main; Mood rnodel ‘ Big Lcaguc Standings Hen“! shops. and althouxh few worm is alloun made of startling crimson. I an I:-"e‘bu)‘ln: the!-xn.l::o‘rde-shot {fine gigzough sedate shades of hlaehxray I are e cc!‘ 0 on se brown a min ently shosrn Indiana! . V“ L“: Pd‘ Irlnter models. in order that they there is much lavishnesa 0! SI) 0010? amen" ‘___ ______ ,0 ,7 5“ may know «how far behind, the times ubed. it )al and turquoise blue oop- \ ti't‘::‘«t-i&nséi_u ....--. 3;. :35»; their own 1920 model per and rust. peacock, orange. scarlet, 1' 3”’ m ‘'5' '‘“‘°‘ _ my 3!.“ ::f‘’_‘: 4:’ 4-,» Elm e models upon cxhihltion show and emerald abound in the z‘, and mu’ hame_w‘_n r. hit. I is -...:-.._-: 4: u :05 tour distinct types of winter IP89 ul- dl’¢'fili." “TIDE. . ,‘ « mm ::"'” ._::__’j::__ 3: gé thou: all the new season coats are Really elaborate lur trinuninu do 'o matter hnv.tar your va- iuaiphh I,----——-- 7-4 69 - r i and ge 4 r. tun cation wanderings lead you yo e ote seems to be that the turriers bought up all the fur. rvzxtxa 2118- 3:; _______ __"’;;_- 1;“ ‘jg; lawn: in populu-ll, This is a ml- and mu little was let: for trimmings BOURIAN sent to you by mail. _\-gr. .,-"3 ______- Q 3: lengithmtnodd a semwiétlittedrdliack. in the ready made realm. Ba dings _ C are ------- -- ' ‘» s rag an rout, co .y A 1341 You'll enjoy the baseball news w"""“°“ """ ” :2 c ‘as 'm”'1fl83- 0? Imocklnx It the norzsl hullidr ¢ral:arc’ulo'P!::l:n labmb _ and the political news and the 8'“ c:Km..IZ.’I.'.IIIII.'.' 3 waistline fabrlvs or blush are used as trun- ;°‘ mm‘ ' ‘9 ‘'','h‘l‘;‘.’:,‘_l;f_°--::_-:_-:: : ;._‘ J. '11; mg" 1. mg fur¢d or and. mint: whenever gay etnhroideriee or A ,tu,u.., ‘unfl skirted coat. the Coal cnl circular like braid dczuxns are not need. ’ l _ - a cape. with tall straight back and « "“"°"“""""“',"' l""° nu‘-I-‘£5’:-xf‘.“"”‘"’ ‘°° ""' “" "“"“"" mm. and belt .l low waistline. and Mm": To vorrncwns . "‘ it: t. . . d Oh no Balding. 55 3°‘ « 53 "- ‘‘’°'‘‘- ‘~ lectl atrcrght from shout)? ‘tn hp". ~ R" U . 5-,. ‘-0,3‘ 3; (-.,...;,.,,,.u_ 1 7 fir 0 033- sealed proposals for the construc- I-msheret. 5: Brooklyn. 2. e raglan sleeves of all these mod. mm on u, 05"", ,, mg .1" ‘-““"°- ‘° "‘ =’- cl‘ "2 he-Vllr an we M or be led by the Curators at the ‘:OP‘‘’;’: 0' izgtmc Unllcrsit.‘ 0! Missouri until 10:00 A "3 ll 6* l’ K . rsday. Jul) 18.90. * »‘. .' intricate designs. Colllta are 1111108! Plans and specliicstions may be seen 3' d"°"'m0d I5 ‘l’ lbw!‘ at the Business Office of the Univer- sel .aJthon¢h reference in Show any or t the omce or James the clxtretgaelznhlsh dlfectolre collar. Jnzniesan, Architect, in St. Louis. - Shaw an nel collars are shown The rum u nun“ to rue“ “I, on a let models. or ‘H bid’ , _ 1 Most fit thenslrinter wraps are skirtl ‘ Rwnd 8 am"! ‘lulu! “ml”: ue'2:::;_n‘°':”t':l‘c:?." Business hianaxer sidered very chic for one side of a A Missourian ad will 5.7 it. Q’ 4 , ,' . l 1‘ _ - . A s in ‘Thai W as” :’t'W ‘ilfil W I ‘S -V-:1’ ....‘ "V..._ - lie‘: _ dv‘ .-‘ . . , There is a ls smiling-_—and it is, Because he,§,s_!:een’1nvlted to come and have a drink » at the P ' s Chocolate Shbp. Those who care - tor the drinks service always choose -» C LN frbg ."_ ; - H) . p 1 .‘ _ ‘ - -- c — ‘ ; - ;. ' ‘ - ’ - ‘ ; .-.- a . 4. _. _ .}.'. 3.’ _.. _. 4‘j.'.£._ -'L|..s‘.'.—. . - g- .;s£.LaIL._ u ‘I .' pli 1 .- .4- _......._- -..._.. .._..— ...—.____—_..._..—. .——.—_-.-—_..._.._.. .e , HID!!! 8001]! 0! A IUICIDE Int lekbbc Was only Trying to 2.4 a Dog's Lllet Boanl Boom! ‘he dlaehlrte of both barrels of a ahottnn broke the quiet ot Supper time on Ilaaouri avenue. Neighbors flllhbd (0 their from Porches to and out who had endtohisexisteneeatanhourwhen ¢!‘e!'7one should have been enioyl the evening meat Disa pointxnent was their lot however. for the shots Vere the result of an attempt to end the lives ot ours that had been dining at - suden Dutch. . I S Aliiaeourianadvilisellit. h_=_-=-_-_--__. l llatieasl Lire-fled Inlet 14 l Na'fiuNAL sroc: tagng gun n_ “*1 ll. lll- July 31-?» live stock nar- ht tut today eras u gnu ; 30°F‘ ; he-but slow, 4 0.75. ’ 7.000; lsrtet 10:: to :0: uni and butchers Sltfletlnm. Hood and but 5%; lionzh sl lag. mu’ Lllriol 8! lam. Mn stl. - _ aunt _salt.. mm. :'”-b*’' llewltvtn 000 mum It:-adv luvs: and . Q! A Wagner’s Baby Richard D. 'Arnett, winner of second sweepstakes prize in the Baby Show is a pro» duct oi \VAGNER'S ICE CREAM. This testifies to the purity and food value of this Ice Cream. Tavern Dru “Kin;-" Lightner 8 Only On a " of 1 Big Clearing slide sale finds this Week -3- Don‘t misstllis Chance to buy all the shoes you'll need for a long time to come. . “A word to the wise is sufficient" Plenty oi good styles and sizes t More Day gsmm E arl King Ihehgirl iafulc business office cannot de- pend on. line ‘clothes to bring out her best quai- ities._ She must look her best at all tithes. Hair ms: is kept freshly shampooed and a skin radiatillg the brightpcfl 05 I gpcgiof care and ability which it it f_liPal:sons _Sis'tei’$; ' \