- THE COLUMBIA EVENING THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1920. . ""' ' ‘ ‘ % . int COAL .'HUOIl'l‘AGE‘ " to in (Ir-iii-3-Int-.-‘.;» rntxicziag nctpnl .-,; Fran-s Iiurmlens To}!!! Bone.’ ' 1 V :0-Tlionk-d 3 sqcud in uh» nu‘ ..f :b-.- to.» team for the but two reeks J 06:.‘-Ycgu. fl‘ ‘Tin ‘WWW - ' 3'3 5 3 than in Iorrr nu£.::ufix.1;3'»a “' ‘ " '3 """ ‘ ‘ » ‘- ' and ' and bu-Lfn-Id 1--nmlioan. 1' ch Juhn F. Mfllct 5; not null 5 "‘ ‘R "ooe”d' '11:: 4 d 1119 cl: 1.. "" “ .. - P“ - “’ - W’ 1: ‘g1.3_‘- ‘” -J 11-!‘ mi.':e;o._ . M-.l{!.I.‘-. .‘N'|"~- 1'-"'.n" (""°‘"‘ 5"“ n 0 0 Sturlrp Andres; Vanity ‘and. Exam» catiun. Sitting at hi: duh he 30$ haw flu had. lo l '9 ymuiurlinn «-5 run] in MN ‘1““‘ "3"." "3 ‘-m"13': in!" 131!‘ l‘a=A‘-‘1""""""”,‘”"‘- "‘5""i‘".‘ "W '“iK’3}3“" ' dared a number ul lnu-B) hnrmrn hp the undo-nu. vrlcomu the old ollfl “*4” "_hdp lb" “u.bnn’. . unailmz xi.:u- 1910-“.1 171 up.-1:1--;; uc1‘.- in LN"-ml In (hr im «-9-::'«‘ arr. om---Ir"1:h of rm3;IIl5;" ‘ “1.O‘..._tr.E':>“:x in-i-‘rd -4’. Pl‘. nu its cxcrufflt $5“ '0' l"'"d“'3 "'73 $0“ '" I" II nlurh uul g zg£ 1. .‘ , ., . V . _ _ . , ‘ - n M 1. uk '_'‘k ‘.31. fin-_ of the hut Iv-u in-Ru of prachcr ‘so 3...» ..:A . ' «lbw ";‘:.".‘|1¢~al T-.:r:3' ofclbr span. The uibir and pi-r Mu-e-uri a running: uu ‘bu! mnkru. that quiet I \m — 45091] the‘ Ian; lard nrdrh to another ‘ 10* » u on [no .m. .1.» to nor Vnlky cmn;n.m.hs,.~ . ' - ‘Mu:-'1‘? :‘;l‘8In W" l"lnC“‘aIh"”‘: "kn Abonl tiny ma. ("laid in track suits at :1". . . ,- ‘ ' 7 -lmuld Nth‘) IN‘ V“ .93 regulation liaollull top, vu-re out In: Vu- ifi 7 ball IL-"'1: “wrr will be nun lion‘ H C“ 1‘. 4‘ : FRV ICE - ‘- ’ "" “ . ‘ I u -4 (hr usual numm o! In; games. ht!-I‘. L (‘ _ ~ ‘ .‘ _1’_",';- If‘ /' _ : uinin: rlulu-o that no nmiripan-d Int ' Jp ' . P" 7 r ' . ‘fl . C“? ’ ""'l" ‘h""1 ‘_“d ‘M ‘'h}’”*’ ' “‘’d' N" men of I11: Irv-shmm It-am yrar. ~ { |}‘»-:1 ‘ :‘ |IlIr~ (hr route u-non. _ . a _ xv 155- . 11 ml: ‘Mo-fr. n no-I-nu. in mnf - s- - - ~ ‘ - -¢"\" \n1l ;l1.:‘o \-".'s n‘. -4-" 5'-‘I I-“~' ":5-‘ mngwits inrfindn nulu Ihr utrv"3h"H‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . "7 ~'''“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' _' ..f lhr lzrxrf inslilutium. 3 (art up: ' 0 0 t - b . -. __ ' . ;1_..,. —_. 1] ,1 - ‘ 1‘ .'?I\ ‘ ..v- as n:-' 5r 1 st appurm llnn nlu-r pr - ' ; N» “' a ‘ ,' ? '«'»»«'?v5> «rm ~ _s. 271 8WlZ7’lZ7’l8 00 . .. . ,. .._. ; ,. 3. J _,;'- 1' : 1. -1 3 ' q; and the dnuppannrcu! I r~ — I x .\“\l “.1 JIM- . !\ I I U k in I ' E2‘! ;:u.!;:'::lb of t-M {II N5 _A. . . , .‘ ‘ ! . ._ 1 — than c-vrr In-(me. V _ ‘ 7 . o , V 1' “ *“"" . ~ 1-... ........... .. r..x.w.-.: ....« The stvles that W111 dommate the season . . K. ' , 3: rt-nai_u!§ In-11 uric-d 3! not inch-I-nl._ _ - ‘ . ‘p . gm: -1» - ‘L ,, 1 ‘ E: «-my -gr gnaw» ~ss-;;~r-“~11! -mm . < are assembled here 111 an unsurpassed show- ‘."'-“ V7.1 “'9 (In I-1 -L -351" 5"‘ "i. ""4 ‘ ‘H ‘ r M" “um “ :r N‘ A - ° ' " v —' ‘O 1 ‘ T « ' ‘ 0 ' ‘IV I "I1 ' .3‘! X“ *9“. u.:.