llllheen today on will rid! In t. I’. now. of 109 Price avenue. who nkanau tin: his an Edward Hart. at the Beta Theta Pi ltottac. John‘ R. Andrew: at Hubert) was bru- the hay to Rocltt-port where hr ' bro r. hiohonv-tnKartaatCity. Hehabea visiting his uncle. Dean Wu! of the School of Jolltnlialtl. Him Rlxie Gallop of Middletoarn. 0.. Elm has been visiting her grandmother. Mn. .\tmt.. vs-‘.4: at Columbia. u-It ' ' r Lo A Harri tdt rla th» ea. “in Adele this lo notning‘ ; Boatott serurtjl wtu Spud schaal Tu: W ktrvaa. hone in Reno. Okla. yesterday after a short visit with her dauter. Sarah Ella: Townaesd. a College aut- dc-at - . "llE8PllI" B81395 llolfflll 11:05!) \ : rm: ‘cou , __ g H I, . ~ .’- tingto viulta§nthccoan?tn.|lnJoe . A _ -.‘. l —-....... . — . HMAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE 1 Tn-lcr of noun». Green. , mud some yeauaday um - . . ’ I Roy 1). tutu... ten an. morning t bnnba. C 31- Oahu. ud her -I-L4 - ' mm 1 oc ng The Best With the man “Cold snipe‘?- and yottbc 7 ° . . l (E: n_.: i M .-'-. .~ ‘gage:-5‘ cost and the saving passed on to our customcra nukes (inlet-y the best to try. for it wears ongcst. Let us prove this to you Mn. Virginia Watkins returned thin ‘ morning to her home at Truxtnn. alter a “in; of .c1>g...l, with with Mrs. Betty Telotte. 3|", John Mono: “in: an Frances Cmtinghatn. a ' My student in Stephan College. left this ‘ (jt)tD\*7r2mv cl Stnithvillc ldt home after aperiti- ; W3"“C1f|l *9 ‘W95 15¢ "'¢'¢k'"'d 5" l\l"' Rosalia Morton. a student in Heapano $1 : _ ' ‘ - 0“ "31 ' _ . ' “ " ' bred Dunn . - l “I W Mr. and Mn (L 1. January lelt this Mi: Suit; Campbell of Colttado Icgail the p:p:n:m:t ' CtIl- The hslc top‘ f“h'°n°d TO AR Illominl for their home in .\lc.\llen. Spring. Colo- left today alter viatthu lance Vans and. Ulla. HP and all shades . . . . . . . ‘ - g Tea. alter visiting their niece. Mina Laura 1," .1."-7, E5: Qmphdl, gnd Lube came to Columbia from St. Juana to he ? . ” January . ‘ umbia. Miller of Christian Colour. -nth Min ' l V!“ l I - ‘ l I... Mm C. L Batty of Blackwell. om. Mn. 1:‘. H. Tiltalcy or Bowling Green. Hh red-rode-I |w_n--I gm -hiwed _ _ | ' 9 a‘nd Mn. Caydon Garrett of scanner. .\lo.. It-It this morning for herhotneafter *°0l"’°'l:e - d{°1'|"¢Sl:‘|lJ“3)'-t calm Tllc all sllh, full fashioned ' 4 » 1511.. who HI been vial ’ng their spending a lrw daya with hr! dlfllhifr _ n ' 27 N“ F.” 0 “ cousin. Mn. . u Laughlin ol Culutn may Ellen Jane nun-,-. . student in the 1'“ ‘"s'_'P'°- aw‘ °°"‘.""‘l"‘ ""‘l""' and all shades . . . . . . ..83.25 I want to wear low heels, but I feel as if I bit to: aeveral firth}. 1¢-t- mu m- Univ:-rail). ' 0'1"}; F n“:‘:y kudhg: A ' ' _ _ 79 f _ 0 I I Cffllf [III V _ . . ‘em f‘u"‘3 °‘°’ l”‘_=L“3"d5- “C 5013 ‘hill "'00- ~—~ - _- _- _.- ._-_.-_ -_-_ ..-- --..‘ Jlgt. at chick .’\one genutne without the ; lliedyoung woman this model and she's happy.‘ We Since arriving here. he hits natilfiignani Q h T ' . . . - ,. . 1' ct. rt’ 1"’ "3' l" T ..t.1m on t e oe. 3 '° *“"nb°'1°=s M“ models to fit wd to sun per- HOW ABOUT THAT .§’,'“.2;.."n'".l’.. Jmc. until u. . " _ _ I(€ -fcctly every foot-need This tt('\\ pattern is an ..,, ,..,., M. on . call, then he jtttupa evctydayflxford with in holiday smartness. Look FOR SALE ONL" IN 5’ up l. I! its graceful lines and at that mili~ I I K ‘ gl 1 ."""l°:‘ E’ 'l'°"' 3.n"°:" '3': 3:: COLUMBIA AT l ‘I17 heel--New—-A Winner! 