rned. lf civic pride doean‘t impel one to keg the walka in front ot his pre- , e and welfare of hie nelthiofl “"5 “"0" citizens ahonld he comidered. F.T.%£'..'T‘.'_21 In none quarters. “W”. all-flint ‘Of work. is earning oooularitr as the Icnrlet letter. Autumn la aowtng.t.ime not only in tanning but in edtmation. Start the yoangatera to achool rlthh ‘ TEE JO! 0? THE IORKISG The men and the happiest men and women the sun iel ahinea on. Onedoeentlnvetoheapoettofeel‘ tn the wife‘: face an ahe coma in with the oatmeal orthe oofree P01 ‘-34 alts down to hroahzfest. .Wnile other folk are trowllns 8! ‘ ning their work, a work that to not um¢..¢|ocx¢-d, 3 work that in not retu- laxed bfforemen or by walkinx 4010‘ morning in their —:—-,—,:--_sv ‘n: hle auqllcion that P711? (lghta and presidential camptitnl 1"‘ growing too polite to be (990310. 18 ‘Run! / 3‘ growing in some quarto!!- 3 IOBE TRADE F0‘ COLFIBU ahould be the most popular in propor- tion to its aiae. The general belief that itin.bntthia idenienot recent anrvey dltione in the county M E. H. St’?- oomh. There h a cet't.ain.trade that he- longs to every town by virtue of the fact that It is within the territory ot ofthattown. ltwillgototh "no ‘a hnd“ from the ‘endpoint of being within anyhodvfi trade lerrl gory trade to l'0 three towna and the one which the m Ifl haatoaellbdorethev0®l!0l'0l-0 eectiona of the 803* here. Naturally when the! who they do their hnylng (II moot e narut of the indncementr worhielihitedzo ‘l‘reII.on. Ilaoonri, hen ihnt it Gila the “ranch idea.“ a vault: "h¢r*' by the (armor: oi the eoaaty and the ma mm of ‘rrutton are brand" into cloeer couch with one soothe!- They hold meeuaa taeethcr untouch- y. The meeting: are held at the diilerunt efiool lt.-uses or them in town of It wit farmer: and the iarmere grow (0 know and trust them. Columbia could have meh an or over the count! 850 ‘flu’ ‘bun K I THE NEW BOOKS i 1 4._.l E‘ C “if the worldlainperil of because leckdtrieodahlp it mnatiollowthhtimmedlfloendenr talnedsractioe wonoetotheliteolthmdlorchnnd O and a.-emhliee. ooderenouund die. orthroogh atteudnnoe ofe world (Edwin E Gorhun. New York; cloth. 1!: pageul C ‘De neuter ei Pinllee.” William lAQnex nu emu the rut!- era of myatcry atoriea another tnle of plot. Doaor or Plmli oti‘elbwfiiplavlta.l* tera, aalea letters. a etc. It alao tells a hnalneoa where to find the eouroee oi material which he need: in Ila writing anyone to h e and to have n etyle which will inninge ity'on e other fellow no t he 1: win thl point a careful readi and close an- <1: of it: two volume: would he valnnhle. X11)’. id 3 Com New York; cloth. two volomea. 614 and 84 vane 38.} . University this auznmer. n her home in Doniphan, Mo. today. o e e A who lives south of colamlu of Mia; Joule Hill for a few days. 0 o o Roth: r-ch of Marcelino re. turned toher home today ma gpgga- is to enter the University in o Mildred Cnaeity. who attended the returned to .\lrr.~M. 1-; Points of Jdfernon Cu;-_ in Columbia last night to he the gust “” u.nn‘e_ chol the ' endnurla ofi neletonotle. 'lheyereleawing«to- aa Oomlvfora ne. Ira. Whittle will entertain two tables of ridge mnmrrow afternoon In honor of Ire. (box. 0 i a line Buy Cord ofst. bottle return- ed to Columbia thie.morning after a visit with her inmily in st. lsonin. e e » hira_ Anna Balm of Warrenton, No.. returned home thia morning after a visit with her brother. Donia schotte. C. it. returned home today it with Jeanie White of 1401 hiathewa o e e C. G. Denber of St. Louis returned‘ home thin morning after e abort my in Columbia. e e o .\iiaa I-‘ranvee Bright or 1102 lindeon avenue and tiles Jane Rodgen of 517 Booth I-‘ifth street. returned today from a ahori visit in Meiioo. Io. o o o lira. B. F. Dinwiddie o( not Wind-; aor atreet ldt morning for a ahort visit in Cenunlie. o e o Lira. Harry Still, who ll: been vinlt- ing Mrs_ G. .\i. Platter of Siqihma. 110-. leit this morning for her home in L0! Angela 0 Pro! and hire. Wrench leave today for Sodnlh to attend the Sule Ptlr. They will he nccoumanied by their daughter, Helene. STICK TOUR 5088 ['1' HONEY (‘|o1rna, lfild Animals and Jan Iaalc Cnaae (‘lerka to Desert Jeha. Hone’: the way the parade looked to a report wrote "first ‘canoe he waned tn": “ ct your none 9. honey. the Cir- ie ootni commanded a hnaky anaoob. ahorteu. ahtwtvpetmle. cu e providd to many oilioe workers who -» . their poet: or the windows on oofi they heard the noiee of the . band. tug. ‘nae damage was alight, . ing to Tom Walden. fire chld, in one year than word-oi vertiaing in twenty. Advertise in‘ ."if Evening llluottrinn. ' Sparta fro _ U are '-1.-fir’:-:".‘ -t ' . ' ‘ .‘. t. ' '1.‘ . Newspaper advertiain; will .19 . -rnoath Iii 3.. - I I I I I I I I I That -trrtlz-end gucsf 3143' be in town Only /or a few hours But you can make , _ The most of the visit 74‘ By rerttinga good dinner : ",- xind the but way to Serve Dinner ’ ~. I: to phone 89 II": prepare ' '. What you like And when you like it 3~ Regardless of The scheduled menu Perfection in Caufecfioiif ammo e s. IIIIICI ones? I use an laa~ . 1- Bertha Hunted. a atndent of the University. went to her hcane in !"ned~ ricktown today to spend her vacation. e e e Ills: Martha Brown of Mexico. 3b., a . It. Gonna Doyle. ingto . taine. and is than forgot e o e ‘lhlkiagndwriim Dulles.’ Companion volnmea. theone John llantle and it doean‘t take bug to l'. ‘Talking Business‘ \ h written around the an‘ rqzld modern business ooeeihle tttreatemla thua;'1'etting Your {Kid onthe 00¢ In”; fifllolat ;'