‘creasing business. THE BTINIIG IROUIIAI. OIEUIIIL. TITISDLI. AUGUST ll. 1%. gvery Student _;§_ . Part Owner !_1_1_A Great BOOK STORE Student owned and managed, the University Co-operative Store is a great commercial enterprise in which every student in the University isa part owner. It is the greatest store of it’s kind in the West, and in the whole United States there are only ‘two larger. You are part owner in this store. The CO-OP'has grown and twice moved quarters with it’s in- It filled a need; it had a mission. You will find books and supplies on our shelves to fill your every need: Books, Stationery. Souven- irs,‘ Drawing Supplies, Athletic Goods, Toilet Articles, Candy, Army Shoes. To you old friends’ of ours who know what our line of Herman’s Army Shoes are, come in some day and let us show you our line of dress shoes made by the same people. Some CO-OPServiee Features A United States Postoffice Substation is located here in the CO- OOP---Parcel Post, money order, Registered letters, and stamp ser- vice: If your fountain pen runs dry unexpectedly, drop in you will always find the best of ‘ ink in the big ink well. There is a telephone on the wall back of the East ‘door especially for your use. , Drop by the CO-OP on your way toclasses it is handily located in the base- ment of Academicflall. THE UNIVERSITYCO-OPERATlVE sroluaz (Incorporated 1902) S The Students 1 The Student: Store Store " i 5