8 . with" t':'n_y:,l"‘h:luc Alronut flJ¥.b0\l'tl& a cloud caridmve Kill! llama and tell the 50‘ 3‘ ll” ljufil at the edge ol town- . 4.; - T - i In Russian Calf—'Blucher or Straight Lact,—- _ _ W’: V C . 1' '. 4 Gin weight flexible welt soles at . . . . . . . $12.50 These spicy winds of winter 1;” bfi';"::i° Tani’ ‘N me D“; ., t - surely make you hustle into tuna made the do; was given to her. i’ Other smart styles from . . . . . . . . . . .87 to 813.50 t\'8tTfl('t' clo es. , ’ i _V_*__, .. - 4 » AND— 4 v. 5 K ' ~ -- y ‘ lf you need a new suit. the D . _. A t ‘ B rth S h ed‘ 'l -.-- 1 W001 H059 - ... ‘.‘I,C,‘t;..2‘ 3?.‘ ’ ll ‘ After The Game t Z ' _ , _ l -..-- ’_ In Black, Browns, Greens. Blue: or Heather Mix- Some‘). Bmm.l'§m"°B.l°°h md L . tures—ltnported English or Domestic ungllam igm “"950 Coal’-. ' . T 5-4: " s1_-75.“) $350 Other Makes All-Wool ' ' l f 1 . ‘ _ . 32° ‘‘"d “P- _ You can make the day complete by a dinner “date" in the f l ’ Silk and Wool \llXlU!‘L‘\ Krllllélllplncnl Pfeghm -Lmcd 809:,’ of Romwfcc‘. "hem slwory { ' a." . parcel scrncc l -'= E ' ‘ ‘ ‘ at’ ""°‘"l l 3' are combined with jtlbi the right surroundings. » 32 to $2.50 ‘ (We are uatclting the market: closely and any rcdttc- _ V _ _ _ ’ r ‘ ' lion in any lines of merchandise we carry, our customers And; l°f"8hl ‘rm’ lhc Masf ,m°°l"_‘S"“”l‘°" ll” ; . _ ’ of “P H , ma] flo . food 11:5, W5 00 RLPAIRIAC A can be u.~.sured am they will reap the benefit.) y cvfwlns as half svne—-a H-ms Spam! or parfmc 5 ' I Fteguzgfnw _ “fur 1: ur—n In t: . ' . I (We hold no Clearance Sales. W e sell our goods at a uni- “"11 ‘dd 3 39993 °f °°mP1°l°"‘55' ' ‘a mo‘: but “had in B if f 1 . - I . . 1 Countyandoursyatanof ' tnakeapoaaihlethetnanu-I onn on price Al ‘the year around ) S) : “cm” of this wpflmdy ufidiqory noun 1 " _ d & S, ‘ “HP Saisfaajon” for sale by all grocer; or all No. 9 , ,y r M __ ‘ V . 55°“ , Boone County and Elevator-Co. l l _ Et‘€TYb0d.T's Store 7 ‘ 1 fl Makers of Red Feeds.’ gI7:_W -_---_ -. _._ r - ,4..- ‘ +-— " To Tiger Football Players i With the opening of the football season, Saturday,-on Rollins Field, we Wish in some little way to T ‘ y do a favor for those sturdy Warriors who are fighting so hard for the glory of “Old Mizzou.” V. After every game we invite the Tiger Team to come down here and be our guests. lWe wantlto show our appreciation to you for the splendid 4‘ work you are doing. The drink: will be on‘ us and every Tiger that plays in a game will be more than welcome at “Jitnmies" and he will receive without cost to himself any drink that he desites. We have reserved a special table for all Tiger Men and you can use this if you like. The Missouri coaches are also extended the same invitation. Come" in any time. You are always welcome. JIMMIE’S COLLEGE INN of Better Confections” .916Bnoadway - T t “The Home INVITATION: T Mr. Tiger Man, you are extended an invitation. ‘fine place it “Jim. TIGERS A)fter every game the drinks will be on us. is the privilege that we are extending to you and we want you tocomedovrn and geta drink from miw” ‘ The purpow iuo '.°°“"° ‘ drink h M" up”'°‘ W‘ “'3 7°“ ‘° ‘ fcelthatwearebehindyouinthegatnedadwewatltoahotvyoualittle ' T us. A special table will be rcsetvedyfor you. We count on seeing you all ' T T . . . . A personal appreciation for the work you doing 35:: Men lleet"l*lere. _ , ._ ' ’