‘tSA.'l‘UBDAY~ y 2.1920. .—- ~ y t ._- e T '- -— v v~- - --—--*-~-~-—-—- '- *- . - - . ., .5. gent,“ tvro: Ht:-or -mlr us tr -: 1 Stick #03 . » '1 candidate-<. In’ I .1. k a t :5 E 33 :5 5 ; . F ‘E 9"‘ 7°‘? , I0 down to fifififltloet - ' i. h‘ a‘ I‘ ‘d 5'; [[#| fight to 1131!‘. It mean. 1 Ft,1’P" u’ ' ' I t~~vn - u."- I'-?' . ‘Bout tine! to the . .. .. V . "“—-— 1'\e¢Eflet~t-ace .r a “I y -I --1 ll!-sari--‘rum 1-" if "-W6!-".-d nr :3 liockdcncr.u'we‘Iee':tfnvn1o::'Po‘:£i °‘ - i"'l;’§__ ti % iv 2' 2 its 3 it E 3 I . - flth Jutidanuud itudfidtfinahtb Irtin mitsyftu aimta"wIsdttu.-3-up. °" int 2 E g. 1:5‘ 5' Eat ‘Br tlltfic Thu $It'p.1._ . Fifi“ . » u an add. 2 one 5‘.‘£‘.t?i'Z..‘3L'“°" '"“"°d 3‘5 “' hm‘-s - in am I-I» °‘ "*1 tad.-t-lg-hd-eiut-tIn.buh g..].,..,,.._.[.g],a..;.-.. ‘i ~ W'ItatdnthcyduI'it|aI|lthchotnc-t . _ _ _ _ . .___Z . _ . 0,“, 1 ., “ad, How are the-3 gnuxud «ta...» ettoam-t-attvpa. -«in; to the at; on ; M L!‘ . hold nod! and man: m..- t; IN BOONE COUNTY have Impact‘ cg’ . mudupamd b;;.r<:. rd ian3;;_cm M bf __mh . ..mm_ ' ' Wm‘ °' "-*0 -I.$ni-t~ The run do ‘ 1!: so 4‘-'_' ' m 5°“ 5“ "'°"- ' ‘mu eitn it cl‘;-I‘t::tfte'rniltraT:'. The cmnn. sttmsu A}!!! lot? t . vgll nu bmd”d-“mag mm C", uyult. atzerunuathc otglnixltthe V ’ ".""""""""“"" Aw-t**=""""°“"V'°'*°"* ‘-‘UH-' ’‘'.‘'‘‘‘‘'..‘'‘’’''°’‘'‘''‘' 5"?‘‘‘'° ‘“"""'£ c.f[‘h:tndn.|kn?07"‘-:'l*rtttrnoKrt'.{¢Itt5€ «T::.tu.s3|.U-‘''|-|‘''~ . high cabal fiocsbu? HI!!! 7% the gen mania; he vru $0110‘ 11.9 Pyubygu-in Chuck gt stacks.-t '—_"" the othrt one bting in CQIIIIHI. ‘ad hnelgcorpontad them in their pht- foe Doctrine ‘us Jot-tn talking on the .___.,_._ . , , , _ . . . . . ‘ - ~ ; _ _ '—-*" ’ "' coutntttttttcl (it! link ‘III huh U be found. Thtdlat that The rulwert an [TIVIIIF the-' best N - i‘ bu ‘cu on {I'll n‘¢5°'~'331|::°:u! 0:" tater. but all t}n}t“l:netrtnr l’ll!I|1;-1 h“'n°mm,"‘§u‘hq&‘.'§‘.lht0k&hat1.IndlhIlu|Ictucntnn5m.au.{|g.du..gyjon§n(“d,, [tit-nt‘boInnutttnnobicul¢'a1:un.goutl titzholu . i ‘ Ptalllcltt bulls utriri donotlnutntu-y n tI0\‘(tl!I}‘ we - ' . gnu ', It‘ d’! {--h filth Cetttnl|aCottn¢t(attht- - been __ km_ . _ 1nH*5d“cu‘hh‘.n‘ut N“. m&u"‘db.“hb.h"d'heh’. "0 County Ind it The had t '‘”‘d‘ "M ‘'‘'”“.U“ ‘"l‘"’1'"|W““ L‘-'“’ 9 ‘ bu _ . that cfiortn have not l:ttt.ldu not Iv T can . ¢.,.;,,,..,,,-‘tttren uitt. Now. thr name nuflngiata hill emu &dQJnnucwuteJuchyurtnhnnd.In$caltiv;tbudcuInou On: 3' ,‘ . ———’{—-kc! a- ‘ice. ‘’‘u_ .3 14-3! h “"33” fig W ting th dgi-I'M gt fig an ‘'3 UPPG’ willed the ptopcrty to his wife on con-' ‘V N“ *5‘ 5|" ‘ IF!’ .5 '9 N-'1 0!‘ Fifth?‘ "" am‘ in politic. Ind madman any candidate duty to learn." Oh! i- it? My duty in ' - . ' Infill Cncl in Hotel} Comm‘. tel 00! ditiou that out-Jul! of it he told that I II ""950" '0 ‘W46’ “*9 "*"-’ °‘'-‘- . '_’_-' who was to the be-yvmd that I ‘t; with my hand mud high- ljlyibebtttuuaecuaputta. Ho-ntndlafboysutdghb? -u,d.n,|m;u_ I-‘indingtrbt hcPrabytainnGtuchnid:tbeetcctodu, "‘—-_—_- ‘ _ Theteud¢ttcc_o(Dr.utdM5s.J.C. |_ uindmdmk Aninwflindofl __Sol:rp'mtCod__ ldmwummbp - ‘,4 HI! on to waste as fire do-um ‘Due legislative pupa. -use by the Ii-uh were be-r tuck: in the now he Stockton upon her death. Mn. no." "°"P‘° ‘",‘='“‘ P_“""“3 “’°“‘f"‘.‘ "’ ""’“' ‘" .C““"“‘ "" ’ ""°"‘ of the ooagmamt action regarding lhf . |on$- ‘unmet. m...t.-d burn that run- hutttina and ninth -staid: undo ..,;.t.tsn eotttnlttt-c crate Mhiotui “""’°"ld""§ ’°' “""', ,:"°' ‘° “ff “°"' "'"°“ ,"“8;f°°- ,« th-r‘;"°‘°‘°‘ ‘°"“'?”““ "‘ "“" °"""°”""‘ :’ "“’ ""‘“ 7”‘ data: M (otnet tot - {or In ' - ‘ Z“57flIuuthntuIIlly‘ttiaetrotn Suit Tat-has’ Au-achtiott proposes a dgiyupott‘ Ilrabyctf dbugauu. the c‘: N ' cum mm] “mu” '5'‘ F” C°*“ 5”“ I’ 3'? ''‘‘‘d‘'’7» bd°"’ i‘ "'“ 13¢... :2. “Iran other party ‘Thin ' mm“ up '0 Q11. A. ""'="i*-'- mhodtoztheamcts-att.t.utat;toduud.i-9-d - —-—‘ - '*’. " ..,”' ' "'"'°““""° fig _ _ , ad.‘ 3, ‘ _ The tan: Andra» County houpiu! It girl who isn't lull-uitted oagittato but ;. the lummn. . -“"“'h‘““"‘h""“"""“""n"7h”"""“"""‘ 0.3,,-,uu;.,5¢,_. mm|,,Mexioowillhetendylottt'oeIhotttNov-htthecolnmmoftbrclobo-Dunocnt. ----' . dd|u- “id ‘. ., tutiood nncndnutt dieting tttnl}..4......g.¢fi,.,¢‘, mu]. cabal. yeti;-edimo be. bogdna; ycucidgy ggd, Thcli¢ttpl;lr|:ltCc8!{lnl.VHC:1Il.I, th-Mhc-on-on 9 90" “ho Third: ldanatbelteveuttvo pert 2:.-—-2 W \'0' 1 { tuneup; be-5¢‘5l543""“"-““Y°"'d"d"“' ' ’ pltfonntt lfle-vet ‘jug’ b . mud‘ gut my hm‘ ‘hon '0 '0“ ‘1 ht ‘chad Pup"; ‘ea h .d‘h.-‘nth With the crop uttttattdh lute boll):-I.1'p1rd0fl. Ben tint. the UtId¢:'I‘oodh:. in; rqfntred. and it ls‘t::ttd:t it viII'hc not uppqt the tneutm.-. {The “fin; 1 4,, not bdigvc . I of ' D . Y9‘ ts urtln IVIIV __ dtiolhcludthe Socethun-upeqtlcbelieveh-Inn K‘ ' M! be tut. ! i 5‘ 8 3 £2 E '2 3 9 1! E '2-'* E» P‘°d ' F°'i“°° ‘M’ '5' A‘ P‘ Gnu’ I oppoeed to the Amefiran on the same {vet and rt-mutt. ' “It's her -3 :- 4 3. ? § 1 .5’ E 9 E fl 5 does she uuu Iran a bluknu tluut by I lncllr '0 ,H.,,, hum,‘ .1,;d, mm thought bet ol be nooldiaf league. to the (-1- ‘uni mm’. ‘mi fimv § 3 heavy and kill lntnatedn. or it any Mat ate the men pin; to do about :':i':::.