§ ‘ . ..-u.*-¢‘n- "J1‘C‘ ‘Y"“-"-Z- '1"???-’T"‘*T"‘* '.,~ 3 «. __'.-‘ -.‘n _ . - I‘ " ' ’* _*J "O ‘:1 an built? on rank Ink?‘ ‘O vixzct; nltsfctlflm CIQII ‘SCI '1'}. hr.‘ la. ' _ T plats. V *""‘ “ '“"""""" 3 "F""'-' V ' um to Vat-Add Plolldl VEG a rm bone: with av-nth ntI:._ .- ~ .- .A 1' , ‘ , 1 ‘t.a.2‘te- .1. - __,,_.....u.m.g...... sgocx LoNDo1«ts(;cm'ry‘t; ...._mM_ . m VARIO Q K..;...:...W.m, ( I-Pd t 5-9-1" I. (‘J13 t t 'C“ C11 flu . V " . - ’ unuldv All surpltn Mtmtnet vu-gt-uhlcn tlut Berna. )5 ultnrcn. , ‘’''°_' _ ‘ h ' n,‘ W M * H H "TB! -‘TIC. tkltnffilvrn I - ed _, Pk‘ 1, ,0. 8"‘: ‘air’ ‘H 3 In” I& HUI u % ufi, , ~ - 1. 3: name nth ( nm-:1 gm» can not be dried phncld be can .. "1 ' r l * . l.DhlX)N An, 3-(by null-— ndy ht vj -{nub — ch add. no! N’? '''°‘' ' ¢~ untd in‘ A pk-. 33 IIIIfll|“'*~ 00" "W" ‘ " """ - ' '1' It not In‘: Ix‘ "£'um"’ ‘R3’ “'9 ‘hm ‘ ‘ ' } M 1 . ouu@unun_,,, - It tn -Bud IE 5 Vail (‘out For fin the hue the In: .:-11... I an dud use In-en any {duds mm 1:?‘ I ’ mu‘ in ‘my and ‘wqnwup fin { achcs.30 uunutn. :do_v-9. gym-h:‘,..l., x .r _ ..""‘?‘-‘?""“""&ddbccfiIIt$liyiuudinq|hntI¢u¢ru—i-¢tLdroHantoud.c-ncluvnrduluythrydnnlncd Hr1"' " " V _ wd__‘ ,, ‘mg l‘un.4omtnta. Iflrrlhcbotlxnfi -fit-rim ' ' ’ I it ncunitht T aim for sour at uh-or an H» l I0 W ' - F ' ,;,.,_ um pluma. ur‘{., an and .~!u.ul.l nut in.- "Q¢':nxY¢nBS.Oeflcmald)Cfi$¢flhd&n'*j‘n‘”'u‘".aa'”b.‘-t’ "'”"'" °'- an " - - the-tlutalonxf ll. Tndut-nhnjlrlhttv-|1 '°“*P“’ P’ -“. " is-A-siciin. - ~Iscu£7iIIutvtlutth-na:oaiI§|Inv¢nu.arllth!IiduuuutIIht dIttIM'.'1IdVl>'""'" 5 "’"’ "ad ‘mm, nM,__.,‘plc-.-.mdl:rm tu.V"""‘_' "" :38!“ C‘!-In ‘Ian.-flat 8 aunts cum‘: Illilfidlt 33$ Icllglnun Ova. Th liq and Queen and Ptin¢- fil unicntand by love.” And no soda! time. A uni: In d'_I|“-‘ 7‘ ',.,p¢n.pot an-thud and put -Into bot mtn __.......~ -.__._.. . 41 lnflnhul-nu. ah.‘ ‘i... ‘. ‘" h. .5 ‘ _ fi Id:-y ad hi baths: an all bdaa 91! III I03 III! 10 Ill! ‘Dun (rind: In lhr raw at {run at It-mslnrf. r\t"I! part. un_tu|:.and . 1 .1 ‘I it hm. dc“ nn H“, 0,, ,u[.‘!,¢-r, seal 8" 3,.‘u,,,g 3.. gm, "KC d Q-titan. dd ”‘h‘_~ . $fi§ I I5l'“!l'$ 9% in Ell“ 23¢ I vi!“ ‘V. J & III! $0 I&. {C thocdt Hutu 1-I thr 'ba;l0'rtx'9l.'I""r" W!