3 I A lull-yrle. (‘a auras cwnss nan soous C e purpose of electing a County 1 their rospec the Towns ps. The meeting of Township to be held laces: b rg. Because of the above plan of elec- ting women to the County in lace of in the Primary because it is too late to withdraw sme rom the ticket, I 1‘ and my rt is initial‘. Ibone County. (a psrtsten _ the University Committee election *3‘ -yr .‘..-‘g'S‘_S'.A."'-£..’,' ulna mini. mu Fair . The male exhibit tor this year will he (mm the doll‘! do t. It willbeheld in Building on the fair It is the plan of each depsrtmentldy make tohringostracts equipment will he used in promoting the exhibit ‘ the state Fair visitors will In quantities of ice cream and cottage CLASSIFIED ADS | Half a Cool a Word a Dew » cheese.‘ These on the grounds In caller to make this modern dairy plant a success. several ot the larger dairy concerns of the United IISCELLLIIOUI (if? (‘all l'o'.'ll. Iieweni. l.tlt7.h"Dtw‘./5 11651! ,2 Shields bstern add Columbia A szm TEACHER “'Al.\'l§~3dan Baptist t teach Fre Gerrnaa, an prob. hly some ish in odlege flaiary 00 for nine months. 80: ll 'r—2s4 FOR SALE- modern. brick immediate inquire at class in all its appointments. possess llesslagefls Jewelry Store. A splendid home veneer First- ion. And Ended. R~W A Albrecht 163-!” pt Nw pt 13.43-12 .-_-...__..-..s4.ooo rsone. Thom-S J Yeager 163-170 pt .\'e pt 2-48-13 ....--_.-...--...88. Reeds.‘ Pflnry Detweiler, 161- 171’): 101 Westwood add Colum- bia. exc pt 3 pt It 101 ..-_...._...$ .000 Allssonrianedwillseiiit. diamonds. Ninth. 8 - POR 8Al.l‘r—?€lN« 6-room house. strictly modern. concrete tnasement ,lnrso gs truit and null tries. ‘hone l‘0ll 8Al.l:—-‘Stud t tables. MRI‘! and chairs, and a notion case, also a 3 ii at GM CQIOJ‘. ‘D- POR iiAl.E—l‘srior and otndost fill!!- trm-. Sampson Apts. Phone 157 Block Poll SALE-Sew st tam it , location. building and price attractive. 3. Collins. in E. Broadway. Phone recn. - s "Oil 8.u.t~:-.\'ew seven-room bungalow ls‘ "bio" k”';'t””" .''| "man; no. I l d ttrseti 30!:-n.-x ‘n P Q. ".0336 ma sans.-s-sh nu-as ' town. will fll cheep. all 11.‘, FOB aat.l'.-ford tourist oar. "'"lI|Is'.__ eoaditloo. Privately 4. is Good owned. Phone 158% FOR, SA Nlltllow hath. oak i§'.‘..‘.°.' ' 811 R 1.2-3 new solid trick on south side 5 rooms. hall. nnish. two tars desirnble. , stional Bank ron ‘ 8.11.8-1‘! room eottsll with hall, hath and pasta’-7. net ‘#811 we hled to school re» use ward sessst. .“'»..." ''‘.'~‘5..:''‘ .. ”"‘... "" ma.c.s.s.i3.u{.'§..u.u.. frou 1-'ru~:n_c. nnown IFOR SHE]!!!-‘F AuG.8rd.t9zo .iJr"=‘;}§ vomt: stu-Pour e r--: _ Ililllflllmllllllllilllllflllllllflllllfllllflllmlllllllllllllllllllflllllllli .‘ there to guide you. Don‘t miss them. money. ' 2. ~ <. . ' / . ,. .5 < s -.aI.a...s the Pebbles were Diamonds! The farmers 01- Kimberly wc_rc diss_atis- fied. They said that they couldn't make a living from their farms. And—all the time their children in the fields were playing with But they, didn’t know. They thought they were pebbles. They died poor. Lots of people are lust like those Kim- berly farmers. They lool<.for Opportunity ‘* with a telescope, in some far-away place, ’ when it is really so'closc that they could reach out their hands and it. Don't miss the advertisements. They are business mines of opportunity. '1‘-hey ta! oi - values you might never know if they were not They‘ will ssvci you t . . 8 I e 1 HfilllflllllllfllllllllllflllmlllllllllllllllllIlllflllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllflllllllll Illlllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll : - ~.;»f*"-.9.-_‘a I;;':!:‘§;fl . I 1'. . ‘e ~' ‘ -_ . . . .' . _ _s I y ' ~ _ . 3 - ' A ..-,. ' .... ‘ ‘.1 '..um5"f'%”‘A 1.;-I '_ ' n._ - Tm: Iotm. Tucrtans’ EXCHANGE Vacancies in llssouri and all waters states tree hrolislent L. D. VOTAW - 71¢Ilssonriave.Phoee1l1lRsd A Onions: Denver. Desltotnsli slits colt ‘co. 100 IA“ ID Olllll RCPT .~.-";..