‘ "'°“ “It on unexpectedly alled hoot WdIIa- ‘Mg “bk un , ‘ I , it Ivutzllly glad to show u... ..,,.,. r_w.,.d .,, sh .,.,.k ,,,,, 4" "=*‘“'- A *l’r°.l‘.;...”“°"'o....‘,"....'“;t"”‘r‘.'i';§‘.‘1‘? t""'l A Complete Lme now In stock . _ T 0' the stratum mu: am, Du pm “ad, em, ‘M3,, mm, mm, Hundooout mm hula. :2 Hrs. ' ..r .'. :4. f ' '3 . - ~ « .,_ .- ..-. -z 2;.“ ~ - l. r -1 A A - .4, '. , ._; — . at f uiow nrfus _ , _ if. U 2‘ H’ V |Ddl1‘.lhll this the 11* "‘ ‘ ' l ptuenution of nominations petition: of .0“ " ‘hmodockl , ‘gm Theydntvflfi. ‘l|l'€3Nll’l3lh¢ cadidnen fotyc1llt§detl:nooa-touo:- "7u°fl‘°&(1"°hD'“ ¢~-A :- ’fl1t§l?é’s I -—u- “ -iWanteii_—" , Cléétii Rags‘ 1; hhoooroitheuinoa:thbinhdl1°‘ arwntemsaeau-soumdzintou Newest»-.ia-ddiuh-ngtl-«cosh am. act: mi tingpotiti nustbc -31 speak. Mb -‘vlmle Wood 0' 5‘ their son. hloerin Bullies Clan. Mr. and till to spend thedny. - $5M in he I! ilgoedhy at"l,e:a§'tutventy_ Unrerity our Louis will also nddruo the nootiu. « ‘ “ _ I}: N: J. Glvu use 3 due: tt . -—-—- infirm. dam and all petitions an-the‘ tn the ' -———-—--'—- N 5]“-3}-5 3 5¢t.[o._ ydngdgy .3‘; 11,,c},.p,,u,., Mn. JaneoAGcrth,d>¢)2,CollQeIvo- F%lIutal¢l¢IIIIl.Cl.KrI.V.T. hl!tdoolJ.Mn1hlcCtnn,Ikh'uryItfthe_l Ff‘ “"9 15*“ ‘°‘ '°°d ‘‘ °" _ N‘ .' " M’ _ , n. Pu‘: Lyih. Mt. ram. hoc.|rftyen£cv¢!l75or5¢-I-Igui-_=_!;=-je—*— - A _v _ _. e Student Senate. by llaettne ate.-named. .n-u-Ash % 1- . gather" spmt among and Hm Given. .11. um.‘ ‘rue: vi! mad I ‘ask '1“-56 tww-15. Had-o-at -’c'avf°-t 31- Nu "- 1'- .—————————. .‘ -v +-' *' " ‘ ”" ___ ~ .\1rLCnlBuct. ~ A... l —~-- _ . »..,.‘__;4. . " :- 56?! Prince: Wnyne AL ‘°‘ . Corneal hm; ° ct. Nevtinn' ———AHII£lnlll ‘flu’ ' ’°“"‘i"' ‘° "’ B’ R°‘lh“' ' hotpnhle mention. Mrs. W. T. ' Andes-sou. men who wear Clothes. ' ',','- : FA 3. 3:2. . ‘ _ . It" , 9‘ I‘. ., :_ . ‘ts: ': :.- . 1? i 1‘. , l E E as CLAUSSBILAND High Fully Guaranteed 1 l g ______,_._ Our new Fall show Ad‘:"" “fill” “'J_§"u°.‘_l ings in Society Brand, ‘ ' l ‘ Langlmm and Stein- 5: E: E’ Bloch Suits is unpu- alled in thcfi history of our store. You can find exactly -513-. The Phi M ' ' mulled the l '- 75: Then SD!!! Phi sorority held tntiou lot: :5” "V1910 bee hf; H“ "flux huh! °‘ “N” ‘°'°“ 9"-'5l'_ weekly luncheon at llnrrit“ lut given for Mn. Frank lleudenon at Iiu °°' u"’°d‘ c‘ n’'' ‘l’ T‘ ‘ 9'3"»: Been Walter Wifllntno node In Cnty thii lllernoon. Mn. Honduran *h“"‘u‘ M“ 3- M' 1&3" the suit you have 31- s«a_v.- wanted right . ll(‘r(‘. We will be “Wm *0 Y°“- prices can u the Methodist Qureh n.t.