“ ‘J’ 3"": ‘fir l'fl"_'“";“:i pm and Invert to too. (Loot K. Stxmmrn "$10 }t.''- V - up-b-an nu ——. an... h~" M" Hldlldfiutlnluflch nan thnt their!-III‘! IPPON‘ N 3 "MW P“?! 5| ‘M’; ""'°“ ,“ 0‘ IL M,_,,., _ ',,.,,.,o,,,,g.,1 .,t mun; sud; in urh 8" --‘4Il|’I='—‘-0 ‘°' *5’ I-‘-“‘“}'-“S .\ _ ' . ‘.r—'¢IIIID'l-"‘“"'“'.‘*° IUaupetithufuinv!utioutohouu.adrQunodthevuuaytnutnidIf"’l """ 'h""""' ' ~" ‘ 41.4"; -,,d $naptnrn!t}rbrJt:sI|tt~~aml'I.*knjg'uopt1'!ytI(13ot'tInalI‘. ‘I1 is at 0-5: I. mt. _ ‘ ' I ' nddn! In ;)..- (mu ,-.1-.-. pynrntn thr Ml vutls warm water, an I ma T I . punk: when nnnlty 1. expected is u I-dd late but uducvn - must -hr . . In ronlm In r wn MW» e I-err n- - IQZQUI. A"d'|d%lUlIfilKlad - ~ - . - u lulfanhnut. 7 “ "m ‘ I }u( I .fl\)l’|, ‘ I’ has on at «:34. And as keen an act. '05!‘ F009“! 7179333 '0 ‘I’ What 01 S"""h "‘ ' "“ . _ “.1 lrndrt the-s I11-7'! Dr Unit?“ ‘‘h''‘'- ’ ~ _ ‘CDT! *7‘ j d j 5" 1 5 T9. lhtfllll 1&1! is lot aha; hi and BBQ fruit tr’luitr~ a nmcth ab--r1t1' tmnr 0‘ kll me-ml: div!-Ild b’ ”''d)‘ w a‘ 1 mm I r a- ;;;r'r ‘"‘ - - ‘u--“3 ' '” ‘|!'l-'dI' ill $3 '0'‘ 0‘ SUCK ‘IQ lo vandal that durnctuird the Ia“ “'3 5" '37’! Hull” not be H11!!! 111""--‘In? 'h"'" "7"“'M" Hm mt H" l"""' ‘F"‘“ua-‘fr "nu-"d' ‘ rr but-Lct. or tlun muiin Ins. and Inn _ 1' W ........... " & -fiyg "fig ' fid -ad Ptjuoc [~ othao “Vito Iftc In fit tofWI‘“"" “I ‘''’‘‘‘‘m'"' ‘N’ ‘ ‘M cumin‘ Purpmtg “mu. ' lx'l'n tutor tar nuuulr-x « J. it x .' L flu. '. " ‘lb ” P"c.d’ ‘b ‘H: ‘kl (1 ' ‘ ‘I,’ . bl [ht P would .‘ tn luv wl-!r; * II 1!!’ culled ‘I88: (he V?‘ I89 195» m! "P. ‘ t 1,1" nr‘ Zn,“ \ “mm! }pl‘L U‘ ‘Jud.’ ’»_ [fin-fuH) ctcgn rim to YclT)(I\(' 3" g . _- 4.‘; .. ., 3, gm """"""""" coated ta tidy ‘lid: datum‘ mu _m unnutu namctuzxa: _ "-_'(__"_"m rm ;_.“'1‘ 4,4,1-,1,-.1 V-ptrc; flute and vermin. ._ , ~ ,- TIE (‘0l1§G .I'I'flnITl(' 8218.! and tuna’ Iuourifled thc dawn and; An I and In notuty it ltllchcd ndi. ’ ' (L pk“, ,ubb,,, H, mm on 5; fi£Ch.b&duunn -rh,°#“td* ‘cu’. .' “dun find“ . . . . .l thanamanthnfverthrntfc. _ V i! UNI“ &l t ,1. .1“ - C. '8’ “"°% the ‘R .: our ‘uh C .cq“”." ‘do-(hratiun nf thr .