wt-ta not attending high achool 1058 the course in vocational tare. flrthiatnaanabeteached stadium in who would not have received training in ' tare - Seventeen tnetrvlto taught last year are taklttg a apecial one month‘: cottne ‘ ° at the Unlvenity this atuntner. This‘ - aunt.-aeeaeem beolfo-red udtl . year as i meant at keeping the ll'Il.'&fll in tone with t on: pltaaea and gave V ' - marl‘. summer a tan;-ject mark is aaalgnod by 58 @331 from 3- 5-» III Alficultuflfi ‘£3. de- [ the ti-her. for example. taining a pig. a 1”. 3 3*.,’ ‘$199941'|li¢°°'Y“°°"CID!‘C378!-lfloekofdxielu-naotatewaemaoleom. Heeumllulaelauoflltisnovprnpoaedtoextendthepeeaent ‘h"7‘“'° 5°?‘ °'” °' “'9 00'3""! Vhoitvro year count to font. “-'3-\ ..-A ‘ ‘ « 9 at O O O '4 - -._...___. . ...._..__.._.._j.._..—____ if ctudnlin. H «II and . iedtxzationratizd mental rather Ill; mam‘ Q J_ ,_,_,,___,_,___”_,°.d__.m, fa NEWPROFESSION ,.,,,T,_,,_, _ i "i ' 35 the Hlaaaadaa . ; o uswra the ranl: that journalists __. . T & “gin A.’ 0:21.12. lav. the army Ohottld have anon: the przflalions. .\s\ it “/ /.1 ‘ I, f//'/'’. _ ~ I‘ //” / , / .-,2. ’ “Va. ./ ' ‘r//. V 1;} “.3 an utooopol the ' 1.} in mean _ gag‘ A,’ .r"’,,, ,_ .» ~, ',’ Th 3" cnllad -the Wi:‘:ad:n:c.5:£dnc(ia tl-:t!iti':rrartitionen devote ‘f ' "‘ ' "J, l L" ' ' Hiuolltitl racy than has come the detnaad lariyflraincollege preparation bdon.-cttte'- ‘ Z \ _‘ \ 1"-.3 _’7‘,r ' «it / fi$*«tt \ V ~ E 1 \ mm. but they be _ ate and mould the nation‘: ideals be up t jg he ' turn by the qulmu. t,.2.t.-. ‘ . /Z’ ‘ 5%’ - nut‘ de."d°d “" 'd"”“'°“- Not every one tho it fluent has ac-* $39 '5] ha Ildtilt the N) dldlnct line of detnaecation can Teuraey ol thought. Truth in often divl It ' What .torted by irrnsponlihle pexaom. The ma iuwada‘. ia a tt'Ide_ot latuioaa today my become suspecting and thou incapable of 3 E 5 i 3 S 3 .-‘ _ I i up; 1. (hi 3”, ad ‘.55 speelal knowledge and expert aperieme ‘ mg the prt-leuion. It is equally Jr Ina": \ it . " rah b’ I’. H H ‘I a!’ ll field; The peoieuaiotta are not important that those who attempt to end’ ' ‘ \ ling In .0 ".5" 1 ‘ O \- VIIY ‘N9 Front thee obligation the-te at-tings can be done by the tutu-n itself to raw . from’ body of ptufaioual ethics. courage greater efficiency among its In-’ I B 3 the gig’ udu. 3].; u, bag. 1-‘. "Q Income ‘1~"m_]‘ eh ture leaden. The advocacy and «laund- ~ . . . ' . 4.! papers for still bettet'traint~d workers 0)‘! have that llllll] lo OW Ban. ‘'1! n.tlte duel ' ‘rm ‘kn’: ‘ht pm‘adun “mm. nfgll tlouldng tte t-pttuun. It J‘ . m '--~ Co)rr'¢lt0yEl.V.PIict6-Co. It Hm ‘ ' we-an at-unhu. mt frtpertx. ;|""' '°P° ,' ‘ ~ ’ Via. £1 1. ha. 35., To under-ataad umdilitfns and In in» ::"";:£' ‘f‘":l;':x,_‘:;: '.}r"h:"l'”.'°' . _ -‘ I , Q.‘ 3‘ i:°¢'::’n“h.mn‘.‘" in." . to nerve the publsc tutti! dominate il . i "' S g I I»! . I lit per .‘ , _ _ ‘ The imfib pmlr-«ion vnttldattain greater prestige. L ,~,',!W,;,'°"°‘,‘ 9. tstmztoettsc roman‘ , t 0 ' ' ° . in ,dxm. R": ‘;.:’".’d by :0nlen 0 8 ’ _ _. '8; (Tailed Prua. 3 , _, but a liberal edizcauon and the Ublulyz BERUN. ‘um l5.__By Mm_,___-uni -. 