A L""' Tm-: EVENING ’MtasomuA1w IanhuAnliluaaaott3n:Iauua eveniaseuotlucu *'w¢,.i'“..""'.".”“..:‘-..,g.".‘.*.:"'~....“.'s-;.':.+. 2.3‘. Phaea:BaatneuLl:8ewt.8n contain Zfllll ltdll puugoyeovuutaialoetioanfl. :%e’tzho:l.II11acthol1ulIopxbot : Year. 0.18: 8 nou.hi,C11I: not! 0 anti: 0-3;}. I Ola III! in 0: cat. Q3; 0 nettle. I135: I not D ants. Oath county: tear, ; 8 until. 31.83; month. 5 Pt. ALPON80 JOHNSON, Manager. A .\'L‘fl0.\"8 FATE bargained away her soul in the mar- ket place for power. _ America has been accused or ask- in; for revenue, whether the occult» tion be true or not also in getting rav- in getting it at the price luck to the faith of the which the corner stone of our nation ‘nu Ioundad. To succeed among men. women need not talk down the domestic and sentimental side 0! their lives. I! the saying be true that "a barking do; never bites” there is very little reason (or anyone around town to New students [There will you Eatyotcr firs! Sunday dinner? You ‘will rat :1! Harris’ - On Ninllt slrrrt If you like Good’ thing: Cooked dainl/_i' rind srrrrd In an aff>cti':.in_q -nay. HARRIS’ I’:-rfz-(lion in Con]:-rtfon Millard & Susan % rear death from a dog bite. ;' CITY AND CAMPUS I l_2 l Clanence R131-rs want to Hallaville may-to vinit Mr. and Mrs. S. -It Henry. S. E. Bryuon or Centralia. who bu been to Appelton City busineu wpent the day in Ooltunbia. Caroline Johnson and daughter. Mildred. went to Chillicothe yesterday to visit for a few Q31, Mr. and lira. J. M. Rowland 0! 1405 D. C. Brattun or Weather-tori, Tex» returned home actor a two.‘-oak’: vie- in Botne and (hila-‘ John E. Genleunn. who hos been rixitlns J. H. Ruuell. 703 Wilkes boulefard. returned to his home in Troy today. , Min Katherine Barns of 0 street rat to Moberly today to be the (heat 0! Mia Loni» Huehinwn for the weekend W. Edwards and son. Mu» ’ MAZDA = ELECTRIC LAMPS ALL \ Welcome Students Par '53 Years The Studcnt‘s Store Headquarters for Society Brand, Stein-Bloch and Langham suits and ovorcoats. ’ ~ . O _ FRESHMEN CAPS The kind ihat you will be pleased to wear made of all wool flannel and silk lincd. \\'c scll Laundry Boxes, mo. ‘ lllllllllllllllllll lllllIllllllIllIlllllllllllflIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllflll wmmumuiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiitnuqunnmmmtmmminmmunmuimmumumumiIuutuununuuiim Did you ever hear the laboring of 2 motor. being fed too much gas? A The same calamity bcfalls th.c hum- an systcm from eating foods tqohich for digestion. Good toast is deliciously appctizing. Bcsidcs preserving all the virtues of Brcad—thc Best of all Foods. Start the day with toast made from “COLU M BIA MAI D" -—-always pure and wholesome. Streng’s Bakery Bread is your best food. eat more of it Jllllillllillllfimllllfilifir"um‘-‘h‘._"_ . !'1'_'_".'." _ P‘ Jtititittiiffw -MPPPHP -"-- mmmmmmnmmmm mumtmmImmmnm mmmmmmunmnmmmm. ' summummmmmi ii “ ‘ “ -QUADRANGLE ORCHESTRA — Emil Nathan. MIMI.’ ’ Same Can: some Quality ———Phonc 856- Caudldatel Call at ‘II!’ University Between 11 and 2a.m. and 6 and 6 p. in. The Virginia P'hart3idby lixtcnds a cordial welcome to its “Old Friends" I of the past. and its ";\'cw Friends" who are just get- ting acquainted/with our city. - C \\'c are here in please.‘ If we ha\'cn_'r what you, want we will get it. "Most Convenient Store For You" 109 So. 9th St. Phone 724 / iS‘ATURDAY SPECIALS i Fresh spring chickens and hens Fruit and vegetables of all kinds 0 The Home of ‘Wedding Ring and \Vishbonc Pro- ‘JOHN d ucts. STON BROS. Phone 375 .~?§ week returned to be} home in &u~. K000 today. /* *0“ )‘0I~ter-thy for Gmei «Mr. and Mn. F. Morris of (‘annou- K31. "50 have -been rigi ' a. :25!’ Chen the summer at their cottage Mr. and lira. L H, Mueller 0! New York Cur. who in. “I 3% I911, W:i|t$dO. J 04! H Hall 168-255 t 7 &rliQ ha 8%. ' (‘plumb .....:'.... ‘dc D ‘N dlflxbter We Feed Hungry People '()UR CHOICE» QF STUDENTS IS the student who lilies to eat much when he CHIS. \\'e want to feed those students who like to be set down to a table before great plates of flufiy biscuits, golden butter and brown savory slabs of meat along with other dishes. ‘ Southern Cooking style is our style. Columbia Catering Co. Over White Eagle DEE. "J UST A STEP FROM ANYWHERE" “nszsrrar Mtlllnery , (lmhdgd an the Newest Vogue in Sailors) ’ —-added are even higherjprioed numbers. as a special inducement for the morrb-end buying. grandam _'x: :..;..n; :_-.. :27 ii g _ -i": ' I