‘:..'_’Ld""‘b‘ _°“m._ The pa. ntmm ue telling it Ittdepcnd- .3. ",4. .0 1..." uuagngg, ¢o.,_.d. ..,, .5-go; i. . rm: II a fuller _Ioldtct. but not‘: ‘Q of N,” “dd phat‘ ,, , ,,1.;g. *IC&O1.VhcI'!iIfioblhIyIit? ‘um-.5,¢,",,,,,,d.5,5g.,u.,gmceatSOcatu‘n55_ going riding with men to when thct thcrebuildiutieaunfiahnbeaget-B¢_fl_5fi’0‘|5¢‘@°“5°““"°"" an!’-cmndefintatsdtht-nth:-human 5.14 1,“), {db ‘nu The 5;, 5. ta. .,.. pyuqdt, pun. have not been introduced. - new (hit ting decu-ic tight (ran Mexico. Ictmt! ‘II P0531’ , {actor trimlttd to at the pawn It I . Dtffih an.-1-.‘-—-—— man.‘ we duu.‘ he ‘on '” gag, .¢-‘hm! pupils at Lou Sttmnlu Rsddifir girls do not vcttttne on ————— Ital how tovoteitt the ‘November clec- n C" mm, ,,t,,,", .0 '5, pkgfqm the tuned into the bruit at the Coltteupnry intcut in spiritualism .,h.u,P,,‘],,,.¢h,,(,,,,..1m¢¢_ 5“, eggw,-.1..u.5.,,,.g-.),,.d,.,,3 bund_ “u,,,,g ,,,,,',,,, “,1 ,1,“ Rucmc The pop): at the Balluillc I-lid: datum puns; me. lvutt to c'xpefI won ‘hkhht "“.1,.(.,,d u,,,,...,,;,,¢u, '&“"-'lklll15¢l!|¢°U||"9°" phcaoueanandthedianolSitOlive:uaddoet-hidctnonudas. lthndhecttisg. " fitltdomt boards: tbeutucbouuto "'5"""’°_5°':u:‘ ¢‘"'5"J”°;:‘:l|7W;lh-5°W"6'-91“*5°J':39:;"_w,,_|,.1.mtufi{ormin¢tohi ind " ' - t oflhhlld vhichfll _——— ' new dc has A W-P‘-°'"¢* W-W1‘ do-c I-oaths -- = - . ll_t-oddlo-' the"hiIc @i.bud“‘nd am‘ an ud"'s"A‘counD°,k‘nd“ha'r Blot-S: Four hundred and fifty-fact it new _c.n§,t:l::du-udutdgg-tn‘ an i.Auu "tn: ‘°"d”'-"“¢I‘P||l-'«ll- 5¢|||€¢‘|5I' - 7.1-" ‘”.m0' m Q d '5? 'd‘°“‘- holders cl spiritualism bu ocunlly d- - a... mu] p of [ht in.-,-pend. “D um “he doGn~' uh"! mm ;ni_ tutu o{ it: «dag will be: negro t:ia- #in?:°‘l"d°w::' “;lllk:"in‘°:_:'mw 3"“5}::,m .1“; Sat nut-n i a van 5 hp. Ptuealiott Day should be do tome tum-. A neat ttzsmo tu. am a. the tndilitm ol the OOILII .1... oi Commute. _t...n_«_ gm. 1...-. t...._sac.. .1»... ad. -‘"3 :35;-c ta M-T -4 - I’-1-in . ' Hm at. .¢t...-ante. the t.u.a..c... _-mt ._ '“uIfl“]C‘Ik'I]I0{pI’D-Ufii’f&5dhh&lfi&IIO&h".—.&m”cu‘-°!t&onr‘f’ Bmouidd lb.‘ “mud hi! m(*"K""&*B"fl!h¢Y.d°||lk-I50‘-_ _ 9°“ ______ sawed:y‘m‘°oi‘mnmn‘pdm“'looksmtutdu&s,"'hrnistltuIel- 1 _ ,, . --tooth: who lad Itnyed It-uéhu (‘I U _ ; Wht we are dyuu to knot: ts: Dtd Fun” R cu“ d 0‘ . “.0 ‘ad . _ 0. ' ~ '__ Vj 5"‘ '3‘ 5‘ I50!!!‘ 131111 “"0 WW‘! 