.s'.' mm mm L IS WELL AS IJSLHIL o" Colombian Dru ‘ts 4 I A Knights, Her oliccrnen Kings, Citizens Manly. ftwrr 01-‘ BANKS,“ City Should Be Beautiful-—» ‘ W Roses Only One ee — and Lillys Flourish. A city directory in not con merely e.‘ pnettouotoetnenbet oplnI¢l.ie!‘u!lot thonxh 1. uythlnx in e none the winner in the presldentlnl race they be predated ~ ggnvtth ngroetdeeloroenetntxror Thoee burial the directory ennouncee Cox 2: need. an 8. endtocnreforthetn they here no Gold; ya sllrer they have end Jew- ele rem Boob within he have Iitholt it Price. Tributetefiieeh. Aaetrlbntetotbeeebool thereto round to bee Brlzhunen. e men nnxned Broedheed nulArm- . Sboernehere »e-rliereothletory. 1'Iu~8exnpeonen.reherebutnoDe- bdnofiitae. ‘ oxlnnbtenmyeveu egg mg, Ielifllderoteatngneurogyu. tneedbeevlhoethr-‘nun; 5... Nfifiltletlerdelhefi Inject. ‘rbereuonneeeonhrtbe Whflflhmm nun thereueunlhreooeerbohearenover Pfnohedlnolbllo. Ieruerrreqlla Wllflllulnndene. , . "“-3‘¢3l9|l-BIfl'il0n.L'1Ir|oI-.Pleuve. Johneonarentlfieee urClevo- lendnndwlleonerenotonl none ‘been toroed to an fourth not. her- new eixty-th _ «rep:-non ee. There ere fifty-nlne lllllere end fifty- 3. debt ‘nu-eere. No neon hoctnnln; with X enneen that In imtruotlve. entoruhlng end ennelnx. Hill 15 OOILVG I30! BOHEIIA Anedu.neGetPredneteterOo1fl‘ue etllkhhior. OIDKI 0? TCIIJCATIOX from 1 dletnnt lnnd—-Boheen ore erclnl ). but I: ere 9 torrln; for their pereonnl nee the product: In the Clrcnlx Court. In nceuon belorr October ‘nun. tee; QTATE OP IISBOUILLLI ee (‘0‘L‘N‘!'1' 0!’ B0058. I xertbn Tboneeoll. —---......... Plntnul. ngnlnnt ($30 llylreete-r Thoenenoo .._.---- Dehcdent. ‘IKE STATE 0? IISIDOUIH. to the ebove In I. UI.Xfl'.l'lR0:— Seer on tile Nth dny or . In to nor: the October or the Circuit Court or 3. ‘ in; pleleut. by her ex tor-hey II vethion I be!!- e iy eertled by an new or plnlntn! nod tn en1d"‘fit'l'nee etntee that defendenthneotr todthtentnxe no preoea or let be upon bun I; thle etnte. It to tbererore ordered by the clerk ngnlnet In the - County. uleeoerl. on action In antic. tee lrenedleee euect end eenerel neten or . mnam - ed deeertloe. the cunt do: at next erhk-btetoobtnlnndecreeordlvoreetreu unuofluflq ‘mag 9.0.1.“ :3“, hit. '1$elr §I-OIJII rertber . resident to and In I In 0:8! cum 00 velne ln 1910 Iron Bdurntn nlono court to he bebelda et trot C‘:ii: ‘‘°‘"'“‘ W ‘"53"- the or In ddlflll thereto hid petition Wm be d Judgment tn ne contented. no rendered uelnet bun In eeeomdnoee with the preyer I you or pmunr n It le runnnacenohtnaiueopynecoor be duly pnbuebed et leeet onoee eveehtor eetuoehelyln the For your Went Ade. Cnll 55. I51. ' rtt. ,__._ “'.;?;_“"n‘r'“ “I“!‘Vi0'. Oeemenrootehonae Iuehe name: no ea. 3... °”°'3‘-h--Id‘ 3., ‘_,,_. .“'8vendlol le .5 eble. llherel unna- W D. 33- Ntmlnelly Tffllh ‘ll @9- w.u.¢B’y,., 3,. am" ) :3 $30” nallvny mum at nun. I erdlol_ In the controll- 8‘RI.aIN,’IIIu.(bynfl])—1'h." Tmubbm. . lierrunnnolfinedeleeronnernm- .,' erloen. menune is 1 ' Bverdlofl. lleleernllvny u.;1...,- tnxexper-Lendecoodoee. |mo11|ln' toDr.LBnden tbeBr1tlehl4borOoni:nleetontoRne- eln. veloped under the eovlet rqlrne. in ~ orgnntnetlon. an the acum- Monez Found ii REPAIR SHOES deeeendreper. '”d"'°""’“""“F“"" Phone892.Wllleell forenddolivened with- KLASS COII. C0. .,.,,_,,,_, %,,___m \ LEARN TO DANCE {RE MANY NEW STYLES IN ’l‘HE FALL FASHIONS Women lenernlly jet thelr ootflure Th" ”° in. Be! 7 Shoes tor tell em ootathue to here Balm eeroee Private Lessons By Appointment Only CHILDREN'S CLASSES Tueedey, Thursday and Fridey, 3 p. in. Phone Mrs. Jameson 589 me ortheneveetnndrnoetpooulnrrneyl beneentlooed. " For evening wear or any otherktnd ‘ ”__ofwee.r.dulla:loreu-ebyterthe luck: will be much in evidence nominee ‘ I'I|lII|"'!llllllIllfll|IlIllIl1llIlfllllll INSURANCE PIIIIIIUILICI IJHIIIUILIGI ‘IUIIJDOIIIHLIQ LIHOXIIIIQ ulO.7I'|‘DuCtf:¢ellprwed;eenyeerpreperv. Deftnfieell ROBERT H. GRAY, Agent .7539 3 X Brine laden! kl K I00 [173 I0 CAUSI IO! WOIII a would feel not to and noon at eunty L d CLASSIFIED ADS Inll e Cut n Word e. Du pnbl Va . d ted ti!