, - . g .-~.".7_...- I dust a step from anywhere lllaseinent Sampson v J -:,." A‘ ‘ ‘ ll. .. V ~V-‘ . 0 -- l l . l I v ‘ W.‘-‘-~—'-‘ “ .... - -. “* ~ ‘~ I ' *3.‘ Juliana.- - §i.IP!..*.‘.i£ ‘gist :.pu.a.u...s..au...in _. n-_I- I-I-uw-¥- - -AW -_z’-‘-'-'f-''''‘’'‘‘'‘'''’'''’- ‘ , : - , '5'" t. ........a fi -"-V‘ - - in i “ I-‘-v-‘-in-i--can-at-iii-V-iv-I -Aux... iiiauiiui-it-tuna-4: ."_,,- nuaanuo-i'i~e.ui..ui.'.iui-an . . . 4"’ ‘-"“"""""" ‘ “I __“,,‘o;.;_,c..,.a.-..‘=‘.y.... tail: lab nu. and mi a.,:""' °"':m‘: : ::";‘: - ‘ I f_ T ,u__1a-.u-,-..,-u A . .. ‘,_,_n_ ‘#5, ,l:‘.'".,‘L.";'.'L°"y7.."¢':';.,"k.lu‘u'."-.'al..".’a.': .na‘£e‘lcl.th‘:hrtdeapaiuullr.0::IthI'9hK1a'Gy.‘r::.:?‘;f _:‘:_dh._u._.,_.“,_ 3 ,, n..i.ii.vi-a.iui‘i- lI_¢.ItIliaal£h:atiuad=Udvuityeaiei."eittnuit:e§e£ooldJaqnaliIIial!l.5 0-dl'*C*""'.""‘*""“-""""3.' it-1|.‘-1"‘-I-"'*".""" « T in. as-nu’-an-ulna-A Join A g.FhiGau-aDdta'J_n¢y_anyyauu-fgahdnuhtadlialaealtyaielandteno-madvuiinaavoikhflewhqlla _d.|.tuIuc(iIGIl!- _ , !.§‘._a..¢.n_‘[,.¢§g..4,e¢ .' . V ~ 4. ' «lay: hna.!12__l1yhaieanato{YuL , lllafiteihatcuacadeniin d O” . .'$’..&nc_ 5%,’. ’ ‘V A W " ii” u"&'s—-n"'udnu.'h-‘a.-mu" rum“ .i°'r.i....i..'l"""""“'°'°l;* .u. i 4.... '‘ W'''i"'.i$i:.u-'m '3: .."f'.".i.'7"‘."a an-mm“ " ‘till-“An-E a....'.: .i scum. cut. V.:-In-: Ithaca. _=- n "" Wlorkhflfi-l;e~‘Im..‘Iufie ~ """"' ia.3'ii.n '5'-Tiny” In. n....u mi. ta...» u. Danae am... A L i nag cn..nu._u.-i- 1. Pull A . - ' 3"“ “mu mi?’ ' - lldua and J Rallies: ’ ' ' '1; ' y the;-I-‘no an. '—ahl .- i i am’ ' J‘ " «:7? uruuummnnuu-afi.;:"a.'1'a“.£'l"'l..a.a°‘d.‘l'l““sl:':'£i Whlilier oiiare thekind i . e- .' . ..,. ~ ..*.": :'::..°';..":.~ .'...*:'..":.‘:*::'.~* .".:*'.:."...":.""*'.......‘-*.-:.'* “'..':':.::l !?'W'°'.,',,':1.°'°‘°'“‘°“.:’;‘;."‘:.§ ' : l A » A """""--wt.-«~...<=~v..~.. =-.......,--- -.::*.:-...,-..-:l':.;':*,*.::-..a..,-*-- =.-..:-.-’.';‘«:’-.....,-« M » ..... axflm e ‘ A 1 h_’11-hi‘-vibe =h;?,§'§;; LUNCH ‘_ « ' / ...u.u‘'''....°°‘'“".o'“:.e in vogue um sea. 2 l . . . ‘ _ , 0 _ I "l‘;fi"beItItlllll pair of gauiitlets f’.-3 ' :: ' ire fashioned of dark brown kid. J ' W ‘Q’ ‘ _ r I ' A white pearl button forms the.clasp. and the ‘ _ I . 