9* d“”d ‘°' um. hut‘ Dunn‘ nap in Lost Cunp Valley yean Fall F$i':!- at 9°" 5': 5'5‘ ‘(tr um: Irlit until the ‘id: baud {rum n. ‘L. C°“""". _ 1urd“""d“l 3 l':d_ _ ' ni comm. _y . at or event which nt:hod- Am“ 5,,.ht_v Ceutnln Huh : no new In to pa es ' _ ; , - ' _ _ ' v - ' . «. - tt l8‘4,ulet!! Octobe.t6.7Iud8. Idnoltn"l9.§ubo¢nI‘Iru1lcdth¢norintItopAny'pladorus..?\mr.lt¢ht ‘Mn-houHAIW"‘4**¢f°P'°¢'“ ‘. I-an Inc: at -11. that ardaau -4 11:: noon com!-rt rnouu. t_'f",_e,"', "‘ ,,‘,';,"_‘,’,,,‘°,';',,,“,,‘;",,,','_‘, ,,‘,,, °' ___._ 1 ,. . C mm, at ‘M mm M in m..a.. .ct.ot.nup u the Dnivcrity cl your pipe Old tum lo upmtt ma pl-uesrm? ‘Hm -I-on-Id be but I I I. u be I H .‘..g1_ Dam}; thou run he nude Tho Ncnwflle Punch Ethnncc hung‘-"K NO". ha-! mu ofifiaglg Nortit Dion. ' gm. (‘ ° _ fliuI'&u.‘Althou¢htLcgcncral cc" . hiI'ltoueitttheSPl'ih¢c"°k“m Wrchltd II .'~o{thc; _______ . Ch‘flE~j;fi . . ’.'"7r°"a.“m‘"aT flh".' ‘B,'d',’|,d B°°"'c°"'""§"°"°""“"h‘"’°‘gugliugunnllstockitvmthehrnenuNlr!'Vm¢F¢0Illl|45m'l||l(4°--,|"33*, The confunintuolthe crookedhue cad °’ -°" "u-°°'“"7"P¢*“'ahndiI£n7Inata-nl,thtng and not Vllkufltfrtoteetlutitnptanepuarr . '' nu" the8ll$m0 anlwrhtioa nadebythe hcP|uned.butnohod1P¢5d|"dIII!¢n- sfl*°d°"‘°‘°“"“r"'."‘ n'°‘"“"?{bfl|P3IvmrudlikrRinxhrdnfl-"50’ “" ‘°°°" '9' we d kdfdd .."“"A“""""""°°"'°""'°°'°""" muteptt-' twcforthet.-reedoaduol. tiatvoltillt. vi“ °°°*i*‘,°'°~= an-mdthshw‘ ‘rs Rin: L-aim. nr--v? - ' udcoutinuetoltghtit-tawitiout . ‘ . Inlawhedinppatredandevcryov-v-ct-‘°'**'=""" ; , _"-+— _ ‘_ , _ _. tld . other smooth 5.133;-.1 him dead until 191! that he \ ---—-* _ Mmonn Metlbdtnn and PtB§yl¢fllnI"Il)llfl Tt-ache-ts Anuanthn in Ktthville Q. ‘.4 5, - ' 1., .,},¢.,-.. .5. ...,..,_ ad, a,,,,,, tuppeucd. A page tnidcd Bo den. but Twenty-tr-t-_ clinic: (at the mutual! ihlvr to Itlbby tot 1 Int: on Octohet 21. 3 and 13. "3, —'hr“"“'u"Ph°¢'""b'7 hndiI$hiI|hIfl|L'.97""b.‘r"‘p°"‘.u",ldut§.,°h"cl?ccn. .c"“_°"h'p' “1"d°"'u‘c’.’t' tit!"-. llllnbfl’ - h.*‘..bbu-in muxtrabeIlJlbfu:theun¢P|WP°o¢- Iothiln "lItl&ldlIfDfliI'0dhiI0dinVlt10tflcxl;:h(£utXIflb7ll¥|?:r;c{Ql|llodhdp'lhcIII? .‘.kp‘."b‘~”ckdnc“ac. &wd...m..“ Hfihuttunu — bimuéfi “had The ole: cxplxu January 1.1921. and fungus wggc nun indie tap. Your State Baud all ‘t I!!! 1"‘ It-'84) nvracnu-¢ ' T ' 151 v . ' ._____._-—.—-——-— ;--e-. +'— . M‘ *- ad “'52:; _, " ° only -mecca counties have applied to: ———-— ———~~—-L--~——~; ‘-=-'""' ——~---—-''—-' 4 mt. A.\t.t'r£LttLstt !tA!sNl-31 ' ‘IOU amen: at ‘be none,‘ Th ugh" ‘mm’ P.