‘mt.».,,,,.,.cg.,,., M. y“: 7. mwua. , 1:,“ "‘° dl ft }» '7 5:. O-ir- cm. a...¢t.m of Mr. and Mn‘ it it But children’: exhibit. 31. um cm ‘ 9“ ", _ "3" ‘' OIYWEUI C°l1¢t€ 10- Guy. llll l’nive1"u.3t)- avenue to Hiltop F. B¢\v'lltu; hononhlc Incntiat to Mu! un. $35-$75 8'.°‘d"’.' 5 “W P"-‘I35!!! be: of parties are being ontuod. but tho aided Iowan ya givaa Mn 0. 1. Agency A.-B. GashRanges '0 7: °' "" ‘N’? '*-'9'-Vote" hm. «um are not dcfinltdy decided the-L wane. end Nico Fnoees Denny. 3“. ‘$3’: " . cflm. Mo. who will entertain for Mill 311! A 1 houlonllituuud French .5“. . _ Mint Dorothy Muntlord will glee 1 Wheel; oeaood place to 31336 Edit: Cong‘ Mi. John.“ ‘ad Mbu'i'm"c.” llnen shower totuomn: afternoon it * &h-‘n. - will leave Mondcy to wood the ‘n M’? . . '."“"°”“l Porch’. bun‘ ‘Z’ 0”": N", Y.‘ C1,". ~ _‘- Mm _uE1iubcth_ lliécnghawfit ';I;nd- ~ a basket of im bulb: to him. Rzy -— way. in eotemut to 3 . bridge patty.‘ Husdsoncat Plllll. 33. N11 Gmtry rill cute:-ujn Maud‘; ;{.a.u,“.flh . The Kappa Alpha fraternity will Bu Cllrk. In {at In John D. lmnot; lfn H“_ I dance Octobu 8 u the Dutild Fm collection ofhoue plants, 83. Mn. Inouvuane.rhouin]e.q¢.¢;;.,,,gg,,, Tavern lot Min CrIyAndMt.Duul. D.'D.MotL ' ‘ ' * -2 . e- — —-~..-.-gu . l. a month‘: an in Cund; Lg." u ,0 Min Domlhy Out will entertain with lhndaonat begoniu 81. Mn. 6. W. ' ”' ” « ,_é;... . , '7'.” . . . ..V _. . M , ...-.':_-—--——--—--~."""._"'t""""."'_ nnfidlwlpadlhevbca u '-° ' "“‘ 250 all-wool guugn. teed suits for 32534;; _' AA“g.5_l- ‘r v_ _ Qu- \ \ ,-fl ‘7‘«"\ We hold no Cl:-ztraucc Salt-.~. We sell our goods at a Iutiform low price all the year around. shower for Man Gray. The duo. & Rifipny. , ‘ “ t“‘ ‘ V! R ,-+.__. _- not‘ let. _ ' _ _Hln&>IueIthoooe plutt not luted. - ‘_ ,,__\,_ >_,,‘ H, . ,_- ‘xvr '---—- _ , , _ 1 r . ohcnh Elthtgl of fltlll. Ha. I! ea. Mn: Pearle Mttchcll vtll eatcrtualNu.J-I*'. Burnett. - _ . ~ _ -. ‘ r , _ z x, _7 W‘ - ; . "3558 ‘i1 . '3‘ ll hotfic, , I Of Cm . . ‘ M ‘K I0 MIL ..__ _ 1- -2:12——- I I -_:: -.~..IIIIIIItIIIUICIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIOIIIIIIOIIBIIIOlaIlLI»l|III2!llI)v9\lI°Ill:I't::l‘fi t. 5"‘ - 3‘ . nd_ , th. ' iidlullottheexhihltn sweet. ll. I ‘ - ' ‘(gt ts B-odltlt. Me. and In. John Sykcg; Mia Anna Pap: will entertain with 1 F. “dot. Mn. A. Ron Hill. dnlruun; ' ,.l 1 lb 1-bet B°"5lI.}‘rmk Collins; Mr.,‘lm£et Iuppe: the week peuodilc the Hit. Imam cm: Dlnvriddie ma ‘. ,. ,1 Cut! Mn. H. H. Bmodheod. 0‘ St. Joseph ,\rodd.in¢. . evut. — V 7 .’ ..... Mr. and Mn. Frank Mitdlaell of The Pi Beta Phi ooeoeity will entertain A ’ than by the tnaben ol the '1 2: Ci_ _Mn. Estlll trill have a buflet‘\rith n_ dinner-party next Tuodny nidn ‘ an}, 5. gnnag 1., 9,, me ,5 "M? 50038! for he that: and forty riot Mun Cny. ' the Knldtuol Columbia Student’: Home. * -- .—,—:-_~ Ill;-eawoao to water. the § E.\’TR:\0R_DIN.ARY svzctu [183 NEW GIRL FEDS 0LllMGAl;l.“ohlp." Bochnufn “Gust lnvattotl if 1- (L «C. - l. 5. ‘N ""‘_’ T anti to ‘ '~ »~ - ~ .. led man; I: first sock! Inst - .,,.,,, m..-- . . ' . " 9050" Y» '3 ¢'~ 1- From the Nina-." ad "“""‘ “‘ ‘."‘ """‘i"‘ ' . The ‘lhnotn-I “ Connnioo at ' ' “m"“ 5‘ “‘ truce! ed . ‘ lads: night in the Stephan 'Collt-ge Jdfcnon Cley. Mo..ou:dothohoah‘{ne ~ ltllllllthh. ‘dc hein¢MhnNo.-wolclnrge. ave oxpuun. cif'lInd!htl_Jtide¢roon_Hino0ldGirl.uudtbcydonothvetoherottzrnodfot- - 1-ahdzv entcet1inncntyalgifi:aby_theY.dxnonth. Flftyorulxtyboobne -~ ~ no W.CA.todlthc:irlsinthouchooloeatinegchohipoatt. _ gv;-mum: '«emo«=u-m«- E ————————. . or dar. Min Maurine Bit-aey was g 31' gfg fo3.g'(7gg’1*g clulrlun of the cotznniu as ————- neon, Atnt ‘ion-«¢ooo~/.. . A‘1.,_ . ., _, _ V L‘.‘ ot.-on un - . 'goontentvuIootht_-r No Extra Poqhco Ioelgnsutiy launch! the evening. 131.-girltuling the ntdcttttctlve paper hat to uni. Mail cent by air touts teqniru no otlcyrbe. Ptmchu vuIenIrereoen- tnorepoutige thotionloitinhn.ao- d. cording to local poofucn. , ‘ta; ol the amide of tk , The air routes are I pin of the gene- ‘ to1trdeachothct,MiaNynelnnl;»' doolgnedby . _ c. dean of contra. nil. ‘A spirit to nuke the United Sula ball ocr'vice n 3 5 - - _ - ' , tuannt oi the Iowa; Amzaiq to ‘°:'.‘..f°”°"**'... 9.. .':..:.......°°.'.:."‘,:.":":.::.‘ ;‘r.‘;"..'.""=*°"~ “M *' ~= *" °' W um-am -» se-a woo v-°- -ma.» " oounutxioaato haulnttto-edlhlt dd” - . ward upholding the autdardn of Stt-ph- the. alt route. an Col The oodnl cotntnittu has According to [renal ctnplayu of Col. In 8' W." I” “r D‘, ..°a , I l l l 1:.‘ leec- done good tort." added-Mia he Gompte, tuabld. the air null tomes are operlt - Sag. V’. C_._HcCiIl. local ol- ‘naduohxullum-there luveht-en on theuuebuisaudut§atheuuo6cu..lmlioeanthorhedtoionouoee nocuanthotneuiekneu.” ' ' " or Menlsj Clafif)‘ » Black Shoes _ dude fiction. history. utue utndy. Ici- ' ll0_I.LlNS FlEl..D "at [of p,.,,,' pug], ad ;,,,_ two special road district: «I Salli} Cu-~ .'i”(~_c:-h“ h u‘ E ‘ _ . . ‘ folio’-3_It in a hit plcé Violate’. Y7. M3“.°““- ”’l"l”."""°l’. 