\ntmn:| l‘:rk«t': Pad: Ill" 5'5"‘ “'11 l ' . , A ?' ""53 ‘ & ubflii "Sufi 0046- ‘m‘ E d ‘hm '°“_de"d "by "'5' fiw’ ' liighvas at Dem:-t, which took plan that law )t.N he-tn hailed for one tmuutc. .' Th cfiiu cl lolly till fit lb let an ‘be v'ha,‘" .3 “-&"i h‘. “""‘ ‘C7’ ""0" "'9'-“ 3 5”‘ A'd " "W 5" IA, ,, 25 ' 7. ct on rut-L in 1 boil.-t. .. j. ‘'‘c. ‘ 11.‘ $3 . a' All be: life Mr; Anni,‘ 5., mdlfd thut tn that clip rd] brought up, ‘u V V _ , ‘L "A tn, 1,, ma. .,{ ,1.g._ 9 “ . )0!“ 0 9'“ 533% "Flatten fat frankly cnctlv u-hat she thinks and has 351'!‘ V??? MW! wed go Iboulj .11" d°hr.‘u'm -3! gm ink!” ‘PH 8. :11 boiler with enough rate: to ' , ~-» . “ """""- '7 """'¢ ‘5"' " °"" Ilport-nnuHP and dust cthletaa. -fled -50"! won imvuh: I "tr ‘‘°°'» 5' no "In friends to f"“’.""-".““:° ':“{‘" “',‘m", ('f'imp";' ¢..m.- lo untm. 2 tncbn ot tvv of 9-?» — . fluently’ hlfle will In-' tn at ‘ulit vrhschdtst i1hed'~|k"l!PYI5m1|IlIL0||d0lI -rentwitla‘ “,"""' "."". "t ‘T. _‘ bud. ' V . ‘ - - ‘ 3.‘ ‘ I597 Q)” 8 th due 80 00’! lo 85: conduct of Nb bx ‘ad h“ b ' ' bu“ “day. at ‘$_ fun‘: In rgnncruon ml}: the flI£.ltI;:-\;fi: ‘U’: boil‘ wt" hon ‘ 3) Every ounce of Flour is real fiou!-..._nd1 ‘R ‘.7’ _ 9"‘ ah‘ , noon afloat but also to the tratnnt or a convention! nodscv. still leads her all)‘ let: P-Inks cu’)! and 15¢ uould tr " } ‘ed 1 lbW;;":m, : K‘ _m_ minutes. value and uniform in q._mm)._ . ,- ‘W 1. .!h#U°jll5l|€l|||"'¢dln fluauxded visltina Icahn. It It Ind to and ' thinp which turn bone: at with an admirer. nit '“. 9”’ ‘V .r " rm V 11. Rcxnnvv-:an.!itM6'-11d*~ IN‘ 5”‘ V - ' . ‘ ‘ ’ fiV . . . - . «mm for butldtn ta 1-. . the L}Iut1~ V - f l ' the best wheat mused tn Boone. . . .0“; . t,..d,., i be t n ur sclecuon n on \ . V; y D0‘ II M*'.).' R in‘hE‘\'_I1'r1 (‘NIL X1001? 5,." ‘II 4 . ‘ ._- . _ . . 5, ,,,k.,_,,,, mm d,,_ “,4 ., ,5 d Q,._,, Int 0 I r- 0' W F dug. .,, run . hud. cold ourhct. county and our system of tntlltng males posstblc the manu- .'. 8’ '.*'B'*"'5“ 5' "“""" 0“ WNW" '51 IN’ Nflitfllon 50 we Irutbcnxly nu-d Iniut her Sq-It in her tulle ball can to aim % 5°‘ A’ M hm W mm+'v"d ‘tun . ( u pad-u. pan. P""'” I of the -au rt-tnclv satis{act0TY 5°“ '. in fidi III 5: conpclld to I-ilk uprud over Valley dxclg. d by H: tn. Mrs. A; ya quiet -lelt -rt .p¢q‘,.]