‘ I. gr,“ ,5, _q{,,,,,, Cg, 5¢,.,',f,,},;, AI Ilicpellt-It Spain. :tfyat.huIeand mun hr ti. T5010 I loin of Intact ‘ .\'etu.| - 1 1'9"?" ‘n '3 ‘3i'-J‘!!! Ute uultut-tans to _ . - My ‘, . r V . ‘ ' fi.@dIfln&nm&m%h an R“ ._ _ ‘ 1' l“.'b€G'lf!1’fIBIeI‘f t[x-;uu1;:tIheR'k:;“"j'i"‘%:'.‘1°"$u.eh.!¢.ba ‘L 5: it E 9 :2- E 5 E’ E 1 Z ‘.3 American _ ‘cine that iatcrpteutioanlithytguuw lflItInp.dedd:'dl!yl&iott,OCl& nut-In . . 5‘ 3% , Cfi line you act W Jblhthu _ _ . _ “d we in the gun: bchrcrtt Shelhina and New iP‘“d- 1" 3 ‘@0330. 15! fllU*Y”Q°¢||dY my 1 six vcIa'-I3IinI1«&'- ‘rut American plll'IIl'.D--fin‘ guiding BmlifiQ‘tiIc great good the! up h|1II||V¢f|“i5 0‘ 0'5‘ “T; ‘u we City by the rate at 87 to 0. The III! '5? If". y‘ , _ - entry t-lun—tipped to the triad! Call- _ A in ,,,;..«_| ‘.4 hgdy byfihe at Ic!taII:, We-n $ came of the utcruln-hating ddut R! be-iuwc in fn~t-‘trade; no loultnout 0 told-us in at-tttlc but in: in round numb:-n to ad: ittdivbdinl; - o . — III e I M ‘ hfian I - ' .. . In . kd“ la‘. ‘M .11." at 0-.” b :t:u.‘otp'hah:1iuu;--mdfiggjba, pm ‘I at rbythfilnm‘ aim: tliutflvusity schools at once. ‘ if t:t-x:M¢'!I:l:ui‘ t?:::'u. :2: {null 50 an; '11:. in and M} :0 hmtlfinto “Hart. 2‘ W" ‘:"3‘i‘:"|‘:it"e' fl . ‘ , _ ‘ . 3|“; lit:k.k.th-ta talian the dune: the in '°_ C’ _ 5-‘ .n N", y 5, my _-—-"7"" activitien in moral yum. ~ »at'nt than a yottuet an. and in an ‘iflcnt It the aalragisto who have “drug” uutccL - utlaolu t-enoriaLT|Ied_“"' Ganuumvutimsnnmnfmflfid ‘ - . o « h_g“,n.,,,du¥*“.",m.ud_ CPPNPFIIB - dud“ d,.,,g.¢ 541) cm). ‘M1. . .imniw_mwu_fiu_mdi_ . thtpped-wiry twt uythey um Itl- Ihlt-IooetvetheptthIk:¢no_lanIuto1I|[‘~oI-In to the-{moot-ltncfnsndtbefotr Cit-etnone phtlotnhigcnofitkt 1 ’ in ‘duuunnoflly ‘bum’ hm final umngt.-neat: tree to build I ma, .h._ .5. mm 1.. 3-.;p an-ably lull “"”fl"'w'°"'u_c“m 0' W dcpmhfiw _-13;!-l:v}1c_l«:‘~;rrncrL_r“\lLt Finnlnns mT“CT Drlncn‘ “kt-."“k ._._“ ‘h we had “ht: ztth dnldten to bed: 3: ::dtda't;-5 tuned autos: uthhen _ 8 5!: burn :35! how tnuy go cl! and wand” bu: ‘°' '5' “"'"7 '5" 'mn°'” ' ' orthe nlttc cl Gertntttmnty. thus: the Mdanly Ennis; Drniormtl and Sun Frucbcoouo ' iuelnth An‘ hush-c-bye any dtile; IIetic¢n“M.EN! " . - ,.'.—dnd"b'"hbumi.‘nun'ded ihKhWl_IIo.bt1oQlfiilIcdl.IllIil. Nidk.‘O‘h“"fid'.yu‘, .‘°'llI¢'.nlI’l,_!8l tvctt-eafiitztttouuttttutt Th¢kMrd:‘§_‘hd“dafMn. ddod?‘““fcu.$”dc.-‘.“k A . . I“ likely to 3 house, fact It "odd mun‘ ‘ W’ ..