‘ =: tor‘:-‘y, u”-.:i‘fii‘$u !o,x&ubet£e'e no Id d at: the Inn! lneertion of end order of In nevepnper to et In: den betoee the Ira duotenldnenternoteeldeoort. A tree co iron: the reoe : WI. nybendeeelerkoltbeclr rel: corn or Ooenty, Iueeoert. d Beoee tbeer-nleieeldrvert. Dooeetotrkr lriagolnrnhu. lo. thte 16th dey d decent. I , n_ R. rounno. caekx. &‘.‘..“;£.. » Atx:.torP‘i£‘ D Lent in-ensue’ ea-pt. 17. teen. OIDID 0? PUILICATIOI STATE 0!‘ KIB®URIJn. COURT!’ 0]’ BOOK‘. ‘J. ,‘''‘u In the Clrcult (bin. fI£ll|tD~ before October ‘horn. (‘hence I‘. lords. ldvntd Gordon . nod Pi-eel L. in . end I. tune: 8. '1‘. Gentry. ten eltheteetvtll end or Hard Ferley. oeaeeed. v————— e Ill-.PW.Ll"l‘ID WLLN‘l‘ID—Ot:le to welt tnhlee nt eode tontnln end leech. once. The Pe.luxe—$> on y, Phone E. P-In ‘DO I!!!‘ .Ll"l'llI1—toreet8orl0r-eon better on eoetl eldt-—(.\ll not (3% oocéd 1. Apply et “)1! llreeerevelllnenrodendrroorhouet eent. It to eepeelnlly praept In pey- ln; loeeen ‘ IIITI LID CATIOR IILLTI’ 00 no lrehnnge Netloenl Ben! Bldg. only n for from which one rnnyi cbooee WJ.h"I'lD—Untnrehhed reorne tor ugh! . do-tn. Modern bout pre- hned. bone Z Back. K-80. POI Ill!‘ P08 llB.VT-—\l tear entnrnlebed rooree convenient to erhool end to town. on me Oren. ‘ W-Q I08 8Rl"l'—'!‘wo or three unfnrulehed rooue euirnbte tor ltget bouerteepinx ex» colleen leceuou tor Uelret-ext: etndeotn Phone lfld . . 5% ' I ILL! ‘“'m¢- ‘ "511 lPl>H>Drlete" in e nt-cee~ I .o._.... _..-.—-o- And the Emu! Livestock nu-m ii rwrioxu. irrocx runs. nurr err. od He berling P08 BALI‘:-Property nt 813 Vlrgtete Avenue. Lotwbynzteoroouhouee. 2 both none. ole:-fin; porebn. lento:-y leer. 8 In pleoee (cretee concrete bnrdvod aoorxtfou ueee mp beerlng. Cbk-tee oeer. Apply Qtroe or ebeve eddreee_ B!’ u bnrenlnprleemenex taped holeauelrencevlthynter onset.-tloee.evoedenbedeed rinse edtreete¢boerd._l0lAntheey aoettoreu. ‘I'- YOI IAL&—0eufiIe‘ee use or boenbold hulutl. all Bed. 217 South Gull, 339- ‘ 8ALl—ddeebIedeebed elv 'o’eev. Phenolic led or ="tl1B 3-“. are ¢mnu_nooo'eeo.ce. A.b_.e.LIr.'_neI-I :5‘ § § 2 :- § E .5 '3. 5 § = 2: E E E S A business educatiomis a valuable it E ROSENTHAL SCHOOL or Ct)MMERCE Office-‘hours daily until Sept. 7, from 1 toi3 o'clock Furniture, Kitchen Utensils, Dgugeu, Beds, Chiffonien, Garden Toolsebd Hoe: -_e .»- Pebbles were Diemondel The farmers-of Kimberly were dissatis- fied. They said that they oouldn‘t mete a living from their Terms. And—ell the time their children in the fields were playing with diamonds.\ '7 But they didn’t know.‘ They thought ' theyxwere pebbles. They died poor. ‘Lots of people ere just like tboec Kim~ “ berly ferrners. Theyilook for Opportunity with a telescope, in some fer-ewey plece, when itiereellyeodoeethettheycould reach out their bends and grnep it. Doe'tmiet«rbe edvertieexnenfi Tbeyere burineee mines of opportunity. __Tbey tell of veluesyoumightneverknowiftbeyvrerenot tbereeoguideyou. A R‘ _r Don't mice than. Tbeywill me‘ you I .. Cqov—e.- .....-.......AJ -u.~—..‘..-om-.. , .)~‘ - .