§§ Id ‘ '" """ I" r'd"‘l ‘“d_“‘.“"" ‘ ,,;a_ any be unnr-A the acturea ' 1, '. E)’ r — ‘ . . '1 ' tt ‘ ' W’ ‘N’ "" """‘ ‘“ "’ "‘ P hat mu u “HP bans/actton for sale by all grocers Of 6811 50- 9 I g .3,’ 1& ‘mg, g 51 5. The Fm ‘an. '” on n by qtnth hand!’ an the fun: to odntt that noted nuns In the afly hour: of “he. ’w_ “min ‘Mr’. "M, pub ", ntnc cs tuuutoca. except I . P . t. . ‘I fig 1 *' ‘°'‘‘°‘ may ol in action: haw been loalish. Iuuunrt mom {I rd Th , u, ,4 ,., ur-ed inst; oi salt. The ramp nu; be B C I '7' '5'" "'5°““° anneal at any txtl. ‘Dam: \dl¢-y ‘But,’ DEV?! tn ‘ But Mn. '11: but not urging; 11]] M" ‘ “ X p '2‘ xnadt u I:-Hon: nu.-tut in an an rm-ad-aa"d,,_,,,,_,,,;,, ,4 due, ,6, 0, - an s. -an know her man... . "j"""““’ "‘ " "' 2 cup: water. d t Com an . . . . , . 0 we: . t wmumwwh*wm~wmW““mW%%mWMw%WW ~w+~ mwmmWW w Emmi P1 5 actual. Thai: uuaiicen will be can ,..,,,,4_ 01 ,1”, ,5, "ca, .5 .5. (cu. m“ Tu?“ mi ‘Law; 5” ‘° °l°“ :' 0 mud"?-' ‘V ‘pnc3f:‘:7l["ClO‘?L.tmLll i. ‘varies -cl1l:“d€PflI3I upon the kind and Makers of Red Rmg Feeds. i. ‘ _ _ ‘u . IQ - _ '. [‘ pjhtcvhathuxfiltlrenilllhn,,.,;,'..hg,¢,...¢..,h‘tmtim!f;undcooteatotn.beunn} nntcrunitinacoa-.not}utifpeopk‘.¢,chia;in(qexunhatlinycu.' ripcncanotthefnut. I-4: iuofltuandndtlivdfioodwtthdauh %.&~.h ' I. Mnhnquit hclvsyu nndjmtruhochsd Irht'oiuprinttheynr¢f ‘-1- ___ _ _ - V ' m ‘ I ' _ c ‘E Ifltnjyupeunuantiolthoéqppudlrynnutdtydnenndnloch '£‘n:th‘l""h':.r:,o.¢¢1‘.¢mbflh“!h" h;g,.,_A,q.;,';,d;,:l;:::‘“,.§,f;£b' - g ‘ ' “.‘— \” A-" - — —-‘=~-.:—'—‘ ‘:..'..z.-.....:....~.:.::..:..._.,, : npguuaautuantnutuae Ttgaufuqlltnlplillbnttlcnndwaa‘ “ , ' ,'u_, - ' A V - young men. potcatul and and I; .., 4 I . , . ] I v ' -. . u : x 1 ,.y.'-cchtutm.-rttttxm-.ut.e.:t.csiuo=’ixa:soaoItt-e 1_ A ': : §fuea‘u'tohednedivtnerid:ttoquit it I 1 . 2 1 a J 7fi'n'lfctaWat‘!dCoc:tntbett$Ior cl.a$eclNatiou. A"uidCo_ut.iI fiedddionuumvuddha &?"*5"" h‘b'°"'°5‘h"9! Andlovnutkruenonbuuning. flilbohlnluluavileb-5Theptupecuigc..p.,g.i;|.}....,¢ catgthdrdnduu-thuminordutof...¢ 3.,,,.,,,,,,,,.;,,,,,m.mn_h gdml-incaua..».d:-ndteatzagtsu chalilta |h5Q.i8y0CClJCgthfyli'I!idIn§.