‘.". ;~ll;ilh|:. Milli; 1 ‘A. u.\(-:$l."T:lkrI' 3 . '~ ‘ ‘ - ii 951 J u, ,. ,. ¢.,.-;,w 31 I%2.'.L§’."i1L“.L.'L'"f§‘i2f;,.;.,'::‘::fi; . I ‘as well as the more conservatlve models 1n 1' ' Vi . M ' ‘Lu "" V ": \\':li::gun Pa. and range Within; , . ‘ I ' 4 E: - M‘ Vu-nund Jo ('l'lol'|.I d Nu. mo ' _ ‘ A " o . ‘t-«-.fs!~A _'. xx-mIaIW01 ‘ B B» . - 1 "‘ l7...:a:u..'u :1: 1:12‘:-‘t;l’:‘.ml)u‘| 50. lb!" Comp‘:-le with dcl.1c}1- - S) 7 es a Z . ' ' .-. V-'1-set-ru Rruene oi C'|r\1-land is [ht l« . o . , . . . able cord and In . . . ~ tr'an<-n at Anna;-ulu ‘On Y\¢»\'rI!x|!\r!ll.'fi; P g ' _ f th. h I ‘ ‘. ( . B , P I e .‘,'”.”..‘'"‘.‘.,,:‘:;Z';,.,' 33.. 1,,‘ ‘;,,,,;;, The \»ar1ety and character 0 _. 1s s ova - "'77? . ' '11‘ 0}.‘ ' ‘ « - ‘ ’ - Cu 11 1 d. ' ‘ ' . ° " V I Cant} 6 ; \‘..n!nngt¢n an semi:-. at n cc ‘V111 _ D1. ' .. . . . .. -- 3:.‘ J: w 4.’ 151 A. n H11. ' . ° - ° ' - ‘ ;_» \. _\mth St. . . rxmm ,,,,; ,,;jm*;:;,, ,,';,_,,.‘_,,_°“,,,¢, '5, Price $4 85 Fall Nootxveax, whlle our faxr pnces empha- ,, ‘4‘,..»_ ll. .‘\lcCc-llund. will play against Hui! ° .' _ ‘ . x ..... W... K... ........, u.;.. s». 1 we the ccononncal advantages of pm chas- :- “-3" '; '~| prufruiunalu. in lbr nflrtn-ull ' , _ o " - . . :":.’~1‘qQ~¢; .4 am nhu.au..n mt-r th: Mi». , " “"3 ." “"’T".".'"’ 1ng.he1‘e. ’ 4- 3 o . T. "'7-“‘ ,~’:.’;':,’-"’*~*'_’r "-'-='_,.g , » i»,«-.?;2=.J.'.-L .a.... mu. ..;.......m... .n.»m..a in 5;... lmc of eleclnral 'utIhlu-.~‘ ‘ , . - . "I. .'_.' - I/'>‘—“-~ ;"‘. ‘} , ."'..k."'£J.~ 1_J-, (:‘[\. ‘_ . r d M . « . :0 . H. _ _. , _‘¥',%\'\ _ ' 2° _.._,‘3,{_.:~., _ A 4;; st: rues. ' . fen. ; §- .;___.__.‘ ,3‘:-'_ ‘_=‘ 5- _‘'_‘,,z_ _.-“1_‘-_f‘<_"s";_8€ I‘: nu.-uulu may {tr malohnl uuuug - . ' . I . , L,.‘:'v ‘ Xv ‘fr.’ 4.‘ ‘r lbr ti_-‘IQI-It in {hr nwming tmmd o it ‘ ' - "5 ' f. I ‘.'..r\5‘1' "M“‘:*.‘:‘.."I‘ ‘ ’‘ T.‘P.'. V ’ ’» 7 ' ‘ ' ‘P 1-’ um 1" !h1Il'lh"— "Nib lm-1"” "1" “ii ‘ 1 ’ l , ‘ ' ' _:€‘,Z;Z.("" ".3 " . ' ‘Z-I-_ Iran-I lhc I-all lhgny-six In--In A3851!!! _. ' ' ""“‘ '''u‘ . "“ _¢ * ' ' -"‘~ ‘ llnr inradnnf -uh. S538 'lhr Kama: - — ‘ . _ . A . , . _ _ __ (1% -7 » % .' Nu, ‘ ‘ e * . "‘ .|a\ Ward has In-on playing us out, 1 nl-hum rout’!-rs all summrx. Hu /4 " Ward, ajrruxbrr of Jay. btinp_j_hc won! L __s . -_~- - -. .. M --..-.---...j.-...e,.-..+- ..~_.-. . s --a . .- ' . - F.-«- - - " P C - up . i ‘H’ . 7 7 7 ~ __ 1 4' I . ___ ,..,- . .---- . . .. \ ' O ' . ‘ ' I ':~» ‘ ' .7 ' ' . A . _ , \ ‘ - L ‘ A urr 0 re e 00 00 0 \ _ _ ' ' ' _ " ' , Spec'a1 Pl te Lunch S eclal Malted . ’ , ' ' - s C f . . . . - .. A on ect Ions W 7 . d ‘\ _‘ ~ - . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ~ ' , . . . . h .' : i , \ : - ' ‘ 9 ’ NEXI DOORQ IO EACH OTHER . ;. _ v ,. ' . _ 3 ‘.a. ' i ~‘ _|'> . V . .. . . _‘ q: ‘ . _ c_..« up 1 __‘13 5" ‘.""3"..' ._ 7. ... . K -_ ._ ':‘ V .. . ~ ‘ o - -'-7 . " . I “E ".“' ' ""5 ‘ . ¢_ :93. .‘ in-.—' .~.~'.-’ 1' - -'_«‘£:. _.n‘ 0 ‘ .'-.fL.At.L£.:.|3-'..d-ea.“ '«’.'.-..nr‘r-J‘ . '-