0f 1 _ *3? 3 l 5.! i I I E F i E E ,8: 22 if fit‘ it ‘-5 it E 5 {Elli % trg3'i riilggi IE}-E2‘; trial}; : W3 2 E 2‘ 5?; m ex adl"tcien.t ":13: an: gymttau scflm“ ”’“’"Y"“"E" '““ '’‘'‘S“''' be “Find '0 pafol‘ ‘bu “uh “ea V under grvvenunent dlftfllon aupentsingi to tho dndguy - ' 53'“ 5 . l Md’ The tfipouih-my 0‘ twin‘ .1", trytttg ctatona Inc: on Anencam . , with ted new and with b"‘"“"" l''°’’''‘ '. _ oaeatrnetlve crltlciua must be felt. This. The ttsnll 31 lhll Ahcficfn l>BIi_M'I0' 'urvolt-ualaifiatandutlcletliia. 7_iI ' '> ' . ‘ i . ‘&,e‘om‘ ‘O qnd_ u-(ill dhtlup most of out 0?! . 3: iiitii tluirbnu.-uaighthc Jeanna?-aoala baaa."tln i: -2 r V pg-sod up the atudy and peat.-tire at, And. American potu-lt buyers are ¢uit- _ "-~ I 9 kaowietlge peculiar to his" vocaton- By in: their actions to tluit words. (‘amt-5 knowledge peculiar to his vocation. By quently. the outlook at pmaent in that the 5 pi;-my preparation and the Araeriran taarlret will not altaoriz more ‘ public be but-omen -vthan IOJXILIIXJ to 8l5.(lfi.§IXl worth of . titled to adatlniua into the excluive yet ; Cram mush - ya: u -kn!-an fur, to dunocratic circle of unions H lien time: an much we-re_the ayndicau: in_ occcpatiaIthooe‘thatlavulvuallbcral7aconcihatoeynood ’ r ‘ gm 9. 1 The good old way of tailoring has given — O '3' A L place to a better new way. - ‘ ess next 'on is a valuable as . The lace i . . . . ' A_ ,0 g,,‘;,"‘”"‘ °d " 5°‘ P 4 The individual tailor who once worked at 1118 own i at bench has joined our organization of two thousand « ROSENTHAL SCHOOL OF_ COMMERCE . ; O individual tailors working side by side under one ' . _ Budding Comm Mm A L :‘1%Olf),e:?eh .rrln‘1211;11§é)Sc:1<:l1talitSz_t_t_1g on tltegfpart that he can W Phones 1095-1012-Black j g ‘ _t _ . O ‘ O ' x“ 0,-_,,,;,,,,, 9,51, Umg gm )7, {mm 1 .0 3 ovctmg More fiat/yfilm/ml r/(tat/, maémg a better ‘ _ - -3 * A complete garment l , ~ cw — - ~ g _ - Great atqftrtg power at/trot/glz volt/me , i . aCHRIST;&N COLLEGE More ,ccoaotaica/ operation t/lrotiga unity T ' ATATORIUM aria’ specza/tzattogt - 3 - . , V, . i O A v ‘ - ' Better tailoring va/M75" as a natural rem/t _ g It will be interesting to every man who apprgciates= { areal ‘quality woolehs to see our offerings 1'lCed_,]n.- O is ; the neighborhood of $60 tailored to individual '-; t . measurement ' ' "Ff I IV: assume ta: rerpoarttai/ity of fittirig yozt and plating Open to Public and Uttivers-ity'Studcnts Schedule Afternoon, 2-—5:30 Etenittg, 7-9 "0""; ‘"°""” O “"‘ ‘°“ 3°” you in every respect ' 1173A‘ Men and Bay‘ Patty Niflxt 7 "@N$AY - Wooten . Men and Boy- flung‘? Men and Bo): Party Night ' DAILY B-Ros. O “ Ed. C. KULINUS, Prop. ‘ 3 » f ~ ~ J O Vmiéfildg * . ._ - ‘ ~ -- _ _’V-7,,’ ' . .3 -V» . ' — _ «' - , I6 9 M ' '1 'f"' 7' ’ ' -. "- - g . . - . _ 1, ~ -— «_ - . . ._ 4 _ I, - . . . ‘ .‘_ 4 . ‘. 1.‘. '.' .' .'-~ :.r _ . ._ , .A. .' 1‘.-‘.~‘¢.>~;.r . 0 i . ' ‘ - ' \v-. " 1."; .,§ .1 ".-2.‘ "A .“l."--A.'.'.“‘.‘:? .:’I:'{"§"L £cn'“.'1°o-‘f‘_'b'§.. . WY > Women Men and Boy: . Net: and Boys > Party Night‘ Pximerhrfiesanybrtght After9. Phone 44—Green v . r . p tr‘