“6-K1U‘N§If!nl’uI- Illittllticthaluntlac °"='°°-=II¢|Iht-nxvr-net-can-ta ~ ‘ 3|7i‘3UC8R€2‘flIC)‘fl- Fa-nyceututiathcdivincd¢tot;jd*ll1IIlIlrporttneve:ypouib|¢_.. ‘HfkEflthe'uf|dilllI'.f1n.IOVilIP3~ gfibvwlllwhahathcanng-can §5‘°R°fuccaIorhilurr.n-ncflu ilk Hinuri rcpumioo [or spot-ugg. In_Oa (din. -ulithntuuudllbtncflc. 'HlnrJndtuat"Uttlelitclfleuven."~'INvud -in u.ns.m.pu.....t..‘ fin that hybeh unfit lhlpluccillnlrwnt. . ,j2uh-22 » numta up an utotm’ .W'htlIt'$_tJo4Q$enntnt‘ b u the Yong: at lay;-.3. at ;5;;§§Ei{§f:£§ M 1 3: ti tééi j%i* 35: U‘ °OrcIe Sept. l0—Mooonh Mcding, Sept. ll——Altaku: [$509 Picnic. Stpt. 13-Fmtign Stndcms‘ B-munch‘ S691. nun: Alpha “I135 -ofkho "F . . - . -non: st.-pt.17—M«I.tn; at Elna Patunaiaufid .- _ tions but 17-". A. A. Picnfic In ncvi][.,a,.* ‘dun cl not hoeuukod L 23—P1ovfl' 30!. 2$—m.'tnd Bocnc Concert. Oct. 9~—$t_ Louis lfinivcnity toothll _ gun: at :t. Lou’ mu‘ 0% 1¢-lo-n Saw Univmity fooI- tat {omen which later and derttnltc the hall use-at Amen. ‘ 59¢‘;-y, at —Drnlt Univtrnity Iirlfid ‘ii 6!“. 3 nut: st Du Hoinm. wont-1: gr: ' ao—ou.t.o... cmmaty football ‘(onward position. Lidy ‘Anni.’ stu- ng: at Colttnahit. v tpkachvc united toovcmntarlhes we I footlilu ptoblcm to be at ' ‘ (ht . . 5-ttu... sue .t..ma Colic‘: football not at Colutubéa. 50- 3» 9 and ' Mituttel _ Sow. *—""""""""—' l,\N¢v. ll-111’-out sum Teachers‘ A. l'- S. 73171-158 ‘F03 '5 ”"“ nodadoa neettng. ’—""" Not. t3_w..t.;..,;... u - - ' “W .BI'|tN| 309" ""‘."." "_ ,-_-_ bu “ Co‘ I. °"‘”"’ 4 hteu-it In Ofieil. tuoohnctitxgtohcttpuncrt , ; maroon Sept. 1.-187 amt:-A-. cttttmntvs tzu xx 1::-‘sun ‘c«fl,_d " '°"°" "’ § .3" -E 3 3525’ § 5&5? 5' §'~"‘_?..';E3.'-" 3...” §i§;L_ 3 2; V. &.fi%1Ig§ i;-h:,_L 3...- g—¢s.. . .....___......~. ..'_. J I Ase-ti_t-9_J N IIe£4>thu:lidtuft3luanumehtifiunm in the road-from producer to '. cost to the . are direct cottons ' nation’: tion . hdhfitfififf; Economy ant! °_ ’ 1}Tm 'g..- ,..4“", ‘ _‘ .‘ tnmnnnannampttoaxnhs5comunntA1fiemt° EMlP1?IDflP!JENflENHTllK7TIMRL(X1;ff ~ .~aat‘ANn-catttttr..a.,-t.,,.' ~ V -, , _ 9 --— . .0, ._>__' ‘A’... “‘ ‘V, ’-_ . -: n._ “-93 ,0: . _~ .' 2 "_- " I "- l - __ . .~\_ .~; -9 t-r‘—«—v:7.‘v,"".',fl._w‘_._‘ ‘*3 E ;- “.4 1. .'.j ,v' - -' .' .UHII**\4' " » .!.=7.t=.=fa:r-.-»