4 _, ;g , _ _ * stitdiing is white. They are daintier than niostof the gaunt- ’ » >. ‘ _ . lets, and are at;g.g5, gauntlet: with of ‘ . PLATE OF SOUP 2:; = ~ “ . A ~ t°°"‘““"'8°° "."’ ,-59"! ‘ * » ' ion SOME-TSPAGHI-Z'I'I'I in J ' % '’‘'' ‘flue ladies like the men but they do not always like food theyilike l ' ' LADY JANE‘ 3 AND A HAMBURCER ._ * .1 5if5‘I-itliflfhoou and evening meal. And therein is where our new-secret lieu. ' ""‘“"'“”""' "““"‘"”‘“"*" ' I _ OR HAM _ .-_ .1. J! 5.. . ' ’ . ;; ~~ i Col bia Th t Wm e-- .‘ . .< - 5"-‘iii. ‘~-1.». ' "1 ‘ . ' V - " ' ‘ \ . i ' '- _ _ ' .- . . ' :5 l I Evexybody is saying we know what the "fellows" like. m we know ea 50“; REAL -Pu-j . . _ ‘ 1 I ' _ i that is true or the “fellows” woiildn’t smile so after they spend '-‘*' TDMGHT TUESDAY _ . OR CAKE ,. ' 7 .1 ' lionror ao at one of our tables. - ' . A LA Mom; , . ' It ».§i4~7,= ; A A , WALLACE REID GOES ,,,G,,;,. 1 A Desired Taste .~ g I . ’- . “ fl‘ . . . . ‘nd . l . .._ . z. 5 Today our dining mom is improved that we may beat een'e the I" “ah” of tho” ‘Peed plum“ . ; "Sh"? am 5''? afwudly ‘awcublé . .‘hm' V: . i . .h ‘I “ l always giveadiatiootiire ’ _ T. {J P ladygiieata. Thetwo extra tahlcsareheingput in. The latter part ofthe beaeenhereinawonderf . fall l'0V|£’W_. H . _ _. 3. we& the first three tables will he-teaerved for the ladies. Special waiters Assiswd by «I-hwdom Robe,” “ 1.-I-he Bur... Ann Link and “HURRY SACK” ; In y({)udt‘liex:Sll':°!(l:;dd|‘l8. Sill: or pure silk 5 .~' a will know what you want when you seat youraelf at the reserved table. And Tully M"duu_ % "3 . ° - _, _°:. ' .£_ "_ _. “nice is you" \ _ _ Initial shipment of Manhattan: received today. §::- j 1 K If you enjoyed “Double Speed," you'll _simply eat this ; I-died Ind m“&°**°d °°11-"- 1‘ 3‘? . . ‘ _' y , _‘ ' __ pictune up. Also 4 . A PRlcE§- - - :3 i. it C01 1)‘ C t ° CO d --mmpn» $2.60 to $10.00 um 1a a ering . n..,i.t-.E...;.,»».,.,..,.(.o SAMPSON ; if oioiaiismuwiu beofthegath— «sugar the clan--after that hard‘ , A 0".‘ W” 5”‘ D'i"” -' wennesnn THURSDAY , “P‘"“'°‘“‘ ‘-":4 ' ‘ ' ' . I . . :2 - . . , * Mabel Normancl ;nf‘Sl1m Princess” 4; W.‘ _ ‘ 3 V .- -. o - 4 . .. ...__ ._ . [_ ‘H 1--.—.-~... ;.. . _, _, , _ ___ V ‘ ‘I ~ l ' .- . » h.