‘h' "°'5‘A‘cu“‘- ha‘ '0 Ftfwum him “, kt“, ‘he building fin. I "in: ‘gun C." ht “id 'idm‘“ ‘W “ fl ..u‘nq' ‘in at ‘id’ it-3 ' 0' 531- 1! it Pohihle tint the hill‘! “mm “d wk“ The up N‘-'notc‘mt!:nn65.: E-eupuedto lg °°"‘ "“i""m" °‘ mm‘ 0"!’ -«itching vttlly udjuctim Juan the vo- heuue nay voter ubultl think in: ms. nu ha-tt-3-ith." we u.‘ an hautsathebuzuuutamam """"“""°“"""""'"" t9tst9sut-tvahtautttsou. Auto ;".""'.‘."‘f,‘,"‘{‘f"'."“;"f_ot ufgtn -étnnnh M , mu umeuttss.-nu-t-.1-t.-t . ‘ ' . an-ru '- » ' - . ' ' II¢|UI|oo¢|.btttitisoIuodtin;-Ittuce ."'u‘°'C°IIII!!hII|¢'dlhe'I.'¥flvfitnlotfttttdslnsbetaamedonthr.ui°nm"u°uh.cm'dd"°'wudhu“"'§ utnyectn:-s_::_ 30" I"? , if!“-erit.|nn0PFIIedtoht:ulitfl1!It-thatbaun.ct.-l1vottldaothn beauluttluynigittnaqdduquaiupm tstatttttaata be talked. tt |sIarbat- “"°"‘ '°“*' '*"°'*“~ 1' 9 1'-M "" ’°'" 'f"“f' _"‘;‘_._;"‘ "" It a. to raise the 5...‘... m._.. (It! Trrnwn lkily ttr,_.u.-a..._t *“''‘'I_ 40%” I, _ . * t - .3 .4}, 3.“, 5: “P” “R h”. an it; a hunt til the type planned Ian at q‘ ' ‘Nth with the begttttuug tr! the ‘MIR!’ Bland .19;-er, on he styles httmrfl tn . . I5. . kw dun‘ ‘W 0‘ ' amp . It-an in ode: to exclude uceutve nIII- I W°'¢"'|0|iI' - Mmnd Tffulon - ~v » —— '”"""" """ ‘°°""W"""54 °°'-' " mm '°°"' °°""" ‘*5 "”'°"‘ '*"‘ "‘;"“""“." ‘." "5"" ' has I: that Ihoocirfio tannin rut'he nut: his [IU|f"D(‘1'.Illd ha. {Eddie tag..." yogic by htmting than itfli Int-t. '°°*"'*' ""3 |‘""‘"'d " 5'5“ flu“ '4.-'l*"~'m' hddw‘ "'1 better nun are of.’ Germany has alno “I3 39 mxhr If'!IlfI€1¢,f.I}!d_l"idIfl°f .‘ "v 7" * — . h . . " it-tit-‘Jain.’ iiitlmdfll V07‘ "mb°b°8‘"' W’ "cud ;.“u.,a.].,[;, mg“ olmtneut cbtltty. D'tsda1nf'tt¢ to all A ' R‘ I” h t , ' ,' . _ nthhtheuhpit.otin|dued.tIenI line uhottldhctlddltbuildhptobectectcd. ‘ ' M‘xw‘_b“‘u,dd,a.¢.hn°°o¢",uh:Ilklolnldrnvdxltilorlktintfr __ ‘ Z , ° ‘ and 'taau;_pct'htut-xrlth ’ . I ' -IIII-Irecevucic. ”“'-v7""""'°'"i"“°I“5"*flI —-—" thdrphcu. 1'¢qnotcthetlcwYat""*§°' 4' uuolFot-ei¢nW:nnuephttnin;ann- PIi8!I.hottcver.toniaet|tt-ttiooeytltla *3 -vv'- -Y T — - >--—--.. . _ ,_, ‘fi._...~... .. - , , ____‘ . The school board at Cleveland. Ohio. .. (mu. ms 5..., T t 1-§hd¢en‘w_‘..“ch.1u-kvlaamcduubirwbacfiedthuudh 6u'.dHhcw.¢ha‘in Tina Itta.ku‘tttun¢7.tndnnnlato Audhed‘ ‘H . ha ~ , ‘ _ u_'_dm_m ‘_m_h_”.“w’ an county. and many the water (:|gdud'..&ulu:huAtt'ntkctl\\ou ma ;‘f*m‘°‘n°°;‘“;“""“. "° “'4 °°'==-=1.» km“ m_d";w;,m ,_:;‘“Am vot.t PUBuSI[£DI’EEI:LY8Y‘m£BAP‘nS1'SUNDAY scttoot. No.1 - ' " M13, W ‘ we h h lg.‘-k in the kw.