i - aurvntn can nu. mama ‘J stun . __—=—_.=.=-.=--i""""" MAY A MEMORY c“I“ao’°'11-Jun-anon-no-IT..." w 9'“ :‘thel:Ir.u l7vidtelhare.aaueotth¢nanwed- Am.“ u gun.“ ‘Emu, “mm was in Columbia Bundlv .‘mflIac.I:eaaw.|uc:nh:ueaa 'E"nan' sun:-rmoctoorcmo m.§“‘M“,_..°,udu,o,_‘,,,,‘,u,,,,,,_D_,‘,_n ’ r W &Imc&m&OXu II‘&f.u“'1ng.g..flft1.gfg@g.][!i‘&‘x“u.°d‘3th.m*un§,o' ‘ 9‘"'°‘”'° °°“"7' “'d"““ "mtheAmerian-&.r.AIaodatbnin8t. I We iaad Governor arylmnfl. Nouoovernorcantnla znadathistheirheadouarura. “°::'h°" M mm°"“°""h“ With , an ' ._..-—_~.._,._....._‘,-.« —— — I’ 03 aeveral wosvnera d laraoliqaor stocks tear 0,‘,-¢,,¢m°u_ -nu -.0,,,_-um," adorethevaropntafiilaurandlnd ‘uh are American .- clientele, an he 53°" spake lhxllah with can. But. “N0? Mm Ctlexico. Tia Juana. only Americana here point out that the :,,'::,m;f,',,',', 1:3: ‘:,°,,',':L°" mm" mm all 9-unnamed; member at the Tfitf‘£’,J' Mucfi Of 17/!” 55 t cantor vin Gan his w "8133. drinking and gambling. until which drinking and vice reaorta non - “d"u ‘°"""n‘"’ "9"" ‘° N redolent at the trout. He was two ‘ I h it has haoom internationally tarnoue. iahed. has been a thorn in the aide (rat “mu m mu‘ 0'" um “"""°"' year: in the trends at Verdun and e 5°‘ “I0 Dffilverotu Anaarioaa eon» the de la Huerta government ior °" u”“"" ‘" “flu “nu” “C” then being wounded after his reeov- ' . on up new covenunent 5”“ ‘"4 "'”“fl"' "I" Mud '0 cry ‘attached to the armru F3"! 05 our discovers that 10*‘ 83'0" ‘W “°°’d"d 5"" 91'“ '" 41390-11»: of worms worth muuou ltollovinx the mgm 0; p.-...¢.,¢ cu- °°f“" N adviaer to the clan «comment the mic program of the Fun and \\'inter Season . . . at dollar: la the In: or linear amen. ranea. placed rigid restriction; on 11- ' Pl“!!! 91 I110‘-50' 001! 09¢!“ 3 (hptaln randyls a member or an .Then is revealed tilt prominence of low ht-cls—~Spanish. military fltiint ChI!'I€lGTlIIUO‘B (1 [ht 151$! dd psrench f‘muy.. H“ W‘ .". . “muting 0' “Mn cat “ ‘ ~ \ : ,_'unn'n§.nu'mm'mm'mr.._ change in Lower Caliiornia. senator at the tune d the P‘:~anoo- . -I-hromwou, the "ma {or “am! we‘, ‘he ghoughg o{ gncgfnl E 5 ii’ E 5-5 is E. E 5 I x U I :,.dn¢ m,e,‘". gm. 3.5,, comfort dominates. Cut out and strap effects appeal’ it! I030)‘ 0‘ 3“ '_ ~. ' ~ In 1913 Judge md 1111. uvoon 9"l’P¢'T3. Ifid beaded designs will glitter on those for evening wear. i - - xrrmxu. rnocti 1'aun5.'aa1-rr 81‘. were to xueau atihia heautlul oonn- All these and mzmy mlmv interesting facts. you'll discover as you 1»0l'l3- "L A". ‘1«""'* "_" "°°‘ "'"' try chanteau not tr from Anne, the ,. - . ,. 3 , n . f h hoe t l i F It. . was an rolteuruintgd m..d’. cu’ “turn ma. 1 ht Mn) on car y s mums, < l new a 5 J’ ea or a _ ._'a re in-an um?! a ._ _ destroy . ey not reach ‘ ¢‘,;:,',“;f_.;&'",.,$'_" '" """"‘""“'n' chateau which he turned over to the Also New I-iomcry rftocten and ti-den 8-‘-.008tlo.7:. government (or a hospital. .~ i‘u\vI and ‘$54.0 10:10. ’ m 1”‘ d mum; Baal sumo; Hark? steady. Judge and aim ljvoon on a tour , i th _ ' ' noon year later was donned by the Ger- Uthia? 35- mans.‘ They were to meet in 1914 at I 3:1; as Q16, the Oooferenee of the International‘ r ’ See our window. B!l.I:np:.:::.'p“ steady. afioihu em I It you don't move tot-ward with per. Bniamonthidter Judge Lavwn __‘ _ your husband. you I’lll nude hack-arrired in FY-ance-the war was start- ward. adv. ad. — ’ Rex Barber Shop .- _-__# E You don’t need loose dollars 5 E to buy your New Edison . . . i i Ii COl\'lE to our store and ask when You Need Taxi- 4 about-our Budget Plan. » " ' s i ’ " It uses, not the loose dollars, but the very dollars that fit most tightly into your syste- Call us and we will be glad to serve you. matic scheme of expenditure. We have a new lot of cars and prompt scrv- _ Did you ever see one of those _ _ qua,» charts that picmrc thc ice and courteous treatment are our mottos. dollar divided , into various colored sectors? _ Special trips arranged. Call us. Did you ever hear the laboring of a , I Each sector serves a definite , motor being fed too much gas? purpose. That‘s the Budget Plan. The same calamity bcfalls the .hu'm- . - \Vc'll show you how to cut an systcni from eating foods too rich for r . _ _, T’ I ° b C digestion.