9' . --——-—--—- We are ollcrin T or a few dull: an exit d’ "‘ l ‘ -355,, ,,g p; '- Vm.,uu,,', thethI:t;lh;t onefl:-EL and no-focnh Dank \~.a_ nan“, u . - 8 ‘ YT ’ ‘°r "3"? 5Pw8ll ol 200 ‘ _, 4 ' ' 11 use women. . ‘ - u n .. ., , - = , ADMISSIUN 25 cans "'“""}1”." ”""° °' ‘.“"°"“" °"""‘* f m....z.l...-.,..u‘.....l...u......,,e..., N--u—1!¢': - pun OF Mm s Edwm Clam» bl-ck times an Cot-tom» and 3“ r-'‘"— ‘$03 ‘ - — ' ‘ - , Too Late to > _ _ Place in wood st New Callakm In the newest Of last: All [ M.’ 3 IL . ‘ Y I c‘mcm———--—-———h‘’m “ Nu‘-‘£1-Ah uh‘-M’-—--—-'—. , _ A l -. tltC""!;s;>e€ial‘PTide at ' ‘ ' l A 7 LOST—A hair arnnaent Saturday AlIoi:alaMntlnDoctt6cl4npot_I:e6o§ahCoohoeIetNc1ri¢n'L \ . . . _ ‘. --‘~ m‘ - :’ ’ H > \ ' - _ . . . - .4 l . _ I‘! thence-(these Ry|ncoIqgu‘;:§on"‘G¢-¢ny_.‘UnIyu5'eacap- E-plum otlmfii-oe Motor: Seer ?.ea°:1ea°n:o lav} tlm M .5. .. ad mdtuthe Cantu ’ ' - ' ' . I . - “We are delighted with the rircuht- mus VOTE P03 coon noun oyotun. and J. F. Tdun. u'— '—-—-'- r7 ,3,“ - (gm, 0; 1,, 11.1.3; Shelby Ceuutyfiolfl luteoln boo ' ‘tn; 4 5°: §‘{.‘.I‘.“.":i.°.'.;..,.,,, ‘ ‘mull: Iy15'oIon. ‘hm “'“."§"“f “aw H” to. he "oaen.vou'.tI use ' “um. “.43, mg ,g;‘;..,‘ 5; 1-5,. for the pnning cl went bad . .'.,,_ _ ufit prohqbly our l.‘nlv:nit'y and llitt. NeIrnIn'I.7-Adv. - , , Reward. Phont-%Grt-en. R-22 *‘ " “ l..0Sl'—DUt§ blue Eton jacket bruit!- ’ ieouul the oollit. Last in libtury. Coll on can c Mt.-udenlnll. - fle- -ml. ' .4; 4_." A rte." 2-‘nah E30114 .~s-ol" ' I‘ .. ..._ ._...—.. Scfsotl box seat sale for the following gameo will hi: on’ macs wAnrt:n—w:1: M 5 cm. . sale at Rothwell Gym Wednt.-sday,_Scpt. 29, at 5 p. m.: ‘ ‘ _. . ?_ ; L 5 I JOHNSTON BROS; """""." t““"°‘"*."“ " "F" """ « The best or sikusomhtc pom “,,m,, ",3 mm ’ Fresh Fruit and Fun. Vogotablos of all Kinda . ‘V .1 3 Missouri Wcsleian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0aober ~2-' "“"°'t“.‘*'3....'.;':.'*:*."*‘,.'.*:.+‘ . ~ . Oklahotm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘flmmum- .£¢nhdas;.tI1: The Ham 0, Vukbone , ea 4 , xafa -... ...... ........... ...Nm'anbe:5 9*-'l‘°"'°°-= e_ . . ‘us:-a hggte ‘ _ ., _ . We null appreciate your potmnlgeindwould w..t.sngo.... .......... ...............Novetnberl3‘ 3 '- .-|'W!'!°=M!-=84- hketoh-veyourryourgooae Pliobeusltlny _ t l l . . s ‘ - '°'u"g:’d" titneIt_|dyottt.ordor\'villbes'ottt__gtttato;1co. . .l.i*¥g, mt: __ -. .. ' - , . . t ' - - v Flinn’! 7 ' ' ' l ‘ ‘mass TICKETS mu: NOT coon ron mt-: KANS._AS : uh‘: trtiéfid-ilifltr ggzt-SE JOHNSTQ]lV:].3ROS; CAMP. _ ‘ _> \._JF)_ >