‘ ’ ”“"_'-" -'—_"‘—’ " "‘_‘_'_~‘_;_;_’_;_-‘~_'~__"---,--—«-~—‘_—_~-‘.:r»- ...- ....._._,.._ . uqéfin 1&k‘d&%u¢ 5"“ .3 llhliaufitstcaclnasinullcyyfliil CnarC.StAn|d.SnnBcrnuhuo,(1.L,KIntunIJOklahomI.mLinghi¢uty " ‘ “"‘ ' ' . %“""""°""'- CI"'°-“'5-I» M "h°;‘ "3 """" t-u‘n.&tst.zon.tt..tsoudtl.snn«’tu ""-as an apt-dnl .ct...t. for Mt.-nu’ . fro-n ton to u tvhriw cheerful m""°a"' ,___“'°mm"',,_, 9""3l.1"5» l—'.n£‘ '§'s""“.4 :--. . . t: .- .. '£O'&J!IiI|piliIxwood unhntthe ybylml an ' 3! tilt YIN 9‘ dxldtuththevuitadstnta steep: '°‘°’ '?'5¢P‘ the Soon:-t mate 2. 'l"beClntrdttnutautudt§e8u'ld.‘ W gm “nu” mad Baideloavintun-jutcnattfcrthc |:.|35l°3J°‘_¢\--vi-uuedS¢Vf7£.B).‘;d,“\o|pe¢¢g1,, 'a‘hnI*f€mfll|‘::t "'11:: . '_u'‘u—.‘'‘A-w -. “..J~_);‘ 1’.‘nhnd’”u'”'”'»nk‘ da‘.“h.‘.°‘-i,-h.c'..I‘F|v5dudtQchauiII~nAl@ndnIlV!eaIfl°-“‘I" ‘n7“'d""*“‘::‘:bdg‘ ‘at Eindhfiflutiontn-toluout .. - »° ”°'d”"ah"'7:”°.d°d ‘. fiu"¢§g¢{mq.¢-.,u,c..,,..,,,,h,. flthnhmnuufienascdllbewuun. 'w'hlteaddnof uI_ttch'tbeytnnybe£tted. Thn_hdttx,-:"ni_j:"y Iflwllaut ‘Dd ' ‘ ‘nan . _ ‘neckline I V . 'flIu¢uebttt_uft.-vol the d_m”°‘°'“”"“"."h"‘u""'M:.5¢d.”5d:‘.em,°@y._t, :?1m;::,:,, “W55: ,fi,:,,5:,:mJ,::T;‘h‘:d 2? l.*h°: acted mastic. too. tnd dl tine time he ‘ T '‘''‘''‘:_‘l?'‘“-'' I . -----— * ‘ fi_¢b_k“_;&,dh,“‘du&n‘unhanosadclantuau6avh|&...da,,(,d,..;,;.(;|¢-pend, uni. o[.md’."-th".c;uaptohisovnlcc' t the h-u07¢‘.~.o(Jun. sum” '-”m“. ./ &‘¢'.g.h-hd.‘..u~.hctonotdvIyIIwlhiIeIIuw. hiadyrupotuiflcfotthephtuoftbc titritit-sand oxupo6ouutheeun3l‘ud‘e”an"l"':'°.cyc:':m‘?"c"A” d - .’ A,§’‘-’_.‘‘'ct"‘*“ ml‘ I!!_IH-hbdmctrdc-lrto-i-thus -4 _ ,"’?"""" :';‘“‘:'°‘.”'.‘“|‘°"m"_‘,'c‘.‘:‘°d"x"“3"u°:“_ with . ht‘ .. ..tu ‘roan any , -at beheld wettuqeyeoeagu ‘ '4 :_.‘.lnst;n-tat-h,.tt.....bcot£:ut.utts« TIIEOPENCIJLUMN [I Whthflytfinadmathlamlodtlntaeancolptogreuiottwhitltis-B.:y':m:g.'}:hu..d‘;"“'~ct Tut‘.-r.t:. .1..yw..,..tt,.;.,t...,_;,\.u.. jj _ h1otnlk.to.ooIlIIIictIc wlth,lln:ir't&uthltoodf-f¢P°¢1.iIunI1fltlI£fgd¢c°u¢:(fi:c.'e ‘fly ‘O i '??h"’7 '5 H - Tlewortlot ” "““‘ To'og:.:;‘::."°'ud"d°P“‘“‘m¢IithJ bcllidllleyhld I'%IuiIIlhwdItBd&ept..‘“','n"Ffl§_flU__¢f§_e&t& ...‘ Eduar an u.'....n'.. Patriot!-I. mdnnhuwmudcm 3N; hnppilycverall ’ out. ctn.¢:;....ntt.a.g...g.,,-rt-tube-aeqngtseusuaout ' H=HI|idII.Iaa.c-it-tunlnfip.taa-at main" _w_*y than '1 Vlillt-‘3‘!'ICl-DC’-T56! 'I!lotnuintiotu4n'sutatl'ube*ptu4 . . "°=‘I"".'°“=4°”-"I-4 aaumttnay . “:°.'f"""§°"w"'°""""' '"' s""'.""""""""’c"""V'~'I-H--even. tu--aittngae-Io! menu-tunpynhcltltu-nfiunnty tl-t.