‘ L p ;°;;:,;*<;,',";,',,;r;,,:,';<*,§;;:! gdgf Iger axica 0. Good toast is deliciously appctizing. 5°"- Phone I '99 ' ' Besides preserving all the virtues of ' ' ' Bread—the Best of all Foods. Parker Furniture Company Start the day with toast made from 0 . vg _ -—always pure and wholesome. ‘ ygu 51.93. C 6 , Selling '= _ , - i Ihesand Paper. 3.2 . , * D - = - ° i 5“e“g’5 Bakery Phone :92. Will an 0”” °°‘"'°' "' . - Bread is your best food, eat more of it ' , i§ ' ‘. O ‘ . xutsscouco.s/U - Ep. 072 -flrt‘ , um _ x rem 5 ,, , 3 To Students from the University and Columbia. _ v UNIVERSITY CREDIT COURSES CONSEIRVATORY OF MUSIC—Waltcr Scott, Director. Ten teachers 9 BIBLE COLLEGE OF MISSOURI [E in the Department, oflcring courses in the following: Private instruction in Piano, _______. ' ; g Voice, Violin and Orchestralinstrumcnts. Two special teachers forheginners : in Piano. Class work offered in Harmony, History of Music, Counterfiaoint, Ap- , A preciation, etc. Chorus under direction ‘ofgtliss Vvoodbridgc, head of the Voice Department. Orchestra under direction of Mr. Ziegler, head of Violin Depart- ment. ‘ ' C ‘ ' ' EXPRESSION 'DEPAR'I‘M-ENT-—Miss Naana L. Forbes. Private and ' class lessons in expression. C AR-VT DEPARTMENT—Miss Madeline R. Flint. — China deoontion, household decoration, drawing, appreciation of art, etc. . ‘- - ' The student must have hi Bible College Enrollment ‘Card countcrsigned by the University I I ' Dean, and by the ‘Read 0! the Department in which the course is credited. . st. Fundamental atom and Religious Values. (Credit for Freshmen only.) An intensive study of the character cl }¢3ul‘rt?:.thcr with a consideration of the main lines of Christian conviction. (2) ‘Sec.Is'l‘.‘rh.sec.1Ia. , -- 7!. lihlaai Llultnral. The liiatoric. Epic. and Wisdom materials of the Bible. (2) to '1‘. Th. at. .3510 Q Lluratnre II. The Lyric. Prophetic and Apocalyptic materials of the Bible. (2) I W. P. , Th 3' preceding courses seek a_ lcnotvl of the contents, and an appreciation of the beauty. nri¢:y,a:id fiiweroltheliolyscriptnresuwtfig olliteraryart. goat, fiber!’ d Ch Hehnva. A study of the narrative portions 0! the«Old Testament. and of on elements 0 Hebrew racial experience ‘which made this people so pignificant in the histor '7, latertixnea. (8)0’.l‘.'l‘h.and*lS. ‘ 1181. Inmtmnmuimmnuu \ ‘- \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - -13. . ._. llmlllfllllllllllfll _ ‘d ]eau._ An indncgvc study ol_t‘he tegfhingafof }esu1 in LbCil’Sle)€IYI- , _ ,. )- :.§_..¥:..:s'r:it,apphc§tii>n to t e area: was pro can 0 0'" W‘ "’ °‘ ‘ Leson hours and practice hours arranged to suit convenience University — :5; _‘_,. C no a Language. 39 Three times per week through no -comic}-. ham to_ be amused. and Public School studqts. No extra charge for use of private practice moms. , to‘ ~ u;1,‘%acut!vaI§n. eurveyolthedevelopnientolrellgtonwnhanenminationofthe 'i _ A A p,-59¢,‘ gxtggpugs. (s)a.'r.'m - V . , I p1:‘3{_ Edie; Ancient and modern ethical ideals ootnpared with the ideals of Jesus. I '1‘. TIL ‘ a) . Introllactlutto Ielkiou Education. (Credited in the_School o_l Education.) 15 study of ' eiplea nod methods vital in moral and religious training. and of institutions for promotion oi_ re- _ fisednpatlon. (I)~Bourstohearran¢ed. _ . _i‘, 4 pg.» fgfthfi information age G; D. EDWARDS, Dean . I‘ .‘ ' ; Fofiinformnion all 31 College Office, write, .01’ phone "Registration i '5.-." ii b°gins 27. _, _ A ‘ awe: M. Wood, Prestdfgxt ~\ ~. \ , \ \ \ x \ ' -