‘_ . w ‘ u . ’ V. I ' i . WHERE M. U.’S -WHO'S WHO GATHER At The Center of_ University Activities THE 3 5.. - l , Text: Ty Cobb had a pipe named after him long before Robert Burns‘ Text: “A straight line distance two points?’ Text: &ine wise‘hird once said. .- ‘ ‘ 3 Pl'3“'¢ ‘P903103 00*‘ 93" ‘""PP°“- The Palms. “the sweet~aho,p_;with a personality." just across the street The Egyptian dean-traveler ' A 13¢ tliemdsyzcbo; 1:! &l:l’lCld8lllp long before Columbia became from the south entrance of Academic Hall. i oainel-caram rocks slowly over Cit‘ .#_Id'.ioy V‘ V ‘ . ' . - y The 9‘ ff~end kin“ . . f 0, fut. alioiitoftheloolt-out—"l'hePal1ns." ' I 1" melhy‘ ‘hen cleoliun ".5 ' {hyper ‘M! me People we" ‘I ‘ tennis cou':t:sd:ili:gwl’il:I|oe8tl)in5rtlo‘ors'.from i:\'o‘fParlori'ins." C I or A A . . .. A’ . . do ‘ so i . -em m-wins.-wlook-as tor ‘*9’! we for Pi",;'d*-,-'°b'§_g°__gf‘-7' \ . ,3 at ca = .. d Esm “hm - was on M» v- .’'F*.?.‘’ A‘ A ‘Mm “bull” usnitofbtlt-tnictnddu mm’ ii: flue lust f.‘yn3'P.im': the L ten. hhltlncllgnaia lgzlullqumlliiappefi mnsili:dthl:l "°"°“* "'°‘ °°""“‘°"‘ ""' "'°“ '°“°““"‘°‘?’9""°°“°“‘l A" or 5‘ " . - '- '. " ... . . . n‘- o’u -ya. 5“. I‘ ‘ of dzinkz ma plan“, mamrgcs, l':'ea, and personal service thatkwill gab‘ the most fastidious. Dnnkawith . “pap, musicwith a A V 1 ‘ allptp. it Al at - - ‘j Olaf... T. -u‘ . 1 7.7’ ‘. l _ ’ ' --I" 9 A y M College Days “:5 j 4 Text; “Seventy-five per of I T I Uiiivenlityhenefits are not received A « f ‘ ~ V y j 1% 2.1 ‘ in the da\aarootn."-—.loha ‘Hays _ _ I - . . l ‘ ,:; . l’llm3l5bd'' V .‘ _ . , L A ll 1“: I 4 WI’ your happiest memories “T U Z0 0 ,, . , __ g.‘ A ALI!‘ '- ' ."’:"" files‘of’20-‘Z1 - . \ , laid away; ty A Oaszs whaiiiegfrld-ironivhattlehaaheen ~‘ ~;' woiiandthegaineiareplayedinthe ‘ . ,ciiolhooths‘ot'-the Palms. .l_l your "headquar- on‘ hadtopaikhiahookandjugbeneathalll j >5“ .‘ .5, Penianlionieinifitaaiiellhaveiaid :l Pllllloi l”. 5‘!‘hl38'3 0001 'lh:oughtheagea.thepalin huheen art‘; aymholdf ._ _:. w ‘ ‘ » ‘ i : ’ _ “IA .iipo.uy' ,;imuv.:,suit..u§..y¢i..:.i>.im.°specui° ' fl‘ooni<:haaerwhenaa'vediItlie“"aiolhoothsofthePalina. .linita_ay.‘.d,.‘, ' .a'._ . . . .-r_. raw-at 3 TRXSTING SPOT Text: “A , _ u . *9“- t s i '4‘ nghhetomhoifiliriflipandiwBotinistsand_good’j'nd5inentte1luathatOInarinhia A ~ . - we-.=-e.a=s-sci»-:2 — ‘ ...-':-A‘-'_ -_