-irnczutdncuatnbutna B‘ "E h‘ ' "9 -I._Y_..P.-U.uunlIithjintit:t.. - - - .5 Iundpointnuoailfiois ,k.d"n_. dmbn"’~k., “htin.¢p_t-spa-tyo(flo.'ovnhutwbt auduuuuentllaiatodty. -'n_'m“'°d‘u”“"h&”* 1 thorttistodruittlovlh '"um”;‘m- M‘ II tlseotta-tnknns-auuloltlapo-nltuveultl .§¢..5,..g,,-e-hudht,-ucta 1 -and-me-taonu ‘Wnhm*_"=““"0_ Pd J-pert-ummlcooatttu Kite ,,,,,,,_,_‘”___”‘ _:_ :-:-~.,,‘~=.,=-,,,-w-. mt...-....,'°°"'*...t.....,........ :':.".':.""........"*“°':'..¥.*'.:':..‘:t‘¥ =-—--r--~a=-- - ............, at stun ‘ ' 0 H.‘ .- _ .. . B . , ItttbcnceIt\ttt.tIIeIddla'I Etputd ‘i Il&'jbI-.Y.I'.lI, Tafiuunndoiocldlkhnhy '*""*"-tn“-I-. _ “had'n"u"‘Ih“‘5¢T5ahhtheIuflemhs(ace.c!nelfldIvrd.IIu- ,""'“""It1n.Ptdlat. 3!!-"--6-#5-A---T-r-4-1 ausnatltbehnoou-in; mac. . . ,,_,.....¢.g.u1.,.u.[.1...,..;. UIuuut6:l;«ery_5nduyan.nyain¢gto.'d..g, Ag..,;.d,.,., Ivlludnnon. ‘l'lteu|lIu.|dtiut uahghhd ~’wh“b%fCgfi " 15,m.,...‘. 1IutunlJaIv!:vu|t9.olIuodytiacIu;un.au.t§.sg‘¢....:u...‘. I ggiut-nlcndeuneesm that " ti 5 'l""5'!"I Widfliwuhubb-diath- t..t..‘."t.‘:’1..a..a. inept-at-at st-uoaaout-ts mats-4 nwndddcptgh-nbpmhr ‘S""'¢¢3P¢‘¢3|53lHI1I=It.OIIfllntHouIruioone , 6&5!-uy«su.'re.a.y-ht‘-:t:¢..tt.e.a:eet-ottttetttnwnt n‘,g.‘ httuiood-y.tht-c-lqaol .4 - ' ~ g5.g__g,,,.“.‘_'.' _ - -nl-nation-topgad¢.;_r.|1g,,,.h‘ »D!DI¢§l|\Vti!&'8sthuut ~ 8:-ouultmhb 3:1: at ‘ mama-tun tLo_.doy&vt.tat"""'°""" &..,.w .3 ' _ - l’uIriounnd&ht‘~itn1n:¢¢;.j‘.."°".3°"“" .' ooldiuuhoiseyun¢oIIuthtld3by.vm:UctIIIIal%utt»;=1Hu.vdtvdi-tfl-Cal-aunt.-vhtlcitone. .”_-'.'i‘__. thendttolthcllxtcbqulfighg >u&ir£&I6Iduhdue5.IIdLauBEbedt!iuIlIleutil:uu.,;n..a.~,, Fouthot1.t,.,.|.....ga'4.n I-é;-_%-lotuttt_ltc38.tInmo-hittttuh-.rt=;ncu.puh-bIe7ut.~' __ ma aunts-pan-can-tau-uaatE.r-phgafv-gale-Iqtatuntsatua '1‘!-Callie:-tats:-.t.tt.t:sata.oe.t;.a.t......... 't_u.ot4sq....u,.a..u ; annulus-hhedtunn'U°U-5IiNn-t.t9t9au.‘uratdt.,,Au...se,tt.¢ :J_-1:3:-n t4...uaut.u:;-qr!!!-¥—‘h_r.¥.|t' 1‘?3'1¥.""7:”:"":n:7l"¢'BiIlI51%h~»qutuh|hn y sa.t...g.....tt.t.'5;t.tt...|.-In-tuft:-fttttiua ‘I-Ian eunltlg ‘ y-entrant-atttt. ‘ uemt.t.a...u-y-not-tl-.e-In .' ~nny.tagg;t_)_tg¢ne-dgdttta. 'l'|te8't:hoolalIqlit:iueItun_a_:. """'; y ttocttauu.to'p-yin-tnvtIt.tno*-{wt .‘!i|!w-313-fr!-ta-t"¥=‘-cl-lny.tt-ct....tt}_.ft..‘. 1'iu‘5nvnu-7 -A, . - - X - -‘ ‘I wfllu; . 4! s “ i - * ‘I - V A . '., ‘.9 -.- ...o“"l I.s,!‘ --- _.. ‘. 5.. ‘ -_ - _..‘_'__.-_.. . , _ -\ _V ‘ A‘ »{___§g_ - .. "- ‘ -- ' -' ’ . . . -- '4.